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Virus Verification and Removal -- Tools and Techniques
David M. Chess
High Integrity Computing Laboratory
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, NY
Nov. 18, 1991
This is an updated version of a paper that originally
appeared in the November 1991 issue of Virus Bulletin.
Since this sort of technology is continually evolving, it
seemed reasonable to make an update available on the net; in
particular, the virus-removal language has been considerably
enhanced since the paper was originally written. Comments
are welcome, on VIRUS-L (comp.virus), or directly to the
author (chess at watson.ibm.com).
The first line of defense against computer viruses consists
of programs that detect that something is probably wrong.
These include modification detectors, integrity shells,
known-virus scanners, access-control programs, and similar
things. Their main function is to alert the user of a
machine that a virus, some virus, is probably present. The
important thing is the alert; since something is likely to
be wrong, the user should stop what he is doing, and take
action to correct the problem. It doesn't matter much at
this stage what the alert says; a first-line anti-virus
system that always said simply "Something virus-like may be
going on!" would be sufficient for most environments, if it
was usually right.
Once the alert has been given, and the infected system taken
out of immediate contact with other systems, other kinds of
software become important. Before we can decide how to
clean up an infected system, and even where else to look for
infection, we need to know exactly what the infection
consists of. Once that has been determined, we can take
steps to restore the infected parts of the system to an
uninfected state, and to recover from any other damage the
virus may have caused. This paper is a description of one
part of the second-line toolbox, the virus verifier and
A virus verifier is a program that, given a file or disk
that is probably infected with a given virus, determines
with a high degree of certainty whether the virus is a known
strain, or a new variant. This is, of course, important to
know: if the virus is different from any known strain, it
will have to be analyzed for new effects before we can be
confident that we know just what to do to clean up after it.
On the other hand, if the virus is identical to a known
strain, we already know what to do. It is particularly
important to perform verification in a program that attempts
to automatically remove the virus infection from an object,
restoring it to its original uninfected form.
Abstractly, a verifier is a program that, given another
program as input, determines whether or not the given
program is part of the set of possible "offspring" of a
particular virus. For many classes of viruses, including
all the viruses actually widespread at the moment, this is
easy to do. Almost all known viruses consist almost
entirely of code that does not change from infection to
infection, except perhaps for a simple XOR-type garbling,
and data areas that are either constant, or change in simple
ways (or that can be ignored entirely for the purposes of
verification). Given a suspect file F and a known virus V,
it is therefore always relatively simple to answer the
question "is F a file that could have been produced by
infection with virus V?". It is an open question of some
theoretical interest whether or not some future virus might
make this harder to do! Reliably determining whether a file
is infected with any virus at all is of course known to be
impossible, but we have no similar result about determining
the presence of a specific virus.
There are various concrete decisions and tradeoffs involved
in writing a virus verifier; this section will list a few of
them, and the next sections will describe the
verifier/remover currently being developed and used at the
High Integrity Computing Lab at IBM's Watson Research
A verifier may be an independent tool, or it may be
integrated into a virus detector. An integrated
detector/verifier can be quicker and more convenient, since
there's no need for a user to find and run a verifier once
the detector goes off. On the other hand, since most copies
of any virus detector will never in fact detect a virus
(most of the world's computers are not infected, after all),
integrating a verifier along with the detector is in some
sense inefficient, in that it adds significant code to the
detector that may never be used. Given how much more
expensive human time is than CPU time and disk space these
days, integrated tools are likely to be more cost-effective
in the long run. On the other hand, detection and
verification will always be two different activities,
because it is very desirable for a detector to detect small
variants of known viruses as viruses, whereas a verifier
must be able to identify any variation as a variation.
Detection algorithms are typically run very often, and must
be fast. Verification algorithms, on the other hand, are
run rarely (only when a virus is detected), and speed is
typically not a major issue.
To determine whether or not a given object is infected with
a known strain of a virus, a verifier must know what the
known strain looks like. This may be done either with an
actual copy of the code of the known strain of the virus, or
by using a CRC or similar modification-detection algorithm.
It's not generally desirable to include the entire code of a
virus with widely-distributed tools, for obvious reasons!
On the other hand, even a good difficult-to-invert digital
signature algorithm is not as reliable as a byte-for-byte
comparison, and it is vulnerable to a virus author
intentionally creating a variant that looks to the verifier
like a known strain. (This can be made arbitrarily hard
through the use of cryptographic checksums and related
technologies, at some increase in runtime and complexity.)
Lastly, a verifier may use either special-purpose code, with
one or more routines being written in some compiled language
for each new strain discovered, or it may be written as an
interpreter for a high-level virus-description language. A
high-level language is generally simpler to program in
reliably; on the other hand, this is only true because it is
less expressive, which implies that there will be cases
(viruses that are exotically self-garbling, for instance) in
which it will be necessary to drop into the lower-level
programming language again.
At HICL, we are currently using and developing a virus
verifier and remover called "VERV" for PC-DOS viruses. The
current version can verify over 40 different viruses and
variants, which accounts for nearly all of the actual
infections that we see in day-to-day operation. It has
recently been enhanced to attempt to remove about a dozen of
the most common file-infecting viruses (we have other tools,
which will eventually be integrated, for removing
boot-sector-infecting viruses). As well as being used in
the lab, and as a research prototype, VERV is used by IBM's
internal Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs), as part
of routine incident handling.
It is an independent tool at the moment; in the long run, we
expect to integrate it with our other anti-virus programs.
It can use either a CRC algorithm or a byte-for-byte
comparison to verify the identity of a virus. In the
laboratory, we use the byte-for-byte compare to test new
samples against old ones. In the field, our users use the
CRC algorithm to verify the virus in infected objects before
applying cleanup measures.
VERV includes an interpreter for a small virus-description
language. Virus-description languages, for this and other
purposes, have been around for some time; Christoph Fischer
at the University of Karlsruhe, Morton Swimmer in Hamburg,
Alan Solomon in the UK, and no doubt many others in the
field, have worked on similar things (personal
correspondence; one motivation for this paper is to
encourage others, who have perhaps done it better, to
publish their work). VERV's language is very simple, and
provides for lower-level hooks (instructions to call
special-purpose C routines) when a virus requires actions
that cannot be described in the high-level language. We
will describe the language in some detail, not because it is
particularly interesting as a language, or because we think
we have it all correct and optimal, but rather so that other
people working on the same sorts of things can benefit from
both our ideas and our mistakes. We hope this will help
inspire continued discussion and exchange.
The file from which VERV reads virus descriptions consists
of a number of virus-description blocks. Each block has the
following structure:
One or more VIRUS records
A NAME record
One or more LOAD records
Zero or more DEGARBLE and related records
Zero or more ZERO records
One or more check records
Zero or more REPAIR blocks
For instance, the block for the Slow-1721 virus currently
looks like this:
VIRUS slow slow-1721
NAME the Slow-1721 virus
DEXOR1 001E 06AD 0012 0000 ; Degarble the code
DEXOR1 00EB 0159 0061 0001 ; and the data area
ZERO 0012 1 ; Zero the one-byte code-garble key
ZERO 0061 1 ; and the data-garble key
CODE 0000 00EA 38d5dc08 ; Code up to first data area
CONST 0144 014E 0ff22ad9 ; COMMAND.COM
CODE 015A 063C 74e00962 ; Code between data areas
CODE 0657 06AD ad3b0b41 ; After the second data area
The VIRUS records simply give a list of one-word aliases for
the virus, that are used on the command line to tell VERV
which virus to look for. These aliases are not the full
primary name of the virus (that is given on the NAME
record); they are just short abbreviations that the user can
use on the command line.
A very useful extension here would be for VERV to support
virus families, so that a single command would cause testing
for all members of the Jerusalem family, or the Flip family,
and so on. When integrated into the virus detector, of
course, the detector will directly inform the verifier which
virus or viruses to test for.
The LOAD records describe where in an infected object of a
given type the virus can be found. The tokens on a LOAD
record are an object type, followed by either an offset and
a length, or the word SPECIAL and a number. The offset
tells VERV where, relative to the effective entry-point of
that sort of object, to start loading; the length tells how
many bytes to load. For viruses that are not always at a
fixed offset from the initial entrypoint, the SPECIAL
keyword causes VERV to invoke an internal routine, coded in
C, to perform the loading.
The Slow virus is an EXE-infector, and a prepending COM
infector; the LOAD records in this example tell VERV to load
the first 06B4 bytes of a COM-format file, and the first
06B4 bytes after the entry point of an EXE-format file.
(EXE-format files are those that begin with the letters
"MZ"; DOS loads these differently from COM-format files,
which begin with any other bytes.) Other object types
supported include:
o E9-COM, for viruses that infect COM files by changing
the first three bytes to a long jump to the virus (E9 is
the hex code for a long jump),
o E8-COM, for viruses that infect COM files by changing
the first three bytes to a long CALL to the virus (E8 is
a long call),
o MBR, for viruses that infect hard disk master boot
records and diskette boot records, and fit in a single
o DISKETTE, for other sorts of diskette infectors (those
that do not fit in a single sector),
o HARDDISK, for other sorts of hard disk infectors (those
that infect system boot records, and/or occupy more than
one sector).
A description block will have as many LOAD records as there
are types of object that the virus can infect.
The DEXOR1 records tell VERV to perform a certain common
type of degarbling: a one-byte XOR with data to be found at
a fixed offset in the virus. The details are not terribly
important here. A more general record, consisting of just
the word DEGARBLE followed by a number, causes VERV to
invoke an internal C-language routine to perform degarbling.
Once the loading and degarbling have been done, VERV has a
complete "virus image" in its internal buffer. A
command-line switch (described later) can instruct VERV to
save the contents of this buffer to a file, for later
The ZERO records describe variable areas within the virus,
that should be set to zero before checks are done. This is
really just a convenience, to reduce the number of
check-type records needed.
There are three basic types of check records, describing
different tests to be done on the degarbled and zero'd virus
image now in the buffer:
o CODE records describe areas of virus code. The numbers
given are the start and end offsets of the area, and the
expected CRC value of the data there. VERV uses a
31-bit CRC, with a custom polynomial. This is not
strongly resistant to intentional reverse engineering; a
more difficult-to-invert algorithm may be desirable
later on. If any CODE areas are found to be different
than expected, VERV will report that this is not the
usual strain of the virus.
o CONST records describe constant areas that should not
change, and whose values effect the actual running of
the virus. CONST areas are currently treated exactly
like CODE areas.
o TEXT records describe areas of the virus that are not
expected to change, but do not significantly effect the
operation of the virus. If a sample differs from the
given description only in one or more TEXT areas, VERV
will report a "text variant" of the virus. This is
useful for message areas within a virus that are not
actually used, or that are simply displayed to the user.
These areas can be interesting in tracking how the virus
is spreading, by correlating incidents that involve the
same "text variant", but they do not effect cleanup or
Normally, VERV performs its CRC calculation on each area
within the virus, and compares the results to the expected
values. A command-line switch (described in more detail
below) can be used to tell VERV to read a standard copy of
the virus from another file instead, and do byte-by-byte
comparison between the two. This is more reliable, but of
course it requires having a sample of the usual strain of
the virus present to verify against.
Another example, illustrating the use of special C routines,
is the block for the 1701 virus:
VIRUS 1701
NAME the 1701 virus
LOAD E9-COM -1 06A5
CODE 0001 0026 19989c7e ; Degarble, MOV, jmp-in
CODE 0076 06A4 c03a91c5 ; Main code
Here, the "DEGARBLE 1" record causes VERV to invoke an
internal routine to degarble the data in the buffer, using
the 1701's own algorithm. It would be possible to enhance
the virus-description language enough that the 1701's
degarbling algorithm could be expressed in it directly.
This would complicate the language considerably, though, and
would somewhat lessen the advantage that a special
high-level language has over native C code; so far, we have
decided against such enhancements.
For many viruses and many infected objects, it's possible to
restore the object to what it looked like before it was
infected, or at least to a state in which it will function
in just the same way. Unfortunately, this isn't always
possible; the classic example is the 1813 (Jerusalem) virus
infecting an EXE-format file. While it's usually possible
to undo the infection, sometimes the resulting file is
missing data that was in the uninfected original, and it's
not always possible to tell that this has happened. The
best an 1813-remover can do on the EXE file, therefore, is
something that is quite likely to work, but might not. In
most cases, though, sufficiently-reliable repair is
possible, and particularly in large infections of
non-critical machines, repair is sometimes a cost-effective
A description of a virus in VERV's language includes one
repair block for every type of object that the virus may
infect. Each repair block consists of a header record
"REPAIR <object type>", followed by one or more
repair-operation records. Currently defined repair
operations include:
o an FCOPY_TO record, that copies bytes from the start of
the infected file up to a given number of bytes from the
virus entry point (this is used to remove appending
o an FCOPY_FROM record that copies bytes from the infected
file, starting a given number of bytes from the virus
entry point, and ending a given number of bytes before
the end of the file (this is used to remove prepending
o a BWRITE record, that copies so many bytes from a given
offset in VERV's internal buffer (which initially holds
an image of the virus) to a given offset in the file
being repaired (this is used, for instance, to repair
the first few bytes of an infected COM file, or the
header of an infected EXE file),
o a BREAD record, that loads a given number of bytes from
a given offset (relative to the start of the infected
file) into VERV's buffer,
o an EXE_LENGTH_BUG record, that tells VERV that this
particular virus has the common bug that it assumes that
the image length in the header of an EXE file is the
same as the file's length, and therefore damages (by
overlaying some data) any EXE file that contains data
after the EXE image,
o a 64K_COM_BUG record, which tells VERV that this virus
has the common bug that it assumes that any file it
thinks of as a COM file must be less than 64K bytes
o an EXE_LENGTH_ADJUST record, that treats two words
within VERV's buffer as the "page count" and "last page
length" fields from a DOS EXE-file header, and subtracts
a given constant value, adjusting them accordingly,
o an R_SPECIAL record, to cause VERV to invoke an internal
C routine to perform some function not directly
implemented in the language.
For instance, the repair block for the usual 1813 or
Jerusalem virus currently looks like this:
EXE_LENGTH_ADJUST 0053 0051 0710
BWRITE 0043 0010 2 ; Fix SP
BWRITE 0045 000E 2 ; Fix SS
BWRITE 0047 0014 2 ; Fix IP
BWRITE 0049 0016 2 ; Fix CS
BWRITE 0051 0002 4 ; Fix image length
* Fixing COM files
FCOPY_FROM 0710 -5
The two BUG records cause VERV to print warnings to the user
that some files may not function correctly, and to refuse to
repair (later versions may offer to erase) any files that
are obviously not correctly repairable. The FCOPY records
pick out just the part of the file that does not contain the
virus, and the EXE_LENGTH_ADJUST and BWRITE records restore
and replace approximately the original EXE file header. EXE
files that are successfully repaired will differ from the
original file only in having been rounded up to a multiple
of sixteen bytes (and the corresponding change in the EXE
file header).
After repair is completed, VERV restarts processing on the
repaired file, to ensure that there is not another instance
of the virus present. If the virus is present in the file
multiple times, all will be removed. Once VERV is
integrated with a virus scanner, the repaired file will be
automatically re-scanned for all viruses, and any found will
be re-verified and removed.
Repair processing is only performed if the user has
requested it on the command line, and if VERV finds that the
virus is indeed exactly the known strain of the virus. In
small infections, or in situations where correct operation
of the objects involved is particularly crucial, we continue
to recommend that infected objects be destroyed (files
erased, diskettes formatted, and so on), and replaced from
uninfected sources.
The functions of VERV's command-line switches include:
o Reading the virus to be tested from an image file,
instead of from a normally-infected object; this can be
useful, for instance, in testing a boot-sector infector
that has been received as a binary dump of the boot
sector rather than on diskette.
o Overriding the default virus-description file (contained
within VERV.EXE itself), allowing easy testing of new or
experimental descriptions.
o Producing detailed progress messages and data displays
during processing, to help pinpoint differences found or
errors encountered.
o Specifying that, rather than using a CRC, VERV should
compare the relevant parts of the object to be tested
with a standard sample of the virus stored in an image
file, or a standard infected specimen.
o Producing a dump of the virus image, after all
degarbling, but before any zeroing has been done. This
image can then be used for storage, analysis, or
transmission, or for later use as input to VERV for
byte-by-byte comparisons.
VERV is currently in use by a small number of people within
IBM who deal with virus infections. Its availability has
greatly reduced the time spent by technical people in doing
semi-manual verification, and has therefore sped up the
response time to virus incidents. Adding a typical
newly-analyzed virus to VERV is generally quite simple,
involving a few lines in the VERV language, and sometimes a
small piece of C code to handle a new garbling algorithm.
The virus-removal language has just recently been
implemented, and is not yet in wide use.
Our near-term plans for VERV include support for families of
viruses, and the ability to verify a virus in a number of
objects at once. This will ease integration with our virus
detectors; when a detector detects a signature that
corresponds to a virus, or a family of viruses, in a number
of files, it will be able to verify the identity of the
virus with a single call to VERV.
If transmission bandwidth, CPU cycles, and disk space were
free, and programming was easy, every workstation would be
protected by a seamless "immune system". Objects infected
with existing viruses would be detected automatically, the
identity of the virus verified and reported to a central
location, and the object destroyed or repaired, with minimal
user intervention. New viruses would be detected
automatically with some high degree of confidence,
first-pass signature patterns would be extracted
automatically where possible and communicated to a central
clearinghouse, along with a sample of the suspicious object.
Viruses would very rarely, if at all, spread widely.
One of our main focuses at HICL is studying what part of
that ideal scenario is feasible, in both current and future
systems. The prototype VERV is a small part of our
experimentation with parts of that system that are also
immediately useful to users in the near term. We would
welcome similar descriptions by others in the field, of work
that they are doing in similar directions.