201 lines
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201 lines
9.8 KiB
Cast of Characters
In casting the circle, when calling the Quarters you are free to use
your own words but we ask that you use Greek styling and personify with
the names of the four Greek winds:
North: Boreus
East: Eurus
South: Notus
West: Zephyrus
Tiresias seated north of altar rises, goes around to face altar, and
invokes God and Goddess in a Greek style using these two triumverates:
Zeus: Strength
Hades: Knowledge
Poseidon: Emotion
Hera: Power
Athena: Wisdom
Aphrodite: Love
He then step back and says: "We have been called forth from the edges of
Time and Space by one who seeks entry to the Halls of Olympus. I am
Tiresias, Prophet of Thebes, who, though blind, shall be his guide.
Seeker, come forth!"
Seeker approaches circle at north-east point of Circle.
Tiresias: "Who seeks entry to Olympus?"
Seeker: "I, __________.
Tiresias: "Before you enter, gaze upon one who sought what was not
rightfully his. Do you still desire entry?"
Seeker replies.
Tiresias: (If no, he leaves and circle is closed. If yes): "Then
enter and ask passage of the Guardians of the Gods."
Seeker enters and they travel 1 1/8 to North.
Tiresias: "Hail, Mighty Hephaestus, Craftsman of the Gods. With me is
one who seeks entry to Olympus."
Hephaestus: "How are you known, Seeker?"
Seeker: "I am called __________."
Hephaestus: "By what right seek you passage through the North?"
Seeker: "I have endured a year of the path of Earth and learned of my
own mortality."
Hephaestus: "Pass with the Blessings of the Earth."
They travel around 1 1/4 to East.
Tiresias: "Hail, Vigilant Artemis, Virgin Goddess. With me is one who
seeks entry to Olympus."
Artemis: "How are you known, Seeker?"
Seeker: "I am called __________."
Artemis: "By what right seek you passage through the East?"
Seeker: "I have endured a year of the path of Air and have learned the
need for focus of will."
Artemis: "Pass with the Blessings of the Air."
They travel around 1 1/4 to South.
Tiresias: "Hail, Bright Apollo, Lord of the Sun. With me is one who
seeks entry to Olympus."
Apollo: "How are you known, Seeker?"
Seeker: "I am called __________."
Apollo: "By what right seek you passage through the South?"
Seeker has no answer.
Apollo: "You have not yet earned the right to pass through the South.
To win this right, you must seek Fire from he who first gave
it to Mankind, Prometheus. Tiresias, guard him upon his path
of Fire that he learn what he needs to face the Titan."
They travel around 1 1/2 to North.
Tiresias: "I come with __________, who now seeks Prometheus that he may
gain the right to Fire. What can you teach him that will
ease his path?"
Hephaestus: "Know that I am Hephaestus, Craftsman and Smith of the Gods.
In my labors, I use Fire as a purifying agent, seperating
the metal from the stone, and for the actual forging of my
Art. But remember that creativity requires forethought.
Daedalus was a Master of my Craft, yet rarely considered
the implications of his creations. He created the
Labyrinth of Minos, who then imprisoned him within its
intricasies. He crafted wing that he and his son might
escape, yet in their flight Icarus died. Always consider
the consequences of the which you create."
They travel 1 1/4 around to East.
Tiresias: "I come with __________, who now seeks Prometheus that he may
gain the right to Fire. What can you teach him that will
ease his path?"
Artemis: "Know that I am Artemis, Virgin Huntress. Through my will, no
man has ever known me. Yet will must be tempered by
intellegence. Remember Otus and Ephialtes, twin giants who
were arrogant enough to think themselves better than the Gods.
They continued their ill-wrought plans, even after Poseidon
warned them. Through supposed desire, they chose to pursue
me. They seperated in pursuit of what they saw as a white
hind, and, with simultaneous throws, slew each other. Thus
blind will caused the death of all they truly loved."
They travel 1 1/4 around to the South
Tiresias: "I come with __________, who now seeks Prometheus that he may
gain the right to Fire. What can you teach him that will
ease his path?"
Apollo: "Know that I am Apollo, God of the Sun and Keeper of Knowledge.
Knowledge of Fire has allowed Man to forge a civilization. But
seeking to advance without can lead to catastrophe. Witness
Phaethon, who attempted to drive the Sun Chariot without proper
knowledge, nearly causing the incineration of the Earth.
Action without knowledge will often lead to ruin."
They travel around 1 1/4 to the West.
Tiresias: "I come with __________, who now seeks Prometheus that he may
gain the right to Fire. What can you teach him that will
ease his path?"
Hestia: "Know that I am Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home. The warm
glow of emotion in balance is vital for proper growth and life.
But when emotions are allowed to rule above all else, tragedy
is soon to follow. Consider Paris, who upon seeing Helen,
bowed to an all-consuming desire for her, kidnapping her
without thought of the consequences. Thus began the Trojan
War. Do not bury your emotions, but neither should you elevate
them to the level of Ruler.
They travel 1 3/4 around to the South. Tiresias alone goes to altar and
faces Seeker.
Tiresias: "Seeker, are you prepared to face Prometheus himself with your
Seeker: "I am."
Tiresias: "Then come forward and call him forth."
Seeker goes to altar facing North.
Seeker: "From the depths of Time, I call you forth. Arise Prometheus,
From within the members in the Circle, Prometheus rises and goes to north
side of altar.
Prometheus: "I am Prometheus. Who summons me here?"
Seeker: "I am __________."
Prometheus: "Why have you brought me here from the depths of Time?"
Seeker: "I seek the Gift of Fire."
Prometheus: "And by what right do you ask it?
Seeker: "By the right of perfect love and perfect trust."
Prometheus: "Then know that you are well met. I will grant you Fire and
its path for a year and a day that you might learn its
lessons. The most important lesson it can teach you is the
need for thought before action of any kind. You must
always consider the consequences of all that you do or say.
At the end of your time on this path, you will be judged on
your fitness to continue your search."
Prometheus gives Seeker a token of Fire.
Prometheus: "With my service done, I bid you farewell."
Prometheus leaves, blending into Circle.
Tiresias: "Well done, most noble Seeker.Please join us for the remainder
of our revels."
Seeker is given seat in Circle. Tiresias faces front of altar and
dismisses Deities using Greek styling and the following names:
Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon
Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite
Each Quarter dismisses its element in a Greek style and dismisses the
appropriate Wind:
NORTH: Boreas
EAST: Eurus
SOUTH: Notus
WEST: Zephyrus
Tiresias: "Our work is completed for now. Let us rejoice and enjoy this
company, remembering that though we may go our seperate ways, we are
alway united as one. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!"