241 lines
15 KiB
241 lines
15 KiB
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| Intel |
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| 88888 000 88888 666 |
| 8 8 0 0 8 8 6 |
| 8 8 0 0 0 8 8 6 |
| 88888 0 0 0 88888 666666 |
| 8 8 0 0 0 8 8 6 6 |
| 8 8 0 0 8 8 6 6 |
| 88888 000 88888 66666 |
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| 8086 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary |
| |
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| |
| |
| _________ _________ |
| _| \__/ |_ |
| GND |_|1 40|_| Vcc |
| _| |_ |
| <--> AD14 |_|2 39|_| AD15 <--> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> AD13 |_|3 38|_| A16/S3 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> AD12 |_|4 37|_| A17/S4 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> AD11 |_|5 36|_| A18/S5 --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> AD10 |_|6 35|_| A19/S6 --> |
| _| |_ ___ |
| <--> AD9 |_|7 34|_| BHE/S7 --> |
| _| |_ __ |
| <--> AD8 |_|8 33|_| MN/MX <-- |
| _| |_ |
| <--> AD7 |_|9 32|_| RD --> |
| _| |_ __ ___ |
| <--> AD6 |_|10 8086 31|_| RQ/GT0,HOLD <-->|
| _| |_ __ ___ |
| <--> AD5 |_|11 30|_| RQ/GT1,HOLD <-->|
| _| |_ ____ __ |
| <--> AD4 |_|12 29|_| LOCK,WR --> |
| _| |_ __ __ |
| <--> AD3 |_|13 28|_| S2,M/IO --> |
| _| |_ __ _ |
| <--> AD2 |_|14 27|_| S1,DT/R --> |
| _| |_ __ ___ |
| <--> AD1 |_|15 26|_| S0,DEN --> |
| _| |_ |
| <--> AD0 |_|16 25|_| QS0,ALE --> |
| _| |_ ____ |
| --> NMI |_|17 24|_| QS1,INTA --> |
| _| |_ ____ |
| --> INTR |_|18 23|_| TEST <-- |
| _| |_ |
| --> CLK |_|19 22|_| READY <-- |
| _| |_ |
| GND |_|20 21|_| RESET <-- |
| |______________________| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
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|Written by Jonathan Bowen |
| Programming Research Group |
| Oxford University Computing Laboratory |
| 8-11 Keble Road |
| Oxford OX1 3QD |
| England |
| |
| Tel +44-865-273840 |
| |
|Created October 1982 |
|Updated April 1985 |
|Issue 1.3 Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic |ODITSZAPC|Description |
|AAA |?---??*?*|ASCII Adjust for Add in AX |
|AAD |?---**?*?|ASCII Adjust for Divide in AX |
|AAM |?---**?*?|ASCII Adjust for Multiply in AX |
|AAS |?---??*?*|ASCII Adjust for Subtract in AX |
|ADC d,s |*---*****|Add with Carry |
|ADD d,s |*---*****|Add |
|AND d,s |*---**?**|Logical AND |
|CALL a |---------|Call |
|CBW |---------|Convert Byte to Word in AX |
|CLC |--------0|Clear Carry |
|CLD |-0-------|Clear Direction |
|CLI |--0------|Clear Interrupt |
|CMC |--------*|Complement Carry |
|CMP d,s |*---*****|Compare |
|CMPS |*---*****|Compare memory at SI and DI |
|CWD |---------|Convert Word to Double in AX,DX |
|DAA |?---*****|Decimal Adjust for Add in AX |
|DAS |?---*****|Decimal Adjust for Subtract in AX|
|DEC d |*---****-|Decrement |
|DIV s |?---?????|Divide (unsigned) in AX(,DX) |
|ESC s |---------|Escape (to external device) |
|HLT |---------|Halt |
|IDIV s |?---?????|Divide (signed) in AX(,DX) |
|IMUL s |*---????*|Multiply (signed) in AX(,DX) |
|IN d,p |---------|Input |
|INC d |*---****-|Increment |
|INT |--00-----|Interrupt |
|INTO |--**-----|Interrupt on Overflow |
|IRET |*********|Interrupt Return |
|JB/JNAE a |---------|Jump on Below/Not Above or Equal |
|JBE/JNA a |---------|Jump on Below or Equal/Not Above |
|JCXZ a |---------|Jump on CX Zero |
|JE/JZ a |---------|Jump on Equal/Zero |
|JL/JNGE a |---------|Jump on Less/Not Greater or Equal|
|JLE/JNG a |---------|Jump on Less or Equal/Not Greater|
|JMP a |---------|Unconditional Jump |
|JNB/JAE a |---------|Jump on Not Below/Above or Equal |
|JNBE/JA a |---------|Jump on Not Below or Equal/Above |
|JNE/JNZ a |---------|Jump on Not Equal/Not Zero |
|JNL/JGE a |---------|Jump on Not Less/Greater or Equal|
|JNLE/JG a |---------|Jump on Not Less or Equal/Greater|
|JNO a |---------|Jump on Not Overflow |
|JNP/JPO a |---------|Jump on Not Parity/Parity Odd |
|JNS a |---------|Jump on Not Sign |
|JO a |---------|Jump on Overflow |
|JP/JPE a |---------|Jump on Parity/Parity Even |
|JS a |---------|Jump on Sign |
|LAHF |---------|Load AH with 8080 Flags |
|LDS r,s |---------|Load pointer to DS |
|LEA r,s |---------|Load EA to register |
|LES r,s |---------|Load pointer to ES |
|LOCK |---------|Bus Lock prefix |
|LODS |---------|Load memory at SI into AX |
|LOOP a |---------|Loop CX times |
|LOOPNZ/LOOPNE a |---------|Loop while Not Zero/Not Equal |
|LOOPZ/LOOPE a |---------|Loop while Zero/Equal |
|MOV d,s |---------|Move |
|MOVS |---------|Move memory at SI to DI |
|MUL s |*---????*|Multiply (unsigned) in AX(,DX) |
|NEG d |*---*****|Negate |
|NOP |---------|No Operation (= XCHG AX,AX) |
|NOT d |---------|Logical NOT |
|OR d,s |*---**?**|Logical inclusive OR |
|OUT p,s |---------|Output |
|POP d |---------|Pop |
|POPF |*********|Pop Flags |
|PUSH s |---------|Push |
|PUSHF |---------|Push Flags |
|RCL d,c |*-------*|Rotate through Carry Left |
|RCR d,c |*-------*|Rotate through Carry Right |
|REP/REPNE/REPNZ |---------|Repeat/Repeat Not Equal/Not Zero |
|REPE/REPZ |---------|Repeat Equal/Zero |
|RET (s) |---------|Return from call |
|ROL d,c |-------- |Rotate Left |
|ROR d,c |*-------*|Rotate Right |
|SAHF |----*****|Store AH into 8080 Flags |
|Mnemonic |ODITSZAPC|Description |
|SAR d,c |*---**?**|Shift Arithmetic Right |
|SBB d,s |*---*****|Subtract with Borrow |
|SCAS |*---*****|Scan memory at DI compared to AX |
|SEG r |---------|Segment register |
|SHL/SAL d,c |*---**?**|Shift logical/Arithmetic Left |
|SHR d,c |*---**?**|Shift logical Right |
|STC |--------1|Set Carry |
|STD |-0-------|Set Direction |
|STI |--0------|Set Interrupt |
|STOS |---------|Store AX into memory at DI |
|SUB d,s |*---*****|Subtract |
|TEST d,s |*---**?**|AND function to flags |
|WAIT |---------|Wait |
|XCHG r(,d) |---------|Exchange |
|XLAT |---------|Translate byte to AL |
|XOR d,s |*---**?**|Logical Exclusive OR |
| |-*01? |Unaff/affected/reset/set/unknown |
| OF |O |Overflow Flag (Bit 11) |
| DF | D |Direction Flag (Bit 10) |
| IF | I |Interrupt enable Flag (Bit 9) |
| TF | T |Trap Flag (Bit 8) |
| SF | S |Sign Flag (Bit 7) |
| ZF | Z |Zero Flag (Bit 6) |
| AF | A |Auxilary carry Flag (Bit 4) |
| PF | P |Parity Flag (Bit 2) |
| CF | C|Carry Flag (Bit 0) |
|ALIGN |Align to word boundary |
|ASSUME sr:sy(,...)|Assume segment register name(s) |
|ASSUME NOTHING |Remove all former assumptions |
|DB e(,...) |Define Byte(s) |
|DBS e |Define Byte Storage |
|DD e(,...) |Define Double Word(s) |
|DDS e |Define Double Word Storage |
|DW e(,...) |Define Word(s) |
|DWS e |Define Word Storage |
|EXT (sr:)sy(t) |External(s)(t=ABS/BYTE/DWORD/FAR/NEAR/WORD)|
|PROC t |Procedure (t=FAR/NEAR, default NEAR)|
| ABS |Absolute value of operand |
| BYTE |Byte type operation |
| DWORD |Double Word operation |
| FAR |IP and CS registers altered |
| HIGH |High-order 8 bits of 16-bit value |
| LENGTH |Number of basic units |
| LOW |Low-order 8 bit of 16-bit value |
| NEAR |Only IP register need be altered |
| OFFSET |Offset portion of an address |
| PTR |Create a variable or label |
| SEG |Segment of address |
| SHORT |One byte for a JMP operation |
| SIZE |Number of bytes defined by statement |
| THIS |Create a variable/label of specified type |
| TYPE |Number of bytes in the unit defined |
| WORD |Word operation |
| AX BX CX DX |Accumulator/Base/Count/Data registers |
| AL BL CL DL |Low byte of general registers |
| AH BH CH DH |High byte of general registers |
| SP BP |Stack/Base Pointer registers |
| SI DI |Source/Destination Index registers |
| CS DS SS ES |Code/Data/Stack/Extra Segment registers |
| IP |Instruction Pointer register |
| a |Address |
| c |Count |
| d |Destination |
| e |Expression or string |
| p |I/O port |
| r |Register |
| s |Source |
| sr |Segment register (CS,DS,SS,ES) |
| sy |Symbol |
| t |Type of symbol |