2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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From Usenet:
As some readers of this list may not know, under Equal Access,
any long-distance company can carry 1-800 traffic. Which carrier gets
the call is determined (at the moment) by the NNX of the number. I.E.
1-800-528-1234 (The nation-wide number for making reservations at a
Best Western Motel) is carried by AT&T. While 1-800-888-1800 is
carried by MCI.
The carrier must have Feature Group D presence for originating
calls from the originating exchange (either direct, or through an
access tandem).
In the future, when CCIS becomes wide-spread, a query will be
made in the database [Who gets 1-800-985-1234?] and the call will be
routed appropriately. To clarify: Now the carrier is determined by
the NNX. In the future, the carrier will be determined by the entire
7 digits.
A similar situation exists with 900 service. Each carrier can
reserve NXX-s from BellCore (the people who among a zillion other
tasks are in charge of handing out prefixes and area codes). They're
not cheap! To get the actual number is free (there are qualifications
that I don't deal with), but to get it 'turned on' in a LATA costs you
money, depending on (1) How many prefixes you're getting, (2) whether
it's 800 or 900 service, (3) How many Tandems/End Offices are in the
LATA. It requires a discrete amount of labor for EACH office, because
EACH routing table must be modified.
Of the 800 possible NXX-s, 409 are currently %99
long-distance carrier can get one 800 and four 900 numbers just for
the paperwork. But to get more than that, you have to show that
you're 70% full now, and demonstrate a real need for the capacity.
I have included the entire 800-NXX to long-distance carrier
translation table. Note that not every NXX is valid in every area.
Revised 800/OCN Translation Table
Effective 10 October 1988
221 ATX 222 ATX 223 ATX 224 LDL 225 ATX
226 MIC 227 ATX 228 ATX 229 TDX 230 NTK
231 ATX 232 ATX 233 ATX 234 MCI 235 ATX
236 SCH 237 ATX 238 ATX 239 DLT 240 SIR
241 ATX 242 ATX 243 ATX 244 --- 245 ATX
246 --- 247 ATX 248 ATX 249 --- 250 ---
251 ATX 252 ATX 253 ATX 254 TTU 255 ATX
256 LSI 257 ATX 258 ATX 259 --- 260 ---
261 SCH 262 ATX 263 CAN 264 ICT 265 CAN
266 CSY 267 CAN 268 CAN 269 FDG 270 ---
271 --- 272 ATX 273 --- 274 MCI 275 ITT
276 ONE 277 SNT 278 --- 279 MAL 280 ADG
281 --- 282 ATX 283 MCI 284 MCI 285 ---
286 --- 287 --- 288 MCI 289 MCI 290 ---
291 --- 292 ATX 293 PRO 294 --- 295 ---
296 --- 297 ARE 298 --- 299 CYT
321 ATX 322 ATX 323 ATX 324 HNI 325 ATX
326 UTC 327 ATX 328 ATX 329 TET 330 TET
331 ATX 332 ATX 333 MCI 334 ATX 335 SCH
336 ATX 337 FST 338 ATX 339 --- 340 ---
341 ATX 342 ATX 343 ATX 344 ATX 345 ATX
346 ATX 347 UTC 348 ATX 349 DCT 350 CSY
351 ATX 352 ATX 353 --- 354 --- 355 ---
356 ATX 357 --- 358 ATX 359 UTC 360 ---
361 CAN 362 ATX 363 CAN 364 HNI 365 MCI
366 UTC 367 ATX 368 ATX 369 TDD 370 TDD
371 --- 372 ATX 373 TDD 374 --- 375 TNO
376 --- 377 GTS 378 --- 379 --- 380 ---
381 --- 382 ATX 383 TDD 384 FDT 385 CAB
386 TBQ 387 CAN 388 --- 389 --- 390 ---
391 --- 392 ATX 393 EXF 394 --- 395 ---
396 --- 397 TDD 398 --- 399 ARZ
421 ATX 422 ATX 423 ATX 424 ATX 425 TTH
426 ATX 427 --- 428 ATX 429 --- 430 ---
431 ATX 432 ATX 433 ATX 434 AGN 435 ATX
436 IDN 437 ATX 438 ATX 439 --- 440 TXN
441 ATX 442 ATX 443 ATX 444 MCI 445 ATX
446 ATX 447 ATX 448 ATX 449 --- 450 USL
451 ATX 452 ATX 453 ATX 454 ALN 455 ---
456 MCI 457 ATX 458 ATX 459 --- 460 ---
461 CAN 462 ATX 463 CAN 464 -- 465 CAN
466 ALN 467 ICT 468 ATX 469 --- 470 ---
471 ALN 472 ATX 473 --- 474 --- 475 TDD
476 TDD 477 --- 478 AAM 479 --- 480 ---
481 --- 482 ATX 483 --- 484 TDD 485 TDD
486 TDX 487 --- 488 --- 489 TOM 490 ---
491 --- 492 ATX 493 --- 494 --- 495 ---
496 --- 497 --- 498 --- 499 ---
521 ATX 522 ATX 523 ATX 524 ATX 525 ATX
526 ATX 527 ATX 528 ATX 529 MIT 530 ---
531 ATX 532 ATX 533 ATX 534 --- 535 ATX
536 ALN 537 ATX 538 ATX 539 --- 540 ---
541 ATX 542 ATX 543 ATX 544 ATX 545 ATX
546 UTC 547 ATX 548 ATX 549 --- 550 CMA
551 ATX 552 ATX 553 ATX 554 ATX 555 ATX
556 ATX 557 ALN 558 ATX 559 --- 560 ---
561 CAN 562 ATX 563 CAN 564 --- 565 CAN
566 ALN 567 CAN 568 --- 569 --- 570 ---
571 --- 572 ATX 573 --- 574 AMM 575 ---
576 --- 577 GTS 578 --- 579 LNS 580 WES
581 --- 582 ATX 583 TDD 584 TDD 585 ---
586 ATC 587 LTQ 588 ATC 589 LGT 590 ---
591 --- 592 ATX 593 TDD 594 TDD 595 ---
596 --- 597 --- 598 --- 599 ---
621 ATX 622 ATX 623 --- 624 ATX 625 NLD
626 ATX 627 MCI 628 ATX 629 --- 630 ---
631 ATX 632 ATX 633 ATX 634 ATX 635 ATX
636 CQU 637 ATX 638 ATX 639 BUR 640 ---
641 ATX 642 ATX 643 ATX 644 CMA 645 ATX
646 --- 647 ATX 648 ATX 649 --- 650 ---
651 --- 652 ATX 653 --- 654 ATX 655 ---
656 --- 657 TDD 658 TDD 659 --- 660 ---
661 CAN 662 ATX 663 CAN 664 UTC 665 CAN
666 MCI 667 CAN 668 CAN 669 UTC 670 ---
671 --- 672 ATX 673 TDD 674 TDD 675 ---
676 --- 677 --- 678 MCI 679 --- 680 ---
681 --- 682 ATX 683 MTD 684 --- 685 ---
686 LGT 687 NTS 688 --- 689 --- 690 ---
691 --- 692 ATX 693 --- 694 --- 695 ---
696 --- 697 --- 698 NYC 699 PLG
720 TGN
721 --- 722 ATX 723 --- 724 RTC 725 SAN
726 UTC 727 MCI 728 TDD 729 UTC 730 ---
731 --- 732 ATX 733 UTC 734 --- 735 UTC
736 UTC 737 MEC 738 MEC 739 --- 740 ---
741 MIC 742 ATX 743 EDS 744 --- 745 ---
746 --- 747 TDD 748 TDD 749 TDD 750 ---
751 --- 752 ATX 753 --- 754 TSH 755 ---
756 --- 757 TID 758 --- 759 MCI 760 ---
761 --- 762 ATX 763 --- 764 AAM 765 ---
766 --- 767 UTC 768 SNT 769 --- 770 GCN
771 SNT 772 ATX 773 CUX 774 --- 775 ---
776 UTC 777 MCI 778 UTC 779 TDD 780 TDD
781 --- 782 ATX 783 ALN 784 ALG 785 SNH
786 *1 787 --- 788 --- 789 TMU 790 ---
791 --- 792 ATX 793 --- 794 --- 795 ---
796 --- 797 TID 798 TDD 799 --
821 ATX 822 ATX 823 THA 824 ATX 825 MCI
826 ATX 827 UTC 828 ATX 829 UTC 830 ---
831 ATX 832 ATX 833 ATX 834 --- 835 ATX
836 TDD 837 TDD 838 --- 839 VST 840 ---
841 ATX 842 ATX 843 ATX 844 LDD 845 ATX
846 --- 847 ATX 848 ATX 849 --- 850 TKC
851 ATX 852 ATX 853 --- 854 ATX 855 ATX
856 --- 857 TLS 858 ATX 859 --- 860 ---
861 --- 862 ATX 863 ALN 864 TEN 865 ---
866 --- 867 --- 868 SNT 869 UTC 870 ---
871 --- 872 ATX 873 MCI 874 ATX 875 ALN
876 MCI 877 UTC 878 ALN 879 --- 880 NAS
881 NAS 882 ATX 883 --- 884 --- 885 ATX
886 ALN 887 ETS 888 MCI 889 --- 890 ---
891 --- 892 ATX 893 --- 894 --- 895 ---
896 TXN 897 --- 898 CGI 899 TDX
921 --- 922 ATX 923 ALN 924 --- 925 ---
926 --- 927 --- 928 CIS 929 --- 930 ---
931 --- 932 ATX 933 --- 934 --- 935 ---
936 RBW 937 MCI 938 --- 939 --- 940 TSF
941 --- 942 ATX 943 --- 944 --- 945 ---
946 --- 947 --- 948 --- 949 --- 950 MCI
951 BML 952 ATX 953 --- 954 --- 955 MCI
956 --- 957 --- 958 *2 959 *2 960 CNO
961 --- 962 ATX 963 SOC 964 --- 965 ---
966 TDX 967 --- 968 TED 969 TDX 970 ---
971 --- 972 ATX 973 --- 974 --- 975 ---
976 --- 977 --- 978 --- 979 --- 980 ---
981 --- 982 ATX 983 WUT 984 --- 985 ---
986 WUT 987 --- 988 WUT 989 TDX 990 ---
991 --- 992 ATX 993 --- 994 --- 995 ---
996 VOA 997 --- 998 --- 999 MCI
*2 -- These NXX codes are generally reserved for test applications; They
may be reserved for Acess Tandem testing from an End Office.
Note also: The following NXX are dedicated for RCCP (Radio Common Carrier
Paging) under the discretion of the local exchange carrier:
202, 212, 302, 312, 402, 412, 502, 512, 602, 612, 702, 712, 802, 812, 902,
and 912.
OCN Reference List:
ADG - Advantage Network, Inc. AGN - AMRIGON
ALG - Allnet Communication Services AMM - Access Long Distance
AAM - ALASCOM ARE - American Express TRS
ARZ - AmeriCall Corporation (Calif.) ATC - Action Telecom Co.
ATX - AT&T BML - Phone America
BUR - Burlington Tel. CAB - Hedges Communications
CAN - Telcom Canada CNO - COMTEL of New Orleans
CQU - ConQuest Comm. Corp CSY - COM Systems
CUX - Compu-Tel Inc. CYT - ClayDesta Communications
DCT - Direct Communications, Inc. DLT - Delta Communications, Inc.
EDS - Electronic Data Systems Corp. ETS - Eastern Telephone Systems, Inc.
EXF - Execulines of Florida, Inc. FDG - First Digital Network
FDN - Florida Digital Network FDT - Friend Technologies
FST - First Data Resources GCN - General Communications, Inc.
GTS - Telenet Comm. Corp. HNI - Houston Network, Inc.
ITT - United States Transmission System LDD - LDDS-II, Inc.
LDL - Long Distance for Less LGT - LITEL
LNS - Lintel Systems LSI - Long Distance Savers
LTQ - Long Distance for Less MAL - MIDAMERICAN
MCI - MCI Telecommunications Corp. MDE - Meade Associates
MEC - Mercury, Inc. MIC - Microtel, Inc.
MIT - Midco Communications MTD - Metromedia Long Distance
NLD - National Data Corp. NTK - Network Telemanagement Svcs.
NTS - NTS Communications ONC - OMNICALL, Inc.
ONE - One Call Communications, Inc. PHE - Phone Mail, Inc.
PLG - Pilgrim Telephone Co. PRO - PROTO-COL
RBW - R-Comm RTC - RCI Corporation
SAN - Satelco SCH - Schneider Communications
SDY - TELVUE Corp. SIR - Southern Interexchange Services
SLS - Southland Systems, Inc. SNH - Sunshine Telephone Co.
SNT - SouthernNet, Inc. SOC - State of California
TBQ - Telecable Corp. TDD - Teleconnect
TDX - Cable & Wireless Comm. TED - TeleDial America
TEM - Telesystems, Inc. TEN - Telesphere Network, Inc.
TET - Teltec Savings Communications Co. TGN - Telemanagement Consult't Corp.
THA - Touch America TID - TMC South Central Indiana
TKC - TK Communications, Inc. TLS - TELE-SAV
TMU - Tel-America, Inc. TNO - ATC Cignal Communications
TOM - TMC of Montgomery TOR - TMC of Orlando
TTH - Tele Tech, Inc. TTU - Total-Tel USA
TXN - Tex-Net USL - U.S. Link Long Distance
UTC - U.S. Telcom, Inc. (U.S. Sprint) VOA - Valu-Line
WUT - Western Union Telegraph Co.
NOTE: Where local telcos, such as Illinois Bell offer 800 service, they
purchase blocks of numbers from AT&T on prefixes assigned to AT&T. They
are free to purhcase blocks of numbers from any carrier of their choice