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This is a text file that has been around for a while. Pretty childish
whoever thinks this is such a great hack. But it is something to be
aware of. It's really simple to defeat, actually if anyone even used
this it really wouldn't damage your system, so don't worry about it
too much. You can either stop it by the way he mentions below or you
might just simply look out for the information as it is entered here.
Overall. Whoever these losers are, they make themselves sound like
they are the greatest hacks ever. Another Production by: .... blah
blah blah. Yeah you guys are great. Just like to say if you guys
knew anything about hacking you wouldn't be wasting your time with
this. L8R.
* Another * TWCS '92! proudly
* Production by: * presents:
* The West Coast Syndicate * Telegard 2.7 Hack
Copyright (c) TWCS 1992
TWCS '92! Members:
-Hot Keys
-Snidely Whiplash
-Dr. Wily
This text file was produced for educational and informational
purposes only! Neither the author or The West Coast Syndicate is
held responsible for any of the reader's actions. Futhermore,
The West Coast Syndicate and all it's members do not endorse or
encourage illegal activity.
=Telegard 2.7 Hack=
=By: Hot Keys=
There may be text files on this but they are all out-dated and
just plain old so I'm writing this one to make users and even a few
sysops (if they read this) aware of a very easy hack in telegard 2.7.
This is not a hack that will drop you to DOS so you can fuck up the
sysop of that BBS. This is really just a simple hack that will give
you the sysop-defined auto validation settings. (That way you don't
have to wait for the SysOp to validate you) Its also pretty simple
Here's how...
The first thing I must mention is that this does work but you will
not see anything till the message bases are packed.
ok the first thing you'll see is the
Enter user name:
(put anything here you want)
enter real name:
(put your real name here... J/K)
ok, next comes the tricky part. You'll see something like this:
enter the country your calling from:
1. United States
2. Canada
3. Other <---- pick this one!
after you pick #3 youll get a space to put in an address,
city/state and phone number... put this in the spaces:
Address: Western Hemisphere N. American <-- "ican" not America
City : Planet Earth
State : Sol Solar System
Phone : 7777777777 <-- no dashes
and then, pick computer number 10 no matter what it is.
Eveything else is done... oh for the sysop letter you might want to
say something like:
Hey haven't chatted in a while maybe you'll be around next time I call
Anyway that's about it... The telegard 2.7 hack, this hack has been
there before but it was taken out of telegard and then brought back in.
Oh and all those little PKUNZIP and stuff they have all been fixed.
Sorry... those were fun, I know.
So... How do you sysops out there defend aginst it? Kill the Auto-
Validation settings... Put em all 0 and give them all the restrictions...
Anyway thats it... that will work with 2.7. (maybe 2.5q)
A special thanks to TRIAX who although is not a member of TWCS is
requesting membership. He has helped me with a few of the technical
stuff here in this text file.
For Info on TWCS '92! and more info on telegard technical help call:
TWCS '92!
Cyborg Systems The Unforgiven
566+3272 486-0891
SysOp: Dr. Wily SysOp: Hot Keys