2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Archive-name: 3plus/a_swap.txt
Archive-title: A Swap
Jeri and I had been married for about ten years, and most of our
relationship had been great. We enjoyed most of the same things:
music, sports, movies, sex. We made love often, and it was
usually super. Nevertheless, I had always had this nagging
feeling that she was not being completely satisfied by our
lovemaking. Still, I had to admit that she almost always seemed
to reach orgasm, particularly when I took her clit in my lips and
licked back and forth across it as fast as my tongue could go. I
could see her tummy muscles tighten in spasms as she groaned
faster and faster until she cried out and then relaxed, becoming
all soft and warm. Her climaxes were similar when I pushed my
cock in as far and as fast and as hard as I could, but those
orgasms were not as intense (at least I wasn't sure). As a
result of this concern, I began to wonder whether I might be
falling some what "short" in fulfilling her sexual needs.
As time passed, I began to develop a fantasy as to how to test my
theory that Jeri would be more satisfied by a bigger cock. At
first I thought about getting one of those giant dildoes I'd seen
in the porno store, but decided that that would have been so
obvious as to negate the value of the test results. The only
true test would be for Jeri to think that I was fucking her, but
with a bigger cock. However, at least so far, there were no
hospitals providing dick enlargement operations, so that meant
that if I was ever going to find out, I would have to find
someone else (with a really big dick) to fuck Jeri while she
thought it was me!
Where does one begin to recruit someone for this sort of a plan?
I couldn't go to a night club and "pick up" someone. It had to
be someone I could trust, someone safe, and someone "hung".
There were plenty of guys at work that would love to get their
dick in Jeri, but there's the old saying about "don't shit in you
own backyard" that made co-workers out of the question. So what
to do?
It was about this time that an old friend from my high school
days called to say he was back in town and would like to get
together and renew our friendship. I didn't put the two
situations together at first, but when Mel and I began
reminiscing about out days together on the Tennis team, I
remembered why I had envied him. As I recalled, Mel's prick was
as big soft as mine had been hard, although we never made a
direct comparison. I thought that he was very probably (at least
physically) what I needed to fulfill my fantasy "test."
As Mel and I talked, I learned that he was recently separated
from his wife, and that they were going to get a divorce. He
stated his displeasure at reentering the dating scene, saying
that all the really great women had already found someone and
gotten married or were at least living with someone. He also
confided that he had once had a desire to pursue Jeri, but that I
had "beaten him out". This was almost too unlikely to believe,
but what the hell, I decided to give it a try and see how far I
could make this go. Could I really let another man fuck my wife?
Over the next several weeks, we had Mel over for dinner and we
went out to the movies together a few times. Jeri fixed him up
with some of her girlfriends from work, but nothing clicked. All
the while, I was making casual hints about Jeri and me to Mel,
trying to see if he showed any interest, He seemed genuinely
concerned about us, and I felt more comfortable all the time
about revealing my fantasy to him.
One night, after dinner, as we were having a drink, and Jeri was
on the phone with a friend, I decided to open the door on my soul
a little wider. I asked Mel to confirm that he still found Jeri
attractive, which he did. I then began to explain my concerns
about our physical relationship. He understood, and joked that
"all you pencil-peters have that fear." "Thanks a lot", I
answered. "You're a big help." "Well, what the fuck can I do
about it?", he asked. "Look Mel, you and I have gotten pretty
close, and I think I can tell you something in confidence without
fear of your having a bad reaction."
I proceeded to carefully outline my fantasy to see if Jeri would
have a stronger orgasm if she were making love to me and I had a
bigger dick. "So how you gonna do that?", Mel asked. "Well", I
said, "You asked what you could do...." Then I went full ahead
and detailed what I thought could work to fool Jeri into thinking
that she was screwing me when in fact she'd be screwing Mel. Mel
was not too eager at first, but after some long-winded
rationalizing, I began to turn him toward agreeing to give it a
try. I asked him just how big he was, to which he replied "big
enough!". Finally I got him to admit to 10 and a half inches.
"Sure!", I said. "Want proof?" he asked. "I'm from Missouri.
Show me!". I got a ruler, he got
it hard, I checked, he'd lied... it was actually just over 11".
"Whoa", I said. "Ever size, maybe this wasn't such a good idea
after all. But I'd committed to this course, and I was
determined to get the answer to my question.
Obviously, it would be necessary for Mel to be present without
Jeri knowing it, so the first order of business was to select a
location where I could be fucking Jeri while Mel was close by.
We decided on the rec room, because of the storage room nearby
where Mel could hide until I got things going. There were these
big floor pillows that Jeri and I had fucked on before, so that
wouldn't arouse her suspicion. Next, we had to figure out how to
get Mel into the storage room without Jeri knowing that he was
even in the house. We figured that we cold "sneak" Mel into the
house while Jeri was at the store. Then we had to come up with a
way for Mel to relieve himself in case he had to take a piss
while he waited in the store room. An empty coffee can with its
plastic lid would work OK. Since there would be no easy way to
signal Mel when to come out of the store room, we agreed that he
would just have to peek around the doorway to the rec room and
use his own best judgment as to when to come in. The lights
would have to be off so that Jeri would not be able to see Mel
and I trade off.
Finally, the big night came, and as Jeri left in her car to go to
the store, I called Mel He parked around the corner so that
Jeri wouldn't see his car when she returned. "Are you sure about
this?" he asked as he came in. "Yes! I've got to find out, or
I'll wonder for the rest of my life." "OK", he replied, "as long
as you're sure." We checked out the storage room, and the path
through the rec room, so that he wouldn't trip on or walk into
something as he approached in the dark. Fortunately, there was a
moon out that night, which would help light the rec room a little
through the skylight.
We went over the plan while we waited. I would give Jeri enough
to drink to ger her a little tipsy and then start making love to
her on the pillows. I would get between her legs and caress her
thighs and hips with both hands, one on each side. I would
continue this caressing as I put my cock into her. At this time
Mel should show up and get into position behind me and a little
to my left. As I would bring my left hand down her right leg, I
would lift it away, and Mel would begin to caress her as I had
done. Then I would pull by cock out of Jeri's pussy and run it
along her thigh, back and forth, while fondling her clit with my
right hand. As I reached as far down her leg as I could, Mel and
I would trade places, and he would move his cock down her leg and
into her pussy. His hand would take the place of my right hand
as we finished the switch-over. It sounded like it would work
OK. In any case, we would know pretty soon.
When Jeri returned, I helped her put away the groceries, and
asked her if she'd care for a drink. "Sure.", she said, so I
fixed her a Gin Tonic, her usual. I fixed a Scotch and water for
myself, very mild so I could stay alert and coordinated. We went
to the rec room, talked about work and about going on a vacation
to Lake Tahoe next summer, and danced to some '50s music on the
radio. When I refilled our drinks I made Jeri's a little
stronger than usual, but kept mine weak. Jeri was enjoying the
mood, and her body was warmer and her kisses more demanding all
the time. After still another drink, we danced to an old Elvis
ballad ("Love Me Tender") and she began rubbing the front of my
jeans with her hand. I kissed her deeply, and began undoing the
buttons of her blouse. "I love you, Jeri" I said as kissed he
neck, then her breasts. Her tits were so very firm, and small
but not "little", just perfect!. Her nipples pointed upward
slightly, and were hard and hot as I sucked on them.
Gradually we undressed one another and held each other close,
kissing. As we sank slowly to the floor, I turned out the last
light, and slid one of those big pillows under Jeri. I began
caressing her arms, her breasts, her tummy, her thighs, her
everything. Jeri was only moderately active, probably from the
booze, which was exactly what I'd hoped for. As I kissed my way
down the front of her, she moaned softly. As my tongue parted
the lips of her pussy, she only moved a little. It was then that
I pressed against the insides of her knees until she had spread
her legs wide apart. I hoped there would be enough room for the
switch from me to Mel. I continued to kiss her pussy and caress
her legs until I felt Mel move in behind me. I almost panicked
at this point, for fear that Jeri would realize that I was up to
something and that she'd get pissed off. But she was still
enjoying my attention and didn't sense anything other than my
tongue, and my hands. Slowly, I raised my head up from between
her thighs and moved myself into position. I gently eased the
tip of my dick into her and then pulled back, rubbing the tip
around the outside. All the while I was rubbing up and down her
right leg with my left hand and fondling her pussy with my right.
When Mel put his hand on my left forearm, I almost jumped. I
wasn't expecting it, but managed to maintain my concentration. I
raised my left hand off off Jeri's leg, and Mel took over the
caressing on that side. I pushed my cock back into Jeri, a
little further this time. I moved myself as far to the right as
I thought I could without arousing suspicion, then pulled out
again. As I moved the tip of my dick along Jeri's right thigh,
she moaned "Please put it in again". I raised up as far as I
could on my knees, and Mel began to move in front of me. In the
dim moonlight, shining through the skylight, I could see his big
cock sliding down her thigh. "What the fuck am I doing?" I
thought. But before I could think about it I had to move out of
the way. That required pressing very tightly against Mel's back.
As my dick passed over the crack of his ass, I had a thought.
"No, this is not the time for that kind of new experience" I
thought. I moved all the way out then, and positioned myself so
that I could watch the penetration. Mel was soooooo big! I felt
very strange as I watched the tip of his dick enter that
beautiful "honey hole" that, up to now, had been my private
playground. In it went, past the tip, past the circumcision
scar, down, deeper, deeper, all the while Jeri's moans getting
louder, deeper, different than I'd ever heard before. "Oooooooh,
that's sooooo good!", she said in a low, very soft voice. "Don't
ever stop!" Mel picked up the pace, faster and faster, deeper
and deeper. Jeri's moans were almost gasps. "Ooooh, Oooooh,
Yessssss, Yesssssss, YEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS". It was finally over.
It was then that I heard those words that I'll never, ever,
forget. "Oh, Mel, you're as good as ever! You always were the
very best!"
To make a long story short, Mel and Jeri lived happily ever
after, I jack off a lot.