2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Unauthorised Access UK 0636-708063 10pm-7am 12oo/24oo
This file Presented by METRONET system (301)-944-3023 The bug's that this
device detects are Infinity transmitters, read the Infinity transmitter
bulletin for more info.
: :
: How to build a Bug Detector :
: :
: by :
: :
: The Gremlin :
: :
Warning: This formatted for 80 column and upper/lower case capabilities...
Basic theory
Because most bugs are triggered through certain frequencies, it is very simple
to build a small sweeping device that will trigger any bug present. The two
IC's are what create the oscillating tone. The IC1 operates at .8 Hz where the
IC2 runs at about 10 Hz. Frequency is determined by this formula:
f measured in Hertz, R in megohms, and C in microfarads
The oscillation can be varied by the voltage placed upon pin #5. This is how
we create the wave sound. When voltage goes up, so does the frequency, and
Normally, the output pin 3 is a square wave. Since we need varying wave at pin
#5, we need a triangular wave.We get this through integrating the square wave
created at pin #3 of IC1. It is acheived by D1, D2, R3, R4 and C2.
This varying output is fed into the phone line by transformer T1 which has an 8
ohm winding going to pin #3 of IC2 and the 500 end to a 0.1 microfarad capaci-
tator at the phone line.
Enuf talk..let's get movin!
Schematic Design
| _|__|_ _|__|_ |
R1 | 4 8 | _|<D1__R3__ | 4 8 | R5
| | | | | | | |
+-----+2 3+---+ +-+5 2|--+----+----+
| | | |_>|R2__R4__| | | | |
R2 | ic1 | | | ic2 | R6 D3
| +-+6 | ___| | 6+-+ | V
| | | | | | | | | -
+---+-+7 | | +--+3 7+-+-----+----+
| |___1__| | | |___1__| |
| | | | | C4
| | | | | ^
C1 | C2 T1 _|_._C3|(_. |
^ | ^ 8--500<_|_. |
Parts List
C1 10-uF electrolytic capacitator 25 WDVC
C2 300-uF electrolytic capacitator 25 WDVC
C3 0.1-uF capacitator
C4 0.068-uF capacitator
D1-D3 1N914
IC1,IC2 555 timers
R1, R4-R6 1-kilohm resistors
R2 91-kilohm resistor
R3 22 kilohm resistor
T1 500-to-8 ohm audio output transformer
When building this unit, it is very useful to use a breadboard or vector board.
I suggest that leads being connected to phone line (T1, C3) end in a jack or a
modular connector to make the hookup easier. To test it, hook it to the phone
line (not the suspected line) and call the line you suspect is being bugged.
The party you are calling should not answer the phone.Now, the unit is
activated. 3 times, every 4 seconds, the oscillator will go up to 10 kHz and
back down again..like a bell curve..If there is a frequency sensitive bug on
the line, the phone will stop ringing, and you will be able to hear everything
said in the room. If the phone keeps ringing, chances are that all is
fine..unless the bug requires a multi-frequency trigger..but these are very
So, we can see that 415-BUG-1111 really does work! It creates the tone..any
click heard is the Phone Co's (or whoever is bugging) speaker/tape recorder
picking up!
Have phun, and hope it helped!
The Gremlin
...call the Gremlin's Lair..201-536-7794..today!...
[Thanks again Metronet!]