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Matthew Stolarski - "A loser in deep trouble..."
YAM '92 - Youngsters Against McAfee
Programmer : Admiral Bailey
Language Used : Assembly [TASM 2.0]
Notes : The Matthew Stolarski was written because I was bored and this loser
named Matthew got me really pissed off so I decided to write a virus
about him. If you ever see this guy apply to your board then don't
let him in. He will just start fights and cause troubles. He may
even try to hack your board for the fun of it. But enough about him
more about the virus.
This is a com infecting virus that will kill all your drives during
its activation span. This virus has a three day activation span.
It will be active and go off on the days of June 28th, 29th, and
30th. Basically because at my school they will be working on our
school grades at this time and if they have this virus (And im sure
they will) the markes will get killed. HAHAHAH! It will search
through all you directories and infect all com files if its not this
As of Scan 89 this virus is not scannable. And I will plan to keep
it that way by updating it every time it becomes scannable.
The source the the Matthew Stolarski virus will never be released
because I realy don't want hundreds of strains to be maid off of it.
But I may consider releasing the source in the future.
Future Plans : In the future I plan to enhance this virus a lot. First I
plan to make it incrypted so you cannot see the text. I
already know how I will do this but im too lazy to do it
right now. I plan to make it stay in memory but that doesnt
really have any use to I gonna do that last. Then finnaly I
will make it also infect .exe files. Why give the .com files
all the attention.
Greets : All the members of YAM.
The x members of RABID
All other virus writers!!!
******> Look for more of YAM's quality virus'. And remember the name YAM
because you will be hearing it a lot from them!
******> Also look for YAM's new mag comming soon featuring virus', trojans,
and G-files.
******> IF when unzipping it doesnt show the av code and say Admiral Bailey
[YAM '92] then your copy may not be an original copy.