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81 lines
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Travellers and their supporters held a protest on
December 10th last year. The march was against the
Dublin local authorities' policy of herding Travellers
into primitive temporary sites and forced removal of
Travellers into these officially constructed shanty
towns. Temporary sites have no electricity, no showers
or baths, no fire precautions or public phones and are
all situated in isolated areas or beside motorways,
surrounded by high walls or mounds of earth. The
following report was issued by the Dublin
Accommodation Coalition with Travellers:
"Local Authorities are responsible for bringing many
Travellers to an early grave by forcing them into
"temporary sites" that lack the most basic facilities.
These officially planned and sanctioned shanty towns
contribute to the third world nature of Travellers'
health profile. Only two out of every hundred
Travellers live to see 65 years of age. The infant
mortality rate is three times the national average.
Local authorities are charged with the provision of
decent healthy accommodation and they have failed
miserably, and not only have they failed to provide it,
they are deliberately sanctioning these "temporary" site
death traps and then herding, bullying, intimidating
and evicting Travellers to force them into them. In the
most heavy handed way, they are reneging on the spirit
if not the letter of many court judgements using tactics
that the Ku Klux Klan would be proud of, arriving at
dawn to bulldoze Traveller men, women and children
out of camps."
Thus spoke Thomas McCann at the protest march
which was organised by the Dublin Accommodation
Coalition for Travellers in Dublin city centre to mark
the U.N. International Day for Human Rights. The
march culminated outside the Dail with Santa
delivering ten small white coffins, representing the
temporary sites in the Dublin area, to the seat of power
and responsibility.
"In 1986 the ESRI said that 'the living circumstances of
Irish travellers are intolerable. No humane and decent
society, once made aware of these circumstances, would
allow them to persist.' It's 1995 and not only do they
persist, they're getting worse," said Gearoid O Riain.
"What does this tell us about Irish society? John Bruton
and his government colleagues were all stressing
recently, in another debate, the need to respect
minorities in Ireland and the need to provide for
minorities. We couldn't have said it better ourselves,
John. Now let's start seeing some of this respect for
"Christmas is a time for peace and solidarity, a time for
children and families, a time for reunions and
celebrations. And it's time to focus on the living
circumstances of one of Ireland's most excluded groups
- Travellers. For many Travellers it's a miserable time,
a time when the sense of not being wanted is most
obvious. 1,200 Traveller families are living in
appalling conditions, lacking basic facilities such as
clean water and toilets.
It's time to stop evictions. It's time for residents'
associations to live and let live. It's time for the
government to set about achieving its own target of
providing enough sites by the year 2000. It's time to
speed up implementation of the recommendations in
the Task Force report. It's time to stop herding
Travellers into large "temporary" sites which are unfit
for human living. It's time for all decent citizens to
show solidarity and support for Travellers' rights," said
John O'Connell.