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[:%:%:%:%:%:%:% THIEF %:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:]
How to Raid Your Local Central Office
Written by, Morning.
THIEF Volume 1, Issue #6
The purpose of raiding your Local CO/(central office) or dispatch station
should be self-evident, but for those of you who can't quite get it, here they
First of all, you can obtain endless information concerning Bell operations,
computers, and equipment, and second of all, you can easily obtain costly Bell
equipment (and Bell cars/vans, if so inclined).
The first raid I made upon a dispatch station was very successful. That
weekend we cased the building, it consisted of a small office area in the front,
and a parking area in the back surrounded by an 8 foot high, 1 foot thick brick
wall. There were a total of 4 gates in the brick wall, and the clearance between
the ground and the bottom of the gate was more than sufficient to admit even
the fattest of criminals.
That night at 2am we drove to the site, it was well lit, but once inside
the brick wall hid us from view, making the wall work for us, instead of them.
We cased the building first, and several of the lights were on. We snuck up to
the windows and looked in, empty. After that, we proceeded to crawl underneath
the gate and into te actual complex. Once in we went to our immediate left in
which stood a very tall wall made out of something which resembled sand-bags.
We ascertained that no one was in, so we proceeded to check the building out
once again from this side. Again, empty.
We had brought a crow-bar along to jimmy the door-locks. It wasn't needed.
The ignorant Bell fools had actually left 5 of the 6 doors of the building
un-locked. This made it more of a spree rather than a raid. We went in the
nearest door and found our-selves in a store-room. Any phone application,
appliance, repair divice, etc we could of dreamed of we found here, it was a
virtual phreaker's dream, and we used this room on more than one occasion. We
went through the various other doors and found computers, tty's, manuals, etc,
and then we hit the cars/vans.
This was as easy as the actual building itself. Again, nothing was locked.
We walked away that night with 32 lines-man's handsets, 14 dynatel 725 system's
and 4 mini-fortell systems, in one night. We did this 5 more times over a 6
month period before they started locking doors, and still, their locks were no
match for the all mighty crow-bar.
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Now, the first thing you need to do, is find a station. This isn't
extremely hard, just drive around a while, and you'll eventually come across one.
Next, get a few people together to help. It would be a good idea to have a
couple of walkie-talkies so you could station people near exits so that they
could alert you by radio if someone is coming, otherwise, keep strict radio
silence because cop radio CAN here walkie-talkies, limited range and all.
Now, loot the place. It's as simple as above. Check everything in an
orderly way, take a trash-bag to put things in, and you have it made. Put one
or two people to a subject. Maybe 2 people to check the vans and cars and 2 or
3 people to various rooms in the building. Be sure to wear gloves, if you don't
have any, don't worry. You can easily find dozens of pairs inside the CO. Check
the trash too, we found a print-out of someone entering cosmos in which they
didn't half-duplex the password entry just lying in the trash. Quite nifty.
In the case that you MUST break a window, tape the whole thing over with
silver duct tape first, then smash it, this will cause it to crinkle lightly
and hang in place rather than shatter loudly and explode everywhere.
Now, if you really want to live it up, inside the main office they have a
set of keys to every single vehicle they own. If you don't feel like walking,
well, you know what to do.
To give you an idea of how easy this is, this CO was less than half a mile
from a police station, (and in easy sight thereof) and we never once had one
stitch of a problem.
Well, I hope this gives you a general idea of how to raid your local CO,
it's mostly common sense and the lack of Bell ingenuity that makes it so easy,
and believe me, it is.
September 7, 1989