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in Department 3, San Francisco City Hall, Feb 1 , Feb 2, Feb 3
Everyone knows Frank Jordan's intentions are pure, and that he
only wants a better city to live in, especially Food Not Bombs
activists. This mayor allowed FNB to serve free food to hungry
people for a year and half, implicitly approving. And then what?
REASON, FOOD NOT BOMBS became specifically targeted for
harassment by a previously approving and helpful police force.
What are we learning here? What is the mayor saying? Get out
of Civic Center? Is this what people want? Why don't you come
out and tell us WHY? Are people so ugly you can't stand to see
them? Is the truth, and the reality of modern life so awful all you
can talk about is violence? Toughen up people, there is lots to be
done to make life better and feeding people and stopping
violence (in the streets and ON THE NEWS) is necessary and
important now. You want a pretty city? You want a pretty civic
center? Start respecting each other, and try communicating your
wants without using force. Get the police out of the picture.
They're not helping right now.
Over 46 billion tons of solid waste is created every year by our
consumer machine. A tenth of that is edible food. A tenth of
THAT would feed all the hungry children. ONE FOURTH of the
children in this country go to bed hungry. 260 BILLION dollars
will go to the military industrial complex this year instead of to
CITIES LIKE SAN FRANCISCO that desperately need relief.
FOOD NOT BOMBS is a local issue. We are being ripped off by
the feds.
Jordan, Wonderman, etc., have completely broken
communication with Food Not Bombs. There has been one letter
suggesting that if FNB moves, the City would expedite permits.
FNB has suggested three sites (Embarcadero, Bank of America
Headquarters, and United Nations Plaza) and been met with no
response. Where is the communication? Can the City use its
police force to push people around without allowing them due
process? Without telling them WHY they're being pushed
around? San Franciscans, speak your minds! Food Not Bombs
has been arrested HUNDREDS of times and all charges have
been dropped. Can this abuse of power cease? Is it right?
Robert Norris Kahn refused to waive his right to fair and speedy
trial. His jury selection continues today at City Hall in Department
3. Will the jurors convict this man for serving free food without a
permit? For refusing to obey the rule of an illegal injunction? For
opposing unjust laws? This time - we shall see.
Call backs and more info - Food Not Bombs media line 415 252
8734 mailbox 3