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Copyright 1991 - Steven M. Greer, M.D.
For more than a decade a debate has been raging among UFO investigators and
theorists regarding the true nature of UFOs. Typically, this debate is divided
between those who regard UFOs as 'nuts and bolts' spacecraft (usually of
extraterrestial origin) and those who feel UFOs defy purely physical
descriptions and are actually an 'inter-dimensional' phenomenon. On the side
of the 'nuts and bolts' argument are the well documented electromagnetic
effects, landing traces, radar evidence and retrieval of actual crashed
spacecraft and their occupants, among others. Proponents of the "inter-
dimensional' theory cite a number of extraordinary aspects of the phenomenon,
including rapid appearance-disappearance (materialization-dematerialization?)
of craft, associated levitation, telepathy and telekinesis and other related
events. Both sides of this debate hold that there is compelling evidence
supporting one viewpoint or the other, and at times significant rancor has
accompanied these debates.
Could it be that BOTH are correct?
The reconciliation of these two views is possible by employing a comprehensive
paradigm of reality which does not fragment 'physical' from 'other dimensional'
but which instead replaces the either/or argument with 'and/and'. That the
predominant western bias for dualism, separatism, and reductionism has been
applied to UFOlogy, as well as other areas of study, does not mean that such
a perspective in any way reflects reality. We are accustomed to speaking of
mind-body, material-spiritual, physical-non-physical as though a real
separation exists, when in actuality such distinctions are convenient, though
linear, mental constructs. The discussion of 'other dimensions' assumes that,
indeed there are other dimensions which are somehow separate from this
dimension, whatever this dimension IS.
In fact, what is this 'dimension'? It seems certain that we will be confounded
in our attempts at understanding the UFO phenomenon so long as we lack a
comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of humans, for if UFOs are 'more
than just nuts and bolts', then just as certainly humans are more than mere
flesh and blood. COnversely, if humans are more than mere flesh and blood,
then it is just as certain that UFOs and their occupants are more than flesh
and blood flying around in metal craft of some sort. The truth is found in
transcending the old 'either/or' arguments and seeing that the manifestations
of the UFO phenomenon can be viewed in an integrated way which includes both
the nuts and bolts physical as well as the 'other dimensional' aspects. Such
a unified theory or perspective requires a holistic paradigm as well as a
comprehensive understanding of what it means to be HUMAN, since many of the
obscure aspects of the UFO phenomenon are illuminated by the apprehension of
the reality of man.
Just as the full spectrum of light involves both seen and unseen elements,
so also the full spectrum of reality involves aspects which are seen and
unseen. This spectrum is, in fact a continuum, or an integrated reality, and
the distinction of seen and unseen is an artificial contrivance wholly
dependent on the perception of the individual. That X-ray radiation went
undetected by humans for thousands of years does not mean that it did not
exist as part of the electromagnetic spectrum until its 'discovery'!
Similarly, the spectrum of reality is comprised of aspects which are both
seen and 'unseen', at least from one level of perception or consciousness. That
there are aspects to reality which are not as commonly perceived as others does
not in any way compromise the integration of reality itself. For purposes of
analysis and verbilization, it is convenient to divide reality into variously
described components, but in so doing we must be careful not to confuse these
artificial conventions with reality itself. Conventional means of knowing, of
analysis and communication have innate limitations which unfortunately
become determinants of what we hold reality to be. But the full spectrum of
reality transcends these conventions, and is whole, complete and uninterrupted;
it is present in its entirety here and now, no matter how fragmented and
partial our perception of it may be. Our predisposition to compartmentalize
mind/body, material/'spiriual', physical/transcendent is convenient yet false;
it is at once an over-simplification and a complex confusion of reality.
One of the great challenges, and thus blessings, of the UFO phenomenon is the
coexistence of dramatic and often seemingly opposing manifestations of UFOs. I
believe that these perplexing aspects of the phenomenon hold the greatest
lessons to be learned not only about UFOs but about reality itself. The
coexistence of advanced material technology with advanced 'mind technology'
indicates that we are dealing with beings who have explored and integrated
the full spectrum of reality more fully than human civilization has. Put
another way, UFOs represent not so much beings from another dimension as they
do beings (and craft) which operate in a broader aspect of the spectrum of
reality. That is, the full spectrum of reality includes not only the material
and physical laws and 'laws of consciousness or mind' not yet fully understood
or utilized by most humans. In this way we may view UFOs and their occupants as
examples of beings who are utilizing a somewhat more expanded spectrum than we
humans have yet mastered; but the difference is a matter of DEGREE and not of
fundamental reality. From this perspective, we should hav eno problem
integrating the clear evidence of the physical reality of UFOs such as landing
traces, radar detection and the like with more extraordinary evidence such as
telepathy, levitation and rapid materialization. Given the pace of human
development in the last 100 years, we should not be too surprised if extra-
terrestial beings 1000, 5000,000, or 1 million years more advanced than us
should have explored and placed into practical application aspects of the full
spectrum of reality beyond our current mastery. Indeed, we should be
astonished if this was not the case!
All of this would be less astonishing if we would look to the extraordinary
capacities which we know humans possess. The 'science of consciousness', while
yet embryonic as a field of formal study, has documented those aspects of the
spectrum of reality pertaining to mind or consciousness. Both ancient and
modern writings testify to the existence of human mental capabilities which
approximante the most extraordinary reports from UFO encounters. Telepathy,
precognition, though projection and even levitation are all aspects of the
human experience which have been documented throughout the ages. Recent
research into telepathy, thought projection, and precognition would indicate
that these experiences are not so uncommon as conventional wisdom would have us
believe. If humans possess physical bodies and physical craft and yet are able
to manifest extraordinary mental capabilities, why should we be perplexed if
somewhat more advanced beings from elsewhere in the universe have physical
bodies and physical craft and are able to utilize consciousness as we would
As physics and other sciences evolve, we find that the once clear line between
mind and matter becomes rather tenuous, if not obliterated altogether. We are
reaching the point where further advances in the physical sciences will
require concomitant advances in the realm of consciousness or mind. At that
point, we will find that the interface between mind and matter, physical and
transcendent is in reality a matter of perception and dependent on the level
of consciousness of the perceiver. Our perplexity over the UFO phenomenon is
in part due to a lack of insight into what it means to be human, of the
dynamics of mind and consciousness, and a strange addiction to the neat and
hypnotic seperation between mind and matter, science and religion, objective
and subjective. Such fragmentation is a monster of our own devising, and can
be inclusive, holistic, and unified. In this we find the greatest challenge
and the greatest lesson in the UFO phenomenon. May we not fail in this
In its greatest sense, the full spectrum of reality is another way of
saying 'God', and therefore is infinite and all-inclusive. While each
generation of scientists and philosophers regard their current knowledge as
the apex of all learning, just as surely the next generation will surpass it.
We will not exhaust the full spectrum of reality in this generation, nor in
the next. But the path of exploration will remain open only to the extent that
we hold our minds open to an ever-expanding reality. For just as sonn as we
think we know it all, or say "Aha! That's it!", we limit our progress and
throw a road block onto the path of knowledge. Those scientists who hold that
UFOs could not possibly be extraterrestial spacecraft simply because humans
have not yet unraveled the laws of physics allowing them to get from 'there'
to 'here' fail to understand that MOST of even physical reality and its laws
have yet to be comprehended by humans. And those UFOlogists who dismiss
evidence of extraordinary mental capacities of extraterrestials (or for that
matter humans) fail to appreciate the reality of man, of consciousness and
mind, and have blinded themselves to a very large and significant aspect of the
spectrum of reality. Such foibles are, in fact, a modern day reenactment of the
sun-revolves-around-the-earth episode of a bygone era. We must remember that a
mere 200 years ago, lasers performing surgery and holograms at amusement parks
would have been considered magic, other worldly, even witchcraft! Therefore,
we should not be dismayed that others are able to traverse interstellar (or
should we say intrAstellar) space, or that they might manipulate matter and
gravity even as we would alter atoms and genes. We should be similarly open
to the probability that they might use a thought as adeptly as we would use a
telephone or alter matter by mind as easily as psychiatrists alter mind by
matter. Ultimately, then, the limiting factor in our comprehension of reality
in general and the UFO phenomenon in particular is the opennes, breadth, and
depth of our own consciousness. The old ways of thinking will fail us here, for
we are bumping up against the limits of what linear reality and linear
thinking will allow. Like never before, our progress is dependent on the
evolution of our own consciousness, and our consciousness is dependent on
what our will allows.
And so we should have no difficulty accepting that structured material craft
occupied by physical beings are able to demonstrate both physical and so
called iner-dimensional characteristics. For we are also inter-dimensional
beings, and are not limited to the physical plane alone, and our differences
are more a matter of degree than anything essential. It is most likely that
both humans and other conscious beings potentially have open to them the full
spectrum of reality, and the differences observed are due to the extent to
which this potential is realized. We should not be dismayed that one group
appreciates this spectrum more fully than another; on the contrary such a
realization is cause for celebration, not alarm. Our task is to be open to
the full spectrum of reality, in all of its manifestations, and to grow in our
appreciation of it. If we do this, our progress will be unlimited.
As we contemplate the various aspects of UFO evidence, we owuld be well-served
to keep in mind the full spectrum of reality, all that is known and all that
is potentially unknown. While most humans yet hold to linear processes and
dualistic ways of perceiving reality, it seems clear that the extraterrestial
beings responsible for UFO events do not. The unified, full spectrum of
reality which includes, in an elegantly integrated whole, the total range of
physical and transcendent, mind and matter, is open to exploration by
humans as well as other beings in the universe. We are potentially as inter-
dimensional as they; our only limitations are those which we place upon
ourselves. Perhaps then the ultimate meaning of the UFO phenomenon is that
it serves to move us towards the next quantum jump in human evolution,
towards the realization of the full unifed spectrum of reality.
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