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Health Con International
With the Health Care International fiasco rumbling on in
Clydebank, it is time to ask just what is happening to our
hospitals and health services.
At the same time as millions of pounds worth of subsidies have
gone into profiteering for the wealthy at Clydebank, Greater
Glasgow Health Board have chosen to make across board savings of
z56 million by cutbacks in services. Whole hospitals, such as the
Western Infirmary and Rutherglen Maternity are to be completely
closed (The Courier, 23/12/94).
This leaves many people having to travel further to be admitted
to hospital and the obvious dangers this creates. It leaves
friends and relatives isolated miles away from hospitals, causing
practical and financial difficulties and making many reliant on
inadequate public transport to visit people in hospital or be an
out patient.
Far from condemning this situation, Labour M.P. Sam Galbraith is
quoted as saying "Greater Glasgow Health Board are to be
congratulated on this sensible proposal" (Courier, 24/12/94).
With so little opposition, it is will be hardly surprising if the
Scottish Office rubber stamp the plans. The Scottish Office,
while happy to see z17.6 million of public money "written off"
after the HCI failure and another z4.4 million offered as a
"sweetener" to business interests (The Herald, 16/1/95), may find
money too tight to mention when it comes to health care for need,
not profit.
Of course, other expenditures do not meet the same criteria. The
Eurofighter, designed to combat a nonexistent soviet threat, will
cost z13 billion (probably double that) and the National Audit
office has discovered that z800 million has been "lost" in
putting up huge sheds for Trident. Not forgetting the z23 million
owned in corporation tax or the z1600 million owned in unpaid
We have one option, ordinary people must make their voices heard,
resist the cuts and the corrupt system that goes with them.