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March 1989 UFO Reports
3/01 UNION CITY, OH. 8:03 PM CE1 Two witnesses
While driving home, two witnesses saw triangular shaped object
stationary in the sky, about halfway between their car and their hse.
Car was about quarter mile from hse at time. Witnesses stopped car
and stared in disbelief. Described as "gigantic" 5 to 6 xs larger
than hse, 95 ft. long. Object passed overhaed at about 40 ft. Sur-
face looked "very metallic". Rumbling sound. 10 minutes.
3/02 BEDFORD, NY. 9:15 PM CE1 Single witness
Triangular shaped craft, twice as big as 747 with lights on the bot-
tom. Remained in stationary position about 1000 ft. away at low al-
titude for about 30 seconds before it moved away.
3/02 SHRUB OAK, NY. 9:35 PM CE2 Single witness
Gigantic (as big as two football fields) boomerang-shaped craft with
a series of brilliant lights in front stops 50 feet over baseball
field by witnesses house. Witness shone flashlite at object and it
turned away. No sound except dogs barking. Object circled about 50 ft.
overhead and witness felt a strong cold airmass. Trees were blowing.
Witness thought that it had only been about 20 minutes but he arrived
home at 10:30 PM.
3/17 BISHOP, CA. 5:30 PM CE1 Two witnesses
Silver, oblong object, shaped like fuselage, black canopy on top in
front with what appeared to be black windows on the side, big as 747,
moving fast and reflected sunlight. Increased speed and left. 30 sec.
3/18 CUDAHY, WI. 8:45 PM CE1 Single witness
Gray cigar-shaped object almost overhead, surrounded by shimmering
lite. Craft about 1000 ft. in air. Went into vertical climb and left
in seconds. Duration: 10 seconds.
3/27 KEYSVILLE, GA. 7:15 PM CE1 Two witnesses
Round yellowish-white light about 12 ft. in diameter, giving off a
"buzzing" sound, moves towards witnesses just above the ground. Light
suddenly stopped 50 ft. from their home. Went into a vertical climb
and was out of sight in seconds.
3/28 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 1:29 PM NL Two witnesses
Huge, shiny, gold sphere straek across northern sky, west to east.
Visible against a blue sky. No trail.
3/29 CAPE CORAL, FL. 6:35 PM NL Single witness
Triangular formation of bright white lights emerge from dark clouds.
In sight, 25 to 30 seconds. Appeared not to be attached to structure.