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3rd Party Fraud/VMS's Party II - 1/2/89
By: The Sensei
- New Techniques -
Part 2
Original Concepts Thought Up On March 26th, 1987
* Released January 2, 1989 *
by The Sensei
of The Syndicate Report
(Monthly Magazine)
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Syndicate Report Note :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The Syndicate Report is a monthly magazine. It's purpose is to inform
various people on such information as: Phreak/Hack News, Busts, Bell Related
Information, and general computer news. It's original purpose was to strictly
inform phreaks of the latest AT&T \ Bell Information. Although, The Syndicate
Report has evolved gradually into an operation that presently handles various
types of computer related news and information.
The Syndicate Report is released once a month. TSR can usually be seen
on various systems which will be seen at the end of this file. As of present,
latest issue is Syndicate Report #18. It was the first release after months of
being put on hold. The system which is can be found on a day before release,
as all TSR Support lines, is Radio Waves BBS at 612-471-0060. The System Op.
is Unknown Soldier, and I CoSysop. The original Sysop is Metalhead, is has put
the system in the hands of his brother Unknown Soldier till be comes back from
the Marines. Metalhead also ran ASU Underground in Arizona, a multi line BBS.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Introduction ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
*The 1st Part of this release on 3rd Party Fraud/VMS'S, was released and
distributed on the date of September 7th, 1987. The original ideas/concepts
were thought up on March 26th, 1987.
Welcome Syndicate Report information transmittal support readers. This
is the 2nd Part to 3rd Party Fraud Dialing. The first part dealt mainly with
billing calls to distant Centagram/PhoneMail type VMS's, free.
It's taken a long time for the second part of this file to be
released....well over a year to actually. I decided to finally finished it
because I just got back into the Telcom World a few months ago. The reason for
my absence was some local legal problems a lot of you already know about.
I suggest you read the first part of "3rd Party Fraud and VMS's" to
understand this file completely. This is a basic concept of Fraud, so read on
if your perceptive.
** This file will bring fourth new ideas to complete a 3rd Party Fraud Call.
::::::::::::::::::::::: 3rd Party Fraud, What is it? :::::::::::::::::::::::
3rd Party Fraud: What is it? Well, 3rd Party Fraud is plainly a
technique for calling Long Distance (LD), and other services for no charge.
For information on how to make a legal 3rd Party Call from a coin pay
phone look in your TelCo. Phone Book under 'HOW TO PLACE 0+ CALLS and THIRD-
NUMBER CALLS.' Or something to that effect. Read that section, and
then continue reading on with this file.
Right now, you should know the basics of 3rd Party Fraud, but it's not
:::::::::::::::::::::What 3rd Party Fraud Dialing Can Do::::::::::::::::::::
A 3rd Party Fraud Call can do the following, for free:
1) Complete a long distance (LD) call completely free.
2) Complete a 1-800-544-6363 Conference Call.
3) Hook you into 976's.
4) Dial OverSeas.
5) Dial 1-900 Numbers.
6) and of course a local call for free.
As you can see 3rd Party Fraud calling can get you online voice/data with
many different services.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::THE NEW TECHNIQUES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
The Ignorant Operator Silent Approach
The first new technique to dial a 3PF (3rd Party Fraud) call for free is
called "Ignorant Operator Silent Approach." (IOSA for short). This technique
requires a silent terminal (a number you call that answers but does nothing), or
a VMS that answers and has nothing recorded on the greeting. You complete this
3rd Party Fraud Call almost the same way you do the original with the VMS.
Your at a payphone, dial the number you want to call in this manner:
0-612-471-0060. When you hear the Billing Operator ask you, "HOW DO YOU WANT
THIS CALL BILLED?" Tell the Op. via 3rd Party. And then give him the number of
the silent terminal, or VMS with nothing on the greeting. As the Oper. calls up
the number to verify the call (Because your on a payphone), and you hear the
VMS/Silent Term answer you say, "HELLO?" Say it in a different voice, but your
don't need to try to hard. The Oper. will think he/she is talking to another
person (on the number you gave the Op.). Then after the Oper. says, "JOHN DOE
The Oper. can't tell the difference if he/she is talking to a different person
or what.
A few glitches, of course. Number one, the Operator is smart...and can
tell the difference (None have so far for me). Number two, the Operator puts
you on hold, and calls the other line without you being able to talk. I've had
this happen a couple times.
The Loop Method
This technique is very similar to the IOSA technique. This method,
although is only effective when you have two lines or call forwarding. If you
have two lines, you'll have to complete the 3PF call from another house other
than your own, so as not to draw attention to yourself. If you can get a hold
of a Call Forwarding line (like a friend or whatever), when set the Calling
Forwarding to dial the LOOP. You have a friend sit on the other side of the
Loop, and when the Billing Oper. calls the number with the CF set to the Loop,
your friend can accept the charges. And the bill to be set on the Loop.
Yet another glitch. Loops are sometimes marked by Bell. This means that
an operator can tell if he/she is dialing a non-residential home or telephone
line. Although the CF kills that detection, so no problems.
Cordless Fone Manner
This manner of 3rd Party Fraud (3PF), was inspired while driving around
using other people's telephone lines, with my cordless phone. Syndicate Report
#19 has a complete article on how to use Cordless Phones to dial LD for free. If
you read that file...you will understand the concept already without me
explaining it. I'll summarize what was reported by me in the Report #19.
If you have a moderately priced cordless phone, and it was bought at a
popular store for the common shopper like: K-Mart, Target - then you have a very
good chance of picking up someone else's line. What you do is drive around with
then handset of the cordless phone on. Sooner or later, you'll pick up someone
else's cordless phone, and their dial tone. From here, you can do 1 of a number
of infinite things. But since this is a file on 3rd Party Fraud, I'll only
mention using the neighbor's phone to dial a 3rd Party Fraud call with your
VMS/LOOP or Silent Term. This is safe, because you don't want to dial straight
out of the person's line...the call will show up on the bill!
Goto the part of the city or town, that has a lot of houses scrunched
together, and have middle incomes or above. You then have a better chance to
get a dial tone.
To find out more about Cordless Distant Dialing, see TSR Report #19 Parts
1 and 2.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Conclusion ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
There are a few things I want to say before I close this 2nd part of 3rd
Party Fraud Dialing. When using Voice Mail Systems (VMS) to 3rd Party Call,
I've found that not all VMS's work. Some VMS's are detected by the Billing
Operator. The Oper. usually says, "THAT NUMBER CAN NOT ACCEPT CHARGES." Just
sound stupid and say "OH REALLY? BYE." or something to that effect. Then pick
out another VMS to complete your call.
Also, as stated in the first part of this file, the Oper. may be still on
the line after you've completed your 3rd Party Fraud call. So have a
conversation with yourself for a couples seconds if you suspect the Op. is still
on-line. But if your going to dial a Computer with a Modem...just connect.
Special Thanks To: Silent Assault for the long ago introduction to Voice Mail
Systems. And of course which led to this file.
If there is any question to the information in this file, contact the
Sensei at one of the following systems:
Radio Waves System :: 612-471-0060 --------- Lunatic Labs :: 415-278-7421
* Syndicate Support BBS * P/H System
The Central Office :: 914-234-3260 --------- The Outlet @ :: 313-261-6141
P/H Support Citadel System Private P/H Newuser:Kenwood
This concludes this file on 3rd Party Fraud Dialing
- New Techniques -
(Part 2)
by The Sensei of The Syndicate Report
Original Concepts on March 26th, 1987
Released January 2nd, 1989
From Lunatic Labs UnLimited: 213-655-0691