
102 lines
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X-CRYPT v1.01áeta (c)1994 ûiroSoft Enterprises, a ûirogen Corporation
Adjacent Reality BBS 615.586.9515
Welcome to X-CRYPT v1.01 - The first and only encryptor I know of
that allows the user to fully specify the encryption technique(s).
By allowing the user to do so, two variables must be considered
for a possible crack: KEY and ENCRYPTION FORMAT. The cryptanlyst
must know both to even attempt a brute force or algorithmic approach.
X-CRYPT is not as secure as the more advanced encryption formats
such as IDEA or DES, however it can be quite secure depending on the
combination of encryption technique(s) the user choses.
X-CRYPT [-e|-d] [filespec] [password]
"-e" specifies encryption
"-d" specifies decryption
X-CRYPT -e *.* mYpAssWorD
X-CRYPT -d *.* mYpAssWorD
X-CRYPT -e c:\stuff\*.exe thisismypasswordrighthereitislong!
X-CRYPT -e x-crypt.nfo "little bo peep has lost her sheep"
The Configuration File
The configuration file X-CRYPT.CFG must be located in the current
directory or directory of X-CRYPT.EXE at the time of execution. It's
format is simple:
Line 1=> ENcryption technique(s)
Line 2=> DEcryption technique(s)
The encryption and decryption techniques are:
"S" - sequential XOR [each character XORed by successive password char]
"+" - sequential ADD [each character ADDed by successive password char]
"-" - sequential SUB [each character SUBed by successive password char]
"X" - nonconstant XOR [each XOR determined by algorithm derived from pass]
"x" - constant XOR [each char XORed by sum of all password chars]
"N" - NOT ['NOT' file - not password sensitive]
"R" - reverse [REVERSE data in file - not password sensitive]
They can be combined in any matter you wish. Examples:
The decryption algorithm MUST compliment the encryption algorithm,
you need to reverse the order of encryption techniques, as well as
exchange "+" with "-" and vice versa.
Remember that the longer the list of encryption techniques used,
the more time it will take to crypt files.
I'm not gonna throw a bunch of annoying delays or other nags on this
program, but I would just like to take these few bytes and explain
that I am a poor 16 year old, forced to whittle away my youth at meager
jobs instead of developing to my full mental capacity. If you would
like to send me some cash, because you think I should be liberated from
financial bonds of enslavment then pleaz do so.. Say, send me $10 and
I'll give you the TC++ source code. That'z kewl enough .. Here's my
Jeremy Collake
613 Windridge Ln
Morristown, TN 37814
Pleaz address all letter bombs and harrassing mail to my mother or other
family memeberz, thanx.
The AR 615.586.9515
v1.0 - ? - Original release - non-constant XOR cryption only
v1.01á - 8-23-94 - Rewrote most everything
Configurable encryption techniques