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A Call to Reclaim May Day
Protest the IMF & World Bank on May 1, 1995
(The following is excerpted from the forthcoming January 1995
Industrial Worker, monthly newspaper of the Industrial
Workers of the World.)
We see today that the main purpose of the Cold War was to
prevent our movements for a better life, our class and our
organizations in the First World, the East and the Third
World from coming together. Such alliances could seriously
threaten the existence of all exploitative institutions,
whether they are ruled by corporations or by the state,
whether they call themselves capitalist or socialist. The end
of the Cold War was the result, at least in part, of the
refusal to accept this division by people in the First,
Second and Third worlds. But the end of this form of rule has
only led to the whole world coming together under the tyranny
of one global system of exploitation managed by the
International Monetary Fund and the World Band (IMF/WB), and
backed up by the military repression of the United States,
the UN, and virtually all the governments of the world. These
institutions were consciously created at the Bretton Woods
Conference in the U.S. in 1944 to constitute a capitalist
international. The Communist and Third World nationalist
bureaucracies gradually became active collaborators with the
IMF/WB, using foreign debts to discipline their own working
classes. The IMF and the World Bank are this year arrogantly
celebrating their 50th anniversary.
We at Neither East Nor West-NYC and Workers' Solidarity
Alliance/New York & New Jersey are inviting you to join us in
organizing a day of action against the IMF and the World Bank
to be held on (or around) Monday May 1, 1995. We have chosen
May Day because we wish to reclaim the tradition of worldwide
working-class unity. The May Day tradition (which began as a
commemoration for the martyrdom of anarchist activists
following a general strike for a shorter work week in the
United States in 1886) has become somewhat hollow for those
raised on Communist-bloc war parades, empty leftist marches
in Europe and parts of the Third World, and Law Day in the
U.S. Now more than ever, we need to work together independent
of official borders. Our hope is that worldwide coordinated
actions will help to expand this badly needed planetary
alliance against those institutions which have done so much
damage to people, communities, cultures and the environment
all over the world. In choosing this day, we are also
building on an older May Day tradition of celebrating the
annual reawakening of the earth in spring. We are reclaiming
our planet from these desecrators of the land who expropriate
and exploit us.
We especially hope to bring the role of the IMF and the World
Bank to the attention of North Americans and others from the
western countries who are less aware of the role of these
organizations even within their own countries. The IMF and
World Bank are located in the U.S. They are funded primarily
by the richest governments. The suffering of people in First
World countries is the result of IMF and World Bank policies
no less than in other parts of the world. Throughout the
world, the growth of homelessness, loss of farms and jobs,
destruction of neighborhoods and communities, slashing of
social programs and education, de-capitalization of local
industries, creation of artificial famines, and repression of
labor and other social movements have all grown as a result
of IMF/World Bank policies. We also hope that this day of
action can help build autonomous contacts and networks
between peoples in every part of the planet. Such contacts
have until recently been limited and made more problematic by
the division of the world into two Cold War blocs, and by the
political loyalties which developed around this division.
Nearly every country in the world, regardless of political
ideology, "capitalist" or "communist," has been devastated by
"structural adjustment programs," the debt crisis and
development schemes organized by the IMF and World Bank. All
over the world, people are beginning to express their hatred
of these bureaucrats and their policies. Demonstrations and
revolts against the IMF/WB have already taken place in dozens
of countries ranging from Russia to Mexico, from Melanesia to
the West Bank, from Lagos to West Berlin. The time has come
to act together for an end to the IMF and World Bank. The
statist solutions of the past are repudiated, and nearly
every government has collaborated with or surrendered to the
IMF/WB, and has imposed austerity and repression. Only a new
movement everywhere, for a world without supranational
government, can free our lives from the authoritarianism and
exploitation which go by the names "structural adjustment,"
"privatization," "liberalization," the "free market," the
"global economy," "budget austerity," "democracy." We are
finally able to pay attention to the man behind the curtain.
How we envision the campaign:
% We are not "in charge" of this project. We are
volunteering to act as facilitators for communication on the
project. We want to start talking about the kinds of action
that different groups would like to do and what resources
they have available.
% Not everyone has an IMF or WB office to protest at. But
everyone has various state or corporate offices that enforce
IMF/WB policies.
% Of course all groups have autonomy to pursue their own
other demands, etc.
% Your protest doesn't have to happen exactly on May 1, just
near enough.
% We would like everyone to contact us as soon as they have
some ideas about what they are going to do, so we can start
passing on the information to the other groups. We will do
several mailings about the proposed plans, and will be
sending out some kind of IMF/World Bank information packet
(if you can help with this, please let us know).
% We are also not dictating the kinds of action to be taken.
If your group feels it would be most effective participating
in the traditional May Day actions in your locale, or in a
larger anti-IMF/WB action in your area, do so by all means
and pass the news on to us.
% Please contact us to let us know what you think, so we can
start planning for May Day 1995.
% When it's over we'd like reports and photos from the
various actions so we can report back to all that
% We'd like to see May Day '95 as the launch point for
ongoing anti-IMF/WB battles, plus any other coordinated
Send replies to Neither East Nor West-NYC, 339 Lafayette St
#2, New York NY 10012 USA (718/449-7720). This call is also
available in Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian,
French and German.
The Industrial Worker has been THE North American voice of
revolutionary unionism for more than 75 years. To subscribe
send $15 to Industrial Worker Distribution, P.O. Box 2056,
Ann Arbor MI 48106. The Industrial Worker editorial offices
are at 4043 N. Ravenswood #205, Chicago IL 60613 (312/549-
5045). To reach us by email write: jbekken@igc.apc.org