2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

731 lines
18 KiB
Raw Blame History

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZUpdated issue of pbxs for this month
CORE Presents
P B X / C e n t r e x / A C D
D i r e c t o r y L i s t i n g
Last Updated: August/September 1994
- A to B -
AAC Corp./Account-A-Call Division
Frank Monahan
222 E. Huntington Drive
Montrovia, CA 91016
Phone: 800-477-8867, FAX: 818-564-4949
* Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, Facilities Management,
Toll Fraud Prevention
AAC Corp./Call Center Division
Al Wild
5915 Airport Read, Suite 615
Missauga, ONT L47 1T1 CANADA
Phone: 800-387-0264, FAX: 416-678-0484
ACS Communications
Customer Service/Sales
10 Victor Square
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Phone: 800-955-5500, FAX: 408-438-2745
* Handsets/Headsets
Active Voice Corp.
Laurie Martindale
2901 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121
Phone: 206-441-4700, FAX: 206-441-4784
* Voice Messaging/Processing
AllTell Supply
Inside Sales
6625 The Corners Parkway
Norcross, GA 30092
Phone: 404-448-5210, FAX: 404-368-1443
* Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, Hand/Headsets,
Hybrid Systems, Key Systems, PBX/Under 200 Lines,
Toll Fraud Prevention, Voice Messaging/Processing
Amber Technologies, Inc.
John Rodrigues
47 Junction Square Drive
Concord, MA 01742
Phone: 508-369-0515, FAX: 508-371-9642
* Miscellaneous Services
American Telecommunications Corp.
Larry Tate
1180 Seminole Trail
Charlottesville, VA 22906
Phone: 804-978-2200, FAX: 804-978-2293
* Centrex CPE
ATCI-Antenna Technology
Tim Peyla
1128 East Greenway
Mesa, AZ 85203
Phone: 602-264-7275, FAX: 602-898-7667
* Hybrid Systems
Aspect Telecommunications
Anita Giani
1730 Fox Drive
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: 408-441-2200, FAX: 408-441-2260
* Miscellaneous Services
AT&T Global Business Communications
AT&T 1-800-247-1212
211 Mt. Airy Road
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
Phone: 908-953-7514
* Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, CTI, Hand/HeadSets,
Hybrid Systems, Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines,
Toll Fraud Prevention, Systems Maintenance,
Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD, Wireless PBX
BellSouth Communication Systems
Jeff Nichols
1936 Blue Hills Drive
Roanoke, VA 24012
Phone: 703-983-6000, FAX: 703-983-6006
* Call Accounting, Facilities Management,
Hybrid Systems, Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines,
Toll Fraud Prevention, Systems Maintenance,
Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD
- C to D -
Centigram Communications
Sales Department
91 East Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: 408-944-0250, FAX: 408-428-3732
* Voice Messaging/Processing
Cintech Tele-Management Systems, Inc.
Sales Consultant
3006 Vernon Place
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone: 800-833-3900, FAX: 513-861-2010
* Call Accounting, Toll Fraud Prevention,
Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD
Communications Group, Inc.
Karl Meszaros
901 South Trooper Road
Valley Forge, PA 19484
Phone: 610-666-1700, FAX: 610-666-7808
* Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, Toll Fraud Prevention
Complimentary Solutions, Inc.
Kent Jones
4250 Perimeter Park S., Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30341
Phone: 404-936-3700, FAX: 404-936-3710
* Call Accounting, Facilities Management,
Toll Fraud Prevention
Computer Talk Technology, Inc.
Stephen Smith
225 East Beaver Creek, 3rd Floor
Richmond Hill, Ont. CANADA L4B 3P4
Phone: 905-882-5000, FAX: 902-882-5501
* CTI, Voice Messaging/Processing
Conveyant Systems, Inc.
Becky Renzi
2332 McGaw Avenue
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: 714-746-7100, FAX: 714-756-7129
Cyber Digital, Inc.
331F Dante Court
Holbrook, NY 11741
Phone: 516-471-5270, FAX: 516-471-5312
* Data Only PBX, Hybrid Systems, Key Systems,
PBX/Over 1000+ Lines, Toll Fraud Prevention
DataEquip, Inc.
Gary Walton
4465 Northpark Drive, Suite 304
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: 719-548-1178, FAX: 719-548-1189
* Call Accounting, Data Only PBX, Facilities Management
David Clark Co., Inc.
Dan Fratkin
360 Franklin Street
Worcester, MA 01615-0054
Phone: 508-751-5800, FAX: 508-753-5827
* Handsets/Headsets
DEES Communications
Gaye Glassborn
4130 148th Avenue N.E.
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: 206-869-1963, FAX: 206-869-0717
* Centrex CPE, CTI
- E to H -
Electronic Tele-Communications, Inc.
Phyllis McNeil
3605 Clearview Place
Atlanta, GA 30340
Phone: 404-457-5600, FAX: 404-455-3822
* Centrex CPE, Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD
Equinox Systems, Inc.
Sales Dept.
6851 West Sunrise Boulevard
Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33313
Phone: 800-275-3500, FAX: 305-253-0003
* Data Only PBX
Ericsson Business Communications Inc.
5757 Plaza Drive
Cypress, CA 90630-0007
Phone: 800-374-2776, FAX: 714-236-6830
* Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines,
Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD, Wireless PBX
Executone Information Systems, Inc.
Mary Beth Stewart
6 Thorndal Circle
Darien, CT 06820
Phone: 203-655-6500, FAX: 203-656-5709
* Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, Centrex Services, CTI,
Hybrid Systems, Key Systems, PBX/200-1000 Lines,
Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD
Frederick Engineering
Pete Schramm
10200 Old Columbia Road
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410-290-9000, FAX: 410-381-7180
* Hybrid Systems
Fujitsu Business Communications Systems
Lee Stites
7776 S. Pointe Parkway W., Ste. 200
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Phone: 602-921-4807, FAX: 602-921-4800
* Call Accounting, CTI, Hand/headsets, Hybrid Systems,
Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines, Toll Fraud Prevention,
System Management, Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD,
Wireless PBX
Gentner Communications
Gory Gutttu
111 East Broadway, Suite 1200
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Phone: 801-799-4800, FAX: 801-799-4877
* Hybrid Systems
GN Netcom, Inc.
Help Center
7688 Executive Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: 800-826-4656, FAX: 612-949-0013
* Handsets/Headsets
Gordon Kapes
Gordon K. Kapes
5520 W. Touhy Avenue
Skokie, IL 60077
Phone: 708-676-1750, FAX: 708-982-0747
* Toll Fraud Prevention, System Management
Harris Digital Telephone Systems
Mark Guigni
300 Bel Marin Keys Boulevard
Novato, CA 94949
Phone: 800-888-3763, FAX: 415-382-5222
* CTI, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines, ACD
- I to L -
Jennifer Schutze
Liberty Plaza II
5057 Keller Springs Road
Dallas, TX 75248
Phone: 214-474-9000, FAX: 214-447-8533
* CTI, Data Only PBX, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines, ACD
Intervoice, Inc.
Mary Rose Covington
17811 Waterview Parkway
Dallas, TX 75252
Phone: 214-454-8771, FAX: 214-454-8905
* Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD
Inter-Tel Equipment, Inc
Vern Suesse
700 West Boston Street
Chandler, AZ 85226
Phone: 602-961-9000, FAX: 602-940-0426
* Call Accounting, CTI, Hand/Headsets, Hybrid Systems,
Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines, Toll Fraud Prevention,
System Management, Voice Messaging/Processing
Iwatsu America Inc.
Kristine Liebman
430 Commerce Boulevard
Carlstadt, NJ 07072
Phone: 201-935-8580, FAX: 201-935-7302
* Key Systems, PBX/200-1000 Lines, ACD, Wireless PBX
Key Four, Inc.
Kenneth L. Masters
5238 Royal Woods Pkwy., Ste. 110
Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: 404-908-4402, FAX: 404-908-4418
* Call Accounting, Facilities Management, Key Systems,
PBX/Over 1000+ Lines, Toll Fraud Prevention, ACD,
Wireless PBX
Lincoln Telecommunications Co.
Steve Edie
1440 M Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-486-7200, FAX: 402-486-7295
* Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, Centrex Services, CTI,
Facilities Management, Hand/Headsets, Key Systems,
Hybrid Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines,
Toll Fraud Prevention, System Management,
Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD
- M to P -
MER Communications Systems, Inc.
Doris Schwartzblatt
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1910
New York, NY 10118
Phone: 212-594-7871, FAX: 212-594-7865
* Call Accounting, Toll Fraud Prevention
MicroFrame, Inc.
Al Stern
21 Meridian Road
Edison, NJ 08820
Phone: 908-494-4440, FAX: 908-494-4570
* Toll Fraud Prevention
Mitel Corp.
350 Legget Drive
Kanata, ONT K2K 1X3 CANADA
Phone: 613-592-2122, FAX: 613-592-4784
* Centrex CPE, CTI, Hand/HeadSets, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines,
Toll Fraud Prevention, System Management,
Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD, Wireless PBX
Moscom Corp.
Ron Tucker
3750 Monroe Avenue
Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone: 716-381-6000, FAX: 716-383-6800
* Call Accounting, Toll Fraud Prevention,
Voice Messaging/Processing
Natural MicroSystems
Michelle Scott
8 Erie Drive
Natick, MA 01760
Phone: 508-650-1300, FAX: 508-650-1352
* CTI, Voice Messaging/Processing
Octel Communications Corpation
Wesley Rogers
890 Tasman Drive
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: 408-321-2100, FAX: 408-321-9801
* Voice Messaging/Processing
Octus, Inc.
Customer Service
9940 Barnes Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: 619-452-9400, FAX: 619-452-2427
* Centrex CPE
Open+Voice, Inc.
Conrad Masterson
12820 Hillcrest, Suite 119
Dallas, TX 75230
Phone: 214-392-7581, FAX: 214-392-7584
* Voice Messaging/Processing
Panasonic Communications & Systems Company
Frank Fish
Two Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07093
Phone: 201-392-4905, FAX: 201-392-4738
* Hybrid Systems, Key Systems, Voice Messaging/Processing,
ACD, Wireless PBX
PCBX Systems, Inc.
Sales Department
3730 South Susan Street, Suite 100
Santa Ana, CA 92704
Phone: 714-668-1180, FAX: 714-668-0215
* Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines,
Voice Messaging/Processing, Wireless PBX
Tony Karre
1215 Fern Ridge Office Pkwy., Ste. 110
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 314-469-6106, FAX: 314-469-0841
* Miscellaneous Services
Paul Weisco
345 Encinal Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone: 800-544-4660, FAX: 408-425-8654
* Handsets/Headsets
Proctor & Associates Co.
Linda McHenry-Schmal
15050 N.E. 36th Street
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: 206-881-7000, FAX: 206-885-3282
* Centrex CPE, Toll Fraud Prevention
- R to S -
Random Corporation
Philip Grosvenor
581 Northland Boulevard
Cincinnati, OH 45240
Phone: 513-825-0880, FAX: 513-742-2775
* Facilities Management, System Management
Redcom Laboratories, Inc.
Richard Keating
One Redcom Center
Victor, NY 14564
Phone: 716-924-7550, FAX: 716-924-6572
* Hybrid Systems, Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ lines, ACD
Rolm, A Siemons Co.
Richard Mattern
4900 Old Ironsides Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: 408-492-2000, FAX: 408-492-3430
* Call Accounting, CTI, Hand/Headsets, Hybrid Systems,
PBX/Over 1000+ lines, Toll Fraud Prevention,
System Management, Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD,
Wireless PBX
Soft-Com, Inc.
George Z. Janelis
140 West 22nd Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212-242-9595, FAX: 212-242-8531
* Call Accounting, Toll Fraud Prevention,
Voice Messaging/Processing
Solitaire Telecomm Corp.
Jack Klein
2100 Roswell Road NE, Suite 200-C
Marietta, GA 30062
Phone: 404-971-4811, FAX: 404-971-8168
* Centrex CPE, Key Systems
Sound Control Technologies, Inc.
Adolph Neaderland
28 Knight Street
Norwalk, CT 06851
Phone: 203-854-5701, FAX: 203-854-5702
* Miscellaneous Services
Spectra Link Corporation
David Tellen-Lawton
1650 38th Street, Suite 202E
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: 303-440-5330, FAX: 303-440-5331
* Wireless PBX
Sprint Product Group
Sandy Burns
600 Industrial Parkway
Industrial Airport, KS 66031-8000
Phone: 913-791-7000, FAX: 913-791-7022
* Hand/Headsets, Key Systems, PBX/Under
200 Lines
Sprint/North Supply
Mike Coffelt
600 Industrial Parkway
Industrial Airport, KS 66031-8000
Phone: 913-791-7000, FAX: 913-791-7091
* Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, Hand/Headsets,
Hybrid Systems, Key Systems, Toll Fraud Prevention,
Voice Messaging/Processing
Carol Wingard
3480 Lotus Drive
Plano, TX 75075
Phone: 214-985-2600, FAX: 214-985-2773
* Call Accounting, CTI, Handsets/Headsets,
PBX/200-1000 Lines, System Management,
Voice Messaging/Processing, ACD
Stryker Systems, Inc.
Diane Boito
100 North Brand Blvd., Ste. 400
Glendale, CA 91203
Phone: 818-545-8680, FAX: 818-545-9704
* Call Accounting, Facilities Management,
Toll Fraud Prevention
Syntellect, Inc. (1)
Margaret Singler
15810 North 28th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85023
Phone: 602-789-2800, FAX: 602-789-2899
* Voice Messaging/Processing
Syntellect, Inc. (2)
Jim Walker
160 Hansen Court
Wood Dale, IL 60191
Phone: 708-238-0650, FAX: 708-238-0670
* Voice Messaging/Processing
- T -
T1 Systems, Inc.
Dave Mohr
1658 Cole Boulevard
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 303-234-9000, FAX: 303-237-0526
* CTI, Voice Messaging/Processing
TALX Corporation
Tracy Baunach
1850 Borman Court
St. Louis, MO 63146
Phone: 314-434-0046, FAX: 314-434-9205
* Miscellaneous Services
TCG (Teleport Communications Group)
David Fitts
1 Teleport Drive
Staten Island, NY 10311
Phone: 718-983-2000, FAX: 718-983-2147
* ACD, Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, Centrex Services,
Facilities Management, Handsets/Headsets,
System Management, Voice Messaging/Processing
TEC International
Gary Sprouse
17401 Armstrong Avenue
Irvine, CA 92714
Phone: 714-250-9400, FAX: 714-261-6144
* ACD, Centrex CPE, Voice Messaging/Processing
Telco Research Corp.
Stephen Doster
616 Marriott Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
Phone: 615-872-9000, FAX: 615-231-6144
* Call Accounting, Facilities Management,
Toll Fraud Prevention
Telcom Technologies
Jeanne Michelson
981 Corporate Center Drive
Pomona, CA 91768
Phone: 909-620-7711, FAX: 909-620-9438
Telecorp Products
Sales Dept.
2000 East Oakley Park Road
Walled Lake, MI 48390
Phone: 810-960-1000, FAX: 810-960-1085
* ACD, CTI, Headsets/Handsets
Telrad Telecommunications, Inc.
Deborah Piper
135 Crossways Park Drive
Woodbury, NY 11797
Phone: 516-921-8300, FAX: 516-921-8064
* ACD, Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, CTI, Hand/Headsets,
Hybrid Systems, Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ lines,
Voice Messaging/Processing
Teltone Corporation
Pam Hurnblad
22121 20th Avenue S.E.
Bothwell, WA 98021-4408
Phone: 206-487-1515, FAX: 206-487-2288
* Centrex CPE, CTI, Toll Fraud Prevention
Tigon Corp.
Jill Boeschenstein
17080 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75248
Phone: 800-962-2330, FAX: 214-733-2737
* System Management, Voice Messaging/Processing
TKM Communications
Fred Gallagher
60 Columbia Way, Suite 300
Markham, Ont. L3R OC9 CANADA
Phone: 905-470-5252, FAX: 905-470-7008
* Call Accounting, Centrex CPE, Centrex Services, CTI,
Voice Messaging/Processing
Toshiba America Information Systems
Telecommunication System Division
Sales Dept.
9740 Irvine Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92713-9724
Phone: 800-222-5805, FAX: 714-583-3896
* ACD, Centrex CPE, Hand/Headsets, Hybrid Systems,
Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ lines,
Voice Messaging/Processing
Totalcom Business Systems
Robert DeVivio
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3304
New York, NY 10118
Phone: 212-947-7737, FAX: 212-564-2180
* Call Accounting, Facilities Management,
Toll Fraud Prevention
Transtel Group, Inc.
Moti Shacham
5555 Oakbrook Parkway, Suite 110
Norcross, GA 30093
Phone: 404-368-8343, FAX: 404-368-8382
* Miscellaneous Services
Ty Link Corporation
Chris Berluti
10 Commerce Way
Norton, MA 02760
Phone: 508-285-0033, FAX: 508-285-2738
* Miscellaneous Services
- V to X -
VistaCom, Inc.
Birgitta Strom
20395 Pacifica Drive, Suite 103
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone: 408-253-5165, FAX: 408-253-5170
* Miscellaneous Services
2115 O'Nel Drive
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: 408-441-1144, FAX: 408-451-2000
* Voice Messaging/Processing
Voicetek Corporation
Jan Bergeron
19 Alpha Road
Chelmsford, MA, 01824
Phone: 508-250-9393, FAX: 508-250-9378
* Voice Messaging/Processing
Vysion, Inc.
David Crook
30777 Schoolcraft
Livonia, MI 48150
Phone: 313-522-3300, FAX: 313-522-3630
* Data Only PBX, Voice Messaging/Processing
Walker Equipment Corp.
Customer Service 800-426-3738
Hwy. 151 South
Ringgold, GA 30736
Phone: 706-935-2600, FAX: 706-935-4603
* Handsets/Headsets
WilTel Communications Systems, Inc.
Mary Dunn
8665 New Trails Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77381
Phone: 713-364-5000, FAX: 713-364-5478
* ACD, Call Accounting, Facilities Management,
Hand/Headsets, Key Systems, PBX/Over 1000+ Lines,
Toll Fraud Prevention, System Management,
Voice Messaging/Processing
Wygant Scientific, Inc.
Debbie Sanders
813 S.W. Alder Street, 8th Floor
Portland, OR 97205
Phone: 800-688-6423, FAX: 503-227-8501
* ACD, CTI, Voice Messaging/Processing
XIOX Corp.
Rich Cabral
577 Airport Boulevard, Suite 700
Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: 415-375-8188, FAX: 415-342-1139
* Call Accounting, Facilities Management,
Toll Fraud Prevention
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