691 lines
37 KiB
691 lines
37 KiB
RELEASED ON 07/01/92
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I would like to dedicate this to the memory of Scantronics, which as the
logon said, was definantly 'The last of a dying breed'. In early May /<ludge
got a visit from authorities who took all his gear, except his printer (oh,
how thoughtful). You see, our enemies have finally realized one of the weaker
links in the H/P society... The distribution of information. By hitting all of
the worthwhile boards, they can make it harder and harder to learn and swap
ideas. Well, there isn't too much we can do about it, except start talking
with people one-on-one, and get a 'verbal network' going. This is pretty much
all we can do. Our Enemy is taking steps towards eradication of our chosen
hobby, and we must take steps to prevent it's distruction. Well, enough with
the lecture, on with the file, and keep good thoughts for /<ludge...
Ah yes, here I am again, writing like there's no tommorow, but even if there
was, who the hell would want it? Anyways... I've been just doing my own thing
for the past couple months, let tax time go by, and decided I needed to give
some more of my helpful insight to the world. Ok, this file is about the
closest thing to a hacking file as you'll probably see me write (especially
since hacking isn't my forte and I know many people out there who are better
at it than me (See Digital Hitler, I admitted that you're better, and in public
no less!)). Ah well, this covers those wonderful UHF Mobile telephones that
are out and about... Not Cellular mind you, but UHF Mobile. I will go into
detail on the Zetron series of Repeater Computers, which seem to be the most
What you will be accessing is the repeaters in your local area. Most large
cities have at very least 5, and some have upwards of 15. Now each repeater
usually is accessable throughout the city, although they get better reception
in certain areas. Soo, once you estabish the region that works best for you,
that will be the target repeater. Now, when you dial the repeater, you will
get another tone, much like a PBX, where you are supposed to enter the extension
of the mobile phone you wish to reach. Remember that each repeater is
independant, so you will need to program yourself on all the ones you wish to
use. Also, choose one as your base channel, usually the one that is in the
region you will be around the most, and program this one for ringing capab-
ilities. One of the real benifits of this is you can set up multiple extentions
on each repeater, and have tons of phone numbers and extensions.
You can also access the voice paging feature, and capture a voice mail box.
This is accomplished by simply assigning yourself a 5-tone pager id, and then
finding the phone number of the VMB that corresponds to it. This is especially
nice when you don't necessarily want people to realize where you are, or when
you want to call screen losers.
Here's the big joke of this... The 'hacking' process. The admin extension
is usually 7 digits, and usually starts with 000. Now that's still quite a
few possibilities, right? Nope, the shitty designers of this system made it
so when you enter a incorrect number it gives you that wrong tone. So say
the password is 0004311, when you call up, you enter 0, no tone? Enter 0 again.
Still no tone? Enter 0 a third time. No tone again. Now enter 0 a fourth
time. Ding-dong... Wrong tone. Now just repeat the first three, and try 1
for the fourth, and so on. Basic. And once you're in, there are no other
passwords... Boy these people sure are security concious.
Here's a 'flow-chart' of the menu structure for most Zetron-series repeaters.
I include the main and sub-menus, and also all the possible selections for each
command. Now remember, the system is hot-key, and you can type '!' anywhere
in it to get back to the main menu. It's formatted a little past 80 columns
since it is more useful printed and I wanted it even-looking. Here we go...
[S]YSTEM --+--- [C]OR -------+------- |