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International Socialist Organisation * by Dimity
Interventionist Revisionist Backsliders
The International Socialist Organisation - what is it? Certainly an
organisation - they are organised in crowd manipulation and disruptive
methods of fucking up potentially good demo's.
There is hardly a demonstration in recent months at which the ISO have not
been present. Due to the DSP falling out of many groups to concentrate on
the Green Left and other issues, the ISO seem to have a monopoly on the
hard line socialist front. Of course, there are exceptions: the most
recent one that comes to mind was Operation Big Mac, a protest against
McDonalds, whose environmental devastation, inhumane treatment of animals,
phenomenal amount of wast production, and its effect on the Third World
make it, year in, year out one of the Ten Worst Companies of the Year world
wide. A worthy protest certainly, so where were the ISO? Well it has been
said that the ISO believes McDonalds is a good thing because it is "working
class" - those comments came from several ISO members, straight from the
donkeys mouth. So, despite the havoc reaped upon the earth by McDonalds,
International Socialists (largely a group of middle class uni students bent
on glorifying and romantising history) seem comfortable justifying it by
saying "It's is for the good of the people - even the working class can
aford it ". Well frankly I hope they choke.
We see the ISO at protests like AIDEX, attempting a coup on the
sensibilities of 2,000 protesters by dominating every meeting and urging
people to fling themselves against a wall of violent, fiery police. And
yet they put out a booklet entitled "The Lessons of AIDEX", in which they
ridicule anarchism and women in the most crude analytical and factually
incorrect manner. The editors of their paper did, to their credit, print a
long letter regarding the errors of this document, the lessons they seem to
find it so hard to learn.
At the George Bush demo in Melbourne in January,l the ISO caused the most
incredible amount of irrational disruption. Protesters had claimed a road,
had succeeded in entirely blockading the area that the illustrious
president was meant to drive through until the ISO insisted (over the every
present mega phones) that the entire protest go for a march around the
city, thus losing the ground gained and clearing a drive way for the
president to saunter through, giving a two fingered salute and giggling at
how easy it is to pass by his admiring overseas public. The ISO voices
stated that anyone who stayed behind would be picked off by the police and
thus led people, motivated by fear, on the most embarassingly futile march
ever seen, rampaging through department stores and other city buildings in
the most ridiculous manner.
Each year at the Reclaim the Night march men are asked to march silently
behind the women marchers in solidarity, respecting womens voices in this
domineering male society. Each year men from various groups including the
ISO get up the front and scream over their mega phones.
Again, Dick Chaney comes to town, the ISO come to Collins street, loud
speakers in hand, rearing to make a mess of things again. If that is
indeed their object, they succeed with amazing prowess. While the ISO led
people on yet another futile march around the city, a nice big, black,
shiny limosine drove out from under the Hyatt, safely coureiring the elite
away. Was it Dick? Who knows.
It is important to think before you follow along - who are you following?
Any person who goes to a demonstration should ask themselves why. Is it
because some war mongering arsehole is in town shaking hands with brown
nosed politicians? Is it because you want to say to the government, hey
what the fuck are you doing with my AUSTUDY? Is it because there is an
arms fair happening and you want to close down the merchants of death? Or
is it to follow a bunch of megaphones, behind which are the philosophies of
socialism, but more that that, behind which there are very often undercover
cops and intelligence (sic) agents.
There is a rumour circulating that the ISO was instigated in Australia by a
certain intelligence (???) agency ( the one that has that nasty habit of
taking your photo at protests to add to their albums) a number of years ago
so as to attract a more radical element and keep a finger on the pulse.
Even if that is just a convenient and suprisingly understandable rumour, it
would be so easy, so very easy for such organisations to be infiltrated.
We are extremely naieve if we don't take this for granted considering the
amount of money and individuals plowed into surveillance in this country.
To laugh off the idea as the work of the paranoid mind is to not only
ignore the consistent history of such activity but also subjects your
child like politics to an eventual nasty surprise. Its so obvious. Think
about it. It's a great way for the state to keep its eye on the radical
"ratbags" in our society especially if the masses obey their every order
expressed at a demonstration.
If you need a catchy slogan to shout at the next protest you participate
in, try something relevant to any political action in our time something
"The ISO has got to go!
Hey hey, Ho ho!
Hey hey! Ho ho!"