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The Insumision in the quarters is a new civil disobedience
campaign against the army, put under way on the whole Spanish state to
evidence the conflict that exists between society and army, and to o pen
the devate about the way of operation we have ( defense model, delegation
on leaders, passivity in solving problems, etc...).
The difference with the previous Insumision campaign is that, if
we were not answering to the military service call before, now we do, so,
as once we have the military condition, as once we are "sol diers", (what
takes about two or three days), leave the quarter and do a public
presentation of our disobedient condition.
This disobedience is punished with jail ( from 2 years, 4 months
and 1 day, to 6 years). Having the military condition, all the process
follows the military course: detention by the military police,
council of war, and military jail at the end ( there is just one, in
Alcala de Henares, Madrid).
This step forward has been taken because of several reasons, the
main one is to restate the devate about our objective : "the military".
They are the ones who call us, and when we disobey their rule s, they are
the ones who arrest us, who judge us and who enclose us. With this new
campaign there is no place for confusion, and it shows much more clearly
(no matter how much they attempt to adorn it ), what "military" is, and
which is our alternative to it.
The army is suffering several changes in its functions: we can see
that internal control and peace guarantee are tasks that have been
completely assumed by police corps, on the other hand, we also see, that
the country and national territory defense argument is not valid anymore,
most of all since the soviet block ( the East) fallen, who was supposed to
be West main enemy.
Now " the power" (the authorities), based their army social
legitimization speech, in concepts like World order, international
commitments or humanitarian help..... and, of course, always in order to
defend poor people and peace.
But, since when the army is a peace protecting, but cemeteries
peace?, When hasn`t the army been beneath politic or economic power?, What
kind of humanity can a group of fanatics with weapons, defen d?, fanatics
who are always ready to kill if they are told to do it?. In fact, What is
hidden behind the World order, what has the army got to do with all of
The change is not as sharp as it could seem. The army is going to
keep defending politic, and most of all, and each time more and more
clearly, economic power. But now international markets and tech nology
development make more easy quick capital moves all around the planet, so
the military structure that defense this capital, has to be able to act as
quick as it, and with efficiency in a dang er state.
And replacement soldiers are not good for this purpose.
Western professional military structures trend is obvious. Not
even the authorities deny that with a professional army we get more
available troops to send them to the other side of the world to solve any
conflict, with a sure personal risk and with the rapidity and the
efficiency that they are demanded to have. This is the way we could also
avoid the social rejection that would cause sending replacement soldiers
to a far war, that nobody feels as own.
However, the purpose of this change is not so clear. The
authorities talk to us about the unavoidable need of an international
force to defend the weak people against possible aggressions or abuses.
Words that sound very well but "smell" very bad.
The truth is that they are looking just for economic or prestige
benefits. There are many "unpleasant" examples about the "care" the
pacifying and humanitarian soldiers take above the people they are
presumably defending.
But each thing has its name, and in spite of legitimization
attempts, an army will be always an army, and about its function and
performance, we all have lots of examples all along the history.
As antimilitary people, we can not accept this domination,
injustice and death situations. We are against the army, but we know this
is just part of the deep social transformation needed to reach the peace.
But peace is not just the conflicts absence, but daily practice of
social justice. Therefore we believe that a change towards a demilitarized
society goes through a social transformation in all areas of life: from
personal life to international relationships. We believe in social
justice, straight relationship, in equality between sexes, races and
nationalities, etc.... We also deny everything that has something to do
with militarism, states, any kind of hierarchies, dominance, control,
inequality, etc....
The list would be very long, but for sure you have already
understood us.
And because the list is very long, we think we have something to
say, and we take the reins of our own life. Therefore we do not delegate
in anybody, therefore we face the problem, here and now. The refore we
practice civil disobedience, because we do not want to collaborate with
this situation and because we want you to think seriously about all this.
We request you to divulge this in your local newspapers.
If you want more information on the topic, you can ask for it at:
IZAR BELTZA (Talde Anarkista)
PK 1188
BABYLONIA e.V. Cuvrystr. 20 D-10997 Berlin +49306116089