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The information in this file was recently published in FREEDOM -
the fortnightly anarchist journal published by FREEDOM PRESS:
Do write for a sample copy or for a copy of our booklist of
publications. We will be putting more of this information out so
watch this spot...
Greek anarchists in Kavala have been much involved in anti-
fascist activity over the last year. A two day event attracted
some 50 people to discussion groups on the first day with numbers
quadrupling the second day largely no doubt given the free
concert that was thrown in... linked in with this a group of some
7 anarchists distributing literature in the town centre
concerning anti-fascism and also calling for the liberation of
Balafas, Michou and Kiriakopoulos were arrested by police, taken
to the cop shop where the police set about trying to frighten
them before releasing them after about an hour. This event
managed to get them some coverage on local radio.
Another event to support the prisoners involved showing a film
'Brazil' which was followed up by a spot of graffitti in the town
leading to three arrests. They were charged with 'polluting
public buildings'.
Balafas is a 'social struggler' who, along with his girlfriend
Michou and his friend Kiriakopoulos, were charged, last year,
with 'terrorism' on spurious grounds. Unsurprisingly the main
reason for the authorities interest in him is the large amount of
anti-authoritarian activity he has been participating in. Their
trial took place at the end of last year. They were given a 25
day prison sentence which was 'bought off' plus a three year
conditional discharge.
The Kavala group (anarcho-pacifist) is now organising the
publication of a bulletin about activity in Greece which it is
hoped will be circulated every other month.
The Barcelona group of Solidaridad Obrera reports on anti-
anarchist oppression by the authorities in Portugal. The Judicial
Police released a story that an anarchist group had been
responsible for the abduction and torture of a leading
industrialist which had as its aim to extort money. The basis for
the allegations would seem to be that an 'anarchist manifesto'
was found in the house where the industrialist had been held
captive which had been published by the A Hidra anarchist
collective. In disassociating themselves from the kidnapping they
released a communiqu from which the following is taken...
Anyone who knows anything about anarchism knows that kidnapping,
emprisonment, torture etc. are not properly speaking anarchist
methods but rather those of nazis, religious fundamentalists,
members of the Irish Republican Army and other authoritarian
organisations... Could it be that the police simply didn't like
the propaganda that anarchists have been putting out recently
against the criminal activities of Nazi groups?
Information from Solidaridad Obrera No. 247.