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Grade Level: Type of Work Subject/Topic is on:
[ ]6-8 [ ]Class Notes [Drugs and their effects ]
[ ]9-10 [ ]Cliff Notes [on Businesses/workplace ]
[x]11-12 [x]Essay/Report [ ]
[ ]College [ ]Misc [ ]
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Drugs are used heavily for recreational purposes. It is becoming more
common for addicts to get high at work. Stoned workers are inefficient and
are costing companies millions in accidents and los t productivity.
Searches to catch users have raised questions of the right to privacy. The
problem has become so big that companies have banded together to form
rehabilitation programs to help the affected workers. Drug use affects
employees for one re ason or another in every position of a company, and
this greatly reduces the efficiency of those employees, and this has
prompted companies to initiate illegal searches, which question the rights
of employees, and rehabilitation programs.
Drug abuse causes many serious problems that could have been avoided if
the user wasn't on drugs. The problem of drug abuse has its worse effects
when the persons using drugs are responsible for millions of dollars in
equipment, money, or lives. The armed forces w hich are responsible for
the defense of the nation and its interests should be ready at all times.
But due to drug abuse the performance of military personal can be seriously
reduced. An air crash in 1985 on the aircraft carrier Nimitz killed 14
crewmen and autopsies revealed that 11 of them were on drugs. "(The U.S.)
spends billions of dollars on military defense, and our military may be
crippled by this drug problem."T Drugs cost a lot and the need for
them is ever increasing. A drug habit can quickly drain a worker's pay
check while he still needs more drugs. An employee will embezzle to raise
the funds necessary to buy more drugs, an employee in a high place has
access to embezzle large amounts of cash or sell company secrets to rival
compa nies or foreign powers. Drugs reduce the ability to make decisions,
and if the addict is responsible for large amounts of cash the effects can
be distasterous. The sales end of companies have been renowned for
indulging in wine, women, and song before o r during the actual
transaction, but the adverse effects on the decision making process by
drugs and alcohol can induce the parties to buy at high prices or not buy
needed supplies, which can cost large sums of money. Rival companies can
even "pressure a drug-impaired executive into taking actions that hurt his
company." "The abuse of drugs by executives causes disterous problem
nationwide."Drug abuse also causes a leech effect on productivity
due to workers not being at their best state o f condition. "Working while
intoxicated, whatever the drugs, both the individual, the industry, and
society." Workers on drugs are uncoordinated and unalert.
Uncoordinated workers on an assembly line have a higher percentage of error
than their sober counterparts making for defective parts and merchandise
which will be returned by irate customers. This will cost a company in
worthless merchandise and unhappy customers who most likely will not use
their products again. A worker with drug proble ms also misses more days
on sick leave than a worker without a drug problem. "We are just beginning
to recognize the problem." The addicted drug users all have some type
of reason for using drugs, or getting addicted.
The reasons for people u sing drugs on the job are as varied as the drugs
themselves. There are both stereotypical and practicality reasons for
using drugs on the job. A chronolgical reason for drugs filtering up into
business is that the drug oriented students of the sixties g rew up and
went into careers bringing their drugs with them. Blue-collar workers use
drugs to relieve the boredom of menial work. Years of working on an
assembly line may create a high amount of tedium that only drugs can
relieve. People in the high pr essure of white-collar jobs that create
tension are prone to drug abuse. Manager types get paid well and "They are
used to feeling masterful and are not likely to view drugs as
threatening" so the odds are high of them getting addicted even
though they are used to clean living. Jobs that require creativity such as
artists use drugs to stimulate their creativity. The most logical reason
for drug abuse is the accessibility of drugs at work and in society. If
drugs are so accessible then of course there are going to be abusers. The
government has tried to stop the flow of drugs inside the United States,
but they haven't had any overwhelming success. Cocaine is becoming more
popular because it provides an intense high that gives the user the feeli
ng the he/she can do anything, and cocaine is easy to hide and use.
Workers have devised many ways to use and move drugs through a company,
such as sending drugs through normal interoffice messenger services, or
switching drugs with medicine bottles and using them in front of everyone.
Executives with their own offices have an even easier time taking drugs
because of the privacy of their offices. In some cases drugs have become a
part of company procedures. Sales have a reputation of warm up meetings
with alcohol and now drugs are added to these parties in order to persuade
customers to buy the product or service. In fields where the workers are
addicted like modeling cocaine is buried in the budgets. This wide and
open use of drugs have encouraged companies to do their best to crack down
on drug users in the company.
Companies are attempting to stop their employees from being on drugs.
Workers are even turning in their fellow workers. Mainly because they are
tired of working around stoned pe ople who may be a danger to themselves
and the people around them. In attempts to do something effective,
companies have initiated illegal searches of the private property of
employees. Illegal searches are being done under the assumption that an
employ ee is the property of the company and that the company can threaten
the employee's job. A reason for doing more detailed searches of an
employee is because "the only time (anyone) sees the workers with problems
is when they reach the surface and by then (the employees) are pretty well
gone." Material searches are of an employee's belongings and are
designed to find the drugs themselves. The most common procedure is when
company officials cut the locks of employees lockers and then search for
cont raband, with or without the help of drug sniffing dogs. A more
discrete way the companies search down drug users is by hiring undercover
agents that entrap employees into using drugs. Catching more secretive
drug users with drugs on them, because they a re clever or are just weekend
users of drugs is more difficult. Companies have to physically search the
employee's body which raises a lot of controversy. Urine testing gives
rise to most discontent because of its humiliating way of getting a sample.
B lood testing has its own inhereat problems because of the discomfort of a
needle extracting blood. Because of the problems of conventional testing
for controlled substances in the body's chemical tract, medical
professionals have been coming up with new methods for testing the body to
see if it has used drugs. One of the most feasible new types of test is
the testing of hair. Hair keeps a permanent record of the body's chemicals
including the drugs it has used. The best side of testing hair is that it
requires less cooperation from the person being tested so it can be done
without a lot of complaints. Employers are just beginning to start wide
scale testing. It is becoming more common for job applicants to take drug
tests. Volunteer testing for dru gs is just starting up. Mandatory
testing of all employees does have a few hurdles to get over. Managers and
executives wield so much power in a company that it is hard to get them to
do something that they don't want to do. This has led to the rumor t hat
"heroin use among establishment types is the most underreported social
phenomenon in America today." Even with all of the testing procedures
available they all have one common drawback, they are not 100% accurate.
Drug testing has outraged emp loyees' rights groups and has triggered even
more counter arguments from the employers.
Drug testing has brought up several controversies over the right to
privacy and an employer's right to have to workers who aren't on drugs.
The real reason why " labor is not supporting testing in the work
place" is because something personal might be found in a search and
the violation of privacy is one step to the elimination of their guaranteed
rights. Most labor unions point out "you need a search warran t to search
(an employee's) home, but (an employee's) body is a lot more sacred than
(employee's) home."0T On the company side of the dispute they feel
that they "have a right and responsiblity to establish sound working
conditions." Employe es feel that their off time is their own time
and that they can do anything they want to do. While on company time
"(employers) have the right to say how (employees) behave in the work
place." But drugs have lingering affects so even if employees use
them of their off time they are still impaired when they go to work, so
there is no simple answer. "(An employers) No. 1 concern is
safety" and drug impaired workers create a hugh safety problem
because of there affected mental condition, and this gives the employers a
very good cause to hunt down drug users. Still employees are afraid of
drug testing because of myths of harsh and cruel treatment for being
Companies are trying to help those employees who are affected by drugs.
Earlier, companies would terminate employees with a drug problem. But the
reality of "termination for using marijuana in a company, but it would only
merit a $100 fine in California" was unrealistic and unfair, so now
a company will put the affect ed employee in a drug-treatment program.
Another logical reason for companies to keep drug impaired employees is
because "it is easier to help a person who has been on the job than it is
to hire and train someone to replace him." And on top of th at a
company's health-insurance benefits pay all the treatment costs. These
treatment programs have a 73% success rate. It is in the company's favor
to send an affected employ to a treatment program, which is totally
feasible for the company. To help their employees to get off of drugs
several the 500 largest companies have banded together to make up an
effective program. Many of the Fortune 500 companies have set up in-house
employee-assistance programs, and they have even set up toll-free 800 numbe
rs for workers and their families to call for advice and information. The
treatment of drug impaired workers is relativity new and therefore the long
term effects of the programs is not known and can only be speculated at.
Companies have noticed the problems that drugs produce and they are
trying to stop the use of them by their employees. It is now becoming
harder to use drugs and make a living. Since companies are controlling
people who use drugs this might stem the flow of drugs into this count ry.
The way drugs are being treated by companies "may be very effective in
changing the way people view drug taking in this country." Drug use
affects companies with in-efficiency and now companies are trying to stem
the problem.
Castro, Janice. "Battling the Enemy Within."\Time,\127 11 (March 17, 1986),
Chidsey, Donald Barr.\On and Off the Wagon.\New York: Cowles Book Company,
Inc., 1969
DeVries, Hilary. "Business and the Military Face Up to Drug Challenge."
\Christian Science Monitor,\(May 5, 1982), 13.
Flaz, Steven. "The Executive Addict."\Fortune,\(June 24, 1985), 24-31.
Roan, Shair. "Substance Abuse: Can Employers Help?"
\Ft. Lauderdale News/Sun-Sentinel,\(December 3, 1984), D1 & D4.
Wakefield, Dan.\The Addict.\Greenwich: Fawcett Publications, Inc.,
THilary DeVries, "Business and the Military Face up to Drug Challenge,"\Christain Science Monitor,\(May
5,1982), 13.
Steven Flaz, "The Executive Addict,"\Fortune,\(June 24, 1985), 26.
Flaz, p.24.
DeVries, p.13.
DeVries, p.13.
Flaz, p.27.
Devries, p.13.
Flaz, p.29.
Janice Castro, "Battling the Enemy Within,"\Time,\127 11 (March 17, 1986), p.61.
Flaz, p.59.
Castro, p.61.
Castro, p.61.
Castro, p.61.
Castro, p.61.
Castro, p.57.
Castro, p.61.
Drug use affects employees for one reason or another in every postion of a company, and this greatly reduces the efficicncy of those employees, this has prompted companies to initiate illegal s
earches, which question the rights of employees, and rehabilition programs.