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Prog-ress n. 1.[archaic] official journey, as of a ruler. 2. historical
development, in the sense of advance or improvement. 3. forward course
of history or civilization, as in horror show or death-trip.
Perhaps no single idea in Western civilization has been as important as
the notion of progress. It is also true that, as Robert Nisbet has put
it, "Everything now suggests that Western faith in the dogma of progress
is waning rapidiy in all levels and spheres in this final part of the
twentieth century."
In the anti-authoritarian milieu, too, progress has fallen on hard
times. There was a time when the syndicalist blockheads, like their
close Marxist relatives, could more or less successfully harangue as
marginal and insignifcant those disinterested in organizing their
alienation via unions, councils and the like. Instead of the old respect
for productivity and production (the pillars of progress), a Luddite
prescription for the factories is ascendant and anti-work a cardinal
starting point of radical dialog. We even see certain ageing leopards
trying to change their spots: the Industrial Workers of the World,
embarrassed by the first word of their name may yet move toward refusing
the second (though certainly not as an organization).
The eco-crisis is clearly one factor in the discrediting of progress,
but how it remained an article of faith for so many for so long is a
vexing question. For what has progress meant, after all? Its promise
began to realize itself, in many ways, from history's very beginning.
With the emergence of agriculture and civilization commenced, for
instance, the progressive destruction of nature; large regions of the
Near East, Africa and Greece were rather quickly rendered desert
In terms of violence, the transformation from a mainly pacific and
egalitarian gatherer-hunter mode to the violence of
agriculture/civilization was rapid. "Revenge, feuds, warfare, and battle
seem to emerge among, and to be typical of, domesticated peoples,"
according to Peter Wilson. And violence certainly has made progress
along the way, needless to say, from state weapons of mega-death to the
recent rise in outburst murders and serial killers.
Disease itself is very nearly an invention of civilized life; every
known degenerative illness is part of the toll of historical betterment.
From the wholeness and sensual vitality of pre-history, to the present
vista of endemic ill-health and mass psychic misery-more progress.
The pinnacle of progress is today's Information Age. which embodies a
progression in division of labor, from an earlier time of the greater
possibility of unmediated understanding, to the stage where knowledge
becomes merely an instrument of the repressive totality, to the current
cybernetic era where data is all that's really left. Progress has put
meaning itself to flight.
Science, the model of progress, has imprisoned and interrogated nature,
while technology has sentenced it (and humanity) to forced labor. From
the original dividing of the self that is civilization, to Descartes'
splitting of the mind from the rest of objects (including the body), to
our arid, high-tech present-a movement indeed wondrous. Two centuries
ago the first inventors of industrial machinery were spat on by the
English textile workers subiected to it and thought villainous by just
about everyone but their capitalist paymasters. The designers of today's
computerized slavery are lionized as cultural heroes, though opposition
is beginning to mount.
In the absence of greater resistance, the inner logic of class society's
development will culminate in a totally technicized life as its final
stage. The equivalence of the progress of society and that of technology
is becoming ever more apparent by the fact of their immanent
convergence. "Theses on the Philosophy of History", Walter Benjamin's
last and best work, contains this lyrically expressed insight:
"A Klee painting named 'Angelus Novus' shows an angel looking as though
he is about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His
eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is how
one pictures the angel of history. His face is turned toward the past.
Where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single catastrophe
which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage and hurls it in front of his
feet. The angel would like to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what
has been smashed. But a storm is blowing from Paradise; it has got
caught in his wings with such violence that the angel can no longer
close them. This storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which
his back is turned, while the pile of debris before him grows skyward.
This storm is what we call progress."