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Package #1
PhreakToys series
Stripped - ink produckshuns
A p p l i c a t i o n f o r M e m b e r s h i p
Hello prospective member. I don't want your real name, your phone
number, or your sister's measurements. All I want is one reference who will
vouch for you. This must be someone who has been around for awhile, and who
is of good reputation. We don't accept warez puppies, or 10 year old HeathKit
addicts. You don't have to know everything, just know something. This NOT a
Phreaking group per se, but the devices built *can* be built for that purpose.
Didya hear that, FEDS? Didya? We only seek knowledge that would otherwise be
unlawfully denied to us. Nothing wrong with that... So, if you have been
dismantling your toys since you were 4, you are probably what we are looking
for. We are just getting up and running, so get in on the ground floor. I want
to limit membership to under 15. So apply soon. All you have to do is fill
this out, ZIP it using the password option, and upload it to one of the boards
listed in the other text file included with this package. Leave me private
e-mail with the ZIP password in it, and I'll get back to you in a few days.
I'll either reply at the board you upload it to, or to another board of your
choice, just leave the name and number of the BBS you want me to reply to.
1) Tell me about yourself:
2) What is your experience with electronics, or anything else you wanna
3) Tell me all you can about how ANI works:
4) What is ISDN?
5) What is an ELMOS system?
6) What is the handle of your reference, and where can he be reached?
Yeah, I know, that was pretty stupid. I just want to get a feel for
you and where you are in your 'education'. Just 'cuz you didn't answer a
question right, does not mean you will be eliminated from membership. I am
interested in your ideas, and whether or not you can implement them.
I do not claim to know everything, so don't feel like you are being
scrutinized (ha!). Anyway, if there is anything else regarding this app. just
write it in below:
Jack The Ripper |