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ToneLoc v1.10
Troubleshooting and
Question-and-Answer Manual
If you're having problems with ToneLoc or are curious about an
aspect or two of ToneLoc, this is the file for you. We make it a point
to talk with as many ToneLoc users as possible. Plus we probably scan
about 100,000 numbers per month, so we've come across lots of common
problems. This file is a compilation of these common problems and
questions. It is divided into two parts; first the troubleshooting
section; then the question/answer section.
TROUBLESHOOTING - When the only thing you want to SHOOT is the authors!
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------
ToneLoc doesn't work Read the docs
When I run ToneLoc, I get a bunch Your modem probably has CD (Carrier
of messages like "Trying long Detect) set permanently high. You
DTR carrier drop" and "Trying might want to look into changing this
slow hangup command", then it if you can (it's &C1 on many modems;
exits without dialing anything. check your modem's manual), but in
My com port is set up correctly. the meantime, set the IgnoreCD
option in the ModemOptions menu to
Yes. If it still doesn't work, maybe
you don't have the port set right
after all.
ToneLoc tells me "The CTS signal First, check to see that your
has disappeared" when I run it. com port is set up correctly -
this is the message you'll get if
you're set up on a nonexistant
com port.
I have my com port set up properly, Make sure your modem is properly
it still can't find the CTS signal set up to use hardware flow control.
from the modem. Check your modem manual for an
My port is set up properly, I'm If you have a fossil running, disable
using hardware flow control, but it, even if you aren't using it for
ToneLoc is still bitching about ToneLoc. Some fossils can screw around
CTS. with CTS/RTS.
My port is set up properly, I'm I don't know. Turn on the 'IgnoreCTS'
using hardware flow control, I'm option in the config file.
not using a fossil, what the fuck
is the problem with CTS?!
Responses from the modem get cut Increase GetDelay in the config
off. For example, I get Unknown file by 50 milliseconds at a time.
responses with strings like If you get to 500 and the problem
"CONNE" and "RINGIN". still exists, look elsewhere.
When I run ToneLoc, the first Add a delay after your Speaker ON
number isn't dialed, it just sits string by adding a tilde (~) onto
there and gets a TimeOut (0). the SpeakOn string.
When my parents walk by and see Use the <B>lank key while scanning.
ToneLoc running, they start asking You can create your own screen, or
all sorts of questions. Like use the included ones. It looks like
"what is this doing?" "What are you're doing your homework, but you
all these phone numbers?" "You are actually scanning!
aren't a HACKER are you?"
I have 3-way calling, and ToneLoc Set 'BetweenDelay' higher in the
is picking up the 3-way and gets config file. For 3-way, it may have
messed up every few dials. to be 1000 or more.
People with Caller-ID are calling If you have Caller-ID blocker, add it
me back and yelling at me. to the DialString in the config file.
Or use call-forwarding. Or, just
answer the phone and yell back.
I run ToneLoc at night, but my Read the docs. Then use the /E:
parents notice it running on their option. Using /E:6:30 would stop
phone line in the morning. scanning at 6:30 a.m.
I scan for carriers with VOICE Add a comma after the phone number
detection on, but sometimes right using 'DialSuffix' in the config file.
after the modem dials, I get a This will wait 2 seconds after
false "VOICE" response. dialing before detecting anything.
When I find a carrier, ToneLoc Experiment with the 'CarrierHangup'
doesn't hang up. Or it does the option in the config file.
slow hangup string.
When I find a tone, ToneLoc does Experiment with the 'ToneHangup'
not hang up correctly. It lames. option in the config file.
ToneLoc is constantly finding The default Found Tone String is
spurious tones. I'm not looking "OK". Change it to something else
for tones, I'm looking for ("Bogus@#!" fr'instance.)
I want to use COM5-COM8 but I can't Experiment with 'IOAddx' and 'IRQ'
get ToneLoc to work. in the config file. If that doesn't
work, try using a FOSSIL driver.
When I scan for carriers, I some- You can press 'N' to note the number,
times hear dialtones! 'T' to log it as a Tone, or 'K' to
enter a custom note for the number.
Commands sent to the modem are Try using the SlowModem option in
losing characters. the config file.
ToneLoc sometimes reports a carrier Turn on the 'IgnoreCD' option in
when there isn't one! the config file.
My lame modem sends an extra Turn on the IgnoreUnknown option in
string when it dials: "DIALING...", the config file.
and ToneLoc keeps saying "Unknown:"
Whenever I get a carrier, ToneLoc Your modem is a bit non-standard.
says "Unknown: CARRIER 2400". Change your Found Carrier Response
to "CARRIER" instead of the default
"CONNECT". Another alternative would
be to turn on IgnoreUnknown and
rely on the Carrier Detect line.
My lame old 286 keeps on locking Use the 'AutoSave' option in the
up, and I lose datafiles a lot. config file.
I scanned my prefix, but ToneLoc Put your number and your friends'
called my number, and some of my numbers in the BlackList and use
friends numbers. the BlackList config file option.
I want ToneLoc to start scanning Use the /S command line option:
at 11pm, but my parents won't let /S:23:00 -or- /S:11:00p
me use the computer after 10pm. Those would start scanning at 11pm.
I've tried all this shit, and Get in touch with the authors, at
none of it works! internet: <mthreat@paranoia.com>
(unless that account is dead)
ToneLoc SUCKS! I could write one Do it, and send us a copy.
better than this piece of shit!
I want to see a GIF picture of Connect to WWW site:
Minor Threat. http://www.paranoia.com/~mthreat/
I feel OK. Stop drinking OK Soda.
I'm busted. Never cooperate with cops.