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DR 6502 AER 201S Engineering Design 6502 Execution Simulator
Supplementary Notes By: M.J.Malone
Advanced 6502 Assembly Code Examples
The remainder of this file will be in a format acceptable to
TASM for direct assembly. Note there may be errors in the code, it
is not intended that it be cut up and included in students files.
It is meant only as an example of addressing modes and
instructions. The first example is a prime number finder. The
second example is a set of subroutines to maintain a multitasking
; Advanced Coding Examples for the Students of AER201S
.ORG $E000
LDX #$00
LDY #$00
Delay DEX
BNE Delay
BNE Delay
; Prime Number Finder
; This Prime Number Finder uses the sieve method to find the primes up to 255
; and then uses those primes to find the primes up to 65535. Note that this
; is of course not THE most efficient way to find primes but it makes a good
; demonstration.
; It would be neat to stack this code up against a casually written/optimized
; compiled C prime number finder on a raging 386. I have a feeling there will
; be less than a factor of ten difference on execution speed. You may be
; surprised just how fast the 6502 is on simple problems.
Test_num = $00 ; Test Number to Eliminate non-primes
Array = $00 ; Base Address for the array of primes
lda #$01
sta $a003
lda #$01
sta $a001 ; Turns on an LED on bit zero of port A of VIA 1
; to let you know it has started looking for primes
page 2
ldx #$01 ; Initialize the array of numbers
Init_Loop txa
sta Array,x
bne Init_loop
lda #$02 ; Initialize the Test_num = 2
sta Test_num
lda #$04 ; Put the square of 2 in the accumulator
; as the first non-prime
; Start Setting the Multiples of the Test_num to zero
Got_Mult tax
stz Array,x ; Set multiples of Test_num to zero since they
clc ; are not prime.
adc Test_num ; Calculate the next multiple
bcs Next_num ; Until the Multiples are outside the array
jmp Got_Mult
Next_num inc Test_num ; Go on to the next Test_num
ldx Test_num
cpx #$10 ; Until Test_num => sqrt(largest number)
beq More_Primes
lda Array,x
beq Next_num ; Don't use Test_num if Test_num is not prime
; Got a valid new Test_num, now find its square because all non-primes
; multiples less than its square are eliminated already
Square adc Test_num
bne Square
; OK Got the square of Test_num in the accumulator
; lets start checking
jmp Start_num
; Ok now we have all the primes up to 255 in the memory locations $01-$FF
; Lets repack them more neatly into an array with no spaces to make our
; life easier
ldx #$00 ; .X is a pointer into the loose array
ldy #$01 ; .Y is a pointer into the packed array
Repack inx
beq Done_packing
lda Array,x
beq Repack
sta Array,y
jmp Repack
page 3
Prime_Ptr = $F0 ; This is a points into the list of primes greater
; than $FF and less that $10000
Poss_Prime = $F2 ; Possible prime
Temp = $F4 ; A Temporary Number used to find modulus
Shift = $F6 ; Number of Places that .A is shifted
TempArg = $F7 ; A temporary number; argument of modulus
lda #$00 ; Store a $00 at the end of the array of short
sta Array,y ; primes so we know when we have reached the end
lda #$00
sta Prime_ptr ; Set the Prime Pointer (for primes >$FF)
lda #$02 ; pointing into $0200. The found primes will be
sta Prime_ptr+1 ; recorded sequentially from there on.
lda #$01 ; Start with $0101 as the first possible prime
sta Poss_Prime
sta Poss_Prime+1
Next_PP ldy #$02
Next_AP lda Array,y
beq Prime
jsr Mod
beq Next_Poss_prime ; it was a multiple of Array,y
; and therefore not prime
jmp Next_AP
Prime ldx #$00
lda Poss_prime ; Store prime away in the array of primes
sta (Prime_ptr,x)
lda Poss_prime+1
sta (Prime_ptr,x)
lda Prime_ptr ; Increment the pointer in the array of primes
adc #$02
sta Prime_ptr
lda Prime_ptr+1
adc #$00
sta Prime_ptr+1
clc ; Increment Poss_Prime to look at the next
lda Poss_Prime ; number
adc #$01
sta Poss_Prime
lda Poss_Prime+1
adc #$00
sta Poss_Prime+1
bcc Next_PP ; Carry will be set when we reach $10000
; Ends when it has found all the primes up to 65535
page 4
lda #$00
sta $a001 ; Turns off the LED after the code finishes
DONE JMP DONE ; Endless loop at end to halt execution
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Find the Modulus Remainder of Poss_Prime and number in A
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Input Regs: .A Number being divided into the Possible Prime
; Poss_Prime contains the number being tested for primeness
; Output Regs: .A Modulo remainder
Mod ldx Poss_Prime ; Transfer Poss_Prime to Temp
stx Temp
ldx Poss_Prime+1
stx Temp+1
ldx #$00 ; Set the bit shifting counter to #$00
stx Shift
; Compare A to the upper byte of Temp
Compare sec ; Compare to see if the .A is greater than
cmp Temp+1 ; (equal to) the high byte of Temp
bcs A_Bigger
; If the accumulator is smaller than the upper byte of Temp then shift it
; until it is bigger or it overflows the highest bit
rol a
bcc Not_off_end
; It has overflowed the highest bit, unroll it by one position
ror a
sta TempArg
jmp Start_Mod
; Not overflowed yet, go and compare it to Temp+1 again
Not_off_end inc Shift
jmp Compare
; If the accumulator is bigger and it has been shifted then unshift by one
; bit
A_Bigger ldx Shift
cpx #$00
sta TempArg
beq Start_Mod
ror a
dec Shift
sta TempArg
page 5
; If the accumulator was smaller than the highest byte of Temp it now
; has been shifted to strip off the high bit at least
; If the accumulator was larger than the highest byte then proceed with the
; regular modulus shift and subtracts
Start_Mod lda Temp+1
cmp TempArg
bcc Dont_Subt
; Subtract as a stage of division
sbc TempArg
sta Temp+1
; We would now like to shift the TempArg relative the Temp
; 1) Shift is greater than zero - accumulator was shifted - unshift it
; 2) Shift Temp - if shift reaches -8 then we are out of Temp and
; what we have left is the modulus --RTS
lda Shift
bmi Sh_Temp ; Case 2
beq Sh_Temp
; Case 1
ror TempArg
dec Shift
jmp Start_Mod
Sh_Temp cmp #$f8
bne Continue
lda Temp+1 ; This is the Modulus
Continue dec Shift
rol Temp
rol Temp+1
jmp Start_Mod
.WORD $E000
page 6
; The Multitasking 6502 - See you 6502 do several things at once
; This relies on the assumption that there is a source of IRQ's out there
; that is repetitive and each task is allotted time between each IRQ.
; Process 1 is started automatically by the RESET signal.
; Any process can extend its life for a while (if it is doing something
; important) by setting the SEI and then CLI after the important section.
.ORG $E000
LDX #$00
LDY #$00
Delay DEX
BNE Delay
BNE Delay
; Each Process has a reserved space in memory starting with process 1 at
; $0200-$03FF, process 2 at $0400-$05FF. With this model, an 8K RAM can
; support 15 such processes provided none of the RAM outside zero page and
; stack is used during the execution of a particular process.
M_box = $F0 ; A Mailbox used to communicate between processes
Com1 = $F8 ; User Communications Channel to other processes
Com2 = $F9
Temp = $FA ; A temporary variable used during SWAPS and SPAWNS
Proc_Ptr = $FB ; Pointer to the reserved space of the current process
Proc = $FC ; Current process number
Proc_N = $FE ; Actual Number for active Processes
Proc_M = $FF ; Maximum Number of Processes that have been concurrent
; A Process Record Consists of:
; Offset Purpose
; ------ -------
; 00 Priority
; 01 Priority Counter
; 02 Accumulator
; 03 X Register
; 04 Y Register
; 05 Stack Pointer
; 10-FF Zero Page Memory from $00-$EF
; 100-1FF System Stack Space
lda #$01 ; Initialize the start up process as 1
sta Proc
sta Proc_N ; Set the number of processes to 1
sta $0200 ; Set the priority of process 1 to 1
lda #$00
sta $0201 ; Set the priority counter of process 1 to 0
page 7
lda #$00
sta Proc_Ptr ; Initialize the process pointer to point to
lda #$02 ; Process 1 reserved space $0200-$03FF
sta Proc_Ptr+1
JMP Start_Code
; IRQ Subroutine to Swap Tasks
IRQ_VECT sta Temp ; Store .A Temporarily
; If there is only one active process currently then just return
lda Proc_N
cmp #$01
bne Cont_Swap1
lda Temp
; Continue there is more than one Process
Cont_Swap1 tya
; Check process priority counter. If it equals the priority of the process
; then attempt to swap in another process
ldy #$00
lda (Proc_Ptr),y ; Load Priority Number
beq Swap_In ; If 'killed' process then just swap in another
inc (Proc_Ptr),y ; Increment Priority Counter
cmp (Proc_Ptr),y
beq Cont_Swap2
; Not done this Process, Return
lda Temp
; Other Processes available and this one is done: S W A P O U T
Cont_Swap2 pla
ldy #$04
sta (Proc_Ptr),y ; Save .Y
sta (Proc_Ptr),y ; Save .X
lda Temp
sta (Proc_Ptr),y ; Save .A
ldy #$05
sta (Proc_Ptr),y ; Save .SP
page 8
; Swap Zero Page ($00-$EF) to (Proc_Ptr + $10-$FF)
ldy #$00
lda #$10
sta Proc_Ptr
Out_Zero lda $00,y
sta (Proc_Ptr),y
cpy #$f0
bne Out_Zero
; Swap System Stack
lda #$00
sta Proc_Ptr
inc Proc_Ptr+1
Out_Stack iny
beq Swap_In
lda $0100,y
sta (Proc_Ptr),y
jmp Out_Stack
; Look for the next process to swap in
Another lda Proc ; Looking for another process to Swap in
cmp Proc_M
bne Not_End
; Go back to Process #1
lda #$01
sta Proc
lda #$02
sta Proc_Ptr+1
jmp Check_Proc
; Go to the next Process
Not_End clc
lda Proc_Ptr+1
adc #$02
sta Proc_Ptr+1
inc Proc
; Check this Process if Non-Active, go try another
ldy #$00
lda (Proc_Ptr),y
beq Another
page 9
; Found an Acceptable Process: S W A P I N
; Get the Stack Pointer
ldy #$05
lda (Proc_Ptr),y ; Restore .SP
; Swap In Zero Page ($00-$EF) to (Proc_Ptr + $10-$FF)
ldy #$00
lda #$10
sta Proc_Ptr
In_Zero lda (Proc_Ptr),y
sta $00,y
cpy #$f0
bne In_Zero
; Swap System Stack
lda #$00
sta Proc_Ptr
inc Proc_Ptr+1
In_Stack iny
beq Restore_Regs
lda (Proc_Ptr),y
sta $0100,y
jmp In_Stack
; Restore all of the system registers
lda #$00
sta Proc_Ptr
dec Proc_Ptr+1
ldy #$01 ; Set Priority Counter to 0
sta (Proc_Ptr),y
lda (Proc_Ptr),y ; Temporarily store .A
sta Temp
lda (Proc_Ptr),y ; Restore .X
lda (Proc_Ptr),y ; Restore .Y
lda Temp ; Restore .A
;--------------------- Done the Swap ----------------------
page 10
; Spawn a New Process
; PHA Process PCH
; PHA Process PCL
; PHA Process Priority
; JSR Spawn High
; Spawn Low
Spawn lda Proc_Ptr+1 ; Store Current Process Pointer
sta Temp
lda Proc ; Store Current Process Number
lda #$01 ; Set Process Pointer and Number to 1
sta Proc
lda #$02
sta Proc_Ptr+1
Free_Check ; See if there is an old process number no longer
ldy #$00 ; in use
lda (Proc_Ptr),y
beq Got_Free
inc Proc
lda Proc_Ptr+1
adc #$02
sta Proc_Ptr+1
lda Proc_M
cmp Proc
bcs Free_Check
inc Proc_M ; Have to create an extra Process
inc Proc_N
; Ok we are clear, Create this Process
Got_Free tsx ; Get the current stack pointer
adc #$05
tax ; Set x to point at Priority
ldy #$00
lda $0100,x ; Transfer Priority to Process Space
sta (Proc_Ptr),y
ldy #$05 ; Set .sp = #$FC
lda #$FC
sta (Proc_Ptr),y
ldy #$02 ; Set the accumulator to 1 to indicate: START
lda #$01 ; to the new process
sta (Proc_Ptr),y
inc Proc_Ptr+1 ; To point into stack swap space for this process
page 11
lda #$00 ; Processor Status Register, for this process
ldy #$FD
sta (Proc_Ptr),y
lda $0100,x ; Load PCL
sta (Proc_Ptr),y ; Put into (swapped) Stack
lda $0100,x ; Load PCH
sta (Proc_Ptr),y ; Put into (swapped) Stack
lda Temp ; Set Pointer back to original (Spawner) process
sta Proc_Ptr+1
lda Proc ; Take Spawned Process number and put in Temp
sta Temp
pla ; Restore Spawned Process number
sta Proc
pla ; Pull 'Spawn' return address from stack
pla ; Pull Spawn data out of the stack
tya ; Push the Return Address back to the stack
lda Temp ; Return Spawned Process Number
;-------------- Done Spawn -----------------
; Kill a Process
; Input Registers : NONE
Kill lda Proc_N
cmp #$01 ; Can't Clear Last Process
bne Ok_More
Ok_More ldy #$00 ; OK Kill the Process, put a 0 in Priority
sta (Proc_Ptr)
page 12
dec Proc_N ; One Less Process
lda Proc ; If we are clearing 'Maximum' Process then
cmp Proc_M ; then reduce maximum
beq Reduce_Max
jmp Swap_In ; Otherwise Go swap another in
dec Proc
dec Proc_M
dec Proc_Ptr+1
dec Proc_Ptr+1
lda (Proc_ptr),y
beq Reduce_Max
jmp Swap_In
;---------------------- Done Clear a Process ---------------------------
; An Example Spawnable Process
; Input Registers: .A = #$00 Means that we just want the address of
; (JSR Child) this process so that the process swapper
; will know where to start.
; (RTI to CHILD1) .A = #$01 Means that the process swapper has signalled
; this process to actually start
Child jsr Child1
Child1 cmp #$00
bne Go_For_It
; Process was called to get its start up address
pla ; Grab Child1 start up address
adc #$01 ; Remember that an RTS return address points at the
tax ; last byte of the JSR statement.
pla ; RTI return addresses point to the first byte of the
adc #$00 ; next instruction to be executed
pla ; Save Return Address to program calling Child
sta Temp
sta Proc_Ptr
tya ; Push Child1 RTI address
lda Proc_Ptr ; This Pushes the calling program's return address
pha ; back into the stack
lda Temp
page 13
lda #$00 ; Returns Proc_Ptr(low) to #$00 after its use as a
sta Proc_Ptr ; Temporary variable
; Spawned Process actually starts:
; Note that PLA's are not required to get rid of the JSR Child1 start up
; address since the RTI address pushed in points to Child1 NOT Child
Body of the spawned process
; An Example of a Kill of the present Process
{ User Code }
jsr Kill ; This should kill the process unless it is the
; only process
; This is the only process
{ More user code }
; Start of User Code
{ Your first process goes here }
; Example Spawn of Process 'Child'
sei ; Prevent swap attempts during process creation
lda #$00
jsr Child ; Request Address for Child1
lda #Priority
pha ; Push Priority into the stack
jsr Spawn ; Ask the Process Swapper to set 'Child1' up in
; the swap schedule
rol a
sta Ptr+1 ; Set pointer to the Child process zero page
lda #$10 ; reserved area
sta Ptr
page 14
; The Spawn call returns the process number. If there is some initial data
; or a pointer that this process would like to pass to 'Child1' then the
; address of its ZERO PAGE reserved data space is pointed to by '(Ptr),y'.
; Once the data has been transferred:
cli ; Re-enable swap attempts
; Example of Taking full control of execution temporarily
sei ; Disable swaps
{ User Code }
cli ; Re-enable swaps
; Example of taking full control by Killing all other processes
Ptr = $00
K_Proc = $02
sei ; Disable swaps
lda #$00 ; Set Pointer to $0200
sta Ptr
lda #$02
sta Ptr+1
lda #$01 ; Set Kill Process counter to 1
sta K_Proc
Top lda Proc
cmp K_Proc
beq Don_t_Kill
ldy #$00
sta (Ptr),y
cmp Proc_M
beq Done_Kill
inc Ptr+1
inc Ptr+1
inc K_Proc
jmp Top
page 15
lda #$01
sta Proc_N
lda Proc
sta Proc_M
cli ; Note that this is optional, if we know that there
; are no other processes we could prevent swap decisions
; by not clearing the IRQ mask.
{ More code that will not be swapped out }
.WORD $E000
; -------------------- Done Multitasking example -------------------------