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Greetings, AD&D Enthusiasts.
Herein, I have compiled some ideas for Wizards' spells I had come up with
during my many years of AD&D Role Playing. In that time, I saw almost every
idea for a spell one could come up with. Still, I disagreed with some, or saw
need for improvement in others. Therefore, I now bring this list in order to
cover yet some more gaps and introduce new ideas to AD&D campaign.
I would be honored, if you find these spells - some, if not all - worthy to
add to your campaign.
Email: < solinari@netvision.net.il >
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Wretch (Evocation)
Level : 1 Components : V,S,M
Range : 20 yards Casting Time : 1
Duration : 3-8 rounds (1d6+2) Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect : 1 creature/2 levels
This spell induces terrible nausea in any creature it is cast at (undead are
unaffected). The target may roll a saving throw to avoid the effect.
If unsuccessful, it will immediately start coughing and gagging for a
duration of 1d6+2 rounds. During that time it will suffer a penalty of -2
to hit, all saving throws, AC, and initiative, due to wretching.
The material component is rotten or moldy organic matter.
Sol's Firecrackers (Evocation/Invocation)
Level : 2 Components : V,S,M
Range : 5 yards/level Casting Time : 2
Duration : 1 round/2 levels Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect : 3 x 3 x 3 cube
This spell enchants an area to cause small, random, red-hot flashes of
miniature fireballs. During each round, a number of 1d6+1 (re-rolled each
round) miniature fireballs, each one 1.5 yards in diameter, flare away in
random places within the area of effect. These burst at random times,
without forewarning.
(to determine each fireball's timing, roll initiative for each fireball)
To determine the flare location of each fireball, roll 1d10:
(roll of 5 or 10 indicates center) :~~~|~~~|~~~:
Each fireball causes 1d4 points of damage to all in the area, | 1 | 2 | 3 |
nagated by a succesful save VS. spells. The wizard does not |~~~|~~~|~~~|
need to concentrate in order to maintain the spell. | 4 |5/0| 6 |
The material components are a pinch of iron powder and a |~~~|~~~|~~~|
pinch of sulfur, or some ready-made firecrakers. | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Flashpowder (Evocation/Invocation)
Level : 2 Components : V,S,M
Range : 10 yards/level Casting Time : 2
Duration : Special Saving Throw : Special
Area of Effect : 20-foot cube
This spell is a variant of the Glitterdust spell. The difference is, that in
addition to the blinding effect, the spell also inflicts damage upon all in
the area of effect.
As in Glitterdust, all creatures must roll a saving throw versus spells.
Those who fail, are blinded (-4 penalty to all roles and AC) for 1d4+1 rnds.
In any case, all within the area take 1d4 + 1/level points of heat damage
(no saving throw). Unlike Glitterdust, this spell will not leave glowing
dust in the area, as the dust is consumed in the 'flash'.
The material components are ground mica and a pinch of saltpetre.
Trigger (Alteration)
Level: 3 Components: Special
Range: Special Casting Time: 5 rounds
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special
As Trigger is cast, the caster 'loads' any ONE spell of his choice (that he
has memorized) into the Trigger spell's pattern, thus effectively casting it,
using all components and requirements as usual. However, that spell is not
unleashed, but rather, is suspended indefinitely until the caster decides
to unleash it, which he does by a simple verbal and/or somatic trigger
determined when casting this spell - It cannot be changed later. All variable
parameters (range, target, verbal suggestion, etc.) are set normally when the
spell is unleashed.
Technically, activating the trigger has a casting time of 0, which means
that the wizard rolls initiative without adding the normal casting cost of
the suspended spell, thus rolling a natural 1d10, unless hindered by other
Also, since the trigger is actually a simplified gesture, it may be set off
under conditions that would not normally allow spellcasting, such as Silence
(if only somatic) or bound hands (if only verbal).
(e.g. Frigidus has set a trigger for a Cone of Cold spell. In combat, when
rolling initiative, Frigidus would not have to add 5 to the roll, as casting
cost of Cone of Cold. He would roll 1d10 naturally, with no modifiers.)
A wizard is not limited to any number of triggered spells he may hold at a
time, except for the regular limitation of spells allowed.
Important to note, is that a trigger counts as TWO spells in the caster's
memory - The trigger in itself, and the spell suspended. Therefore, when the
trigger is set off, both the Trigger spell AND the suspended spell are
cleared out of the caster's memory.
Paranoia (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level : 4 Components : V,S
Range : 10 yards Casting Time : 4
Duration : 1 hour/level Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect : 1 creature
This spell induces paranoid delusions in the mind of an intelligent (Int.
above 4) living being. The target may attempt a saving throw versus spells
to avoid the effects. However, if the target fails, the paranoia will take
effect. That is - He will think that everyone is against him, and will
especially suspect that his friends and the all the people close to him are
scheming and plotting against him. He might even attack and/or run away from
them if he sees them do anything menacing or threatening - By his
mis-concepted standards, of course.
The spell will last for 1 hour per caster's level. As the spell ends, the
target will snap out of the paranoia, knowing that SOMETHING has gone amiss.
Power Word, Silence (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level : 5 Components : V
Range : 40 yards + 5 yards/level Casting Time : 1
Duration : 1 round/level Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect : 1 yard/level radius
As the name implies, this spell causes total silence in the area of effect.
No sound can enter, leave, or be heard within the area of effect, thus
prohibiting spellcasting and verbal/sonic attacks. Of course, all affected
may leave the area, freeing themselves from the effect.
Sol's Sonic Wave (Alteration, Evocation)
Level : 6 Components : V,S,M
Range : 20 yards Casting Time : 6
Duration : Instantaneous Saving Throw : Special
Area of Effect : Special
Upon casting this spell, the spellcaster emits a sonic-wave, shrill and high
pitched in the extreme, which affects a cone shaped area originating at the
caster, where it is a yard wide, proceeding to a distance of 40 yards, where
it is 20 yards wide. This spell cannot be blocked by walls or other solid
obstacles, although a Silence spell would protect an area from it. Anyone
standing outside the cone can hear a low buzzing sound for a second's time.
The high pitch agitates all particles in the area of effect, and the victims
suffer sharp, penetrating pain, as the molecules in their bodies are shaken
violently. Everyone may attempt a saving throw VS. paralyze to avoid the
effect. Whoever fails, suffers 1d4+1 points of damage per two levels of the
caster, and is stunned for 1 round per every 6 points of damage suffered, due
to the racking pain. Crystalline creatures take double damage. Whoever makes
the saving throw is is only stunned for 1d2 rounds, due to disorientation
and shock. All crystalline and other fragile substances within the cone are
affected as by a Crushing Blow, and must roll saving throws to avoid being
shattered. Magical items are immune to this shattering effect.
The material component for this spell is a silver tuning fork and a tooth
from a bat or dolphin, which is consumed.
Sol's Sonic Beam (Alteration, Evocation)
Level : 6 Components : V,S,M
Range : 10 yards + 5 yards/level Casting Time : 6
Duration : Instantaneous Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect : One creature/object
This spell is very similar to the Sonic Wave spell, as it also creates a
high-pitched sonic wave, but instead of releasing it in a cone shaped area,
it focuses the wave into a sonic beam, which can be fired at one creature
or object. As in Sonic Wave, anyone near the beam can hear a low buzzing
sound. Creatures targeted by the beam may attempt a saving throw versus
paralyzation. A successful throw negates the effect. If failed the save, the
victim would suffer damage of 2d4+1 HP per 2 levels of caster, and be stunned
for one round per 5 points of damage taken. In addition to the damage,
crystalline creatures roll an additional saving throw versus death, or are
destroyed. The victim's possessions are unaffected, as only the victim
absorbs the beam.
If the target is an object, it must make a saving throw versus Crushing Blow,
with a -4 penalty (a roll of 20 still indicates success), otherwise it is
shattered and destroyed. Magical Items are also subject to this effect, but
these receive a bonus of +3 to the saving throw. The object's maximum mass
is 10 pounds per caster's level.
The material component for this spell is a silver tuning fork, which can be
re-used, and a small piece of mica, which is consumed.
Mutation (Necromancy)
Level : 6 Components : V,S,M
Range : Touch Casting Time : 6
Duration : Permanent Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect : One living creature
This spell greatly alters the body of any one LIVING creature it is cast on.
(undead have no metabolism, and are thus unaffected)
The mutation is random, so the caster cannot control the mutation's exact
effect. A target is entitled to a saving throw vs. polymorph to avoid the
effects. If failed however, the creature immediately begins to mutate.
Roll 1d100 and consult the following table for the results :
Die Roll: Effect:
01-10 Creature sprouts 1d3 functional limbs (random location)
11-20 Bones liquify - Creature turns into living flab.
21-29 Creature's body bloats and coats with infectious tumors,
loose flabs of flesh, and disgusting, pulsating arteries,
writhing under its skin in a hideous dance of living gore.
30-35 Creature grows 1d4 vestigial appendages. (random locations)
36-45 Creature sprouts 3d6 additional ears. (amplified hearing)
46-55 Creature sprouts 3d6 additional eyes. (360 deg. vision)
56-60 Creature sprouts 3d6 mouth-like orifices.
61-65 1d4 random limbs shrivel and become useless.
66-75 A random organ is enlarged/reduced by 1d100 + 100% .
76-80 Creature grows an additional head. There is 90% chance that
it will become psychotically retarded and die in 3d8 turns,
and a 10% chance that it will survive to live with the
extra head (a very amusing situation indeed).
81-100 Creature mutates horribly and dies in terrible agony.
(of course, a DM may be creative and alter the list)
For each mutation, the target must roll a system-shock check to see of it
survives at all. Each mutation causes 3d4 points of damage, -10% for
future system-shock rolls, and charisma drops by 2d4+2 (minimum 1).
Mutation has no effect of oozes, molds, jellies, or other liquid creatures.
The mutation can be reversed with a Restoration spell or a Wish.
The material component is living tissue (can be preserved).
Power Word, Halt (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level : 7 Components : V
Range : 5 yards/level Casting Time : 1
Duration : Instantaneous Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect : 3 yards/level radius
When uttered, "Power Word, Halt" abruptly ceases all movement and inertia in
the area of effect. All material and even etheral movement (including magic
spells) is halted to a dead stop. This lasts for a mere microsecond, but the
movement in the area is NOT resumed!!! Thus, if this spell were cast over a
battlefield, this is what would happen : arrows in flight would stop flying
and fall, a charging soldier would come to a dead stop, and he would have to
re-initiate his charge, the arm of a catapult firing a rock would stop
prematurely, so the projectile would be a dud, and a spell-casting mage's
gestures would be interrupted, and he would lose his spell.
In short - all actions that are yet to happen at that round, would be lost,
so this spell is very effective if the caster rolls a low initiative roll.
* Authour's Note : From reactions I have encountered, I know that people
seem to discount this spell prematurely. Think twice of what it can do,
before disposing of it. It is a great spell to get creative with...It does
not necessarily have to be used for combat purposes.
Subliminal Implantation (Enchantment, Illusion)
Level : 7 Components : V,S
Range : 1 Yards/level Casting time : 4
Duration : 1 round + 1 round/level Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of effect : 1 Creature
This is an insidious spell which implants a certain message in the target's
brain. The massage cannot be much more elaborate than an instinctive
impulse - For example, a caster may implant the notion that the creature is
actually a life-long friend of his or a bitter enemy of one of its friends.
The target can be made to think that it can perform something it cannot;
e.g. flying or water-breathing - The target will believe he is flying while
plummeting like a rock, or breathing water while actually drowning!
In short, this spell can totally alter the target's reality, in the eyes of
the target creature, of course. A target cannot be directly commanded to die
through this spell. Such a command would make it fall into a coma for the
spell's duration.
Unlike other charm spells, this spell also works on unintelligent beings, as
it appeals to their instincts. Undead are unaffected.
The simpler the message is, the harder it is to resist - But that is at the
DM's discretion.
Implosion (Alteration)
Level : 8 Components : V,S,M
Range : 40 yards + 5 yards/level Casting Time : 8
Duration : Instantaneous Saving Throw : Special
Area of Effect : Special
This is a very destructive spell that causes matter to implode. That is, it
causes a molecular structure to explode, but to the inside. The spell can
affect up to 800 pounds/level of matter - organic and non-organic (including
undead). Either way, this spell may affect only ONE coherent mass, even if
the caster can technically affect more mass than the one targeted.
A creature targeted by this spell receives a saving throw to partially avoid
the effect. If succesful, target is only stunned for 1d4 rounds. If
unsuccesful, the target's molecular structure folds in upon itself, meaning
the victim's destruction. The target seems to start convulsing, then it
condenses and bursts, spraying the nearby area with gore, or pieces of
organic matter. Note that victim's clothing and possessions are unaffected.
The spell can also target non-living objects, such as structures, objects,
even otherwise animated non-living substance, as golems. When used against
these, the spell also breaks the molecular bonds of the target. If cast on
breakable, hard material, as stone, ceramics, dead wood, etc., the material
breaks down and crumbles. If cast on expandable material, such as almost
any metal, it would not be destroyed, but the spell would condense the matter
and alter its shape. Animated and magical materials receive a saving throw
versus Disintegrate.Thus, if cast on a building's foundations or even on one
wall, the stone would crumble and fall - obviously causing more damage as it
collapses the walls that support the structure. If targeting a golem, for
instance, it would receive a saving throw. If it succeeds, it would avoid
the effect. If not, the resulting effect still differs. If an organic golem,
as a flesh golem, it would suffer the effects as a living creature. If target
is a clay or stone golem, they would crumble. If an iron golem, it would be
considerably warped, due to the twisting and condension of its joints.
Magical items save VS disintegrate to avoid destruction. Non-corporeal
creatures, as ghosts and apparitions are not affected.
The material component is a piece of moist clay and a fist-sized chunk of
lead, and both are lost after casting.
NOTE: If caster cannot affect the full mass of a LIVING target, the target
is unaffected, with the exception of inanimate masses only, in which case
the caster would affect as much mass as he can.
Reversal (Abjuration, Alteration)
Level : 8 Components : V,S,M
Range : 0 Casting Time : 2 rounds
Duration : Special Saving Throw : Special
Area of Effect : The caster
This spell creates an invisible shield around the caster that is able to
reflect all spells and spell-like effects targeting THE CASTER ALONE back to
the source. The caster is able to reflect a number of spell levels equal to
his own level. However, the caster can only reflect a spell under certain
* The shield can only reflect spells specifically targeted at the caster,
such as Lightning Bolt, Finger of Death, Disintegrate, etc.
Area spells, as fireball, fully affect the shielded caster, unless it was
aimed DIRECTLY at the shielded caster.
* The caster must make a succesful saving throw against the spell. If he
does, the spell will rebound back to the source, forcing the source to
suffer the effects (saving throw allowed). Otherwise, the caster is fully
affected, and no spell levels are drained from the shield.
* The shield entitles the caster to roll saving throws against spells that
do not normally allow a saving throw, such as magic missiles. As stated,
if caster saves, spell rebounds, otherwise, the full effect is suffered.
* If the shield contains less spell levels than a spell that is cast at it,
the shield's bearer would suffer the full effects of that spell.
e.g. - If there are 5 spell levels left in the shield, while a 7th level
spell is cast at it, the shield would not reflect the spell, and the
shielded wizard would suffer the full consequences of that spell.
* The shield cannot reflect Wishes, Limited Wishes, Power Words, or
Sympathetic magic, like Clone or Simulacrum.
* Cleric spells act on the shield as if they were twice the level they are.
* If the caster is attacked with a touch-type spell which does not normally
allow save, he may still attempt to save - See above. If he succeeds, both
he and the attacker suffer the same effect, and the shield is drained
appropriately. If not, he suffers normal effect.
The caster may choose not to reflect spells cast at him.
Each day, the shield loses 3 spell levels, until it expires, eventually.
The material component is a silver mirror and a small diamond (500 gp), and
both shatter when the spell ends.
Sol's ShockWave (Alteration, Evocation)
Level : 8 Components : V,S,M
Range : 10 yards + 5 yards/level Casting Time : 8
Duration : Instantaneous Saving Throw : 1/2
Area of Effect : 3 yards/level radius
This spell releases an expanding wave of force originating at the center of
the area of effect. The shockwave also releases a thunderous sonic wave. All
within the area of effect must roll a saving throw VS spell. All victims are
blown out of the circle (unless they have a very solid anchor - HUGE size
creatures and up are immune to THIS effect ONLY), and deafened for 1d20
The blast also inflicts 2d4+1 points of damage per 3 levels of the caster.
Any who save suffer only half of all effects, rounded up. Note that the
objects flying out of the area of effect - stones, debris, items, even
creatures, are spread in a huge grenade-like pattern and might injure those
who stand outside the circle - Outsiders may save VS wands to avoid that.
The sonic boom forces all non-magical materials within the area of effect to
save VS. crushing blow, or be destroyed. Magical items made of crystalline
or other fragile material are affected, but receive +4 to the saving throw.
Crystalline creatures in the area take double damage, AND save as magical
items to avoid destruction.
The material components are a miniature gong and mallot, which are consumed
at the casting.
Inferno (Evocation)
Level : 9 Components : V,S,M
Range : 50 yards + 5 yards/level Casting time : 3 rounds
Duration : Instantaneous Saving Throw : Special
Area of effect : Special
This is a fearsome and catastrophic spell, used for causing tremendous damage
over a very large area. The caster affects an area of 500 square meters per
level. Upon completing the incantation, the caster unleashes a huge,
billowing sheet of roaring flames, 30 feet high, which expands very rapidly
(movement 240) within the area of effect, setting alight all flammable matter
exposed to it. Any creatures in the area of effect suffer immediate damage
of 3d10 +1 / 2 levels from the flames, in addition to later damage from
burning environment. The creatures within the area may be entitled to roll
a saving throw versus breath weapon to cut damage in half, but only if there
is anything in the area that might serve as shelter (rock formation, etc.).
This spell may be effectively used to raze a small village, or cripple an
army. Note, that although there is a defined area of land that is affected
by the spell, the fire might later spread further.
The spell can be used on ANY non-gaseous surface, even water and ice.
The material components are a fistfull of phosphour, a ready source of fire,
and a flask of Oil of Fiery Burning (see DMG) - all of which are consumed.
More volumes are yet to be published.
I would greatly appreciate your comments/suggestions.