Enable go

And switch `featurep!` -> `modulep!`
This commit is contained in:
Peter Selby 2023-11-07 14:14:54 -08:00
parent 47773717b0
commit 20f13d80e2
2 changed files with 57 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
;;fsharp ; ML stands for Microsoft's Language
;;fstar ; (dependent) types and (monadic) effects and Z3
;;gdscript ; the language you waited for
;;(go +lsp) ; the hipster dialect
(go +lsp) ; the hipster dialect
(haskell +dante) ; a language that's lazier than I am
;;hy ; readability of scheme w/ speed of python
;;idris ; a language you can depend on

View File

@ -64,27 +64,27 @@
:desc "Delete trailing newlines" "W" #'doom/delete-trailing-newlines
:desc "List errors" "x" #'flymake-show-diagnostics-buffer
:desc "Untabify this file" "u" #'untabify-this-file
(:when (featurep! :checkers syntax)
(:when (modulep! :checkers syntax)
:desc "List errors" "x" #'flycheck-list-errors)
(:when (and (featurep! :tools lsp) (not (featurep! :tools lsp +eglot)))
(:when (and (modulep! :tools lsp) (not (modulep! :tools lsp +eglot)))
:desc "LSP Code actions" "a" #'lsp-execute-code-action
:desc "LSP Organize imports" "o" #'lsp-organize-imports
:desc "LSP Rename" "r" #'lsp-rename
:desc "LSP" "l" #'+default/lsp-command-map
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
(:when (modulep! :completion ivy)
:desc "Jump to symbol in current workspace" "j" #'lsp-ivy-workspace-symbol
:desc "Jump to symbol in any workspace" "J" #'lsp-ivy-global-workspace-symbol)
(:when (featurep! :completion helm)
(:when (modulep! :completion helm)
:desc "Jump to symbol in current workspace" "j" #'helm-lsp-workspace-symbol
:desc "Jump to symbol in any workspace" "J" #'helm-lsp-global-workspace-symbol))
(:when (featurep! :tools lsp +eglot)
(:when (modulep! :tools lsp +eglot)
:desc "LSP Execute code action" "a" #'eglot-code-actions
:desc "LSP Rename" "r" #'eglot-rename
:desc "LSP Find declaration" "j" #'eglot-find-declaration))
;;; <leader> f --- file
(:prefix-map ("f" . "file")
(:when (featurep! :tools editorconfig)
(:when (modulep! :tools editorconfig)
:desc "Open project editorconfig" "c" #'editorconfig-find-current-editorconfig)
:desc "Copy this file" "C" #'doom/copy-this-file
:desc "Find directory" "d" #'dired
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
:desc "Switch to scratch buffer" "X" #'doom/switch-to-scratch-buffer)
;;; <leader> r --- remote
(:when (featurep! :tools upload)
(:when (modulep! :tools upload)
(:prefix-map ("r" . "remote")
:desc "Browse remote" "b" #'ssh-deploy-browse-remote-base-handler
:desc "Browse relative" "B" #'ssh-deploy-browse-remote-handler
@ -158,15 +158,15 @@
(:prefix-map ("n" . "notes")
:desc "Search notes for symbol" "." #'+default/search-notes-for-symbol-at-point
:desc "Org agenda" "a" #'org-agenda
(:when (featurep! :tools biblio)
(:when (modulep! :tools biblio)
:desc "Bibliographic entries" "b"
(cond ((featurep! :completion ivy) #'ivy-bibtex)
((featurep! :completion helm) #'helm-bibtex)))
(cond ((modulep! :completion ivy) #'ivy-bibtex)
((modulep! :completion helm) #'helm-bibtex)))
:desc "Toggle last org-clock" "c" #'+org/toggle-last-clock
:desc "Cancel current org-clock" "C" #'org-clock-cancel
:desc "Open deft" "d" #'deft
(:when (featurep! :lang org +noter)
(:when (modulep! :lang org +noter)
:desc "Org noter" "e" #'org-noter)
:desc "Find file in notes" "f" #'+default/find-in-notes
@ -182,12 +182,12 @@
:desc "View search" "v" #'org-search-view
:desc "Org export to clipboard" "y" #'+org/export-to-clipboard
:desc "Org export to clipboard as RTF" "Y" #'+org/export-to-clipboard-as-rich-text
(:when (featurep! :lang org +journal)
(:when (modulep! :lang org +journal)
(:prefix ("j" . "journal")
:desc "New Entry" "j" #'org-journal-new-entry
:desc "New Scheduled Entry" "J" #'org-journal-new-scheduled-entry
:desc "Search Forever" "s" #'org-journal-search-forever))
(:when (featurep! :lang org +roam)
(:when (modulep! :lang org +roam)
(:prefix ("r" . "roam")
:desc "Switch to buffer" "b" #'org-roam-switch-to-buffer
:desc "Org Roam Capture" "c" #'org-roam-capture
@ -213,25 +213,25 @@
:desc "REPL" "r" #'+eval/open-repl-other-window
:desc "REPL (same window)" "R" #'+eval/open-repl-same-window
:desc "Dired" "-" #'dired-jump
(:when (featurep! :ui neotree)
(:when (modulep! :ui neotree)
:desc "Project sidebar" "p" #'+neotree/open
:desc "Find file in project sidebar" "P" #'+neotree/find-this-file)
(:when (featurep! :ui treemacs)
(:when (modulep! :ui treemacs)
:desc "Project sidebar" "p" #'+treemacs/toggle
:desc "Find file in project rsidebar" "P" #'treemacs-find-file)
(:when (featurep! :term shell)
(:when (modulep! :term shell)
:desc "Toggle shell popup" "t" #'+shell/toggle
:desc "Open shell here" "T" #'+shell/here)
(:when (featurep! :term term)
(:when (modulep! :term term)
:desc "Toggle terminal popup" "t" #'+term/toggle
:desc "Open terminal here" "T" #'+term/here)
(:when (featurep! :term vterm)
(:when (modulep! :term vterm)
:desc "Toggle vterm popup" "t" #'+vterm/toggle
:desc "Open vterm here" "T" #'+vterm/here)
(:when (featurep! :term eshell)
(:when (modulep! :term eshell)
:desc "Toggle eshell popup" "e" #'+eshell/toggle
:desc "Open eshell here" "E" #'+eshell/here)
(:when (featurep! :os macos)
(:when (modulep! :os macos)
:desc "Reveal in Finder" "o" #'+macos/reveal-in-finder
:desc "Reveal project in Finder" "O" #'+macos/reveal-project-in-finder
:desc "Send to Transmit" "u" #'+macos/send-to-transmit
@ -239,13 +239,13 @@
:desc "Send to Launchbar" "l" #'+macos/send-to-launchbar
:desc "Send project to Launchbar" "L" #'+macos/send-project-to-launchbar
:desc "Open in iTerm" "i" #'+macos/open-in-iterm)
(:when (featurep! :tools docker)
(:when (modulep! :tools docker)
:desc "Docker" "D" #'docker)
(:when (featurep! :email mu4e)
(:when (modulep! :email mu4e)
:desc "mu4e" "m" #'=mu4e)
(:when (featurep! :email notmuch)
(:when (modulep! :email notmuch)
:desc "notmuch" "m" #'=notmuch)
(:when (featurep! :email wanderlust)
(:when (modulep! :email wanderlust)
:desc "wanderlust" "m" #'=wanderlust))
@ -257,9 +257,9 @@
:desc "List project todos" "t" #'magit-todos-list
:desc "Open project scratch buffer" "x" #'doom/open-project-scratch-buffer
:desc "Switch to project scratch buffer" "X" #'doom/switch-to-project-scratch-buffer
(:when (and (featurep! :tools taskrunner)
(or (featurep! :completion ivy)
(featurep! :completion helm)))
(:when (and (modulep! :tools taskrunner)
(or (modulep! :completion ivy)
(modulep! :completion helm)))
:desc "List project tasks" "z" #'+taskrunner/project-tasks)
;; later expanded by projectile
(:prefix ("4" . "in other window"))
@ -292,29 +292,29 @@
;;; <leader> t --- toggle
(:prefix-map ("t" . "toggle")
:desc "Big mode" "b" #'doom-big-font-mode
(:when (featurep! :ui fill-column)
(:when (modulep! :ui fill-column)
:desc "Fill Column Indicator" "c" #'+fill-column/toggle)
:desc "Flymake" "f" #'flymake-mode
:desc "Frame fullscreen" "F" #'toggle-frame-fullscreen
:desc "Indent style" "I" #'doom/toggle-indent-style
:desc "Line numbers" "l" #'doom/toggle-line-numbers
:desc "Word-wrap mode" "w" #'+word-wrap-mode
(:when (featurep! :checkers syntax)
(:when (modulep! :checkers syntax)
:desc "Flycheck" "f" #'flycheck-mode)
(:when (featurep! :ui indent-guides)
(:when (modulep! :ui indent-guides)
:desc "Indent guides" "i" #'highlight-indent-guides-mode)
(:when (featurep! :ui minimap)
(:when (modulep! :ui minimap)
:desc "Minimap mode" "m" #'minimap-mode)
(:when (featurep! :lang org +present)
(:when (modulep! :lang org +present)
:desc "org-tree-slide mode" "p" #'org-tree-slide-mode)
:desc "Read-only mode" "r" #'read-only-mode
(:when (and (featurep! :checkers spell) (not (featurep! :checkers spell +flyspell)))
(:when (and (modulep! :checkers spell) (not (modulep! :checkers spell +flyspell)))
:desc "Spell checker" "s" #'spell-fu-mode)
(:when (featurep! :checkers spell +flyspell)
(:when (modulep! :checkers spell +flyspell)
:desc "Spell checker" "s" #'flyspell-mode)
(:when (featurep! :lang org +pomodoro)
(:when (modulep! :lang org +pomodoro)
:desc "Pomodoro timer" "t" #'org-pomodoro)
(:when (featurep! :ui zen)
(:when (modulep! :ui zen)
:desc "Zen mode" "z" #'writeroom-mode))
;;; <leader> v --- versioning
@ -322,13 +322,13 @@
:desc "Git revert file" "R" #'vc-revert
:desc "Kill link to remote" "y" #'browse-at-remote-kill
:desc "Kill link to homepage" "Y" #'+vc/browse-at-remote-kill-homepage
(:when (featurep! :ui vc-gutter)
(:when (modulep! :ui vc-gutter)
:desc "Git revert hunk" "r" #'git-gutter:revert-hunk
:desc "Git stage hunk" "s" #'git-gutter:stage-hunk
:desc "Git time machine" "t" #'git-timemachine-toggle
:desc "Jump to next hunk" "n" #'git-gutter:next-hunk
:desc "Jump to previous hunk" "p" #'git-gutter:previous-hunk)
(:when (featurep! :tools magit)
(:when (modulep! :tools magit)
:desc "Magit dispatch" "/" #'magit-dispatch
:desc "Magit file dispatch" "." #'magit-file-dispatch
:desc "Forge dispatch" "'" #'forge-dispatch
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
:desc "Browse issues" "I" #'forge-browse-issues
:desc "Browse pull requests" "P" #'forge-browse-pullreqs)
(:prefix ("l" . "list")
(:when (featurep! :tools gist)
(:when (modulep! :tools gist)
:desc "List gists" "g" #'gist-list)
:desc "List repositories" "r" #'magit-list-repositories
:desc "List submodules" "s" #'magit-list-submodules
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
;;; <leader> w --- workspaces/windows
(:prefix-map ("w" . "workspaces/windows")
(:when (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(:when (modulep! :ui workspaces)
:desc "Display workspaces" "d" #'+workspace/display
:desc "Rename workspace" "r" #'+workspace/rename
:desc "Create workspace" "c" #'+workspace/new
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
:desc "Redo window config" "U" #'winner-redo)
;;; <leader> m --- multiple cursors
(:when (featurep! :editor multiple-cursors)
(:when (modulep! :editor multiple-cursors)
(:prefix-map ("m" . "multiple-cursors")
:desc "Edit lines" "l" #'mc/edit-lines
:desc "Mark next" "n" #'mc/mark-next-like-this
@ -420,20 +420,20 @@
;; APPs
;;; <leader> M --- mu4e
(:when (featurep! :email mu4e)
(:when (modulep! :email mu4e)
(:prefix-map ("M" . "mu4e")
:desc "Open email app" "M" #'=mu4e
:desc "Compose email" "c" #'+mu4e/compose))
;;; <leader> I --- IRC
(:when (featurep! :app irc)
(:when (modulep! :app irc)
(:prefix-map ("I" . "irc")
:desc "Open irc app" "I" #'=irc
:desc "Next unread buffer" "a" #'tracking-next-buffer
:desc "Quit irc" "q" #'+irc/quit
:desc "Reconnect all" "r" #'circe-reconnect-all
:desc "Send message" "s" #'+irc/send-message
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
(:when (modulep! :completion ivy)
:desc "Jump to channel" "j" #'+irc/ivy-jump-to-channel))))
@ -448,30 +448,30 @@
"M--" #'doom/decrease-font-size
;;; search
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
(:when (modulep! :completion ivy)
"C-S-s" #'swiper
"C-S-r" #'ivy-resume)
(:when (featurep! :completion helm)
(:when (modulep! :completion helm)
"C-S-s" #'swiper-helm
"C-S-r" #'helm-resume)
;;; objed
(:when (featurep! :editor objed +manual)
(:when (modulep! :editor objed +manual)
"M-SPC" #'objed-activate)
;;; buffer management
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
(:when (modulep! :completion ivy)
"C-x b" #'ivy-switch-buffer
"C-x 4 b" #'ivy-switch-buffer-other-window)
(:when (not (featurep! :completion ivy))
(:when (not (modulep! :completion ivy))
"C-x b" #'switch-to-buffer
"C-x 4 b" #'switch-to-buffer-other-window)
(:when (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(:when (modulep! :ui workspaces)
"C-x B" #'persp-switch-to-buffer
"C-x b" #'switch-to-buffer
"C-x 4 b" #'switch-to-buffer-other-window
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
(:when (modulep! :completion ivy)
"C-x 4 B" #'+ivy/switch-workspace-buffer-other-window))
"C-x C-b" #'ibuffer
"C-x K" #'doom/kill-this-buffer-in-all-windows
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
"o" #'link-hint-open-link)
;;; ivy & counsel
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
(:when (modulep! :completion ivy)
(:after ivy
:map ivy-minibuffer-map
"TAB" #'ivy-alt-done
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
"C-M-y" #'counsel-yank-pop)
;;; neotree
(:when (featurep! :ui neotree)
(:when (modulep! :ui neotree)
"<f9>" #'+neotree/open
"<C-f9>" #'+neotree/find-this-file
(:after neotree
@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
"P" #'neotree-select-previous-sibling-node))
;;; popups
(:when (featurep! :ui popup)
(:when (modulep! :ui popup)
"C-x p" #'+popup/other
"C-`" #'+popup/toggle
"C-~" #'+popup/raise)
@ -587,12 +587,12 @@
;;; treemacs
(:when (featurep! :ui treemacs)
(:when (modulep! :ui treemacs)
"<f9>" #'+treemacs/toggle
"<C-f9>" #'treemacs-find-file))
(map! :leader
(:when (featurep! :editor fold)
(:when (modulep! :editor fold)
(:prefix ("C-F" . "fold")
"C-d" #'vimish-fold-delete
"C-a C-d" #'vimish-fold-delete-all