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Mountie UFO witness silenced
From the Vancouver Sun of April
26, 1976, we learn (in a report datelined
"Terrace") some details of an
event which is said to have occurred
on April 21, 1976,- ""Bill Toffan, the
21 year old Terrace RCMP constable
who said he had a near crash last
Wednesday after sighting an unidentified
flying object while on highway
patrol, has been ordered by his superiors
not to comment on the incident.
"Toffan says he would be putting
his job on the line if he said anything
further, but his superior says there is
nothing out of the ordinary in the
"RCMP subdivision head, Edward
Trefry, denied there is any police
cover-up of the incident.
"We're not trying to hide anything
It's simply policy which has been
laid down throughout this subdivision
that all press releases are
made by senior personnel at each
detachment instead of by the individual
officer. Inspector Trefry said in an
interview from Prince Rupert.
"This is to avoid confusion and
there are no exceptions to the rule".
he said.
"According to a press release made
last week by Staff-Sgt. Murray
Morrison, commanding officer of the
Terrace detachment, Toffan saw a
vehicle with its lights flashing ahead of
him on Highway 16 about 60 miles
east of Prince Rupert.
"However, when he drew closer, he
discovered it was not on the road, but
was flying. As Toffan drew abreast of
the air-borne object there was a blinding
flash. He was so startled he nearly
lost control of his car. He stopped and
investigated the area on foot but found
"Immediately after the sighting,
Toffan dropped out of sight - on four
days, prearranged leave, according to
"Morrison told a reporter Friday
that police further checked the area in
daylight but found nothing to assist
them in identifying what Toffan saw.
"As far as We're concerned, the
matter is now closed,, Morrison said
"He was unavailable for comment
"The earlier theory of a Light aircraft
in trouble has been discounted
by the rescue co-ordination center in
Credit to: W.K. Allan of Kelowna B.C.