2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

353 lines
17 KiB

Suzi's Unhappy Return
Suzi Bolton had never been overfond of school and had taken
her first opportunity to leave at the beginning of the Easter
holidays shortly after her sixteenth birthday in March 1969.
Despite her complete lack of qualifications Suzi had managed
to obtain a job as a receptionist at a local firm - no doubt
partly because of her bright, bubbly personality but perhaps
more because of her extremely good looks.
Suzi's job did not start until the beginning of May and thus
she was still unoccupied when most of her friends returned to
school at the start of the new term. She relished her new
found freedom, staying as late as she liked in bed in the
morning, not having to wear school uniform and enjoying her
mother's cigarettes - or her own when she could not filch
mum's. Suzi's parents did not take much notice of her these
days and made no objection to her rather irregular comings and
goings - although Mrs Bolton would certainly have had
something to say if she had realised that her daughter was
taking her cigarettes.
At all events Suzi was enjoying life, but it occurred to her
that it would be still more pleasant to show her friends who
were still at school just what they were missing. So she made
herself up and dressed in the 'dolly bird' clothes she had
worn for her job interview - a tight tee-shirt, a short red
bottom hugging mini skirt with a wide leather belt, nylon
stockings held up by a white suspender belt, tiny white
panties and chunky shoes and went out, with a packet of
cigarettes in her handbag, to visit Gowers Road School for
While she had been a pupil at Gowers Road Suzi had not dared
to smoke at school. This was not because she felt that she
ought to obey school rules but because she knew what happened
to girls who were caught! Two of her friends, Cheryl Watson
and Mandy Ferguson, had been stupid enough to have been seen
smoking by a teacher when they'd all been in the second year.
The two girls had accordingly been sent to Mr Gregory, the
deputy headmaster, who dealt with all such offenders.
When they returned after their visit both girls had clearly
been crying and they displayed a marked reluctance to sit down
in their places until sharply ordered to do so by Miss
Bullivant, their form mistress. Mandy spent the rest of the
afternoon perched uncomfortably on the edge of her chair,
unable to sit down properly, emitting occasional squeaks and
moans and beginning to cry quietly again after a while. Cheryl
was slightly more in control of herself but Suzi, who was
sitting next to her, noticed how she wriggled in discomfort on
the hard seat and shivered from time to time as she felt a
spasm of pain.
After school Suzi asked Cheryl for some details of what had
happened - Mandy had scuttled away as soon as the bell went
without a word to anyone. At first Cheryl was reluctant to
talk about, it but Suzi was her best friend and eventually she
told her that both girls had had to bend over the deputy's
desk. He had then rolled up their skirts and given each of
them three strokes of the cane over their green school
panties. 'Really hard, Suzi! I couldn't believe how hard he
hit Mandy! It was as if he was trying to cut her in half!'
Cheryl led Suzi to a deserted washroom and, after carefully
looking to see if anyone was coming, she raised her skirt to
show two deep angry weals running across the plumpness of her
lower bottom cheeks and disappearing under her blue cotton
panties. The flesh around the weals was inflamed and dark
bruises were starting to form. Suzi was surprised at first
that there were only two weals and not the three that she had
been expecting but on looking more carefully she saw that one
of the weals was a double one where one stroke had obviously
fallen exactly on top of an earlier one.
'Jesus Christ! That must have really hurt!'
'Have hurt?! It still bloody hurts! It hurts like hell!'
In due course both Cheryl and Mandy recovered from the
painful effects of their punishment but Suzi never forgot, and
she resolved never to be caught doing anything which could
lead to a caning so long as she was at Gowers Road, a
resolution to which she had successfully adhered. Cheryl had
learned her lesson, too, and she was never again to earn
herself a visit to Mr Gregory's office. Perhaps surprisingly
Mandy, despite having taken her punishment less well than her
friend was to be caned by the deputy headmaster on no fewer
than three further occasions.
Mandy had left school at the same time as Suzi and was now
in London, but Cheryl was still at school studying for her 'O'
levels. Suzi thought it would be a glorious idea to turn up at
her old school dressed in her mini-skirt and smoke cigarettes
in view of Cheryl and the others now that the teachers, and Mr
Gregory in particular, had no authority over her.
Suzi timed her arrival for the afternoon break so that the
girls would all be out in the playground. Her appearance
caused a sensation. Her former classmates clustered around
her, amazed at the transformation of their friend. With her
long blonde hair hanging free, her makeup and her fashion
clothes she looked like a model and not at all as though only
a few weeks before she had been a schoolgirl like them. She
opened her bag and took out her cigarettes.
'Anyone like a fag?' she enquired.
No one accepted her offer and they watched in silence as she
lighted one for herself and took a deep breath at it.
'Oh, no,' she said, blowing out the smoke, 'I forgot. You
little girls still get smacked botties if you smoke, don't
Just then Mr Gregory spotted the excited gathering and
walked over to see what was going on. He saw Suzi, whom he
recognised as a pupil there, wearing prohibited clothing and
brazenly smoking a cigarette right in the middle of the
playground! He did not remember that she had left at the end
of the previous term. To his eyes it seemed that a naughty
schoolgirl was displaying rebellious disregard for all school
rules in the most barefaced way imaginable. Well, he knew a
way to cure her of all that!
So without waiting for any explanations Mr Gregory strode
into the centre of the group, caught hold of Suzi by her
shoulders and marched her away to his office. The other girls
were much amused by Suzi's discomfiture, but they all realised
that as a school leaver her bottom would, of course, be exempt
from Mr Gregory's cane.
'It's rather a pity, though, girls,' said Natalie Leyton,
whose own pretty bottom had felt the sting of the cane on
several occasions, 'I think that a good caning would do Suzi a
lot of good! She's too fond of showing off by half! And while
she was here she should have been sent to Mr Gregory a dozen
times but she always managed to wriggle out of it somehow!'
And all the other girls, even Cheryl, had to agree.
* * *
As the enraged deputy headmaster half dragged her along the
corridors to his office Suzi desperately tried to explain the
circumstances to him, but he was too angry to listen to her.
They reached his office and he opened the door and thrust the
girl inside, closing the door after them. At last Suzi, free
of his grasp, had a chance to speak. She quickly straightened
her clothes and tried to get her breath back before trying
once more to explain to him that she was no longer a pupil.
But Mr Gregory was still not listening. He had taken his
jacket off and rolled up his shirtsleeve and was now opening a
cupboard and taking out - a cane!
'No, please sir, you don't understand. I LEFT last term! You
can't cane me!'
But the deputy headmaster did not heed her. So far as he
could see she was trying to give him some excuse. But nothing
could excuse such behaviour!
'Bend over the desk, Suzanne!' he ordered.
Suzi stood stock-still, utterly confounded. This couldn't be
'I said bend over!' Mr Gregory repeated angrily.
Suzi never really understood why she had obeyed the irate
deputy headmaster. But at the time it seemed as though she had
no choice, he was so obviously convinced that he had a right
to order her and she had not yet lost the habit of obeying
angry teachers for fear of worse consequences. She stood a
little closer to the large desk and slowly bent over it,
taking hold of the other side.
As she did so her short skirt rode up, partially revealing
her brief white panties. It was an extremely uncomfortable
position and Suzi's breasts pressed against the hard desk. But
Suzi knew that in a very short time she would be feeling more
than just uncomfortable. She felt like an automaton, with no
volition of her own. All she could think was that she had
somehow to hold onto the desk for dear life and somehow get
through the next few minutes. She felt Mr Gregory lift the hem
of her red skirt and tuck it securely under her belt. Her
slender body trembled at his touch.
The deputy headmaster stood back, looking at the quivering
teenage buttocks encased in their scanty covering of filmy
white panties. It was obvious to him that the underwear that
Suzanne had chosen to wear would afford far less protection
than the regulation school panties. In fact it appeared that
the caning would be, for all practical purposes, on her bare
'Right, Suzanne,' he said. 'Four strokes for smoking and
four strokes for the most flagrant flouting of the rules on
school uniform! And you can consider that you're being let off
And without more ado he rested the cane on the girl's
cheeks, distending the flesh slightly, to measure hi aim. Suzi
trembled slightly at the feel of the rattan on her sensitive
flesh. Her behind was shortly to feel red-hot lines of burning
agony, but just now the cane felt cold and she shivered. The
deputy headmaster took a step back, raised the cane high in
the air and then waited a few seconds so as to take the girl
by surprise. Then he brought it down with all his strength -
he wanted to give this naughty girl a caning which she would
remember for the rest of her life and he was going to make
sure that each stroke was a real swipe.
Swish! . . . Crack!!
'Aiieeew! Aoow!!' yelled Suzi, 'My bum!!' She lost her grip
on the desk and jumped upright. She danced around the office
in pain with her hands clasped to her outraged bottom, feeling
the weal swelling under her touch. That sudden biting pain had
jerked her back to reality with a vengeance. Why was she, an
adult who had already left school, letting this happen? This
was no game, this was no joke. This man wanted to hurt her, to
cause her severe pain. She had only taken one stroke so far,
but that by itself had hurt her more than she ever remembered
being hurt; her bottom was stinging like crazy and she
realised that Mr Gregory had scarcely begun.
She opened her mouth for a final attempt to convince the
deputy that he had no right to do this, that she was not a
pupil at his school. And then she closed it again. She had
come to a decision deep inside. For years she had been
cautious and sly at school for fear of getting the cane. But
she had often wondered what it would actually feel like, bent
over while Mr Gregory walloped that pliant stick onto the
seat of your panties, and whether she would be able to take it
as bravely as the other girls. Well, this was her last chance
to find out! Gritting her teeth she hobbled back to the desk
and, slowly and tentatively, bent over again.
Mr Gregory had not been over-surprised by Suzi's performance
- girls often reacted like that to their first ever stroke of
the cane, and he had laid on that first stroke harder than he
usually did. He could imagine her shock at that fierce line of
agony biting into her tender rear and spreading its tentacles
of pain outwards. But that didn't mean he was letting her get
away with it.
'Come on, Suzanne! Right back over!' he said. 'You still
have another seven strokes to come, and if there is any
repetition of that disgraceful exhibition there will be extra
As Suzi stretched down over the desk Mr Gregory saw her
teenage bottom once more present its creamy roundnesses for
the attention of his cane. The difference was that this time
each buttock clearly bore the marks left by that first stroke.
When Suzi was in position once again Mr Gregory rested the
cane a couple of inches below those marks, just where the
girl's thighs met her buttocks.
Swish! . . . Crack!!
Even the first stroke had not prepared Suzi for this! She
just couldn't believe how much the cane hurt on that so-tender
part of her anatomy. She screamed out loud at the top of her
voice and burst into tears. Somehow, she never knew how, she
remained in position griping the side of the desk. Was it to
prove to herself that she could take a caning, or was it fear
of the penalty strokes?
Mr Gregory continued to lash down stroke after stroke,
pausing slightly each time so as to enable the girl to feel
the full effect of the previous cut. He aimed each stroke
expertly so that they fell within the two inch band of the
first two strokes. Suzi yelled non- stop, her voice rising in
a crescendo each time the cane made contact. Her long legs
kicked, her feet drummed desperately on the floor and she
wriggled in anguish across the desk like a worm stuck on to a
pin; but somehow she managed to stay bent over that desk.
The deputy headmaster paused for a slightly longer time
after the fifth stroke. His right arm was beginning to feel
rather tired, but he didn't want to make the last strokes less
severe than the earlier ones. He wanted these to be the ones
that young Suzanne would remember for the rest of her life.
The early weals had merged. Most of the marks were on bare
skin, but they were clearly visible even where covered by her
panties through the nearly transparent material. He could see
that there was now a wide band of raised flesh across Suzi's
bottom with tiny red lines running across it. Changing his
position slightly Mr Gregory brought the cane down diagonally
across the earlier marks. Suzi was beside herself with pain,
shrieking, screaming, pleading and beating a tattoo on the
floor with her feet. Mr Gregory smiled grimly. He thought he
was getting through to this young lady!
The last two strokes were the hardest of all and, like the
second, landed right across the tops of Suzi's thighs. Finally
it was all over but Suzi remained slumped over the desk,
sobbing her eyes out.
The deputy headmaster watched in silence for a few moments
as large tears fell from Suzi's face onto his carpet. He
replaced the cane in his cupboard and then walked back to the
still bending girl. He leaned down and released the hem of the
red skirt from under Suzi's belt, feeling the heat radiating
from her caned bottom as he did so. Then he told the punished
sixteen year old that she should stand up. Suzi obeyed, moving
very slowly and carefully, quivering in every limb. Finally
she was upright, still crying, but more quietly now with an
occasional whimper. Her hands went under her skirt in a futile
attempt to comfort her wealed bottom. She moaned dismally as
the pain just seemed to get worse even now that the actual
infliction had ceased.
Mr Gregory walked round behind his desk and sat down slowly.
He wanted the girl to watch him as he did so and realise just
how long it would be before she could do likewise in any
degree of comfort. When he was ensconced in his seat he looked
up at the caned teenager. Her long blonde hair was all over
the place and her tears had made a mess of the makeup on her
'Well, Suzanne, I'm sorry that was necessary, but you must
understand that your behaviour was quite unacceptable at this
school and that I had no alternative.' He opened a drawer of
his desk and extracted a large black-covered book. 'It's
Suzanne Bolton of 5C, isn't it?' he asked, preparing to make
an entry.
'No it ISN'T! Oh! . . . oh! . . . owww! I've been trying to
tell you! Oww! Waoww! I don't have a form. I left last term -
I don't belong to this school any more! Oh . . oh . . oh . .
it hurts!'
At last the shocked deputy headmaster took in the state of
affairs and realised the implications. He had caned a girl who
had nothing to do with the school. The school could be taken
to Court. He could be taken to Court!
Fortunately for Mr Gregory Suzi wanted publicity even less,
if possible, than he did. 'Don't say anything to the other
girls,' she pleaded, 'I know I deserved the cane when I was
here and I never got it. But I never dreamt it hurt so much!
Owww! My bum is so sore!'
Mr Gregory waited until the school was all at lessons and
then told Suzi to leave. He was still shocked at what he had
unintentionally done and was very relieved when nothing was
ever subsequently heard of Suzanne Bolton's caning.