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Greece: War and Civil War
This talk is based around the Solidarity pamphlet
'The Greek Tragedy', subtitled 'the failure of the left'
published in 1968 as a response to the coup in Greece
the previous year. It states the left put up little
resistance to the coup and places the reason for this
in the lack of a tradition of self-activity in the
working class. In particular the response of the
Spanish workers to Franco's coup of 1936 is
contrasted with what happened in Greece.
Greek has been a somewhat unstable entity
throughout its history and particularly with the
coming into being of nation states in the 18th
century. Its borders have shifted, expanded and
contracted on several occasions over the last 200
years leaving behind a legacy of quite virulent Greek
nationalism. Greek armies were also involved in
foreign intervention against the Russian revolution
in north west Asia minor.
The Greek communist party was founded in 1918
and was first attacked by the state in 1921 for their
policy of revolutionary defeatism in the war with
Turkey. It was banned under the military
dictatorship in 1927. The ban came out of the
demand for Macedonian and Thracian independence.
This issue dominated the KKE (Communist party) in
the pre-war years although the demand for
independence was dropped by the Central
Committee in 1935.
The treason trials of the leadership in 1925 were
significant because it was in this period that the first
graduates from the Communist college in Moscow
arrived and filled the vacuum. The 3rd congress in
1927 saw a purge and the expulsions of two of the
three factions as trotskyists. Typically of Stalinism
the leader of the faction expelling the others was to
be executed himself some eight years later as a
trotskyist himself.
During the third period the CP repeatedly exposed
its members to repression by for instance calling
general strikes which only 12,000 or so would
support. At the time the KKE had about 1500
members. Mass demonstrations of as few as 150
people were called and as might be expected the
failure was not blamed on the Moscow line but on the
local leadership.
This was followed by the popular front period which
saw mass unrest up to 1936 when General Metaxas
seized power with a regime modelled on the fascist
states. The KKE disintegrated in this period helped
along by a pardon for those who confessed and
named others. Some 45,000, far more than the
membership of the KKE did so.
When Italy attacked Albania in 1939 the KKE said
there was no longer any need to overthrow Metaxas
as he was now an allies. Metaxas tried to play both
sides however and in October 1940 there were anti-
fascist demos in many cities. The British sailed into
Greek waters and on the 28th Italy invaded. The
party again pledged support to the Metaxas
government. Metaxas responded by ordering the
arrest of all known communists. This was at a time
when the Stalinist parties were meant to be
supporting the Hitler - Stalin pact so they claimed
the KKE's pledge of support was a forgery.
The Greeks smashed the Italian invasion and
advanced into Albania. Then Hitler sent troops and
within 3 weeks defeated both Greece and the British
forces there. The more Stalinist party members
actually welcomed the Nazi troops. Metaxas had
died and his regime collapsed.
Only limited areas of Greece were occupied and it
appears the rank and file soldiers had some
sympathy for the Greeks most notable when an
Italian firing squad refused to execute the leader of
the Greek 'left opposition' who had been building
anti-fascist cells.
The resistance movement was split into the
nationalist ELAS directed by the KKE controlled
EAM which had between 10 and 40,000 fighters by
1943 and the EDES which was favoured by the allies
because it was pro-monarchy Resistance was
significant, for instance when Germany attempted to
take workers to Germany in 1942 they were forced to
back down in the face of a general strike.
The armed resistance however was not directed
heavily at the Axis, rather the KKE concentrated on
training their army and refused to help the allies at
times. In 1943 the KKE controlled ELAS forces
launched an all out attack on the EDES. This stalled
and German high command used the opportunity to
mount a 3 month offensive which caused huge
damage to both groups.
Winter 1943-44 saw the worst of the occupation with
mass starvation and the transport of 50,000 to
Bulgaria as forced labourers. ELAS conducted
internal purges and re-training.
In the meantime the allies were preparing to retake
control. In particular they were concerned by
mutinies in exile Greek army units in Egypt in
support of the CP being given a place in the exile
government. The army came to be controlled by
Stalinist directed soldiers committees. The British
high command sent the British army in, disarmed
the Greeks and placed them in POW camps in the
Desert. Loyal troops were recruited out of these
camps to form the loyalist Rimini regiment. At the
same time they offered the CP a place and an
agreement was reached for a post-war national
In 1944 the Papandreou Government was
transferred to Naples, their task was made easier on
the surrender of Italy as they accepted the Italian
division in Greece changing sides and so maintaining
order. The ELAS accepted British control of
liberation As the Germans left the British arrived,
some 26,000 and 5 air squadrons. The ELAS had
50,000 and although it could have seized power did
not do so on orders from Moscow. Instead it
proceeded to settle scores not only with fascists but
also with ex-members, trotskyists and
The archeo-Marxists were an intellectual tendency
around since 1921 dedicated to translating Marx into
Greek, in the third period (29-33) they were the
prominent force in many of the unions. From 1934
on they split and became irrelevant. Many of their
members who survived the war were executed by the
Stalinists. probably around 100 were executed in all.
The Greek trotskyists as elsewhere and split into
three factions, defenceists who supported but did not
(could not) participate in the resistance.
Defeatists who saw the occupation as irrelevant and
sought to fraternise with German and Italian troops
on an anti-capitalist basis. and centrists who adopted
an 'intermediate position'. At time these were in one,
two or even three organisations. In 1944-45 the
Stalinists executed several dozen trotskyists
regardless of which of these factions they had
belonged to.
In 1944 and 1945 it is estimated that the Stalinists
executed hundreds of their own members, including
well known names in the resistance, as well as the
archeo-marxists and trotskyists.
Greece before the war was a country ripe for social
change with a small percentage holding most of the
land and industry, major industries being foreign
owned and a debt 150% of the annual national
revenue. The allies released this and their major
purpose after German withdrawal was to prevent
any social revolution. Luckily they had Stalin on
their side, at Yalta it had been agreed that Greece
would be in the British sphere of influence.
The British forces re-activated the various forms of
local authority set up by the Nazis with local fascist
support. At the same time Papandreou forbade the
ELAS from entering Athens and on 30th October
declared EAM disbanded. All arms were ordered to
be surrendered by December 10th.
Within days Athens saw a mass demonstration
against the governments re-imposition of the old
order and on 3rd November it was reported that
2000 textile workers had taken over their factory and
appointed a management committee. It is difficult to
access the extent of this movement now as everybody
including the KKE deny it.
Churchill cabled the general in charge to act as if "he
were in a conquered city, confronted by local
More troops were flown in from the Italian front and
on 3rd December British troops fired on an EAM
demonstration killing 23 and wounding 150. Martial
law was declared and British troops disarmed 3
ELAS units.
EAM called a general strike and ELAS seized 21 of
the 28 Athens police stations. On the 5th hundreds
of thousands turned out for the funerals with
banners reading 'British soldiers; let us choose our
own government". But the party leadership just
asked the Allied government to deplore what
happened and warned they might need to fight at
some future date.
Scobie had no such problems, he ordered RAF rocket
attacks on ELAS positions. The fourth division were
moved from Italy to Greece. War broke out in and
around Athens with the ELAS attacking British
tanks with tramcars of explosives and on the 18th
capturing an RAF base with 250 prisoners. Scobie
went on the offensive and drove the ELAS back and
on the 24th Churchill arrived in Athens.
He pointed out that the British troops were there
with the agreement of Roosevelt and Stalin by which
Britain would have control of Greece, Yugoslavia
would be split and Stalin would have majority
control of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. On 11th
Jan. a cease fire was agreed, the ELAS agreed to
withdraw 100 miles from Athens, evacuate Salonkia
and other islands, and a general exchange of
prisoners was arranged.
In later years the head of the CP was to claim that
the whole revolt had been the work of agent
provocateurs. As the peace talks continued British
forces occupied more and more of Greece. The ELAS
started to fragment in particular over the execution
of 114 trade union officials. Many surrendered and
others were arrested and charged with common law
crimes like the murder of German soldiers. By July
of 1945 20,000 had been arrested and 500 executed.
This compares to 2313 anti-fascists executed by the
Nazi's and 20 executed by the government for
collaboration with the Nazi's. One interesting thing
is US opposition to this process which went as far as
not allowing American transports to carry supplies to
the British in Greece. This was systematic of the
post war years as America took control of most of the
former Empire or refused to help Britain maintain it.
In 1945 Moscow recognised first the Albanian regime
and then the Greek one, both serious
embarrassments for the party. The general election
of 1946 was a farce with reconstituted fascist gangs
terrorising the countryside, even the premier asked
the British to delay the election, this was refused,
the left boycotted and the right was elected.
In December of 1945 a republican army (DSE) had
been founded based out of Yugoslavia, by 1947 this
held 100 villages. In March of 1945 US congress
allowed 300 million in aid, 50% of which was
military. The DSE ranks swelled to 23,000 as people
fled the terror in the towns but they were becoming
increasing isolated from the working class, seeing
the campaign purely in terms of getting a large
enough town to call a capital so Moscow would
recognise them. US aid continued to flood into the
government. Opposition papers were closed on US
insistence and the right to strike abolished. In
November 1947 a joint US-Greek army staff was
established. Britain donated 50 spitfires equipped
with the new Napalm bombs..
The DSE was growing still, it was now much bigger
than the anti-Nazi partisan forces had been but it
was reliant on bases in Yugoslavia. Stalin however
was clear "the uprising in Greece must be stopped,
and a quickly as possible". The US for the first time
found itself in its post war dilemma, how to appear
as the force for democracy while backing corrupt
On June 28th 1948 Yugoslavia was expelled from the
conform. The Greek CP backed Stalin which was a
disaster as they were reliant on Yugoslav bases and
supplies. Many KKE members left refusing to follow
the Kremlin line on Tito. Part of the anti-tetoism
was reorganising the partisan forces as a regular
army which was of course a military disaster, serving
to give the Greek air force a clear target. By late
summer 1949 they had been driven out of Greece and
into Albania and in 16th October the Civil war
ended. The pamphlet goes on to discuss the years
that followed up to the 1967 coup but I'm leaving the
history here.
This story of Greece has two useful lessons, the first
is the oft repeated one of the complete failure of
Stalinism and yet another betrayal of a revolution by
Communist parties. The second is more useful and
relates quite nicely to all the D-Day euphoria going
on recently.
We are told the allies fought W.W.II to save
democracy among other things. Yet Greece provides
a clear example of where they instituted a regime
probably as brutal as that of the Nazi's to protect
their interests. The refusal of the US to supply
British troops, followed by their taking over the area
in the post-war period demonstrated that whatever
they claimed all the allied forces were fighting not to
protect democracy or defeat fascism but to gain a
larger slice of world influence.
Andrew Flood
Phone: 706(2389)