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Copyright © 1997 GoDSpiT. ALL Rights Reserved.
This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without
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distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted
through mrdouble@airmail.net.
"Living Under One Roof"
by: GoDSpiT
Part III: Sarah, Jenn, Willam and more discoveries with friends.
Chapter I.
Willam walked down the path behind the house and into the small woods that were around the house. He was feeling a stirring in his cock again and he wanted to relive it. Will had the best way that he could think of to relieve his little hard cock. He walked until he reached the center of the path and sat down on an old tree stump looking around and waiting. Tina came strolling down the path. She was one of the girls that lived in the house on the other property that connected though these woods. She was a small eight year old girl wearing a babydoll dress and having her red hair pinned up behind her hair. She had no freckles which was strange but not unheard of for a girl with red hair. Her eyes were a beautiful light blue. She was so beautiful. When she arrived to where he was sitting he stood. "Hi" He said uncertainly.
Tina did not say anything she just walked up to him and brought her lips to his. They kissed lightly at first only pecking but it got deeper as Will dipped his tongue into her mouth. Both of them cried out in pleasure and Will could not help but let his hand explore her body. He placed his arms around her and let one of his hands slide down and slide over her small round ass. Will could not help but push his hard cock harder into her body. Willam pulled back and they smiled into each other eyes. "I love you." Tina whispered and Willam slipped his hand under her dress and pulled her panties down. He loved the feel of her cool body next to his.
Her hands work down towards the front of his pants and undoes the buttons. Then Tina lets her hand slide under his boxers and grip the hard little organ that was her place of searching. Willam moaned as he felt her hand circle around the hard erect organ. She takes it out of the hole in the boxers and looks down at the small little eight year old boy penis. The boy smiled and put his hands on her ass and lifted her up higher. She brought her pussy down on his cock with the ease of a pro. It was not the first time that they had fucked like this in the woods. He sat down on the stump and started to thrust his hard organ into her small hole. Will could feel his body starting to jerk and both of them were breathing hard now. Willam pulled back out and then back in and rubbed her little ass as he went over the edge and she followed.
* * *
The first time that it happened had been in a different situation at a different time in the year. Will had been in the large shed on the farm grounds exploring around with Tina. She was the only person in the nearby area that was around his age and he felt comfortable with her. She was much like a boy being a tom-boy and all. They had stumbled across a hiding place in the shed that day and when Will had pulled open the place and taken out magazines he was in shock. The mags. had on the front cover: Teen Girls have Sex, or Watch these young pre-teens fuck. Willam and Tina both looked into each other's eyes and she said, "who's books are these?"
Will had replied, "They must be the guy that abducted my little sister." They had opened the Pre-teen fuck book first and had seen two little kids on the first page both fully dressed. On the next page the pictures were cut all over two pages and the boy and girl both undressed each other. By the end of the page both kids were only in there underwear and something hard was sticking up from the boys pants much like what had happened to Willam two nights before.
Two nights ago he had been downstairs in the living room late watching television when a girl with two large round breasts had walked into the room on the television. Something had happened in Willam's shorts he could feel something growing in there. He had run to the downstairs bathroom and pulled down his pants and stared at his penis. It had been hard and was sticking up. Will had been scared that something was wrong but after awhile it went back down and he was okay again.
And now as Will looked at the little girl with her flat chest and little erect nipples and flat tummy he could fell it hardening again. At that time he had turned the page and reviled a picture that filled the whole page of both children totally naked. The little boys penis was hard and sticking up in the air. The girl had a little thing in-between her leg with a strip that went down from the top and disappeared. Will could feel his pants get tighter. At that time Tina had spoken. "Do you have something like that boys?" Willam had nodded and she said, "Can I see it?"
Will had looked at her and then down at the book and he had stood up and said, "Yes if I can see your thing also." She had nodded and stood up also. Will pulled down his shorts after he unbuttoned them and she undid her overalls and let them fall to the ground to revel her white shirt and a pair of pink panties. Next Will pulled the boxers down and let his little hard cock come into the air. She stared at it for a few seconds and gently let a hand come out and touch the hard little thing. It had jerked and she pulled away. Will noticed that a little wet spot was appearing on her panties.
Tina put her hands on the edges of her panties and pulled them down off her body. Now Will could see perfectly the same shape as the girl on the magazine. But hers was so much better. He let his hand go out and touch the little organ. She spread her legs and her ran a finger up and down the crack of her pussy. Then they both sat down and Will turned the page of the magazine. On the next page the little girl was laying on the ground with her legs spread wide. Then on the next page the boy was on top of her and thrusting his cock into her crack. Will could not help but wonder what was going on and decided that he was going to get dressed and ask his mother, but at that point he had looked over at Tina and noticed that she was laying on the ground legs spread. Something had compelled Will to climb on top of her and he had let his cock flow into her hole. He had pushed into her like the boy in the picture did. Tina cried out and his hard little cock tore though something and the girl cried out in pain.
By the time that he had stopped thrusting and both of them were moaning They stood up and Tina said, "I always wondered what my older sister saw in doing this now I know." After that it had been the same for months on end. They met in the shed and looked at magazines or met in the woods and sometimes fucked there or walked holding hands. Willam had never known that it could be this great.
* * *
Now as he sat in the woods and held Tina in his arms smelling there after sex he said, "I saw something last night that blew my pants off Tina."
"Really what was it?"
Will said, "Well my sister Wern has a room right next to mine and well I heard a noise of a girl moaning and I walked to his door and I peeked though the door which was slightly open. And well my brother Adam was on top of his twin sister fucking her I was in shock. I felt my cock harden like it is again right now and I well started to stroke it in my boxers. And when I came a few seconds before them I went back to my room. What do you think."
"Make me feel good again Will." That was all he needed. Will started to thrust his hard organ in and out of his lovers cunt again.
Chapter II.
Wern woke in the middle of the night to a nightmare that she knew was more than just a nightmare. Someone was grabbing her body and forcing her to do things that she didn't want to do. He was pulling her clothes off of her body and he was touching her in ways that she had not granted him permission to do so. Wern wanted to scream but all that came out of her gagged mouth was the whimpers of a person in pain. Tears rolled down her checks. Her eyes flew open she could feel a body pressed to hers. She was scared. Wern rolled away and into a fetal ball. Tears flowed down her face and onto the bed sheets. She had been violated before but not ever had a man put his thing in her pussy. He had gotten thrills from other things.
Wern tried to roll away from the monster that had re-captured her when an arm went around her. "Wern what's wrong." Then she remembered she was in bed with her twin brother. His arms were rapped around her and she brought her face into his chest and started to cry softly. She cried harder into his arms and Adam could feel the shudders of her body, "What's wrong Wern?"
She continued to cry and in between the sobs she said, "he forced me to do things that I didn't want to do, he. . .he forced me to touch his thing and he even put the head next to my hole and came in. . in me. And it hurt so much and it was so much against my will." Adam could hear her crying increase and he started to stroke her hair softly.
"Its okay Wern its okay. Sshhh, he can never hurt you again."
"Adam I'm sorry that what we did, what was so far from what he did, brought the memory back to me." Adam only stroked her hair. "I love you Adam. Do you understand that. I don't love you as a sister does her brother. I sometimes don't even feel like we are brother and sister. I feel like we are just really good lovers."
Adam smiled and said, "I am here for you always Wern always. I will protect you from anything phantom or real. I want you to know that I love you and that I want to be here for you always. I am your lover."
Wern smiled and looked into her brothers eyes, "I know you want all your sisters Adam."
He sighed and rolled away. She grabbed his arms and Adam said, "yes but if you don't want me to. . .
"You don't listen do you?" She paused as he looked into her face again, "if you want to do our sisters then go for it. I won't stop you I understand your need, hell I have one of my own. I want to do Cousin Paul."
"You mean Randy's lover?"
Wern nodded her head slightly and said, "I knew something was going on their and now I suppose that it is a no can do?"
Adam smiled and said, "No Wern, Randy wants to do it with me and Paul wants you and all of the other girls." Wern smiled and kissed her brothers lips again.
"Make love to me again Adam, I want to feel your cock in me again." Adam smiled as he let his sister climb on top of him. He guided his cock towards her hole and let it thrust into her body. She sighed and started to move up and down on the hard organ. Adam let out a moan as she moved faster and he reached towards his orgasm. She arrived first as always.
Chapter III.
Paul pulled the covers off of him and walked towards the bathroom. Randy was still sound asleep on her side of the bed. In the night she had rolled out of his embrace and was now sleeping on her own side of the bed. He lifted the toilet seat and peed before walking back into his room and looking down at Randy. He picked up the phone to call first his stepmother and then his ex-girlfriend. His stepmother answered on the second ring. "Anna hi its me Paul I was just calling to ask you a favor could you tell my father that I am going to be up here for more than just till the summer?" He waits for a few seconds for his stepmother to answer and says, "Thanks, bye." With that he hangs up the phone and then dials Erin's house. Her sister Wendy picked up on the second ring and then ran and got Erin.
Erin got on the phone, "Paul honey, I was hoping that you would have called sooner but I understand got caught up and all of that."
"Erin we have to talk for a second okay. You had better sit down for a second." He waited for a few second and then realized what he was doing when she started to talk.
"What's wrong Paul, why are you scaring me like this."
"Erin it's over. I came out here to this farm and realized that I never really loved you just the safe image of you. I am sorry but I can not be with you anymore."
What. . .what are you saying Paul, you love me just wait till I get down there and. . . and show you my large breasts." She starts to cry on the other end of the phone line.
"No Erin never come near me again okay, it is best if you forget about me and find someone that is more suited to you. If you don't believe me then ask your sister a few questions. That's all goodbye Erin it was fun while it lasted." With that Paul hung up the phone and let out a large breath of air.
"Who is Erin?" Paul turned around and saw Randy sitting up in bed her dark cold eyes looking back at him. He smiles at her and she runs a hand though her ruffled curly hair. She repeats her question. "Who is Erin?"
"Erin is the girl that I was engaged to before I realized that everything I had with her was a lie and that you were the one that I had always been searching for." Randy smiled and kissed him on the cheek before climbing out of bed. She slipped on a pair of panties and her shirt. "Where are you going to?"
"The bathroom to take a shower, want to join me." A smile spreads across her lips. Paul smiles and feel his cock start to harden again. He follows her towards the bathroom. Randy starts the water letting it get hot before she turns the shower nozzle on. She pulls her panties down and then lifts her shirt over her head and lets it drop to the floor. She turns around in front of Paul's face and says after she turns once and faces him again, "well do I meet your approval sir?"
Paul's cock gives a jerk and he looks down at it at the same time that Randy does and she stifles a giggle behind her hand. "I suppose that is a yes." She nods and climbs into the bathtub. Paul follows and looks at her. "I love you Randy."
She smiles and says, "I love you also Paul." Paul takes the washcloth and puts some soap on it and then turns Randy away from him. He washes her body paying close attention to her pussy. Then he lets her wash his body. He feels her hands pressed over his hard cock and she starts to jerk it for a few seconds then she says, "I want you to lift me out of this shower now Paul and carry me to your room and make love to me."
"You are too. . ."
She interrupts him, "I am not too small Paul trust me if it hurts to much I will tell you to stop."
Paul only nods and picks the nine year old up in his arms and carries her out of the shower and lays her down on the bed. He goes back and turns off the water and walks back into the room. "I love you Randy." Paul lays down beside her and slowly lets his hand wonder over her small thin body. She spread her legs willingly for his hand to explore the inside and outside of her little pussy. He lightly kisses both of her nipples and then her lips. She was burning under his fingers and Paul knew that she was ready or as ready as she would ever be. He brought her on top of him and she spread her legs. They were laying tummy to tummy. Paul slowly guided his cock into her little pussy. He could feel the round little hole and the beautiful little girl on top of him pushed back against his cock as he pushed it into her pussy. Paul let out a gasp of shock as he felt his cock enveloped by the small little hole. It was so tiny almost too tiny he was scared of hurting her. Randy gasped also but she did not seem to be in that much pain.
Paul pushed again and Randy gave out a shout of pain. "Randy do you want me to stop?" She violent shakes her head no and Paul knows that she wants it as much as he does. He pushes his cock into the small little hole again. Only 2 inches of his large 8 inch cock is buried into her little hole. He feels her little hymn pushing against his cock and she gives out a yelp. "I am going to push really hard now Randy and break your cherry." She only nods and Paul knows that this means she is ready for it to happen. Paul pushed again and this time he broke though her cherry. Randy gave a howl of pain and Paul would have stopped then if she hadn't kept grinding her hips against his body. 6 inches of his cock went into her body know and it was bumping against her cervix. He pushed out and in again and that was all that Paul could stand. His cock was in such tight torture. He started to cum. It was beyond control. Spurt after spurt after spurt. He came more than he had ever in his life. After he was done Paul noticed that Randy was already asleep. It was over she was no longer a virgin.
As it happened Paul did inherit more than just the farm. The parents disappeared after all the problems. They did not exactly disappear for real. That was the story that Paul and Randy made up for the younger children. The parents plane crashed down on its way to Las Vegas. They were never heard of again. Paul and Randy got married when she turned sixteen. He did get to do all the girls eventually. Sarah was at first shocked at such an idea as sex but after awhile she and a friend of hers joined in the fun. Wern got pregnant from her brother sexual act on her 12 year old body. As did Jenn when he fucked her. By the time that Randy had turned 12 both of them had had 2 children from Adam. Adam married both of them when they were 16 and the farm is so successful now that both Paul and Adam run it that they own two farms again. Adam and Wern are expecting twins in a few months as are Adam and Jenn. Randy and Paul got married when she turned 15. She had her first child when she was 12 but the strange thing about it was that she had not even gotten breasts by then. She was still flat. Another strange thing was that the child was a girl who looked a lot like Wern. Paul is currently preparing the girl for sex with him. Randy does not mind because she still gets Paul to her self every night. Randy has become a professional painter/writer. She is very artistic. And at 19 now she is still wearing a bra not much bigger than a training bra. Randy loves Paul and Paul loves Randy. They still sleep together even though he does have sexual experiences with his daughters.
Where there is love there is a way between everything. . .
Authors Note:
I had nothing else to write on this story. So I finished it the only way I could with an explanation. I am sorry if you feel the story is too short...but I am currently working on something else and also I need a small break from writing erotica for awhile. But don't worry I will return with an all new story in about a month or sooner.......till then you can always re-read my stories or find some other stories a lot like mine.
Again my deepest apologies for this story if you do not like the ending.
GoDSpiT (1997)
Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!!
Be There.....