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How to get Free Premium Cable Channels
By: Dave S.O.B.
Welcome to yet another fun filled document from your friends at S.O.B.
Now I'm sure you have heard various way to 'unscramble' premium cable
channles with copper wire and all that crap. Well here is an easier way that
requires: No Metal, No Saudering, No electronic parts, and no intelegence
and at the same time can make you alot of money from the wondering idiots
that you call friends.
S.O.B. or Servants of Babuska is a small group that has been together
for about two years now. Our field of expertice ranges from hacking to
electronics. We have tried to stay local and take advantage of everything
we could, but we found we couldn't get acess on some systems that let you
in by reputation alone, so now we are releasing some documents that will
hopefully prove ourselves to fellow SysOps.
The Information provided here is made to eduacate the masses of the
computer world. In no way to I condone or disapprove of what this document
states. If you are caught pirating cable channels I will not be held
Though it is unlikely that you will ever get caught with our proven
method of cable channel descrambling it may happen. If a cable repair man
ever comes to your house make sure to put all the equipment in a closet
away from the TV.
_1.1_The Table O' Contents_
_1.1_Table O' Contents
_2.1_Cable Channel Descrambling in other documents
_3.1_TCI and other cable companys cable scrambling methods
_4.1_How to get these magic cylinders?
_5.1_How do I install these cylinders?
_6.1_How do I know this is safe?
_7.1_The Money Part
_8.1_Rapping it up
_2.1_Cable Channel Descrambling in other documents_
In past documents I have read I have seen many a person claiming to have
the miracle cure to cable channel scrambling. The methods I have seen range
from rapping a copper coil wire around the Cable Input on your television to
getting your VCR to do it.. what we are about to explain here is the way
that TCI cable vision scrambles and descrambles there premium cable channels
and how you can use this knoweldge to get your own free channels.
_3.1_TCI and other cable companys cable scrambling methods_
The wire that most companys use is 16hrz. If you just had a cable wire
from the company hooked up to your house you would recieve all the channels
they had except for those electronicly sent scrambled by the cable company.
How do they unscramble these channels and scramble others sent unscrambled
you ask? They use a small metal cylinder made by Eagle Electronics. We call
them simply 'filters'. Though it may very from town to town each cylinder
etched by Eagle Electronics A-Z can scramble or descramble a channel. And
a seperate 'filter' must be added for each channel that is wanted to be
scrambled or descrambled.
To explain the scambling of channels more throughly I will go more into
depth. Some channels are sent to your Television pre-scrambled to see these
channels the cable company attaches a filter for that channel that
unscrambles the signal sent. While other channels are sent clear to your
television set, the cable company puts a scrambling filter for that channel
to scramble it on your television. See the accomping ansi picture to see
what these filters look like.
_4.1_How to get these magic cylinders_
These cylinders are attached to your main cable line. It is either on
a telephone poll or in a cable box some where on your block where many houses
are hooked up. Usually there in cable boxes. Cable boxes are usually small,
metallic, unlocked and unmarked. Just walk up to one and flip it open. You
should see alot of cable wires and attached to it alot of small metalic
cylinders, some of which may have a color band on it, these color bands are
used so the cable men can easily distinguish between the filters. Simply
reach inside that box and either take your time and unscrew it from the wire
and screw the wire back, or the prefered method: Rip the cylinder from the
wire, close the box and run like hell to your car or house near by.
_5.1_How do I install these cylinders?_
Easy, the cylinders plug directly into the back of your television. Just
hook it into the cable input and run the cable wire into the filter. Then
scan the premium channels <HBO, Cinemax, etc..> and see which channels are
unscrambled or if some channels are descrambled. You should try to find all
the filters in use by your cable company to find out which ones control
which channels. Also the great part of these filters are that the company
can't detect them, and if they are coming over you can take them off the
TV and put them in a drawer some where.
_6.1_How do I know this is safe?_
To prove the point that a cable man cannot tell that you where or are
using these filters I called for a repair man to come and tell me why some
of channels where coming in staticy. I took the filters off, put them in a
drawer in my room and waited for him to come. He did, he looked around and
found that the wire leading into the house was bad and replaced it. To him
nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and he left without even thinking that
I was pirating cable channels.
_7.1_The Money Part_
Heres the part I'm sure you where waiting for, how do I make money off
these little God given wonders. Simple, sell them to friends, family and
the dolts around school at any price, from 10-50$. You would be amazed at
how many people will be willing to give generously for your stolen
merchandise. The good part is that there is no overhead. They cost you
nothing. The only people it costs is the cable company who have to replace
them when you steal them, because of which there will always be more to take.
_8.1_Rapping it up_
Well, I hope you enjoyed this document and the others that our coming
out. If you see me on a BBS or anywhere else drop me a note and tell me you
read this. I would be intrested in knowing if this works in every city. So
until the next document this is Dave S.O.B. signing off.