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free university network Autumn 1992
Subversive Scotland & Our Alternative Glasgow A-Z:
A :
AK Press and Distribution, growing list of own titles and international
distribution for books and magazines with huge catalogue. Send large SAE to 22
Lutton Pl.,Edinburgh.
Angry Press Works via Variant below. T.Shirts and silks-screen interventions on
card and poster form (as seen in The Baytree transformation a few months back.
Clydeside Action on Asbestos, fighting individual cases and publicising the
Health Scandal afflicting workers exploited and given a death sentence by
capitalism - 15 St. Margaret's Pl. G1 5JY (tel 552-8852)
Autonomous Assembly, all-Scotland Bi-monthly forum for exchange of info and
debate, linking campaigns (via fun).
B :
'Birdman' highlighting opposition to Ayr motorway extension, camping out/ tree
top protest at Cowglen Rd. (opp. NSB) See also Glasgow for People.
C :
Counter Information, mostly first hand reports of worldwide resistance compiled
in central Scotland. 13,000 copies each issue. Urgently needs
donations/standing orders. Collected Works 6 from CI or AK. No.35 out
mid-October. CI, 11 Forth St., Edinburgh EH1.
Class War, Glasgow (& Edinburgh), local group of popular anarchist paper, active
Anti-fascist Action, postal workers group, Stuff the Summit, also promote
'Heavy Stuff'. PO Box 1021, EH8 9PW.
Clyde Books 15 Parnie St. ,Trongate (with CentrePeace,143 Stockwell St.) only
Alternative Bookshop, now more pluralist in control.
Clydeside Press printer & occasional publisher, 37 High St., G1. tel 552-5519.
Casablanca new investigative magazine,Business Editor Peter Kravitz. 1.85 from AK.
E :
Edinburgh Review launched many writers and diverse features, now edited Murdo
MacDonald, via Polygon, 22 George Sq., EH8 9LF. Review via AK.
F :
free university network, diverse radical liaison, now in 5th year. Originally
had hopes to open building similar to Social Centres in Europe; now active in
Forums & events and social activities.
G :
Glasgow for People. Anti-Motorway campaign, also highlighting environmental action. Office at 53 Cochrane St., G1 1HLcontact on Thursdays tel552-8876. Needs donations.
Gay centre project and networking, contact Ian Dunn 30 Gayfield Sq, Edinburgh.
Glasgow Keelie broadsheet, sniping at Council & capitalism in clydeside, linked
to Workers City group (publishers of The Reckoning) can pass on notes via fun.
H :
Here and Now theoretical magazine from Scotland & West Yorkshire. No.13 out end
October. Articles on NHS, Scotland, Satanic Child saga, Class War, Dispersed
Fordism etc. 3 sub from H&N c/o 28 King St., G1 5QP or via AK.
L :
Land project & Country retreat surfacing at Loch Awe, operational Spring.
Details soon.
Mc :
John McLean Society Marxist occasional forums, contact Smith,3-3,Langlands Rd.
O :
Open World Poetics Hold forums,excursions, conferences on Kenneth White, publish
Open World . Now moving into work-groups to advance research projects. 6 sub,
details Norrie 959-6033.
P :
poetry and writers forums eg at Clachan Bar Cessnock tel Helen 427-2965; Samuel
Dow's Lounge (Strathbungo) first Monday of each month; Scotia Bar,Stockwell St.
S :
Summer School (anarchist/libertarian) May 1993 UK-wide Event, tel Robert Lynn
T :
Transmission Gallery Artist run experimental Gallery, audio-visual,
occasionally performance art,
To get on mailing list: Transmission, 28 King St., G1 1QP tel 552-4813.
U :
Unemployed Workers Centre, 103 Broughton St.,Edinburgh - voluntary run centre
resisting Council closure and a group sabotaging its operation (eg theft of 5
computers involving 2 Labour Councillors). Base for claimants union and meeting
place/resource centre. tel 557-0718, fax 667-1204. The place to contact in
Edinburgh. Needs donations.
V :
Variant magazine and Eventspace, office 73 Robertson St. tel 221-6380, fax
221-7775. Covers audio-visual, experimental, performance art, radical writing. 14 sub.
W :
Womens Library Hill St., and nearby Women in Profile, 5 Dalhousie Lane, tel