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October 9, 1994 - ToneLoc Version 1.10
Whats New?
After a few years of "beta testing", it's time to make it official.
There aren't really enough significant changes to justify a tick of the
version, but there aren't any remaining reported bugs either. If we don't
improve the program any more, then we'd rather have a 1.0 out than a "beta."
We also get a lot of requests from people who want to be beta testers;
we have all the help we need, thanks!
People are still confused by the two fakes, 1.01 and 1.05. They are
bogus hacks of early private .99 betas, and are buggy and incomplete. There
may also be fakes after this version (see BoW #3 for complete directions).
If you are ever in doubt, check for valid PGP signatures from us on the
Because of this, we caved in and skipped past 1.00 to 1.10.
Think of it as 1.00 if you like.
-- NEW WITH 1.10 (10/09/94):
þ New e-mail address: mthreat@paranoia.com
þ New WWW site: http://www.paranoia.com/~mthreat
þ New FTP site: ftp.paranoia.com in /pub/toneloc
þ Improved sanity checking on .CFG and .DAT file versions.
þ Carrier logging improved, bugs fixed:
- Display now works in real time, not after the fact.
- Detects and logs premature carrier drop.
- Can be aborted with escape.
- Shows NudgeString as it is being sent.
þ Length of initialization and dialing strings lengthend.
þ ToneLoc will scan through an internet outdial
-- NEW WITH 0.99 (3/31/94):
þ As always, many, many bug fixes
þ ToneMap now features mouse support with contrast highlighting and
þ New feature: /#: dials a certain number of times before exiting.
þ Completely revamped configuration program with hypertext help.
þ Carrier logging will record the online response of each carrier
that ToneLoc finds.
þ Com 3, 4 and beyond are finally fixed. (Or your money back)
þ All numbers blacklisted bug has been fixed.
þ Internet support address: mthreat@paranoia.com
-- NEW WITH 0.98:
þ NON-FOSSIL Support! You don't need a FOSSIL driver like BNU or X00
anymore. ToneLoc has built-in serial routines (better than 0.97).
The FOSSIL option is still available though, in case the built-in
routines don't work for you. If you have problems with the built-in
routines, please contact us, and we will try to make it work for you.
þ New .DAT datafile structure. BACKUP YOUR DATAFILES, then
run TCONVERT to convert your datafiles to the new version.
þ Automatically detects 43 and 50 line mode, and adjusts window
sizes accordingly.
þ New feature: /D: - Delete range. You can make toneloc
not dial a range of numbers, like, /D:1000-1999 would
NOT dial 1000-1999.
þ Fixed bugs with /X Exclude mask, range, ExRange, etc. It
_should_ work fine now, but watch for fuckups.
þ Pressing 'Q' while scanning will exit after current dial attempt
þ The blacklist used to be limited to 100 entries, now it is limited
to 1000. And it is dynamic, so it saves memory!
þ We cleaned up and optimized the code a lot, but you don't care do you?
þ Detects and enables the 16550 UART's FIFO buffer
þ Fixed tons of bugs with /S:starttime, /E:endtime, and /H:hours to dial
þ Detects FAX connects. Actually, if the word "FAX" is in the connect
string, toneloc considers this a fax connect. I hope it works,
because I have no way of testing it since I don't have a faxmodem.
þ ToneLoc checks at startup for the CTS (Clear To Send) signal from
the modem. If it isn't present, it means the modem is probably not
turned on! ToneLoc will either wait for the modem to come on or
wait for you to press a key. You can disable this with IgnoreCTS.
-- NEW WITH 0.97:
þ ToneLoc 0.97 was an abortion that should have never been released.
Please ignore it totally.
-- NEW WITH 0.96:
þ Alternate Screen! Press "B" to blank screen or display alt. screen.
NOTE: This required me to write our own text scrolling routine,
because we couldn't use INT 10 AH=6 to scroll the screen.
please look for bugs related to text scrolling in the windows.
þ Reports dials per hour, AND Estimated Time until Completion!
þ K-Cuzt0m note option! Press "K" to enter a custom note for a number
þ Improved dials per hour calculations - more accurate
þ Include or exclude ranges of numbers
þ Automatically logs onto COSMOS after scan and checks all
found carriers/tones.
þ Just kidding
-- NEW WITH 0.95:
þ Last number dialed before an exit isn't lost
þ Improved customization of modem dialing strings and timing
þ Negative masking - lets you exclude ranges of numbers
þ Configurable colors
þ Now works COM1-COM4! I promise!
þ Modem speaker toggle on/off WHILE dialing = 'S'
þ Manual redial = 'R'
þ Time eXtend = 'X' - adds 5 seconds
þ Extensive command line timing options
þ DESQview aware windowing routines
þ Releases timeslices while in DESQview (uses about 5% of CPU time)
þ All modem communications routines are in assembly (= fast)
þ Reports Dials per Hour
þ Ability to abort dials after X number of rings
þ Supports baud rates of 300-57600
þ An even fancier meter!
þ Monochrome-aware screen attributes
þ Much improved .DOC file
þ Automatic timed backup of .DAT file
þ Separate file for "found" tones and/or carriers
þ Blacklist file (list of numbers ToneLoc should never dial)
þ Sounds (configurable)
þ Volume control WHILE dialing
þ ToneMap: Visually displays datafiles (VGA required, see below)
þ Now scans Random or Sequential (forward or backward)
þ You may 'pause' while dialing (for whatever reason)
þ Option to exit if too many "NO DIALTONES" occur
þ Several "note" keys: <C>arrier, <F>ax, <G>irl, <T>one, <V>MB
and <Y>elling asshole -- to make a special note while dialing
þ nuttin honey (yet)
And various other minor things and bug fixes.