2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Sore Bottoms for Two
Gary Whiteley, aged fifteen, had taken the day off from
school. Now that the end of year examinations were
approaching it was just free periods for private study except
for two lessons that Thursday. His class teacher had become
very slack about calling the register and Gary knew that it
was very unlikely that his absence would be officially
He enjoyed himself idling around the streets in the hot June
weather, delighting in his freedom. After a lunch at a
Kentucky Fried Chicken which had just opened he wandered in
the direction of his girlfriend's school.
Janet Barnes, a petite girl with thick curly blonde hair, also
aged fifteen, attended a girls' grammar school a mile or two
away from his own. When he reached the school he had to wait
for about twenty minutes and then it was break time and the
girls streamed out, glad to get out into the fresh air after
their stuffy classrooms. Gary saw Jan through the railings
and gestured towards her. She ran towards him, eager to know
why he was not in school.
Conversation across the railings was not very satisfactory.
Soon Janet invited her friend in through the school gates.
"Follow me!" she said. "I know a place where we can be by
ourselves." And Jan led Gary to a quiet place behind the
It was, indeed, very quiet and secluded, and before long
conversation had given space to cuddling and kissing. Both
parties were enjoying themselves so much that the bell for the
end of Break went unheeded. In fact so oblivious were they to
events in the world that neither of them hears the approach of
Mrs Rodgers, the History teacher, until she had grabbed hold
of Gary's shirt and roughly pulled him away from Jan's
"Aha, Janet Barnes," she said, recognising the disconcerted
girl, who now blushed bright red to match her school uniform.
"Can I take it that this young man is a friend of yours!?"
It took the shocked girl some time before she was able to
reply. Then she said "I'm sorry, Mrs Rodgers, I didn't
realise the time. I'd better get in to my lesson."
"Nice try, Janet! But I think Miss Chapman may want to have a
word with both of you first!" Mrs Rodgers had kept a tight
grip on Gary from the first and now turned her attention to
"And you, boy! What's your name and what school do you go
to?" Gary had taken advantage of his day of liberty to wear
casual clothes of T-shirt and jeans, rather than school
uniform, so his school was not readily apparent to the History
Gary had been considering whether to try to give Mrs Rodgers
the slip. But she was a young woman and seemed, judging from
the strength of her grip, to be very fit and he did not fancy
the idea of trying to run off only to be recaptured by the
teacher and dragged off to Miss Chapman. In any case he
didn't want to just run away like a coward and abandon Jan to
her fate. So he told Mrs Rodgers the truth.
"Gary Whiteley, miss. Upton Cross Secondary."
"Right. Both of you follow me!" And, still with a tight grip
on Gary's arm she marched them both off to the headmistress's
When they got there she told them both to stand outside and
knocked briskly on the door and went in. She stayed in there
with the headmistress for a long time and neither of the
teenagers could hear a word of what was being said.
"What do you think's going to happen, Jan?" Gary whispered
Still red-faced Janet answered hesitantly. "I hope I'm wrong,
but I think it could be . . . the strap! I've never had it,
but two girls in my class got it from her for fighting
yesterday. Oh, GOD! I hope I'm wrong. Joanne still can't
sit down properly and Tracey didn't even come in today! How
about you?"
"If your Miss Chapman phones Mr Hampton then I'll get the cane
tomorrow, for definite!"
"It's not so bad for you. You've had the cane loads of times
before! This is the only time . . . . And how am I going to
face mum and dad and tell them what it was for?"
Poor little Janet looked so very miserable that Gary wanted to
take her in his arms and comfort her. It was just as well
that he did not do so as, just at that moment, the door opened
and Mrs Rodgers stood there beckoning them in. When they had
entered the History teacher went out, closing the door behind
her. Gary and Janet stood side by side in front of the
headmistress's large desk. Miss Chapman herself, a tall
middle aged woman wearing a very angry expression on her face,
was still sitting on the other side.
"Mrs Rodgers has informed me of the circumstances in which she
found you. Has either of you anything to say?"
The two culprits remained silent, suddenly seeming to find
their shoes of irresistible fascination.
"Well, Janet! I'm sure you know that at this school there is
only one answer for behaviour such as yours." The
headmistress paused and opened one of the drawers of her desk.
She extracted a length of black leather. ". . . The strap!"
Two pairs of eyes focused for their first glimpse of Miss
Chapman's strap. It seemed an impressive spanking weapon even
to Gary, who was inclined to think that girls' school
punishments could not bear any resemblance to the canings at
his own school. It was rather more than two feet long and one
end was divided into two tails about ten inches long. Despite
being nearly a quarter of an inch thick it was very supple, a
fact that was proved by the way it unrolled itself, snakelike,
on the surface of the large desk.
Gary was horrified at the thought of how much pain this
ferocious looking strap would cause, repeatedly cracking down
onto the soft tender bottom of Janet, which he had so recently
lovingly fondled. Jan was horrified as well:
"Oh, please, miss! Not the strap! This is the first time
I've ever been sent to you and I honestly didn't hear the
bell. I'm sorry I was late for class and . . ."
Miss Chapman interrupted the pleading girl. "Be quiet, Janet.
Being late for class is the least part of your offences. You
may take a hundred lines for that. You will be strapped for
inviting this boy on to the school premises, which is strictly
against school rules as you very well know. And for the
disgusting, dirty things you were doing with him when Mrs
Rodgers found you. Your behaviour has merited severe
punishment and you will receive twelve strokes from this
strap. And I warn you. Any more argument will only serve to
increase the number of your strokes."
Janet fell silent, but she was aghast at the severity of her
sentence. Joanne and Tracey had only got eight strokes each.
They were both bigger girls than her and a lot tougher and yet
a mere eight strokes had kept Tracey away from school and was
still preventing Jo from sitting down properly. But it
obviously wouldn't do her any good to argue.
Now Miss Chapman turned to Gary. "Now, Gary. I have spoken
to Mr Hampton on the phone - " Gary had expected no less.
But he was surprised at the headmistress's next words.
" - and he has agreed that it would be most beneficial for
both of you to be punished in front of each other. Therefore
I will punish you for trespassing in this school and for what
you were doing with Janet. You, too, will receive twelve
strokes of this strap."
Gary was flabbergasted. He had never dreamed of this. But
after a while he didn't mind it so much. Even though the
strap looked as though it could be quite painful he didn't
think that Miss Chapman would hurt him nearly as much as Mr
Hampton would have done. And, although he felt sick at the
thought of how much Jan was going to be hurt, if she was to be
strapped he was delighted that he would be there to see it.
Miss Chapman regarded the two errant fifteen year olds in
front of her desk, shifting uneasily from foot to foot. They
would be a lot more uncomfortable before she was finished with
them! She stood up and grasped the strap.
"Normally there is a saying 'Ladies first', but on this
occasion I think it would be more gentlemanly for you, Gary,
to show Janet how to take a strapping! Take off your jeans
and bend across my desk. Gary did not argue. It was very
embarrassing to lower his jeans in front of his girlfriend in
such circumstances, but he obeyed quickly, placing the jeans
neatly on a chair by the wall. Then, mentally resolving that
he would not let Jan see if he was hurt, he leaned forward
over the desk and gripped the other side.
Janet was told to stand by the wall and pay attention. "This
is what happens to naughty boys and girls!" Miss Chapman said,
standing behind Gary's underpants-clad bottom and raising the
Then she brought it smashing down with tremendous force onto
the boy's rear. The thwack! echoed loudly round the small
room. Gary jerked at the impact and, a second later, the pain
hit him. His whole bottom seemed to instantly burst into
flame. It wasn't so bad as the cane from Mr Hampton, but it
was a different sort of pain - a less sharp, but more
widespread stinging. Gary breathed deeply and wriggled his
In fact Jan's reaction was more extreme more pronounced than
Gary's. She was terrified at how hard the strap came down and
gasped in horror as it crashed into her boyfriend's trim
backside. She still couldn't fully believe that in a few
minutes it would be her own soft posterior that would be
intercepting the vicious downward swing of that heavy strap.
Her hands went to the seat of her red skirt and she sniffed
"Be quiet, Janet," Miss Chapman said, without turning round.
"It will be your turn soon enough!" And she whipped the belt
down with undiminished vigour across Gary's Y-Fronts. Janet
saw bright red marks appear on the surface of her friend's
bottom where it was not protected by his pants. She began to
cry quietly.
Miss Chapman continued to methodically lash down stroke after
punishing stroke. After eight strokes Gary could no longer
keep still. The stinging in his bottom was worse than that
caused by almost any of his canings. He did not want to let
himself down in front of Janet, but he was near the end of his
tether. Miss Chapman did not miss the writhing and wriggling
of Gary's smarting rear.
In an attempt to finally break the naughty boy's resistance
she reached into her reserves of strength and somehow managed
to make the ninth stroke the hardest yet. Her ploy worked.
When the heavy strap splatted against his already unbearably
sore behind with unprecedented force, Gary could no longer
restrain his natural instincts. He yelled loudly, trying to
release his built-up pain, and burst into tears.
"Good! I'm getting through to you then, Gary, am I?" the
headmistress enquired sarcastically, releasing the tenth
Gary yelled loudly as it landed, and at each of the remaining
two strokes. Had it not been for Janet's presence he would
certainly have straightened before the end of the punishment
and desperately pressed his hands to his swollen bottom, but,
knowing that she was watching him he just about managed to
last out. It was a near thing, though. Immediately after the
twelfth stroke had cracked down Gary jumped up and danced
around the office, his hands pressed to his pants, breathing
heavily and squeaking in pain.
Miss Chapman watched approvingly. She was sure that this
young man would remember his strapping for some time to come!
"All right, Gary! That's enough of that," she said. "Go and
stand by the wall near Janet and put your hands on your head.
Janet, you come over here near the desk!"
Gary limped over to the wall and stood there trying to come to
terms with the throbbing pain from his inflamed bottom, and to
stop the tears coming. It hurt so much that he was hardly
aware that he was still in his underpants. He was horribly
ashamed at having cried in front of Janet.
Miss Chapman's attention turned to the shivering girl who was
completely unnerved at the sight of what Gary's strapping had
been like and at the prospect of feeling the belt herself.
"Right, Janet. Your turn now!" the headmistress said
brightly. "Blazer and skirt off and then over my desk like
Janet sniffed back a tear and slowly began to obey Miss
Chapman's instructions. Her blazer came off soon enough and
she placed it over the back of the chair. Then she slipped
off her shoes. But she took her time about removing her
skirt; she still had a forlorn hope at the back of her mind
that something would somehow happen to save her bottom from
that terrifying strap. "Come on, Janet! Don't waste time,"
said the headmistress, "and for goodness sake stop that
snivelling. I've told you - you'll have good cause for tears
soon enough."
Janet continued to undo her skirt with trembling fingers and
finally took it off. She placed it carefully on the chair, on
top of Gary's jeans. As she did so she wondered dismally what
her bottom would feel like the next time she put that red
skirt back on. Now Janet stood in front of the headmistress's
large desk dressed only in a white blouse, white socks, red
and grey tie and red school panties. Tears were squeezing
themselves slowly out of her large blue eyes. The pretty
little teenager looked the picture of misery.
Miss Chapman had no sympathy for the wayward schoolgirl.
"Come on Janet," she said. "Get yourself across my desk. And
hold onto the other side tightly; I intend this to hurt!"
Reluctantly Janet obeyed. Being so short she had to really
stretch to reach the other side of the large desk. She ended
up on tiptoe with her large breasts crushed onto the desk's
surface through her white blouse. she had never felt so
ashamed in her whole life as she draped herself over the desk
exposing her chubby bottom, protected only by the thin red
school panties, to the ministrations of Miss Chapman's leather
The headmistress nodded approvingly. The girl's upturned
behind was in an ideal position for punishment. And it looked
as though her school panties, which appeared to be rather
small for her, would give Janet rather less protection than
Gary's Y-Fronts had given him. She raised the strap. Janet
screwed her eyes tightly shut and gripped the side of the desk
for dear life.
Just then Gary intervened. Despite the intense sting in his
own lower regions he felt that he had to do something to try
to save his lovely little Jan from her ordeal. He knew it was
really all his fault. "Please, miss!", he cried out, still
keeping his hands on his head as he'd been told. Miss Chapman
stopped herself in mid-stroke and turned to face the boy, very
"Please, miss!" he continued, "It was more my fault than
Jan's. Can't I have some of her punishment? If I have
another six can Jan also just get six? Please."
Miss Chapman's angry expression dissolved. She admired the
boy's gallantry, however misconceived. "No, Gary." she
answered, "Your little friend here needs to learn that actions
have consequences. And the consequences of madam's actions
this afternoon are that, like yourself, she won't be feeling
like sitting down for a good long time! You've taken your
punishment and now she must take hers. She's not made of
paper you know!"
Gary remained silent. He had made his attempt and it had been
unsuccessful. Once more Miss Chapman raised the flexible
length of leather.
And this time it came whistling down onto Janet's scantily
protected bottom. Miss Chapman did not use any less force
than she had in Gary's punishment. The terrible noise of the
belt hitting Jan's bottom was followed by a loud cry of
distress from the girl, but she managed to stay in position
fully stretched over the desk, merely kicking out with her
legs and squirming painfully from side to side.
Despite the circumstances, and even despite unrelenting
throbbing in his own rear, Gary felt his male organ harden as
he saw two red welts spring up on the pale, smooth flesh of
his girlfriend's beautiful bottom.
The next stroke, perhaps because of Janet's wrigglings, landed
lower down and was almost completely on the bare flesh
sticking out at the bottom of her panties; indeed one of the
tails of the belt lashed across the very tops of her legs.
Janet's loud shriek of agony told just how much that had hurt.
Her head shot up and her blonde hair flew wildly. She began
to sob.
The strap splatted once again across Janet's red panties,
denting them deeply into her soft flesh. Janet's whole body
jerked violently and she howled out her agony. She almost
leapt up and lost her grip on the desk, but she summoned up
her deep reserves of courage. Her knuckles whitened as she
gripped the edge of the desk even more tightly in a vain
effort to ease the pain.
But when the next stroke crashed in, landing on the same
place, it was too much for Jan. Howling, she let go of the
desk and stood upright, turning to face her chastiser. Her
hands went to her outraged bottom to try to comfort it. She
could feel the raised welts through the thin red material.
Gary was horrified at the effect of just four strokes of the
belt on his girlfriend's sweet bottom.
Miss Chapman did not allow Janet much time to hop around the
room holding her blazing cheeks. After a moment she took hold
of Janet and saying "Come on, miss! We've hardly started
yet!", she turned her around and pushed her down over the
desk. Jan didn't struggle, but she was sobbing loudly and was
clearly in terrible discomfort. Gary hoped that Miss Chapman
would decide that she had already been punished enough. He
was sure that just four strokes had hurt her as much as his
own twelve had hurt him.
But the headmistress did not intend to abate a single stroke.
Janet Barnes' behaviour had been quite disgraceful and she
richly deserved a soundly strapped bottom. Her 'cowardice' -
as Miss Chapman saw it - was no reason at all for going easy
with her. Nevertheless she realised that Janet would not be
able to stay in position by herself and would be jumping up
after each stroke. So, with her left hand, she took hold of
the girl's left arm and bent it firmly onto her back, holding
her in place.
Jan never remembered much about the rest of her belting. She
was absolutely wracked with pain and her mind was unable to
cope. She just remembered being held down in that most
undignified position while the overpowering stinging in her
bottom grew, unbelievably, worse and worse.
Gary, though, saw her ineffectual struggles as that heavy
black strap smacked down time after time onto those thin
cotton panties. The power of Miss Chapman's strokes was
slightly reduced by her having to hold Janet down, but it was
scarcely noticeable. Jan's frantic shrieks horrified Gary,
but he was too much in awe of Miss Chapman to dare to
intervene again.
Finally Miss Chapman lashed down the twelfth and final stroke
onto Janet's juddering behind. She released her hold on the
girl and stepped back to admire her handiwork. She nodded,
satisfied. Young Miss Barnes would have a sore bottom for
some time!
"All right, Janet," she said, "you can get up now! Isn't
twelve enough for you?!"
Jan remained slumped across the desk, sobbing her heart out.
Roughly the headmistress took hold of her and pulled her
upright, but Janet's legs would not support her weight and the
weeping teenager fell to the ground in an undignified heap.
Jan just stayed there, rolling about on the carpet, squirming
and sobbing like a teething baby, making no effort to get up.
Miss Chapman smiled and smacked the belt smartly across the
back of Janet's white blouse, just below her bra-strap.
"Stand up, girl!" she said.
Yelping in protest Jan painfully got to her feet and stood in
front of the desk, her hands pressed to her burning rear and
entire body shaking in pain. "Hands on your head, Janet!"
said the headmistress calmly.
Gary was called over from the wall to stand next to Janet.
Then, possibly to emphasise that this was something that Gary
and Janet would not be doing for a while, Miss Chapman sat
down comfortably in her chair. She addressed the chastened
"I hope that that will serve as a lesson to both of you!
There's not much school time left now and I think that you can
both spend the remainder of the day here in my office under my
eye. Gary! Remove your underpants and go and stand facing
the wall, hands on your head!"
The idea was hateful to Gary, but he didn't protest. He knew
that Miss Chapman employed very painful arguments! And at
least the fresh air was some relief for his smarting bum.
It took longer to persuade Janet to follow suit and the stern
teacher had to say "Very well, Janet, if you won't take them
down I'll do it myself!" before the girl painfully and with
infinite slowness eased the tight fitting panties off over her
swollen and exquisitely sore hindquarters.
Soon the two well-punished fifteen year olds were side by side
facing the wall, their quivering naked bottoms glowing bright
red. Miss Chapman had pinned up Janet's blouse and Gary's
T-shirt so that the whole of the punished areas was on show.
Jan continued to cry loudly and to wriggle and squirm in pain
and even Gary moved his weight constantly from one foot to the
other and had to continually fight back the tears pricking at
his eyes. Miss Chapman ignored them and continued to do some
paperwork at her desk.
At a quarter to four Jan and Gary heard the bell go for the
end of school, but Miss Chapman did not say a word and they
continued standing displaying their thoroughly strapped
bottoms in humiliating fashion. By now their bottoms were no
longer an unbroken red. Bruises on both sets of cheeks, but
especially Gary's, were now beginning to turn black and blue.
Shortly after the bell they all heard a knock on the door.
Both of the punished teenagers started and blushed deeply and
Jan took her hands off her head to cover her strap-reddened
rear. Miss Chapman was not having this, however. "Stay in
position, you two!" she snapped. "Hands on your heads!"
The door opened but the teenagers could not see who had come
in. Jan soon recognised the voice. It was Mrs Peters, her
English teacher.
"Oh! I'm sorry, Miss Chapman," she said, "I didn't realise
you were inflicting punishment. Would you like me to go?"
"No, don't worry! I've just about finished with these two!"
"Goodness! Is that Jan Barnes?" asked the English teacher.
She hadn't recognised her at first, with her hair dishevelled
and face pressed close to the wall. She was very surprised to
see that Janet, who was one of her favourites, had evidently
earned herself a sound belting.
"Yes, that's Janet! And that's her _boyfriend_ next to her!"
Silence fell for a few minutes, broken only by Janet's
continuing sobs. Then Miss Chapman finally said "All right,
you two! You can get dressed!"
They were both embarrassed at dressing themselves in front of
Miss Chapman and Mrs Peters. They tried to be as fast as
possible, but manipulating clothing over the strapped areas
was very painful, especially for Janet, and it was a slow
At last they were both fully dressed and stood facing the
seated headmistress. They were both crying now - Gary had
started again in embarrassment at Mrs Peter's presence. Jan's
hands were pressed to the back of her red skirt.
"Right, Janet. I want to see you before assembly tomorrow
with those lines. 'I must not be late for class' one hundred
times." Poor Janet. She realised that if she hadn't tried to
argue with Miss Chapman she wouldn't have had to do the lines!
"And Gary. Mr Hampton has told me that he wants to see you
first thing tomorrow in his study. Now you may both go."
The two chastened teenagers made their painful way out of the
office, watched by Miss Chapman and Mrs Peters. They slowly
hobbled out of the school, grateful that nearly all the pupils
had already left.
Jan didn't have far to go. She lived near the school. Gary
walked with her to her house, the silence only broken by her
occasional whimpers. He kissed her gently on her tear-stained
cheek and said "I'm sorry!" Then he limped painfully away to
the bus stop.
When it came the bus was practically empty, but Gary preferred
to stand! The conductress, a smiling West Indian lady, came
up to him and said, "You should sit down, love. Standing's
only allowed when there's no seats."
"No, I'd rather stand, honestly, thanks," he mumbled.
The conductress looked at him for a moment, the penny had
dropped. "You've been a naughty boy, haven't you?" she said
teasingly. "Just had six of the best from the headmaster's
cane? Don't worry, dear, it's all part of growing up! Stand
up if you like! My Wayne ate his supper standing up last time
he got the cane!"
Gary had blushed cherry-red during this speech. All of the
few passengers on the bus turned to look at him. Two twelve
year old girls got off at the next stop. Giggling to each
other one of them slapped Gary's bottom as they passed. How
he jumped! None of the passengers doubted any longer that
this was a naughty schoolboy who'd got his just deserts.
That night, finding sleep difficult, Gary wondered why Mr
Hampton wanted to see him in the morning. He decided that he
would probably have to show him the marks of his belting to
prove that Miss Chapman had punished him sufficiently. He had
no doubt that the marks would provide ample proof!
* * *
Next morning he reported to Mr Hampton's study. "Ah,
Whiteley!" Mr Hampton said when he entered, "I hear that
you've been getting up to mischief at a girls' school!"
He told Gary to remove his jacket and lower his trousers and
he came round to inspect the marks. "Still sore, Whiteley?"
he asked. "Yes, sir" Gary answered quietly. It was the
"Yes. Miss Chapman's stronger than she looks, isn't she?"
Mr Hampton went back to his desk and picked up a cane. "All
right, Whiteley. Touch your toes!"
Gary protested in shocked disbelief. "But, sir, I've already
been punished. You saw the marks. It's not fair for you to
cane me as well!"
"You obviously weren't paying attention to Miss Chapman
yesterday, Whiteley. She strapped you for trespassing in her
school and for what you were caught doing with Janet Barnes.
But you played truant from my school yesterday and you will
receive six strokes from my cane for that! Now bend over!"
Gary had no choice. He bent over and grasped his ankles.
The caning that followed was, taken by itself, by no means one
of the most severe Gary had suffered. But on his already
bruised and raw bottom it was agonising. He yelped at each
stroke and tears were trickling down his face by the time Mr
Hampton told him to stand up and get dressed.
Gary could not sit down properly for the rest of that day and
was teased unmercifully by his classmates. Those who knew
some details insisted that he described exactly what had
happened to Jan, whom many of them knew.
* * *
Jan had been strictly forbidden by her angry parents to ever
see Gary again, but the two teenagers found an opportunity of
meeting on the next Sunday, when Gary's parents were away.
Jan came round, wearing a yellow summer dress. When he opened
the door and saw her there he put his arms around her, hugged
her pulling her close to him, and kissed her. Then they went
upstairs to his room. Jan climbed onto the bed and lay on her
"How are you feeling, Jan?" Gary asked. "I'm really sorry
about everything. It was all my fault."
"No it wasn't" said Janet, "I asked you in; I said 'let's go
behind the sheds'; it was more my fault than yours! I'm still
sore, though. Do you want a look?"
Jan wriggled her body up a bit and Gary pulled up her skirt to
expose her punished bottom. She was wearing small white
briefs, which were almost transparent, and Gary could see that
the whole area of her buttocks and upper thighs was covered in
what were obviously still very painful bruises.
"Wait there, Jan," Gary said. And he dashed to the bathroom
and returned with a jar of his mother's cold cream. "This
should help."
He carefully peeled down the tiny panties, causing Janet to
wince as he did so. Then he delicately applied the soothing
cream to the curves of Jan's battered behind. "Is that
better, Jan?" he asked.
"Oooh . . . Much better! she answered. The truth was that the
cream did nothing to ease the throbbing ache still pouring
from her rear - but Janet found the gentle touch of the boy's
hand wonderfully erotic.
Gary told Jan about his extra caning from Mr Hampton.
"Hmm. You're not the only one!" was the unexpected response.
Jan explained that it had just been impossible for her to do
the hundred lines properly on Thursday night. It was hard
enough to write standing up, with a blazing pain in her
bottom, and her mother just kept going on and on at her over
and over again about the disgrace. Next morning she had only
sixty lines to hand in, and those were very untidy.
Miss Chapman was not satisfied. Her strap came out again.
However she felt that Janet's bottom had suffered enough. She
administered two stinging strokes to the palm of Jan's left
hand and told the girl to let her have two hundred lines by
"Wow!" said Jan, "I couldn't believe how much it hurt! It was
worse than on the bum!"
Soon Jan said that she ought to be going.
"I think it's best if we don't see each other again for a
while, Gary," she said. "I really like you, but I'm not
risking a strapping like that again!" Gary, although
disappointed, had no choice but to agree!
Sadder but wiser Janet walked home to write out her lines.