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Subject: Blue Book Unknowns pt 5/6
Message-ID: <1992Jan17.022215.2980@bilver.uucp>
From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
Date: 17 Jan 92 02:22:15 GMT
Organization: W. J. Vermillion - Winter Park, FL
Lines: 536
-----Bluebook Part 5 ----------------------------------------------
their formation from elliptical to wavy line to scattered to
straight line to trail formation. Speed varied from hover to
1,000 m.p.h. Sighting lasted 3-4 minutes.
Aug. 23, 1955; Arlington, Virginia. 10:45 a.m. Witness: G.M.
Park, using a 400x telescope. Several orange lights moved singly
or in groups, circling and stopping during 30 minute sighting.
Sept. 3, 1955; Bellingham, Washington. Witness: observer
Saunders for Ground Observer Corps. One white pinhead moved
slowly across 30^ of sky in 15 minutes. No further information.
Sept. 7, 1955; Washington, D.C. Witnesses: two photographers,
one plate maker for the Army Map Service (one named Smith). One
glowing round object flew an arc for 1 minute.
Sept. 9, 1955; near Alcoa, Tennessee. 12 noon. Witness: M.N.
Dawkins, using binoculars. One brown, almost square object flew
with a circular motion for 10-15 minutes.
Oct. 8, 1955; Loogootee, Indiana. 4:38 p.m. Witnesses: R.D.
Prather, H. Ahern. One round, silver or white object flew
straight and level at more than 1,000 m.p.h. for an unstated
length of time.
Oct. 11, 1955; Pt. Lookout, Maryland. 4 p.m. Witnesses: B.
Hale, A. Ostrom. One round object which looked white in the
daylight and turned red with sparks toward the end of the 2.5
hour sighting, made a deep roar, unlike an aircraft.
Nov. 17, 1955; St. Louis, Missouri. 6:10 a.m. Witness: J.A.
Mapes. Twelve round, flat objects, silver on top and dark on the
bottom, flew in 4-deep formation, tipping in pitch and roll, for
45 seconds.
Nov. 20, 1955; Lake City, Tennessee. 5:20 p.m. Witnesses:
Operations Officer Capt. B.G. Denkler and five men of the USAF
663rd AC&W Sqdn. Two oblong, bright orange, semi-transparent
objects flew at terrific speed and erratically, toward and away
from each other. Observed by various persons form 4 to 15
Nov. 25, 1955; La Veta, Colorado. 10:30 a.m. Witness: State
Senator S.T. Taylor. One dirigible-shaped object (fat front,
tapered toward the tail) object, which was luminous green-blue
and jellylike, appeared overhead diving at a 45' angle,
then reduced angle to 30'. Object seen for 5 seconds.
Dec. 21, 1955; Caribou, Maine. 111 p.m. Witness: Roberta V.
Jacobs. One round, very bright gold, domed disc made a short
climb, rotated, hovered and then accelerated during the 6-8
minute sighting.
Feb. 12, 1956; Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada. 11:25 p.m.
Witnesses: F-89 pilot Bowen, radar observer Crawford. One green
and red object rapidly circled the aircraft while being tracked
on radar during 1 minute sighting. No further details.
Feb, 19, 1956; Houston, Texas. 6:07 a.m. Witnesses: crew of
Eastern Airlines Super Constellation. One intense white light,
moving 4-5 times the speed of the airplane, was evaded by the
April 4, 1956; McKinney, Texas. 3:15 p.m. Witnesses: Capt. Roy
Hall, U.S. Army, ret.; Charles Anderson and others; some observed
through a 6" telescope, others through a 55-200x telescope. One
fat, oblong object with two lines around its middle, remained
stationary for 6 hours.
June 6, 1956; Banning, California. 5:30 a.m. Witness: Mr.
Bierman. One thin disc with a small dome, shimmering silver,
hovered about 100 yards away for 8-10 seconds, then zoomed up.
Aug. 8, 1956; 20 miles south of Quartsite, Arizona. ll p.m.
Witnesses: attorneys W.B. Buttermore and J.W. Smith. One
blue-white pulsating light flew fast, straight and level, for 5-7
Aug. 27, 1956; Juniata, Pennsylvania. 9:55 p.m. Witness: Mrs.
R.S. Pope. One bright disc with a clear dome flew vertically,
then north. A very cold breeze seemed to have been originated by
the object during the 3 minute sighting.
Sept. 4, 1956; Dallas, Texas. 9 p.m. Witnesses: U.S. Marine
Corps T/Sgt. R.D. Rogers and family. One large star, changing to
red color, remained stationary for 20 minutes, then went west at
200 kts. (230 m.p.h.). Sighting lasted 23 minutes.
Sept. 14, 1956; Highland, North Carolina. 1 a.m. Witness:
Scaly, N. Car. policeman O.S. Gryman. Fourteen yellow-to-red
round objects with tremendous exhaust, flew in a Vague formation
from southwest to east to northeast and back again, while
swoooping up and down. Sighting lasted 1.5 hours.
Nov. 1, 1956; 60 miles east of St. Louis, Missouri, in Illinois.
5:30 p.m. Witness: USAF Capt. W..M. Lyons, Intelligence Division
Chief (Aerial Weather Reconnaissance Officer), flying a T-33 jet
trainer. One orange light with a blue tinge, flew across the sky
for 2 minutes.
Nov. 30, 1956; Charleston AFB, South Carolina. 12:48 p.m.
Witness: USAF aerial navigator Maj. D.D. Grimes. One
unspecified object flew at an estimated 100' altitude over water
for 10 minutes. No further details.
Dec. 31, 1956; Guam. 2:10 a.m. Witness: USAF lst Lt. Ted
Brunson, flying an F-86D jet interceptor. One round, white
object flew under the F-86D, which was unable to turn as sharply
as the object.
April 25, 1957; Ringgold, Louisiana. Military witness
Robertson. Case missing from official files.
June 12, ; Milan, Italy. 7:30 p.m. Witness: G.U. Donadio,
translator for export-import firm. One object "big as a hen's
egg" flew very fast, zigzagged, hovered and revolved, then shot
up after 17 minutes.
July 27 or 29, 1957; Longmont, Colorado. Early morning.
Witness: J.L. Siverly. One thick disc, ice blue, with a top
like honeycomb (interconnected hexagons), hovered and rocked
below the hill tops for 10 minutes. Middle band was scalloped,
bottom had four kidney-shaped forms.
July 29, 1957; Cleveland, Ohio. 10:31 p.m. Witnesses: Capital
Airlines Capt. R.L. Stimley, First Officer F.J. Downing. One
large, round, yellow-white object dimmed once, crossed the bow of
the airliner, which then gave chase but was unable to catch it.
Sighting last 8 minutes.
July 29, 1957; Oldsmar, Florida. 11:45 a.m. Witness: E.E.
Henkins. One pale yellow fireball glided into the water and
exploded. Viewed for 1 minute.
Sept. 20, 1957; Kadena AFB, Okinawa. 8 p.m. Witnesses: S/Sgt.
H.T. O'Connor, S/Sgt. H.D. Bridgeman. One object, shaped like a
coke bottle without the neck, translucent and fluorescent. Made
four 5-10 second passes from north to south, with 4-5 minutes
between passes.
Oct. 8, 1957; Seattle, Washington. 9:17 a.m. Witnesses: two
U.S. Army sergeants. Two flat, round, white objects flew in
trail formation along an irregular path, frequently banking
during 25-30 seconds.
Nov. 6, 1957; Radium Springs, New Mexico. 10:50 p.m. Witnesses:
one Las Cruces policeman, one Dona Ana County Deputy Sheriff.
One round object--changing from red to green to blue to white--
rose vertically from a mountain top. Sighting lasted 10 minutes.
Nov. 8, 1957; Merrick, Long Island, New York. l0:10 a.m.
Witness: Mrs. L. Dinner. One bar-shaped object, 3.5' long,
giving off blue flashes, made a swishing sound. No further data.
Nov. 26, 1957; Robins AFB, Georgia. 10:07 a.m. Witnesses:
three control tower operators, one weather observer and four
others. One silver, cigar-shaped object suddenly vanished after
8 minutes.
Nov. 30, 1957; New Orleans, Louisiana. 2:11 p.m. Witnesses:
three U.S. Coast Guardsmen. One round object turned white, then
gold, then separated into three parts and turned red. Sighting
lasted 20 minutes.
Dec. 13, 1957; Col Anahuac, Mexico. 9:35 a.m. Witness: R.C.
Cano. Fourteen-fifteen circular, tapered discs, very bright,
flew in a formation like a stack of coins, then changed to an
inverted-V formation. Sighting lasted 20 minutes.
Dec. 17, 1957; near Grand Junction, Colorado. 7:20 p.m.
Witness: F.G. Hickman, 17. One round object changed from yellow
to white to green to red; red tail was twice as long as the body.
It stopped, started, backed up for 45 minutes.
March 14, 1958; Healdsburg, California. 8:45 a.m. Witnesses:
Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Cummings and one other. A 3' round, black
object touched the ground and then took off. Watched for 2
April 14, 1958; Lynchburg, Virginia. 1 p.m. Witness: USAF Maj.
D.G. Tilley, flying C-47 transport. One grey-black rectangular
object rotated very slowly on its horizontal axis for 4 seconds.
May 9, 1958; Bohol Island, Phillipine Islands. 11:05 a.m.
Witness: Phillipine Airlines pilot. One object with a shiny,
metallic surface was falling and spinning for 1.5 minutes.
June 14, 1958; Pueblo, Colorado. 10:46 a.m. Witness: airport
weather observer O.R. Foster, using a theodolite. An object
shaped like Saturn, less the bottom part; silver with no metallic
luster, flew overhead for 5 minutes.
June 20 ,1958; Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. 11:05 p.m. Witness:
Battalion Communication Chief SFC A. Parsley. One silver,
circular object, its lower portion seen through a green haze,
hovered, then oscillated slightly, then moved at great speed.
Watched for 10 minutes.
Aug. 17, 1958; Warren, Michigan. 7:05 p.m. Witness: A.D.
Chisholm. One extremely bright object shaped first like a bell,
then like a saucer, hovered for 5 minutes, flipped over and sped
away to the west-south-west. Sighting lasted 6-10 minutes.
Sept. 1, 1958; Wheelus AFB, Libya. 12:15 a.m. Witness: Philco
technical representative A.M. Slaton. One round, blue-white
object flew at varying speeds. First sighting lasted 2 minutes,
second lasted 1.5 minutes.
Oct. 2, 1958; Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. 2:30 p.m. Witness:
naturalist Ivan Sanderson. One dull-grey object, shaped like a
pickle with a flat bottom, flew erratically and made loops for 15
Oct. 27, 1958; Lock Raven Dam, Maryland. 10:30 p.m. Witnesses:
Phillip Small, Alvin Cohen. One large, flat egg-shaped object
affected a car's electrical system and caused a burning sensation
on one of its occupants. Sighting lasted 1 minute.
Nov. 3, 1958; Minot, North Dakota. 2:01 p.m. Witness: M/Sgt.
William R. Butler, medic. One bright green object, shaped like a
10 cent piece, and one smaller, silver round object. First
object exploded, then second object moved toward the location of
the first at high speed. Sighting lasted 1 minute.
March 26 or 27, 1959; Corsica, Pennsylvania. 12:45 p.m.
Witness: T.E. Clark. One dark red, barrel-shaped object, 20'
long, 6-7' high, descended below some trees during the 3 minute
June 18, 1959; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 9:30 p.m. Witnesses:
A. Cavelli and R. Blessin, using 7x binoculars. One brown,
cigar-shaped object came from below the horizon (close to the
witnesses) ascending to 40-50^ above the horizon in 4 minutes.
June 30, 1959; Patuxent River NAS, Maryland. 8:23 p.m. Witness:
USN Cdr. D. Connolly. One gold, oblate-shaped object, nine times
as wide as it was thick, metallic and with sharp edges, flew
straight and level for 20-30 seconds.
July 25, 1959; Irondequoit, New York. 1 p.m. Witness:
technical illustrator W.D. Neva. One thin, crescent moon-shaped
object with a small white dome in the center, flew at tremendous
speed for 5-10 seconds.
Aug. 10, 1959; Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada. 1:28 a.m. Witness:
Royal Canadian Air Force pilot Flt. Lt. M.S. Mowat, on ground.
One large star-like light crossed 53* of sky in 25 minutes.
Sept. 13, 1959; Gills Rock, Wisconsin. 1:05 a.m. Witness: R.H.
Daubner. One round yellow light, with eight blue lights within
it, and then five larger red lights, flew very fast vertically
while making a pulsating jet noise. Sighting lasted 10 minutes.
Sept. 13, 1959; Bunker Hill AFB, Indiana. 4 p.m. Witnesses: at
least two control tower operators and the pilot of a Mooney
private airplane. One pear-shaped object, colored white, cream,
and metallic, with a trail under it. Object showed little
movement during 3 hours. Attempted intercept by USAF T-33 jet
trainer failed.
Oct. (3rd or 4th week), 1959; Telephone Ridge, Oregon. 9:15 p.m.
Witness: department store manager C.A. Cissman. One bright
light approached, hovered about 30 minutes, and then was up and
gone in 2 seconds.
Oct. 4, 1959; Quezon, Phillipine Islands. 9:25 p.m. Witnesses:
USN Lt. C.H. Pogson, CPO K.J. Moore. One large round or oval
object, changing from red to red-orange, flew straight and level
for 15 minutes.
Oct. 6, 1959; Lincoln, Nebraska. 8:15 p.m. Witnesses: Lt. Col.
L. Liggett (Selective Service) and wife. One round, white-yellow
light made several abrupt turns and flew very fast for 2 minutes.
Oct. 19. 1959; P]ainvjlle! Kansas. 9:25 p.m. Witness: Capt.
F.A. Henney, engineering instructor at USAF Academy, flying a
T-33 jet trainer. One bright yellowish light came head-on at the
T-33, the pilot avoided it and the light dimmed. Sighting lasted
30 seconds.
Nov. 18, 1959; Crystal Springs, Mississippi. 6:25 p.m.
Witness: J.M. Porter. A row of red lights flew slow, then
speeded up immensely. Sighting lasted 5-6 minutes.
Feb. 27, 1960; Rome AFB, New York. 6:27 p.m. Witnesses:
control tower officer Capt. J. Huey and four other tower
operators. One light trailing a white fan shape, made a mild
descent for 3-4 minutes. 5:55 p.m. Witness: Charles
March 4, 1960; Dubuque, Iowa. 5:5
Morris. Three elliptical-shaped objects made a slight climb for
4 minutes. Film exposed during sighting showed no images of the
March 23, 1960; Indianapolis, Indiana. 3:35 a.m. Witnesses:
Mr. and Mrs. E.I. Larsen. A series of balls, arranged like an
"X" with one diagonal line, seen for 3/4 of a minute. Note:
little data on the case in the files.
April 12, 1960; LaCamp, Louisiana. 9 p.m. Witness: Monroe
Arnold. One fiery-red disc exploded four or five times.
Analysis of paint samples from explosion proved inconclusive.
Sighting lasted 2-3 seconds.
April 17, 1960; Richards-Gebauer AFB, Missouri. 8:29 p.m.
Witnesses: USAF Maj. J.G. Ford and Link representative A.
Chapdelaine, using a 48x telescope. One reddish glow made an odd
orbit for 2.5 minutes.
April 25, 1960; Shelby, Montana. 7-10 p.m. Witness: Mrs. M.
Clark. Five circular objects flew in trail formation, hovered
and accelerated and made sharp turns. Case file includes other
reports from Mrs. Clark for previous 3 years.
July 19, 1960; St. Louis, Missouri. 8:30 p.m. Witness: T.L.
Ochs. One round, bright red light flew overhead, stopped and
hovered, and then backed up. Sighting lasted 20 minutes. Note:
Ochs reported similar sightings on three following nights.
Aug. 23, 1960; Wichita, Kansas. 3::24 a.m. Witness: Boeing
aeronautical engineer C.A. Komiske. One round object with yellow
lights coming from what looked like three triangular windows at
bottom. Object was dull orange. Flew in an arc for 2 minutes.
Aug. 29, 1960; Crete, Illinois. 4:05 p.m. Witness: farmer Ed
Schneeweis. One shiny, round, silver object flew straight up
very fast for 18 seconds.
Sept. 10, 1960; Ridgecrest, California. 9:50 p.m. Witnesses:
Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Evans. Two light gray glowing objects, saucer
or boomerang-shaped, which swished when accelerating. Seen 1-2
seconds each.
Oct. 5, 1960; Mt. Kisko, New York. 7:37 p.m. Witness: E.G.
Crossland. One bright, star-like light moved across 120^ of sky
in 20 seconds.
Nov. 27, 1960; Chula Vista, California. 7:30 p.m. Witnesses:
Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Hart. One orange-red point of light made huge
circles and stopped during the 20-30 minute sighting.
Nov. 29, 1960; south of Kyushu, Japan. 6:38 p.m. Witnesses:
USAF Lt. Col. R.L. Blwlin (sp?) and Maj. F.B. Brown, flying a
T-33 jet trainer. One white light 8lowed and paralleled the
course of the T-33 for 10 minutes.
Feb, 27, 1961; Bark River, Michigan. 10:15 p.m. Witness: Mrs.
LaPalm. One fiery-red, round object, preceded by light rays,
slowed and descended, while her dog howled. Sighting lasted 10
Spring, 1961; Kemah, Texas. Case missing from official files.
April 24, 1961; 200 miles SW of San Francisco, California (35'
50' N., 125' 40 W.). 3:34 a.m. Witnesses: aircraft commander
Capt. H.J. Savoy and navigator lst Lt. M.W. Rand, on USAF RC-l2lD
patrol plane. One reddish-white, round object or light, similar
to satellite. Observed for 8 minutes.
May 22, 1961; Tyndall AFB, Florida. 4:30 p.m. Witnesses: Mrs.
A.J. Jones and Mrs. R.F. Davis. One big silver dollar disc
hovered and revolved, then suddenly disappeared after 15 minutes.
June 2, 1961; Miyako Jima, Japan. 10:17 P.m. Witnesses: lst
Lt. R.N. Monahan and Hazeltine Electric Co. technical
representative D.W. Mattison. One blue-white light flew erratic
course at varying speed, in an arc-like path for 5 minutes.
July 7, 1961; Copemish, Michigan. 11 p.m. Witness: waitress
Nannette Hilley. One large ball flew slow, split into four after
45 minutes. Four flew close formation, descended and flew away
to the west. Total sighting lasted 1 hour.
July ll, 1961; Springfield, Ohio. 7:45 p.m. Witnesses: ex-air
navigator G. Scott, Mrs. Scott, and neighbors. One round, bright
light like shiny aluminum, passed overhead in 20 minutes.
July 20, 1961; Houston, Texas. 88 a.m. Witnesses: Trans-Texas
Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather, flying DC-3, plus vague report from
ground radar. Two very bright white light or objects flew in
trail formation for 30 minutes.
Aug. 12, 1961; Kansas City, Kansas. 9 p.m. Witnesses: college
seniors J.B. Furkenhoff and Tom Phipps. One very large oval
object with a fin extending from one edge to the center; like a
sled with lighted car running boards. Hovered at 50' altitude
for 3-5 minutes, then flew straight up and east.
Nov. 21, 1961; Oldtown, Florida. 7:30 p.m. Witnesses: C.
Locklear and Helen Hatch. One round, red-orange object flew
straight up and faded after 3-4 minutes.
Nov. 23, 1961; Sioux City, Iowa. 9:30 p.m. Witness: F.
Braunger. One bright red star flew straight and level for 15
Dec. 13, 1961; Washington, D.C. 5:05 p.m. Witnesses: C.F.
Muncy, ex-U.S. Navy pilot W.J. Myers, and G. Weber. One dark
diamond-shaped object with a bright tip flew straight and level
for 1-3 minutes.
Feb. 25, 1962; Kotzbue, Alaska. 7:20 p.m. Witnesses: one U.S.
Army private, six anonymous civilians. One red light, trailed 30
seconds later by a blue light. Sighting lasted 5 minutes.
March l, 1962; Salem, New York. 10:35 p.m. Witness: Mrs. L.
Doxsey, 66. One gold-colored box, 12-14"x3-4", flew straight and
level across the horizon for 3-4 minutes.
March 26, 1962; Ramstein Air Base, West Germany. 1:35 p.m.
Witness: USAF Capt. J.M. Lowery, from an unspecified aircraft.
One thin, cylindrical object--l/3 snout, 2/3 tail fins--flew at
an estimated Mach 2.7 (2,000 m.p.h.) for 5-8 seconds.
March 26, 1962; Naperville, Illinois. 11:40 p.m. Witnesses:
Mrs. D. Wheeler, Claudine Milligan. Six or eight red balls,
arranged in a rectangular formation, became two objects with
lights by the end of the 15 minute sighting.
March 26, 1962; Westfield, Massachusette. 10:45 p.m. Witnesses:
many unidentified young people. One large red ball flew or fell
down, then went back up during 3-10 minute sighting. Note: May
April 4, 1962; Wurtland, Kentucky. 0150Z. Witnesses: G.R.
Wells and J. Lewis, using 117x telescope. One small object
changing brightness, gave off smoke but remained stationary like
a comet for 6 minutes. Case missing from official files.
June 21, 1962; Indianapolis, Indiana. 4 a.m. Witnesses: Lt.
Col. H. King and tail gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy
jet bomber. Three bright, star-like lights: one seen; 10
seconds later, two more were seen. Total sighting took 3
June 30, 1962; Richmond, Virginia. 9 a.m. Witness: 13 year old
Meadors. One red, star-like light seen for an unspecified length
of time. No further details in files.
July 19, 1962. Bayhead, New Jersey. 9:30 p.m. Witnesses: C.T.
Loftus, H. Wilbert. Four or five lights darted about the sky for
7-10 minutes.
July 29, 1962; Ocean Springs, Mississippi. 11:20 p.m.
Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Barton. One bright cherry-red,
diamond-shaped object flew slow, hovered, made fast 1/2 loops for
l0 minutes.
Aug. 18, 1962; Bermuda. 5 p.m. Witnesses: owner M. Sheppard
and chief announcer A. Seymour of radio station. Three
dull-white, egg-shaped objects wavered as they moved for 20
Sept. 21, 1962; WSW of Biloxi, Mississippi, in the Gulf of
Mexico. 7:37 p.m. Witness: fishing boat captain S.A. Guthrie.
Two objects, red and black with orange streaks, one as big as the
Moon, and the other smaller. Arced across the sky for 13
Oct. 23, 1962; Farmington, Utah. 3 p.m. Witness: R.O.
Christensen. One grey and silver ball, trailing what looked like
twine with two knots in it, swerved, and climbed away at a 45'
angle, making a sound like a flock of ducks (rushing air).
Twenty seconds.
Nov. 17, 1962; Tampa, Florida. 99 p.m. Witness: F.L. Swindale,
college graduate and ex-USMC Capt. Three bright star-like lights
approached, hovered and bounced, then faded after 11-15 minutes.
May 18, 1953; New Plymouth, New Zealand. 10:30 p.m. Witness:
C.S. Chapman, 15. One white, fuzzy, flashing light hovered and
darted around for 4 minutes.
May 22, 1963; Pequannock, New Jersey. 10:45 p.m. Witness: Myra
Jackson. Four pink wheels spun or rolled very fast from east to
west in succession, each taking about 1 second.
June 15, 1963; 200 miles north of Venezuela (14* 27' N., 69* 57'
E.). 10:39 a.m. Witness: 3rd Mate R.C. Chamberlin, of S/
Thetis. One luminous disc travelled at 1.5 times the speed of
satellite for 3-4 minutes.
Summer, 1963; Middletown, New York. 9:30 or 10 p.m. Witness:
Grace Dutcher. Eight-ten lights moved at random, then in an oval
formation, then singly, during the 1 minute sighting.
July 1, 1963; Glen Ellyn, Illinois. 8 p.m. Witness: R.B.
Stiles, ll, using a theodolite. One light, the size of a match
head at arm's length, flashed and moved around the sky for 1.5
Aug. 11, 1963; Warrenville, Illinois. 10 p.m. Witness: R.M.
Boersma. One light moved around the sky for 20 seconds.
Aug. 13, 1963; St. Gallen, Switzerland. 8:04 p.m. Witness:
A.F. Schelling. One fireball became a dark object after 4
minutes, and then a bigger glow, a minute later, and finally
exploded. Note: same witness had another, undescribed, sighting
on Aug. 14
Sept. 14, 1963; Susanville, California. 3:15 p.m. Witness:
E.A. Grant, veteran of 37 years training forest fire lookouts for
the U.S. Forest Service. One round object intercepted a long
object and either attached itself to the latter or disappeared.
Sighting lasted l0 minutes.
Sept. 15, 1963; Vandalia, Ohio. 66 p.m. Witness: Mrs. F.E.
Roush. Two very bright gold objects--one shaped like a banana
and the other like an ear of corn--one remained stationary, the
other moved from west to north during 10 minutes,
Oct. 4, 1963; Bedford, Ohio. 3:32 p.m. Witness: R.E.
Carpenter, 15. One intense oblong light with tapered ends and
surrounded by an aqua haze, flashed and flickered while
stationary for 15 seconds.
--------Continued in Bluebook Part 6 ---------------------------------
-* Don Allen *- // Only | Are you ready for SETI?
Internet: dona@bilver.uucp \X/ Amiga | Oct 12,1992 - ET comes to NM
UUCP: .........uunet!peora!bilver!dona | The *real* "October Surprise"
Psi-Tech and alien brain-wave research -- Whats going on at Los Alamos?