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DWI Virus Source
By The Attitude Adjuster and AccuPunk
Here's the source to one of our new older viruses... Both 'Punk and
I did a little bit on this one, but, 'Punk thought it all up... I just
kinda fucked around with the code when he said he was bored with it...
Anyway, I can't really give you too much help here, as this code isn't at
all the greatest, but, I include it to get this virus out into the world.
Umm, assemble two pass, and link to an EXE. Modfiy the header to
make the maximum memory allocation equal to the minimum, and the fucker
should run... I'm really not going to test it right now, mainly because
it's late, and I AM releasing this tonight...
Virus Name: Damn Windows Idiot!
Aliases: Anti-Windows
Author(s): AccuPunk/The Attitude Adjuster
Group: Virulent Graffiti
Scan ID: [DWI]
V Status: Abortion
Discovery: Well, see, we were in LIST.COM and we saw this code...
Symptoms: EXE growth; messages; something to do with WIN.COM
Orgin: WestBumbleFuck, Ohio DipShitPeak, New York
Eff Length: 1063 Bytes
Res Length: 1280 Bytes
Type Code: PRhE - Parasitic Resident EXE Infector
Detection Method:
Removal Instructions: Cry... Delete Windows... Increase wallet space,
hire and Antivirus Professional ("...two words together that can't
make sense!").
General Comments:
DWI will become resident after first checking for it's own
presence in memory. DWI places itself into high memory, and
changes it's MCB owner to the usual DOS MCB owner segment.
This may be changed to retrive the DOS MCB owner from DOS,
in the future, but this suffices at the present.
Int 21h is revectored to Int 30h where the virus uses it for
DOS calls. The FAR PTR at Int 30h+1 is lost.
Upon the execution of any program using Int 21h/Ax=4B00h, DWI
will check the file for an 'MZ' header, and if found, infect
the file, leaving the time, date, and attributes of the file
DWI seems to have an adverse effect on WIN.COM when it is run.
Other than the offensive WIN.COM program, DWI will not harm any
data... If DESQView is found, the host system owner will be wired
$100,000 for choosing a decent multitasking operating system...
err... maybe not, but, we'll not screw any .COM files.
Strings Contained in the Virus:
'[DWI] AccuPunk/The Attitude Adjuster Virulent Graffiti'
Future Revision Notes:
There will probably be no future revisions of DWI. We may optomize
it a little, and rip the engine for use in a planned virus, but,
as I said, there will probably be no DWI-B.