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: No Elite / No porn : HomeBrew Beer. :rpgnet@aol.com: Dec 1,1993 :
Avian (Phoenix)
Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Family, clan
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Average to Super Genius
Treasure: A, Q, S
Alignment: Any
No. Appearing: 1-4
Armor Class: 0
Movement: 9 / 52
Hit Dice: 1- 10
THAC0: varies
No. of Attacks: 2 (3)
Damage/Attack: 1-8/1-8 or by weapon
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: standard
Size: M (7'-8')
Morale: elite
XP Value: 975-7000
Appearance: The Phoenix appears as a 7 foot plus bird like humanoid. They have both wings and hands, the wings typically being three times as long as the Phoenix is tall. The head is that of a large bird of prey, with a hooked black beak and large round eyes. The whole body is feathered except the hands and taloned feet. Colors range from deep red to bright orange, with white silver and gold highlights. Color and pattern vary from individual to individual so that a person can be identified by feather pattern alone. No matter what variation, red predominates.
Combat: The Phoenix prefers to fight from an advantage of height, stooping on a grounded opponent with great speed. A stoop is an attack from a height, striking a blow with the half-closed foot doing 2-16 point of damage. A grounded Phoenix fights with the hand talons or with weapons. When fighting an opponent 50% taller a hit with both hands entitles them to rake with their feet for an additional 2-16 points damage. Perhaps the most feared of the Phoenix's attacks is the elemental fire they can call upon. A Phoenix can throw a fireball doing 1d6 per 5 HD, once for every Constitution point they have. (Non-player character Phoenixes are assumed to have a CON. of 16). They may also immolate at one of two levels. Low immolation is at 500O F. any person grabbing a Phoenix in this state will suffer 1-8 points damage for each round they hang on. High immolation is at 2500O F and the damage radius is 10' around the Phoenix,
any being will take 2-20 hit points damage inside this radius. No amount of fire or heat can harm a Phoenix.
Killing a Phoenix is not an end to the creature. As legend suggests, the Phoenix is able to regenerate itself from the state of death. A Phoenix killed by normal means will burst into flame with explosive force, the older the Phoenix the greater the radius of the burst (10'/cycle) and the damage sustained by those in its area (1d6/cycle). The result of this fire will be a 8" diameter translucent gold ball, commonly called an egg. The Phoenix will emerge whole and unharmed from this "egg" at the next dawn. A number of attack forms will keep a Phoenix from "cycling" as the process is called. If a Phoenix is killed by death magic (Death Spell, Power Word Kill, Cause Death, etc.)
they will not form an egg. A Raise Dead or Resurrection spell, when the save is made, will allow the dead Phoenix to cycle. The Phoenix can not abide water. Water, pure or salt will burn a Phoenix as if it where acid. A Phoenix will take 1d6 damage for
every quart of water that hits them. Complete immersion will kill. A Phoenix killed with water also will not cycle. However they can be revived with spells. If the soul of a Phoenix is Magic Jarred, the body will not cycle if killed. If a Phoenix in the egg form is trapped in an environment inhospitable to life, the bottom of a lake, buried in rocks, etc. that the force of exit will not clear. They will go dormant remaining in the egg until conditions change. The danger of this is the mind is aware. While they will not go insane in their own egg, they can lose interest in living. Should this happen the Phoenix will not revive but the result of the cycle will be ashes, in this case no power in mortal hands can recover them.
Habitat/Society: The Phoenix family typcially consists of a single male and female, and the current brood of children if any. In areas where game is plentiful more than one couple may share living spaces to assure the safety of the young. Being long lived creatures, that are fertile for centuries, the Phoenix does not recognize the generations that shorter lived peoples do. The only term for relatives, out side of the nuclear family that the Avian language has is "Chia", a term meaning everyone in you greater family except parents and siblings. Mates do not typically join for life. A marriage may last for centuries, or only as long as it takes to raise a singe brood. Such marriages are also not exclusive. Phoenixes show little if any jealousy in the matter of personal relationships. Multiple spouse groupings form naturally when game will support it, and break up without rancor when it will not.
Children are special cases in the Phoenix society. Children under three years of age do not have the Fire, and cannot cycle as can adults. However they do possess all the weakness of the adults. The result of this is parents are VERY protective of the
little ones. A Phoenix is born live after a three month gestation, with one to four young per birth. They weight one to two pounds at birth, and are little more than down-covered appetites. The young Phoenix takes three years to reach mature height. While their mental progress is faster in early years than humans, they are by no means adults in learning or temperament at this age. At the age of three years a young Phoenix goes through a process known as Maturity Crisis. At this time the connection to the Elemental Plane of Fire is completed, and the Phoenix can Immolate and cycle. Only one thing keeps this from being a time looked forward to. Nearly a fourth of the
young do not survive this day. Once passed the crisis it is said that If not killed in the first hundred years, they could live forever.
Every one hundred years a Phoenix will Cycle. This is a complete renewal of the mental and physical being. As they approach the 95th year, signs of age begin. The Phoenix slows down, looses interest in mates, or any projects they might be working on. Near the end they lose appetite, and refuse to eat, within seven days of this the Phoenix will cycle. The process is much like that of death renewal, but brought on by age rather than damage. The Phoenix will remain within the egg for three days, rising on the dawn of the third day. At this time the Phoenix will be young again, remembering everything from past cycles. Due to the explosive nature of the cycle, Phoenixes build special structures to hold their eggs. Commonly call "Egg Holds" the building will be secure, and capable of venting the fire that accompanies the cycle. They are usually round and bowl shaped on the inside, with louvers in the roof.
Encounters between Phoenixes, or Avians of other kinds can be anything from a greeting of old friends to combat for hunting territory, an old grudge, or simply to see who is the better flyer. Phoenixes are seemingly fearless in combat with each other. Immolation attacks are not used in these fights, so the worse that can happen is the loser gets pranged, and waits out the night in egg form. They are friendly with any people that are friendly with them. They favor Elves, and have special relationship with Pegasi. No Phoenix, no matter how hungry will eat a Pegasus, and they will go out of their way to aid the same. Like wise, a Pegasus will not attack a Phoenix, and will aid them as mounts if asked. Orcs are the one exception to Phoenix tolerance. Any Orcs found by a Phoenix will be burned out of hovel and home as quick as possible.
Phoenixes are often found ruling humans or other peoples. They seem to have a need to act as guild to such peoples. It is well then that in all such cases the ruled have benefited from being ruled by such beings.
Ecology: The Phoenix fills the same ecological niche as the Giant Eagle, or other large flying predator, and will not be found sharing territory with the same. A single adult Phoenix, living an active life needs from 20 to 25 pounds of meat a day, and will claim a hunting territory adequate to satisfy his needs, its size depending on the amount of game present and the known replacement rate of the favored game animals. Note: The Phoenix is highly intelligent, and will not over hunt an area unless that is the only choice for survival.
Variants: The known Variants of the Avian Race are the Glacian, Avard, Darklin, and Aurorain. Others are assumed or suggested, but none are confirmed. Each is described in its own section.
The Phoenix As Player Character: The Phoenix is a Senior Player's Race and should not be attempted without the Gamemaster's approval.
Players wishing to run a Phoenix character must meet the minimum ability scores for the race, as well as minimum scores for the class they wish to play. Phoenix characters may play any class. It is recommended that thieves not be played. A Phoenix thief will be at considerable disadvantage in many primary thief skills. A Phoenix character may be multi-class.
The Phoenix has the following advantages
> The Phoenix has a natural attack.
> They are immune to Fire and heat in any form.
> They can cast a fireball doing 1d6 hit points of damage per five levels. This can be done as many times per day as the Phoenix has CON.
> They can immolate to a maximum of 2-20 hit points damage within a 10' radius.
> They have an AC of 0
> A Phoenix can fly.
> They Will cycle into egg form when brought to 0 hit points and rise undamaged at the next dawn.
> Phoenix Spellcasters will gain 1.5 times the normal effect from any fire spell.
Disadvantages are as follows:
> Water will damage as 1d6 hit points per quart, immersion will kill.
> Damage by water or death magic will prevent cycle.
> A Phoenix is fragile and will take double damage from blunt weapons.
> A Phoenix cannot wear any kind of armor or magical clothing.
> Phoenix spellcasters can not use any spell that incorporates water as a target of the spell or an effect of the spell.
> A Phoenix needs 20 to 25 pound of fresh meat a day to remain healthy and active.
> All Phoenixes like human meat. The attraction is like catnip, but they don't get drunk.
> Phoenixes suffer from bloodlust. Each PC Phoenix must choose a frustration factor. Any time this factor comes into play they must save vs WIS. to prevent bloodlust. Failure means that they will kill anything and everything, (starting with the object of
frustration it any) in their path until exhausted (this takes 5 to 10 hours) or they fall in combat.
Due to the advantages given a Phoenix as a Player Character they have an experience rider to advance levels. The chart Follows.
2 1450
3 2,900
4 5,800
5 14,500
6 29,000
7 58,000
8 108,750
9 203,000
10+ 217,500
Role Playing the Phoenix: As a rule Phoenixes are a tolerant and patient lot. A Phoenix is willing to get along with anyone, until crossed. Type A personalties are less common that type B. Due to their long life expectancy Phoenixes make plans that will
not mature for decades or even centuries. They are amused but tolerant of the foibles and hurry of less long lived races, conversely when promptness is necessary they waste no time. A young Phoenix will be as brash and naively confident of themselves as any young person. Older Phoenixes are more certain of themselves they waste little if any energy on unnecessary movement. A youngster will bounce about even when resting. When an old Phoenix sits still, they are still. This is often the only way to tell a youth from their more mature Chia.
Phoenix Religion: A Phoenix is respectful of the Elven races, or any person of fay nature. They hold that all Avians Where created by Silalata Tommie to protect the First Children. It is also held that the shame of the race, bloodlust and the taste for human meat where the work of Morchaint Mormiron. the dark twin of the Lord of Light, who jealous of his brother's creation corrupted them before they where finished. Both Elven and Avian lore hold that this act, called "The Third Shame" was the cause of the battle that took both gods out of the picture for almost a million years. Phoenixes also hold reverent the memory of the Three Brothers, the prototypes of the original Avian races. The elders of the race are likewise held up for worship and respect. These include Abba Eecreeana, Tesral, Ivan, and Kiree to name the principle gods.
CREATORS NOTE: The immortals listed in this text are unique to my world. Standard Elven gods would be Corellon Larethian for Silalata Tommie and Lolth for Morchaint Mormiron. Other immortals are unique to my game and Avians. I may post their sect and personal details at some later date. The Phoenix is not intended to be a party killer, nor a vehicle for Monty Haul players. This creature has been worked over and perfected for fifteen years. The Phoenix is an old and civilized race, please treat it as such. If ever it gets back to me that someone is abusing my baby, I will personally find them and burn them at the stake, using their game books to start the fire. I will answer any question you have about Phoenixes or their cousins in the RPGnet AD&D base. Please post you questions so the maximum number of players as benefit from the answer
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Do not distribute without this notice.
This materiel is under Copyright by Garry Stahl. It may not be published without permission. Permission is given for personal use and distribution on the RPGnet. No other rights given.