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³[Note: the following article is provided by "NM MUFON News" ³
³Volume 1, #9 - September 1993. NM MUFON News, PO Box 2786 ³
³Corrales, NM 87048. 12 issues = $12 subscription. ³
³ ³
³Editor - Carolyn Duce-Ashe, PO Box 2786 ³
³ Corrales, NM 87048 (505) 897-7075 ³
³ ³
³Producer - Debby Stark, 611 Lead SW. #918 ³
³ Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 242-6258 ³
³ Permission granted for public cross-posting ³
³ ³
³ ³
³by Carolyn Duce-Ashe ³
³ ³
³The final week of August proved inhospitable to New ³
³Mexicans and "aliens" alike as thunderstorms and flash ³
³floods drenched most of the state. Despite the weather, ³
³several MUFON field investigators and myself sat in a truck ³
³near Chaco Canyon watching the cloudy skies for most of the ³
³night, Saturday, August 28. (Of course, Chaco was just a ³
³guess as to the location of Site Two; northern New Mexico is³
³a huge area!) We saw some interesting ground lights, between³
³downpours, but saw nothing "alien" as far as we could tell. ³
³The beautiful pink-red sunset had promised better. ³
³ ³
³Ed Dames had told me that the predicted "Event" would ³
³happen the last weekend in August when I talked to him by ³
³phone on August 23. He also said at the time that the ³
³malfunction of the Mars Observer was "directly linked to the³
³Event." More on the Mars connection later in this article. ³
³ ³
³I survived the wet weekend and by the middle of the ³
³following week was beginning to wonder if I would indeed ³
³hear from Dames, who had said he would keep me informed. ³
³There had been no worldwide announcement of any "event" ³
³other than the usual wars, disasters and depressingly ³
³familiar goings-on of life on this planet. (Here in ³
³Albuquerque, a section of the Alameda Bridge dropped a ³
³foot--reminiscent of John Keel/Mothman, but probably a ³
³coincidence.) A paradigm shift sure would be great about ³
³now, I thought. But hoping for a change hadn't made it ³
³happen. And researchers were calling me from all over the ³
³country asking for the latest news. ³
³ ³
³Then, at 9:30 p.m. on September 2, Ed Dames called to ³
³explain the situation. ³
³ ³
³According to him the "Event" had happened, despite the ³
³weather, but the "announcement" would be delayed for 5 or 6 ³
³weeks. He said that there is much more going on than anyone ³
³can imagine and it's incredibly beautiful! The timing of the³
³"announcement" crucial; it will be made by a very high ³
³authority, one of three in the world--an important world ³
³figure, trusted and recognizable to all and "higher up than ³
³President Clinton." ³
³ ³
³He said he is working with some contacts within MUFON "who ³
³will be told." As for Debby and I, he added, "You're my ³
³neighbors," and "We're all in this together in New Mexico." ³
³He thanked the NM MUFON News staff for the accurate job of ³
³reporting we've done to date and assured me, your editor, ³
³that he was telling me as much as he could, since it was ³
³"not his job to announce anything, " that the announcement ³
³must come from higher sources, someone who the world would ³
³trust and believe to announce "strange things." ³
³When I asked him to elaborate on the nature of these ³
³"strange things," he said that "the average person would be ³
³scared to death" to see what's happening. Regular people ³
³want contact, but when the real thing happens, it can be ³
³more frightening than they can imagine and unpleasant ³
³personal physiologic reactions can occur. He added that the ³
³situation was very scary and very serious and "the alien ³
³hybrids desperately need to be taken care of." ³
³ ³
³I said, "So it's happening now--" "And will be going on for ³
³quite some time," Ed confirmed. "This is just the beginning ³
³of a series of events...You have my word that things are ³
³happening." ³
³ ³
³Regarding the recently defunct Mars Observer, Ed said that ³
³the malfunction was "directly related to the 'event' since ³
³Mars is key in the martian/alien/New Mexico scenario that ³
³has been ongoing for millions of years." Last year Ed Dames ³
³predicted that the Mars Observer would be lost or interfered³
³with when it arrived at Mars, and he told officials at NASA ³
³at that time. A researcher I know says that he heard Ed ³
³Dames make that claim last year. According to Dames, he is ³
³now working on the problem with people at JPL in Pasadena ³
³and the U.S. Air Force. NASA, he says, "is arrogant and ³
³won't tell the truth... but the Air Force knows what is ³
³going on." Several years ago the Russian Phobos II ³
³spacecraft mysteriously failed to respond to orders, as, ³
³more recently, did the NOAA-13 polar-orbiting weather ³
³satellite. And now the Mars Observer is defunct and it's due³
³to alien intervention, according to Dames. ³
³ ³
³Will we ever really know what is going on with the Space ³
³program? I hope so. Presumably, this will be part of the ³
³information included in the "announcement" when it is made ³
³(around the middle of October?). ³
³ ³
³Editorial Opinion ³
³ ³
³Why is Ed Dames going out on a limb with this alien/Mars ³
³stuff? Concerning this, Ed said he would rather not be doing³
³this but that the "Transcendentals" are in charge and ³
³"calling the shots" ! He admitted he's had his "nose to the ³
³grindstone" and he's "bloody in the face" from being too ³
³close to it all. And he confided that right now he'd "love ³
³to get out of this" because there's been a lot of risk... ³
³"but it's a labor of love...I wasn't prepared for the purity³
³and innocence of the races we are dealing with--it's just so³
³wonderful and beautiful," he said. ³
³ ³
³Well, so now it seems we must continue to wait to see what ³
³happens. Personally, I'm willing to be patient, but many ³
³people I know are fed up with waiting for the "Big Event." ³
³There have been so many disappointments throughout the ³
³years--and hoaxes and disinformation abound in the UFO field³
³(skies). What we need is PROOF, but, for now, we only have ³
³Ed Dames' word to go on.... So, anyway, stay tuned! We'll ³
³report more in next month's newsletter. ³
³ ³
³=END= ³
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