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Date: 06-09Ä92 (10:39) Number: 3859 of 4132
Conf: UFO (1) Read Type: GENERAL (+)
Thanks for the detailed reply. But I am a little confused.
> Coverup by Phil Imbrogno
Is this a book about the Hudson Sightings?
> Make no mistake about it,there is a real unkown object in New York's
> Hudson Valley.
What do you mean by a "real unknown object"? Everything that you
describe below is of terrrestrial origin. In fact while the facts are
very interesting, I see nothing there that has to do with
extraterrestrail craft, aliens, etc It all sounds like a CIA training
center for operations like gun running etc. Not having military
experience I am not sure, but "Restricted" does not seem like very high
level secrecy or security. Many things on military bases are restricted,
and the response to the journalist's intrusion seems completely normal
to me, especially if the CIA is operating there. No need to introduce
the UFO theme. Even the cattle mutilation idea is speculation. If the
USDA is transporting infected cattle for example what better thing to
do with them than keep them in a government area.
I am not criticizing the research or facts, in fact I am very impressed
by them, but I just don't see why we should assume that UFOs are
involved, except in so far as the flights are mistaken for them.
-- Michael Thomas
>Since the publication of NIGHT SIEGE there has been a
>regular appearance of a formation of planes over New York and Connecticut.
>Members of our research team have spotted them on numerous occasions. These
>planes were also observed in binoculars by several independent witnesses.
>We had these people draw the outline of the shapes of the planes that they
>saw. The drawings were all very similar,so we sent them to two pilots that
>we know. One is a ex-military pilot,the other a ex-commercial pilot who
>used to fly missions for the CIA.All of our aircraft experts and our two
>pilots agree that the desgin was that of an O-2 type aircraft. The O-2 is a
>medium duty aircraft with a single engine. It is made by Cessna Aircraft.
>It is capable of long range and is used by the CIA for surveillance
>missions. It has a very quiet "souped up" engine and the newer models have
>on board flight computers in them for greater stability in the air. We have
>reports that as many as eight planes were seen flying together in a tight
>formation with the winds gusting up to twenty-five miles an hour!
> They seem to be trying to fake a UFO and many people feel that it is an
>attempt to discredit the sightings and to try to convince everyone that all
>they saw was a bunch of planes. These planes have been seen only on a
>Thursday night,the official night the Airforce flies night manuvers. They
>have been seen all over Southern New York and most of Connecticut.
> They fly for about two hours and then they land,but where? They have been
>seen circling Stormville Airport in Stormville, New York giving the
>impression that they are going to land there. They then break formation and
>head West(One plane has been reported landing at Stormville then taking off
>again). On more than one occasion they have been tracked to Stewart
>International airport(an old airforce SAC base) in Newburgh New York.
>Stewart is located West of the Hudson River not far from I-84. The base is
>official operated by the Air National Guard and the Marine Corps. The
>planes then land,one at a time over a period of one hour,but not on the
>main part of the base. They seem to lad on a isolated section of Stewart
>which is a very large airport.
> Our resaerch team visted Steward airport and found an isolated fenced off
>large airfield away from the main landing area marked "RESTRICTED" The
>Restricted area had a well kept flight line and grounds. On the grounds
>were several buildings which looked like hangers large enough to harbor
>several planes of medium size. For the several hours that we were there we
>saw no activity at all.
> We filed a Freedom Of Information Act request(FOIA) with the CIA to find
>out if the CIA was in fact using this area for some type of operation using
>small aircraft.We received an answer several weeks later from the CIA. In a
>lenthly double talking letter the CIA denied our request for information
>about their activities at Stewart. The reason they gave was National
>Security. This denial in our eyes is an admission that the planes do in
>fact belong to the CIA. It is also apparent that the pilots who fly these
>planes are expert military type pilots with years of experience in
>formation flying.
> What was going on in this restricted area? I was contacted by a member of
>the local Newburgh New York media. This person told me that about six
>months before our visit to Stewart he found the restricted area on the
>base, became curious and started to walk toward the inside perimeter.
>Out of nowhere a jeep came screaming to a halt and three military
>police (Airforce) got out of the jeep and took him by force to a building
>just inside the gate. He was placed in a room that was dimly lite with just
>a table and chair. After about fifteen minutes two men entered the room
>dresssed in dark suits and began to question him. They had a computer print
>out in their hands and it had his name on it. He told me that they knew
>everything about him.
> After about one hour of questions,they then called his supervisor at his
>Job to pick him up. They then placed him in a jeep and took him to the
>public area of Stewart Airfield. This member of the media is a newsperson
>in the Newburgh area and does not want his name used at all in regards to
>the experience he had at the restricted area at Stewart. He is still
>fearful that who ever they were that questioned him might be keeping an eye
>on him. He told me that he felt they were with the CIA and they meant
>During our investigation concerning this restricted area at Stewart we
>found out that the base now harbors several C-5A's the largest transport
>jet that our Airforce has. We also found out from personnel at the base
>that these C-5A's landed on the restricted airfield several years ago and
>cargo was unloaded. We also found out through a document search that the
>Ait National Guard is no longer officialy running the un-restricted area of
>the base. It is now under the command of the Navy and the Marines are
>running it and have been since 1973! This was strange since when we visted
>Stewart we saw Airforce personnel there and even had a talk with a
>Master Sergent.
> We also found out that the Department of Agriculture was also using a
>section of the restricted area. After a great deal of getting the run
>around we found out that they are using the area for a holding place for
>animals. We found out that a great deal of cattle and other animals were
>flown in to this area. We are still waiting for documents from the USDA
>explaining where the animals are coming from, why cattle and where are
>they going from there. Of course when we found out that cattle were being
>flown into this area the thought of cattle mutilations crossed our minds.
>What was the strange conection with the mutilations and the UFOS. What was
>the connection between the restricted area at Stewart, the CIA, the
>mystery planes and the USDA and the cattle.
Origin: The FORUM BBS, Ithaca, NY 607-272-1371 1:260/460 (1:260/460)
Date: 06-10Ä92 (06:40) Number: 4013 of 4132
Conf: UFO (1) Read Type: GENERAL (+)
]pilots agree that the desgin was that of an O-2 type aircraft. The O-2 is a
]medium duty aircraft with a single engine. It is made by Cessna Aircraft.
]It is capable of long range and is used by the CIA for surveillance
]missions. It has a very quiet "souped up" engine and the newer models have
]on board flight computers in them for greater stability in the air.We have
]reports that as many as eight planes were seen flying together in a tight
formation with the winds gusting up to twenty-five miles an hour!
Keep in mind that the O-2 is actually a twin engine aircraft. It is the
military version of the Cessna "Skymaster" with one engine mounted in the
nose, and one mounted pointing aft, between the two tail booms. It is not a
high-tech aircraft at all, but merely a utility/liason aircraft used for
Forward Air Control duties in Vietnam. An on-board flight computer for
"stability" is highly unlikely, although the type of formation flying
discussed in this article could be accomplished with NO PROBLEM by any
proficient military pilot, especially in an aircraft flying at moderate
(such as would be flown in the O-2 - well under 300 mph).
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