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Archive-name: Amazon/melisa.txt
Archive-author: FfejL
Archive-title: Making of Melissa, The
Chapter one, the experiment
Her name was Melissa, and at 22 she was a senior at the Edison Institute of
Technology. Standing only 5'1" tall, and weighing a skimpy 98 pounds, Melissa
had never been what one would call aggressive. In fact, during high school the
cool kids had called her Mousey Melissa.
Melissa had always found it difficult to make friends due to her shy nature,
and so had few at school. Boys were also few and far between. She was no
virgin, owing mostly to her pretty face and svelte body, but no man ever seemed
to call the morning after. College had brought relief from the name calling,
but the occasional immature idiot still like to insult Melissa.
One recent day, in fact, Melissa had one of the most humiliating experiences of
her young life. While walking back to the dorm from class, she accidently
bumped into the captain of the Football team as he was talking to four of his
teammates, knocking both her books and the books of the jock into a mud puddle.
"You stupid little bitch, look what you did! Why don't you watch where you
walking instead of scurring around like a little mouse!"
"Hey, yeah, it's Mousy Melissa!" yelled another jock. Melissa cringed at her
old nickname.
"Don't call me that! I am not mousy!"
"ewwww, the mouse can squeak!"
With that, the jocks formed a ragged circle, and began to push Melissa between
"Stupid Bitch! You ever fuck a real man?"
"Real man? I'll bet she never fucked anyone at all!"
"Yeah, she looks like a dildo lover to me, all right."
"Stupid mousy dildo lover!"
On and on the yelled and pushed. Melissa became more and more upset,
eventually bursting into tears of shame and humiliation.
"Ahhh, enough of this fun," the captain finally order, pushing Melissa roughly
to the ground. "Let's go back to the house."
For almost ten minutes, Melissa wept quietly, wishing she was bigger. Wishing
she could teach the jocks a lesson.
About a week later, Melissa spied a small ad hanging in the lobby of her dorm.
"Wanted: female, 20-25, for growth experiments. See Prof. Dean in BioTech"
Melissa ripped the ad off the wall, and practically ran to the Professor's lab.
Prof. Dean was a handsome man, standing about 5'10", and looking a well muscled
180 pounds. Also with the Professor was his assistant, John, a short, scrawny
graduate student. After dispensing with the introductions, the Prof got down
to business.
"My field is human growth, and I've developed a way to actually cause
spontaneous growth in humans, both in height and musculature. The procedure is
quick, safe and painless. And I need test subjects. Interested?"
"You bet I am!" Melissa nearly shouted. "But how do you know the procedure
"Simple. I used it on myself! I was once 5'5", and as scrawny as John there.
But I've learned through extensive testing on animals that Testosterone, the
male hormone, interferes with the growth process I induce. So now I need to
try my growth ray on a woman."
"When can we start?" asked Melissa.
"Right now!" With that, the Prof led Melissa to a small changing room.
"Please remove all your clothing, and put on those white pajamas. They will be
a bit large, but only for a short while!" Prof Dean added with a smile.
Melissa emerged from the room with the PJs hanging loosely from here like some
kind of weird hand me down from a much older and bigger sister.
"What size are these things?"
"John made those for me. They are designed for someone 6'3" tall, with massive
17.5" arms, 28" thighs, 20" calfs, and a magnificent 45DD chest. I don't know
if we'll get you quite that big today, but better safe than sorry."
Melissa's smile was huge. "I can't *wait* to be big and strong! Can you make
me even bigger?"
"Perhaps, but if it's strength you want, 6'3" is big enough. I guess I forgot
to mention that my ray will also increase the density of your muscle fibers.
You will have *five* *times* the strength of a 'natural' human woman of those
proportions, if there were such a thing!"
John took Melissa into the next room, and had her stand on a pedestal in front
of a large cannon shaped laser-like device. "Please stand up straight, and
move as little as possible."
The Professor walked to the ray gun device. "We'll be using a 'burn' time of 3
seconds. Ready? Then here we go!"
With the flick of a switch, Melissa was bathed in a deep red light that covered
her from head to toe. Almost immediately Melissa began to change. A small
moan, sounding almost sexual in nature, escaped from her lips. She quickly
shot up to 6' tall, her breasts expanding, and her hips widening. But most
impressive were her muscles. With amazing speed, Melissa began to fill out her
pajamas. Before, where there had been little more than skin and bone, bulging
muscle began to form. Melissa tossed her head back, and moved into a spread
eagle stance, her arms half bent at the elbows, her new biceps bunching into
rock-hard baseballs. As she clenched her large fists, powerful muscle expanded
on her forearms, beginning to fill the once loose fitting sleeves of her shirt.
Now 6'2", Melissa's mammoth thighs stretched the fabric of her clothing. Her
back arched, Melissa's now-giant breasts threaten to burst the seams of her
flimsy cotton top.
"This feels *wonderful*," Melissa cried!
Suddenly, just as the magical ray should have turned off, the machine gave off
a loud POP, and sparks flew. "Power surge," the professor cried! "I can't
disengage the ray! John, pull the damn plug!"
"I can't! The power surge must have fused the metal!" Suddenly, John pointed.
"My GOD!"
The professor turned to look at Melissa. What had once been a mousy little
girl was now a Giantess! Standing 6'7", Melissa was pure female muscle. Her
bulging, power-packed arms stretched the seams of her shirt. Already her tree-
trunk thighs and diamond hard calfs had shredded her pants. Professor Dean
stared open mouthed as Melissa flexed and relaxed her thighs. With each flex,
Melissa's giant thighs exploded into bigger and bigger steel-like ropes of
feminine muscle. Her size and definition were beyond compare to even the
largest male bodybuilder. And still Melissa grew!
At 6'11", Melissa's clothing could contain her no longer. A final flex of her
gigantic arms blew her shirt sleeves apart, and her ever-expanding breast
plowed through the front of her top. Now revealed, Melissa's neck muscles
bunched into lead-pipe-like cords of power. As she continued to moan and
thrash in the light, Melissa's abdominals clenched into a solid brick wall of
muscle. Her massive legs were easily the size of the Professor's muscular
chest. Her power-packed biceps were the size of grapefruits, and obviously as
hard as steel.
With a final shower of sparks, the amazing ray gave out.
"Wow! That's some invention, Professor!" Melissa laughed as she nimbly jumped
down from the platform. Landing gracefully on her toes, Melissa's huge breasts
quivered slightly at the impact of all that female beef landing on the floor.
And the fact that her new muscles didn't so much as ripple gave hint to the
amazing power Melissa now possessed.
John and the Professor quickly began taking measurements of the massive woman.
"Incredible. You now stand 7'2" tall and weigh 295 pounds. And with upper arm
measurements of 29", thighs of 39", and calfs of 31", I'd say you are the
biggest woman ever!"
"Don't forget her 55EE chest," John panted.
"hahahaha, your both cute! But who cares about tape measures. I feel so
powerful, like I could rip a man in half! I want to test my *strength*!"
Melissa growled.
"Have patience, dear, all things in time," lectured the Professor.
Ominously, Melissa's eyes narrowed, and she slowly turned towards the
Professor. With great purpose and deliberation, Melissa slowly began to
advance on the much smaller man. With each step, she flexed her power-packed
thighs and immense abdominal muscles. Her fists clenched, she dropped her arms
to her sides, tensing her enormous upper arms and horseshoe shaped triceps. As
she approached closer to the Professor, she slowly drew her arms out, and
expanded her lats to their full, vast proportions. To the hapless professor,
it appeared that a solid wall of unstoppable female muscular power was
descending upon him!
Melissa stopped her approach only inches away. The Professor found himself
staring into the Giantess' jutting breasts. Looking up, Professor Dean saw a
dangerous look in the towering woman's eyes.
Keeping her massive muscles flexed and taught, Melissa grabbed the Professor by
the his upper arms with two hands, and effortlessly lifted the man to eye
Melissa spoke in a slow, commanding tone. "No, you fool, I want to test myself
*now*!" And with that she gave the hapless Professor a taste of her power.
From across the room, all John saw was an increased tightening of Melissa's
colossal arms. But suddenly the Professor's face changed to a mask of terror
and pain, and his breath rushed out of him. Melissa's strength was so great
that even a barely perceptible squeeze of her titanic arms was enough to almost
crack the man's ribs!
Melissa released the Professor, and he dropped to the floor. Hooking her
thumbs at her hips, Melissa entered the classic bodybuilders lat spread and
stared down at the Professor. Well, what are you waiting for? she boomed.
Staring up at Melissa from the floor, Professor Dean could barely comprehend
what he saw. Melissa's great girth and height complete filled his field of
view! Never before had the Professor seen or felt such a display of pure
power. It both excited and scared him.
The professor swallowed hard. "Right...Right away ma'am," he stammered.
Still flexing her stupendous torso, Melissa smiled an evil smile. "That's more
like. Don't forget, I'm not Mousey Melissa any longer!:
To be continued in chapter two: Tests and Domination!