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Operation Right To Know FORUM Newsletter, Vol.1, No. 4
September/October 1992
Posted at the request of Operation Right To Know
³ Witnesses Claim They Saw Aliens at U.S. Bases ³
³ ³
³By Elaine Douglass ³
³ ³
³The U.S. government has a close working relationship with ³
³alien beings, three unnamed witnesses told a California ³
³radio station in a program aired in June. ³
³ ³
³ The four-hour program, produced and broadcast by KPFA-FM ³
³in Berkeley, Calif., ranged widely over the UFO topic, but ³
³the most explosive segments were the testimony of a ³
³construction contractor who said he saw aliens at Edwards ³
³Air Force Base and at the China Lake Naval Weapons facility ³
³in California; the testimony of a man who described ³
³"saucers" being launched from a Northrop facility near ³
³Edwards; and a woman's second-hand account of a meeting ³
³between aliens and U.S. military officers. ³
³ ³
³ Moreover, it now appears that KPFA's voice in the ³
³UFO area has been silenced. Although in June the program ³
³producer Ralph Steiner promised additional coverage of the ³
³UFO issue in future broadcasts, inquires from the Forum were³
³met with this blunt message from Mr. Steiner: "Do not re- ³
³broadcast the tape. Persons whose testimony is on the tape ³
³have been threatened and their lives are in danger." ³
³Subsequent inquiries from The Forum to Mr. Steiner have gone³
³unanswered. ³
³ ³
³ The Forum has obtained a tape of the KPFA broadcast. What ³
³follows is a summary and excerpts from witness No. 1. The ³
³testimony of witness No. 2 and No. 3 will be discussed in ³
³Part Two of this article next issue. ³
³ ³
³ According to the KPFA broadcast, the interviews were ³
³conducted in April 1991 in communities surrounding Edwards ³
³Air Force Base in the Antelope Valley of Southern ³
³California. Witness No. 1 described himself as a Vietnam ³
³veteran, former Green Beret, military medal-holder, and a ³
³licensed general contractor who has worked on construction ³
³projects at Chuna Lake and at Nellis, Scott, Edwards, and ³
³Andrews Air Force Bases. The projects, the witness said, ³
³were "mostly underground." ³
³ ³
³* Underground Structures, Alien Beings ³
³ ³
³ Each of these facilities has extensive underground ³
³installations, and they are "definitely not normal ³
³military structures," the witness said. He described ³
³4-foot thick concrete walls and electronically-con-trolled ³
³oval-shaped doorways. ³
³ ³
³ "In one building I worked on at Edwards, called Haystack ³
³Buttes, it took us over 5 minutes to get from the top to the³
³bottom by elevator," the witness said. "We estimated it was ³
³30 stories deep." It was here that the witness first saw an ³
³alien. "We were walking down a hall," the witness said, ³
³"and these doors opened and there was a very particular ³
³person or things that caught my eye for an instant. This man³
³was over seven feet tall. I'd say between 8 and 9 to 10 ³
³feet, wearing a lab jacket and talking to two [human] ³
³engineers. ³
³ ³
³ "This man's arms were almost down to his knees! It threw ³
³me into shock," the witness said. "And then the doors ³
³closed. Security saw us and told us to get out of there. ³
³Next day I walked off the job," the witness said. ³
³ ³
³ Asked if the being he saw was a human, the witness ³
³replied, "Definitely not. He had big slanted eyes. A big ³
³head. Fingers were extremely long. Greenish skin." The ³
³witness said he saw the being for "just a couple of seconds.³
³Three-quarters of its face is what I saw and I said, this ³
³guy would make a hell of a basketbail player!" ³
³ ³
³* One Witness Scared, the Other Dead ³
³ ³
³The witness said his co-worker " 'bout died" when he too saw³
³the being. The witness compared the height of the being to ³
³the height of the humans standing next to it. He said he ³
³knew one of the humans, whose height he estimated at 6 feet ³
³6 inches. ³
³ ³
³ Witness No. 1 described a second encounter with aliens. He ³
³said he and co-workers saw "greys" at the China Lake naval ³
³facility. ³
³ ³
³ "They [security] thought we had left--me and two other ³
³guys. But we decided to stay over and finish this job. We ³
³walked past a hangar and we could see through a window," the³
³witness said. ³
³ ³
³ "One of the guys I was with, Paul, he saw them first. He ³
³said, 'Come here! Hurry up! I want to show you sometning!' ³
³And we looked in the window and there's these four little ³
³grey guys about 3 feet tall. ³
³ ³
³ "Right then, security saw us and they told us, 'We ³
³thought you guys left.' And they escorted us and said, ³
³'You're not allowed around this hangar. This hangar is off- ³
³limits to everybody. You'll get yourself shot.' ³
³ ³
³ "And it messed with Paul's mind so much that every chance ³
³he got he snuck over there. He finally got caught and was ³
³kicked off the base. About three months later they found him³
³mysteriously dead in Orange County. This kinda put a scare ³
³in me. I know why not to mess with something," the witness ³
³said. ³
³ ³
³ "After that I said, Ain't nobody pulling the blanket over ³
³my head any more. l know what's going on now. l know what I ³
³saw at Edwards is real. Somebody's playing games with us," ³
³the witness said. ³
³ ³
³ It should be noted that KPFA is one of five "Pacifica" ³
³stations, the first of which was founded in the late 1940s. ³
³The Pacifica stations, in New York, berkeley, Los Angeles, ³
³Fresno, and Washington, D.C., are alternahve, non-commercial³
³and listener-sponsored, with a long tradition of political ³
³activism and precedent-making First Amendment struggles. ³
³ ³
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