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From a variety of sources, here's a list of BBSs that might be helpful to
telcom-capable writers. Where known, comments concerning each are added. For
most, set your modem program for eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit,
except where noted. ANSI or VT-100 terminal emulation will work almost
301-344-8510 - ALF, Agriculture Library, Berwyn MD. Agricultural information.
314-882-8289 - AgEBB, Columbus MO. Agricultural information.
402-472-6615 - HPRCC, Weather Data, Lincoln NE. Regional agricultural
202-377-3870 or 202-377-0433 - Dept. of Commerce, Office of Business
Analysis. Current economic news from DoC Economic Affairs(EA) agencies
including press releases, economic indicators, official DoC summaries of
economic news, information on how to obtain data tapes, and summaries of
reports and studies produced by EA agencies. Also included are press releases
issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. After connect, enter 1 or 2 returns
to start.
202-523-4784 - US Dept of Labor DC. News releases.
202-357-8997 - Fed. Energy Reg. Comm., DC. Daily issuances, press releases.
202-377-2870 - The Economic BBS, DC. Commerce Dept. information (fee).
202 272-1514 The COE Manpower BBS OPEN board. Army Corps of Engineers Rich
202 697-6109/3632 Export License Status Advisor, Department of Defense
202 786-3640 Budget/Finance Board OPEN board (don't use in mid-day.
Immigration and Naturalization Service, Mike Arnold
202 537-7475 Fannie Mae BBS OPEN board. Federal National Mortgage
Association, Ken Goosens
202 477-8500 World Bank OPEN board. Ashok Daswani
202 376-2184 Info Technology Center BBS OPEN board. Veteran's
Administration, Jay Anderson
202 737-7264 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
202 566-4602 Export-Import Bank of the US OPEN board. Joel Kahn/Bob Hughes.
800 222-4922 (Outside DC Metro area) 202-626-9853 (DC calls) OERI Electronic
Bulletin Board OPEN board. US Department of Education Tom Litkowski
206-924-4102 - Labor Mkt. Econ. Anal., WA. Seattle area economic information.
301 948-5717 Computer Perfromance Evaluation Group, National Science
Foundation OPEN board.300 Baud only.
301 948-5718 Microcomputer Electronic Information Exchange, National Bureau
of Standards OPEN board.300 or 1200 Baud.
301 948-2048 Data Management Information Exchange, National Bureau of
Standards. OPEN board. 300 or 1200 Baud.
301-763-4576 - Census Microcomputer Information Center, Bureau of the Census.
Microcomputer news, software and hardware reviews, public domain software,
training programs for Census and Commerce personnel. After connect, enter 1 or
2 returns to start.
301-763-1568 - State Data Center, Maryland DC area census bureau statistics.
301-948-5718 - Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology (ICST), The
National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce. Information on the
acquisition, management, and use of small computers. Other files containing
sources of information on topics such as: conferences, Federal publications
and activities, user groups, other bulletin boards, etc. After connect, enter
1 or 2 returns to start. If you do not receive a carrier after two rings, hang
up and call again.
301 353-5059 Megawatts BBS OPEN board. Department of Energy, Bruce Birnbaum
301-763-5225 - Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates, Bureau of
the Census. Information and news about population and demographic projections.
After connected, enter "RUN" to start.
717-654-7673 - DEVIN, Pennsylvania. Pittston, economic information.
301-436-6346 - National Center for Health Statistics, Public Health Service.
Contains statistical data on NCHS surveys.
301-436-5078 - Nutrient Data Bank, Hyattsville MD. USDA nutrition info.
402-280-3023 - National Drug Info. Omaha NE. Pharmacological info.
404-377-9563 - AIDSQUEST Online, Atlanta GA. AIDS, cancer info.
504-588-5743 - Health Ed. Electronic Forum, New Orleans LA. Health info.
800-624-2723 - NBIAP Biotechnology, VA. Genetic engineering.
301-738-8895 - NCJRS, MD. Nat. Criminal Justice Reference Service.
This is a finicky board I could never make work with ProComm. It wants to see
TeamTerm which NCJRS will supply free to any law enforcement agency or other
qualified user.
415-556-3075 - 9th Circuit Court, San Francisco CA, and
513-684-2842 - CITE, Cincinnati OH. 6th Circuit Court cases. Both above are
pilot projects to provide information on cases before the courts. Not known if
past decisions can be searched online.
202-786-3640 - Dept. of Justice, Comptroller of Immigration and
Naturalization Service, Budget/Financial Board. Messaging and file transfer
service for INS.
718-463-1091 - Immigration Law USA, NY. Immigration law info. Run by an
attorney in private practice, specialist in immigration law. Primarily for his
own clients but he will answer reporter's questions.
202-366-3764 - FEBBS, DC. Federal highway information.
202 426-2961 Federal Highway Administration BBS
202-529-0140 - USA-GDR Databank, DC. East European events.
202-775-1237 - IDI Job Board. Job opening in Washington DC area.
202-475-1973 - NANci. U.S. Navy, Naval Aviation News. Reference on naval
aviation history. Message access to the magazine. Operates 5pm to 7am.
202 557-3769 Pesticide Programs BBS. Environmental Protection Agency
301 725-1072 Public Access Link Federal Communications Commission
202 275-1050 Information Technology Center, General Accounting Office
202 535-7661 Information Resources Services, Government Services
202 453-9008 Information Technology Center, National Aeronautics and Space
202 287-9656 Federal Library Committee BBS, Library of Congress
216-368-3888 - Cleveland FreeNet. Run by Case Weatern Reserve University.
Thom Boughton (71641,1326 on CIS) is a sysop. No charges of any type. Use the
command "GO OUTDOORS" to access the outdoor forum.
301-948-5718 - Micro Electronic Information Exchange. Technical information
with emphasis on computer security.
703-243-9696 - NewsUSA, VA. Consumer news (7-E-1).
617-439-5699 - Boston Citinet, NMFS "green sheets."
202-272-1514 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Because this board is also
internal information exchange within the Corps, some sections are restricted
213-432-3592 - Electric Newspaper, Long Beach CA. Press-Telegram.
402-593-2000 - Omaha CityNet, Omaha NE. World-Herald (DEMO LINE).
508-872-8461 - Fred the Computer, Framingham MA. Middlesex News. Intended for
local readers sending letters to the editor.
516-454-6959 - Newsday Online, New York NY. Newsday.
817-878-9800 - Star Text, Ft Worth TX. Star-Telegram (DEMO LINE).
202-586-8658 - Energy Info Admin, DC. Energy statistics.
202-634-1764 - Science Resources DC. National Science Foundation.
301-763-8071 - Climate Analysis Center, National Weather Service, Department
of Commerce. Historical climate information - daily, weekly, and monthly,
heating degree days, weekly climate bulletins.
301-454-8700 - National Weather Service, U.S. Department of Commerce.
Marine weather and nautical information for coastal waterways. Information
includes data for bays and sounds, coastal waters, and offshore waters;
tropical storm advisories; tidal information, and important weather, nautical,
and fishing news. Data are primarily about the middle Atlantic region.
The bulletin board is open to the public and free of charge. Users must
preregister by calling Ross Laporte, National Weather Service, 301-899-3296.
Information about similar bulletin boards for other regions available.
314-882-3874 - SCI-FIND, Columbia MO. Science news reference.
Reference and bibliographic service at the University of Missouri's Science
Journalism Center.
205-895-0028 - NASA Spacelink, Huntsville AL. NASA news, info.
303-494-8446 - Space Network, Boulder CO. Boulder Center for Science and
Policy. Space news, research.
713-483-5817 - NASA JSC, Houston TX. Shuttle schedules.
800-358-2663 - USGS Earthquake QED, Golden CO. Earthquake epicenter info.
Carries info on "felt" earthquakes around the world.
902-566-7390 - Energy Centre, Canada. Govt energy info.
301-622-2247 Maryland, Silver Bullet
301-944-3495 Maryland, League of American Wheelmen. Evenings/weekends only
303-972-9023 Colorado, Chatfield Armory
318-797-8310 Louisiana, Dawn Patrol
318-741-3422 Louisiana, Peacekeeper
415-537-1777 California, Combat Arms
512-441-6300 Texas, National Firearms Assoc.
614-294-5216 Ohio, Crossfire
619-934-9695 Private Events, Mammoth Lakes CA area. Has a local weather forum
maintained by a resident weatherman and a fishing forum updated by the Eastern
Sierra Fly Fishers.
703-971-4491 Virginia, The Bullet 'N Board
707-545-0746 California, Survival Communications Forum
713-682-6508 Texas Two Wheelers BBS. BikeNET echo
714-653-0494 California. F&W Guns
901-873-0387 Tennessee, North End
904-488-3773 Florida, FishLINE. Sysop Scott Hardin, 904-488-4066 (voice).
918-838-1615 Oklahoma, The Gunner's Mate
919-781-7047 North Carolina, Small Time BBS. BikeNET echo
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