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P H U C K I N' P H I E L D P H R E A K E R S
Newsletter #1
(aka Outdoor Life)
PPP, Phuckin' Phield Phreakers, take no responsibility
of the individual or group actions which may result
from exposition to this documented material. PPP
and its members do not endorse or encourage (or
participate) in any of the illegal or illicit activity
herein written in this document. In otherwords, we
are not responsible for you, and when it comes to
doing what we say, our motto is "Just say no."
PPP - Phuckin' Phield Phreakers Newsletter #1 (aka Outdoor Life)
Written And Compiled September 8, 1989 - Time 11:32pm
Written By Doctor Dissector And Killer Korean
Copyright 1989, PPP Incorporated
Welcome to PPP (Phuckin' Phield Phreakers) Newsletter #1. We hope
to share with you new and useful information gathered through our
experimentation and experiences with the various subject matter covered
here. Also, we would like to introduce the group, PPP, as an official
organization which specializes in the true meanings of phreaking, with
a bit of anarcism mixed in there as well (of course!). So, this is our
first official PPP release, so enjoy it, and pray that there will be a
second one. Oh yeah, use and abuze, but don't let the pheds get you!
(screw the r0dents!)
Killer Korean And Doctor Dissector
Founders/PUD Of PPP
Part Subject
---- -----------------------------------------------
0 Title Page and Disclaimer
1 Introduction And Table Of Contents
2 Group Introduction
3 Phuckin' Around
4 Phun Stuph And Such
5 PPP Membership List
6 Closing And Good-byes
PPP, Phuckin' Phield Phreakers, is a group which was organized
with the objective and need for an organized "true" phreak/anarchism
group within the 619 NPA (located in San Diego, CA; North County
specifically). We, the PUD (Phucked Up Directors) of PPP found it
necessary to combine our efforts in order to maximize the efficiency of
phield phreaking (aka, beige boxing, green basing, etc.) and the
practice of anarchy. Because the founders of PPP, Killer Korean and
Doctor Dissector, happened to reside within close proximity, we found
it rather easy to put together a makeshift phreak/anarchy group within
a small circle of phriends. However, we also have deemed it necessary
to expand our circle to include the more experienced or ambitious
phreaks/anarchists as well as non-phreaks/anarchists (who are willing
to learn) residing in the North County section of the 619 NPA.
Our objectives are to find new and exciting information concerning
the 619 NPA's telco activity, experimenting with new boxes and
equipment hand-built by our members, experimenting and practicing
anarchism, and of course, phucking over Ma Bell and her Gestapo.
This section in the PPP Newsletter will be devoted to educating
and sharing new found or re-found information concerning the
phreak/anarchist community, as well as group achievements. Enjoy it
while it lasts.
Examined green bases, enabling the production of TPH#2
673 Busyline Project
679 Busyline Project
Produced four beige boxes
Practiced Phield Phreaking
Experimented with Saltpeter
Revenge *
673 Busyline: 673-9512 was converted from a non-residential
line to a permanatly busy line. Lasted approximately
36 hours from first contact. After contact was
cut, the fone number rang suspiciously. Possible
leak in BBS security on elite boards in the 619 NPA.
679 Busyline: 679-7776 was converted from a non-residential
line to a permanatly busy line. Lasted approximately
a week from first contact. This fone number was not
released to the general elite public of the 619 NPA,
but the line also rang suspiciously after the week.
Possible intervention by the phone company.
Sweet revenge which can not be discussed further than that it
caused over $500 worth of property damage. They deserved it!
This section will be dedicated to the technical info and
procedures practiced by PPP. This will include anarchial phormulas as
well as schematics for boxes which will be used by our members.
Experimenting with Saltpeter:
PPP experimented with saltpeter (potassium nitrate) bought from
Longs Drugs (4 oz. for $1.99). We discovered that most mixtures
from this oxidizer were slow burning and required a lot of sulfur
to burn properly. However, these mixtures created A LOT of smoke
and a sulfurous stench, GREAT for other purposes.
Busyline - How to:
To make a fone number busy FOREVER (or until someone kills it),
you venture to a green base and open it. Find an open line, which
means a pair of terminals which are not connected to residential
telephones. Use ANI on the open line, record the number, and with
a paper clip or other piece of wire, connect the ring and tip so
that they short each other out. Be sure it is secure and that the
wire is not interferring with the other terminals. Also, if you
hate someone and want to give them and their fones a hard time,
put this on a working residential line and have phun.
Phucked Up Directors (PUD)
Doctor Dissector
Killer Korean
General Members
The Lode Runner
White Boy
Phortress Phreak (non 619, honorary member)
Phriend (no handle, non-computer user)
All member must fill out an extensive application and voice validation.
Then, perform a training "mission" with the PUD's supervision. Maximum
of 10-15 members... Join today if you think you're a Phuckin' Phreak.
Well, that wraps up PPP Newsletter #1. So, I bet you can't wait
for our next, great issue. PPP #2 should include more on Phield
Phreaking in general, Gold Boxing, Pipe Bombs and Potassium Chlorate
explosives, and a bunch of other phun surprises. Until then, this is
Killer Korean and Doctor Dissector logging off.................
NOTE: If you need a busy line or a ring forever line, or any other
assistance, leave e-mail to the PUD's of PPP on any of the 619 elite
BBS boards in San Diego. If you don't know any 619 elite BBS's, stop
reading text philes now!