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Urantia Book Paper 126 The Two Crucial Years
Subjects Archive The Urantia Book Urantia Book PART IV: The Life and Teachings
of Jesus : The Bestowal Of Michael On Urantia The Times Of Michael's Bestowal
Birth And Infancy Of Jesus The Early Childhood Of Jesus The Later Childhood Of
Jesus Jesus At Jerusalem The Two Crucial Years The Adolescent Years Jesus'
Early Manhood The Later Adult Life Of Jesus On The Way To Rome The World's
Religions The Sojourn At Rome The Return From Rome The Transition Years John
The Baptist Baptism And The Forty Days Tarrying Time In Galilee Training The
Kingdom's Messengers The Twelve Apostles The Ordination Of The Twelve Beginning
The Public Work The Passover At Jerusalem Going Through Samaria At Gilboa And
In The Decapolis Four Eventful Days At Capernaum First Preaching Tour Of
Galilee The Interlude Visit To Jerusalem Training Evangelists At Bethsaida The
Second Preaching Tour The Third Preaching Tour Tarrying And Teaching By The
Seaside Events Leading Up To The Capernaum Crisis The Crisis At Capernaum Last
Days At Capernaum Fleeing Through Northern Galilee The Sojourn At Tyre And
Sidon At Caesarea-philippi The Mount Of Transfiguration The Decapolis Tour
Rodan Of Alexandria Further Discussions With Rodan At The Feast Of Tabernacles
Ordination Of The Seventy At Magadan At The Feast Of Dedication The Perean
Mission Begins Last Visit To Northern Perea The Visit To Philadelphia The
Resurrection Of Lazarus Last Teaching At Pella The Kingdom Of Heaven On The Way
To Jerusalem Going Into Jerusalem Monday In Jerusalem ...
Paper 126 The Two Crucial Years
OF ALL Jesus' earth-life experiences, the fourteenth and fifteenth years were
the most crucial. These two years, after he began to be self-conscious of
divinity and destiny, and before he achieved a large measure of communication
with his indwelling Adjuster, were the most trying of his eventful life on
Urantia. It is this period of two years which should be called the great test,
the real temptation. No human youth, in passing through the early confusions
and adjustment problems of adolescence, ever experienced a more crucial testing
than that which Jesus passed through during his transition from childhood to
young manhood.
This important period in Jesus' youthful development began with the conclusion
of the Jerusalem visit and with his return to Nazareth. At first Mary was happy
in the thought that she had her boy back once more, that Jesus had returned
home to be a dutiful son--not that he was ever anything else--and that he would
henceforth be more responsive to her plans for his future life. But she was not
for long to bask in this sunshine of maternal delusion and unrecognized family
pride; very soon she was to be more completely disillusioned. More and more the
boy was in the company of his father; less and less did he come to her with his
problems, while increasingly both his parents failed to comprehend his frequent
alternation between the affairs of this world and the contemplation of his
relation to his Father's business. Frankly, they did not understand him, but
they did truly love him.
As he grew older, Jesus' pity and love for the Jewish people deepened, but with
the passing years, there developed in his mind a growing righteous resentment
of the presence in the Father's temple of the politically appointed priests.
Jesus had great respect for the sincere Pharisees and the honest scribes, but
he held the hypocritical Pharisees and the dishonest theologians in great
contempt; he looked with disdain upon all those religious leaders who were not
sincere. When he scrutinized the leadership of Israel, he was sometimes tempted
to look with favor on the possibility of his becoming the Messiah of Jewish
expectation, but he never yielded to such a temptation.
The story of his exploits among the wise men of the temple in Jerusalem was
gratifying to all Nazareth, especially to his former teachers in the synagogue
school. For a time his praise was on everybody's lips. All the village
recounted his childhood wisdom and praiseworthy conduct and predicted that he
was destined to become a great leader in Israel; at last a really great teacher
was to come out of Nazareth in Galilee. And they all looked forward to the time
when he
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would be fifteen years of age so that he might be permitted regularly to read
the Scriptures in the synagogue on the Sabbath day.
This is the calendar year of his fourteenth birthday. He had become a good yoke
maker and worked well with both canvas and leather. He was also rapidly
developing into an expert carpenter and cabinetmaker. This summer he made
frequent trips to the top of the hill to the northwest of Nazareth for prayer
and meditation. He was gradually becoming more self-conscious of the nature of
his bestowal on earth.
This hill, a little more than one hundred years previously, had been the "high
place of Baal," and now it was the site of the tomb of Simeon, a reputed holy
man of Israel. From the summit of this hill of Simeon, Jesus looked out over
Nazareth and the surrounding country. He would gaze upon Megiddo and recall the
story of the Egyptian army winning its first great victory in Asia; and how,
later on, another such army defeated the Judean king Josiah. Not far away he
could look upon Taanach, where Deborah and Barak defeated Sisera. In the
distance he could view the hills of Dothan, where he had been taught Joseph's
brethren sold him into Egyptian slavery. He then would shift his gaze over to
Ebal and Gerizim and recount to himself the traditions of Abraham, Jacob, and
Abimelech. And thus he recalled and turned over in his mind the historic and
traditional events of his father Joseph's people.
He continued to carry on his advanced courses of reading under the synagogue
teachers, and he also continued with the home education of his brothers and
sisters as they grew up to suitable ages.
Early this year Joseph arranged to set aside the income from his Nazareth and
Capernaum property to pay for Jesus' long course of study at Jerusalem, it
having been planned that he should go to Jerusalem in August of the following
year when he would be fifteen years of age.
By the beginning of this year both Joseph and Mary entertained frequent doubts
about the destiny of their first-born son. He was indeed a brilliant and
lovable child, but he was so difficult to understand, so hard to fathom, and
again, nothing extraordinary or miraculous ever happened. Scores of times had
his proud mother stood in breathless anticipation, expecting to see her son
engage in some superhuman or miraculous performance, but always were her hopes
dashed down in cruel disappointment. And all this was discouraging, even
disheartening. The devout people of those days truly believed that prophets and
men of promise always demonstrated their calling and established their divine
authority by performing miracles and working wonders. But Jesus did none of
these things; wherefore was the confusion of his parents steadily increased as
they contemplated his future.
The improved economic condition of the Nazareth family was reflected in many
ways about the home and especially in the increased number of smooth white
boards which were used as writing slates, the writing being done with charcoal.
Jesus was also permitted to resume his music lessons; he was very fond of
playing the harp.
Throughout this year it can truly be said that Jesus "grew in favor with man
and with God." The prospects of the family seemed good; the future was bright.
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All did go well until that fateful day of Tuesday, September 25, when a runner
from Sepphoris brought to this Nazareth home the tragic news that Joseph had
been severely injured by the falling of a derrick while at work on the
governor's residence. The messenger from Sepphoris had stopped at the shop on
the way to Joseph's home, informing Jesus of his father's accident, and they
went together to the house to break the sad news to Mary. Jesus desired to go
immediately to his father, but Mary would hear to nothing but that she must
hasten to her husband's side. She directed that James, then ten years of age,
should accompany her to Sepphoris while Jesus remained home with the younger
children until she should return, as she did not know how seriously Joseph had
been injured. But Joseph died of his injuries before Mary arrived. They brought
him to Nazareth, and on the following day he was laid to rest with his fathers.
Just at the time when prospects were good and the future looked bright, an
apparently cruel hand struck down the head of this Nazareth household, the
affairs of this home were disrupted, and every plan for Jesus and his future
education was demolished. This carpenter lad, now just past fourteen years of
age, awakened to the realization that he had not only to fulfill the commission
of his heavenly Father to reveal the divine nature on earth and in the flesh,
but that his young human nature must also shoulder the responsibility of caring
for his widowed mother and seven brothers and sisters--and another yet to be
born. This lad of Nazareth now became the sole support and comfort of this so
suddenly bereaved family. Thus were permitted those occurrences of the natural
order of events on Urantia which would force this young man of destiny so early
to assume these heavy but highly educational and disciplinary responsibilities
attendant upon becoming the head of a human family, of becoming father to his
own brothers and sisters, of supporting and protecting his mother, of
functioning as guardian of his father's home, the only home he was to know
while on this world.
Jesus cheerfully accepted the responsibilities so suddenly thrust upon him, and
he carried them faithfully to the end. At least one great problem and
anticipated difficulty in his life had been tragically solved--he would not now
be expected to go to Jerusalem to study under the rabbis. It remained always
true that Jesus "sat at no man's feet." He was ever willing to learn from even
the humblest of little children, but he never derived authority to teach truth
from human sources.
Still he knew nothing of the Gabriel visit to his mother before his birth; he
only learned of this from John on the day of his baptism, at the beginning of
his public ministry.
As the years passed, this young carpenter of Nazareth increasingly measured
every institution of society and every usage of religion by the unvarying test:
What does it do for the human soul? does it bring God to man? does it bring man
to God? While this youth did not wholly neglect the recreational and social
aspects of life, more and more he devoted his time and energies to just two
purposes: the care of his family and the preparation to do his Father's
heavenly will on earth.
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This year it became the custom for the neighbors to drop in during the winter
evenings to hear Jesus play upon the harp, to listen to his stories (for the
lad was a master storyteller), and to hear him read from the Greek scriptures.
The economic affairs of the family continued to run fairly smoothly as there
was quite a sum of money on hand at the time of Joseph's death. Jesus early
demonstrated the possession of keen business judgment and financial sagacity.
He was liberal but frugal; he was saving but generous. He proved to be a wise
and efficient administrator of his father's estate.
But in spite of all that Jesus and the Nazareth neighbors could do to bring
cheer into the home, Mary, and even the children, were overcast with sadness.
Joseph was gone. Joseph was an unusual husband and father, and they all missed
him. And it seemed all the more tragic to think that he died ere they could
speak to him or hear his farewell blessing.
By the middle of this fifteenth year--and we are reckoning time in accordance
with the twentieth-century calendar, not by the Jewish year--Jesus had taken a
firm grasp upon the management of his family. Before this year had passed,
their savings had about disappeared, and they were face to face with the
necessity of disposing of one of the Nazareth houses which Joseph and his
neighbor Jacob owned in partnership.
On Wednesday evening, April 17, A.D. 9, Ruth, the baby of the family, was born,
and to the best of his ability Jesus endeavored to take the place of his father
in comforting and ministering to his mother during this trying and peculiarly
sad ordeal. For almost a score of years (until he began his public ministry) no
father could have loved and nurtured his daughter any more affectionately and
faithfully than Jesus cared for little Ruth. And he was an equally good father
to all the other members of his family.
During this year Jesus first formulated the prayer which he subsequently taught
to his apostles, and which to many has become known as "The Lord's Prayer." In
a way it was an evolution of the family altar; they had many forms of praise
and several formal prayers. After his father's death Jesus tried to teach the
older children to express themselves individually in prayer--much as he so
enjoyed doing--but they could not grasp his thought and would invariably fall
back upon their memorized prayer forms. It was in this effort to stimulate his
older brothers and sisters to say individual prayers that Jesus would endeavor
to lead them along by suggestive phrases, and presently, without intention on
his part, it developed that they were all using a form of prayer which was
largely built up from these suggestive lines which Jesus had taught them.
At last Jesus gave up the idea of having each member of the family formulate
spontaneous prayers, and one evening in October he sat down by the little squat
lamp on the low stone table, and, on a piece of smooth cedar board about
eighteen inches square, with a piece of charcoal he wrote out the prayer which
became from that time on the standard family petition.
This year Jesus was much troubled with confused thinking. Family responsibility
had quite effectively removed all thought of immediately carrying out any plan
for responding to the Jerusalem visitation directing him to "be about his
Father's business." Jesus rightly reasoned that the watchcare of his earthly
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father's family must take precedence of all duties; that the support of his
family must become his first obligation.
In the course of this year Jesus found a passage in the so-called Book of Enoch
which influenced him in the later adoption of the term "Son of Man" as a
designation for his bestowal mission on Urantia. He had thoroughly considered
the idea of the Jewish Messiah and was firmly convinced that he was not to be
that Messiah. He longed to help his father's people, but he never expected to
lead Jewish armies in overthrowing the foreign domination of Palestine. He knew
he would never sit on the throne of David at Jerusalem. Neither did he believe
that his mission was that of a spiritual deliverer or moral teacher solely to
the Jewish people. In no sense, therefore, could his life mission be the
fulfillment of the intense longings and supposed Messianic prophecies of the
Hebrew scriptures; at least, not as the Jews understood these predictions of
the prophets. Likewise he was certain he was never to appear as the Son of Man
depicted by the Prophet Daniel.
But when the time came for him to go forth as a world teacher, what would he
call himself? What claim should he make concerning his mission? By what name
would he be called by the people who would become believers in his teachings?
While turning all these problems over in his mind, he found in the synagogue
library at Nazareth, among the apocalyptic books which he had been studying,
this manuscript called "The Book of Enoch"; and though he was certain that it
had not been written by Enoch of old, it proved very intriguing to him, and he
read and reread it many times. There was one passage which particularly
impressed him, a passage in which this term "Son of Man" appeared. The writer
of this so-called Book of Enoch went on to tell about this Son of Man,
describing the work he would do on earth and explaining that this Son of Man,
before coming down on this earth to bring salvation to mankind, had walked
through the courts of heavenly glory with his Father, the Father of all; and
that he had turned his back upon all this grandeur and glory to come down on
earth to proclaim salvation to needy mortals. As Jesus would read these
passages (well understanding that much of the Eastern mysticism which had
become admixed with these teachings was erroneous), he responded in his heart
and recognized in his mind that of all the Messianic predictions of the Hebrew
scriptures and of all the theories about the Jewish deliverer, none was so near
the truth as this story tucked away in this only partially accredited Book of
Enoch; and he then and there decided to adopt as his inaugural title "the Son
of Man." And this he did when he subsequently began his public work. Jesus had
an unerring ability for the recognition of truth, and truth he never hesitated
to embrace, no matter from what source it appeared to emanate.
By this time he had quite thoroughly settled many things about his forthcoming
work for the world, but he said nothing of these matters to his mother, who
still held stoutly to the idea of his being the Jewish Messiah.
The great confusion of Jesus' younger days now arose. Having settled something
about the nature of his mission on earth, "to be about his Father's
business"--to show forth his Father's loving nature to all mankind--he began to
ponder anew the many statements in the Scriptures referring to the coming of a
national deliverer, a Jewish teacher or king. To what event did these
prophecies refer? Was not he a Jew? or was he? Was he or was he not of the
house of David? His
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mother averred he was; his father had ruled that he was not. He decided he was
not. But had the prophets confused the nature and mission of the Messiah?
After all, could it be possible that his mother was right? In most matters,
when differences of opinion had arisen in the past, she had been right. If he
were a new teacher and not the Messiah, then how should he recognize the Jewish
Messiah if such a one should appear in Jerusalem during the time of his earth
mission; and, further, what should be his relation to this Jewish Messiah? And
what should be his relation, after embarking on his life mission, to his
family? to the Jewish commonwealth and religion? to the Roman Empire? to the
gentiles and their religions? Each of these momentous problems this young
Galilean turned over in his mind and seriously pondered while he continued to
work at the carpenter's bench, laboriously making a living for himself, his
mother, and eight other hungry mouths.
Before the end of this year Mary saw the family funds diminishing. She turned
the sale of doves over to James. Presently they bought a second cow, and with
the aid of Miriam they began the sale of milk to their Nazareth neighbors.
His profound periods of meditation, his frequent journeys to the hilltop for
prayer, and the many strange ideas which Jesus advanced from time to time,
thoroughly alarmed his mother. Sometimes she thought the lad was beside
himself, and then she would steady her fears, remembering that he was, after
all, a child of promise and in some manner different from other youths.
But Jesus was learning not to speak of all his thoughts, not to present all his
ideas to the world, not even to his own mother. From this year on, Jesus'
disclosures about what was going on in his mind steadily diminished; that is,
he talked less about those things which an average person could not grasp, and
which would lead to his being regarded as peculiar or different from ordinary
folks. To all appearances he became commonplace and conventional, though he did
long for someone who could understand his problems. He craved a trustworthy and
confidential friend, but his problems were too complex for his human associates
to comprehend. The uniqueness of the unusual situation compelled him to bear
his burdens alone.
With the coming of his fifteenth birthday, Jesus could officially occupy the
synagogue pulpit on the Sabbath day. Many times before, in the absence of
speakers, Jesus had been asked to read the Scriptures, but now the day had come
when, according to law, he could conduct the service. Therefore on the first
Sabbath after his fifteenth birthday the chazan arranged for Jesus to conduct
the morning service of the synagogue. And when all the faithful in Nazareth had
assembled, the young man, having made his selection of Scriptures, stood up and
began to read:
"The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, for the Lord has anointed me; he has
sent me to bring good news to the meek, to bind up the brokenhearted, to
proclaim liberty to the captives, and to set the spiritual prisoners free; to
proclaim the year of God's favor and the day of our God's reckoning; to comfort
all mourners, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy in the place of
mourning, a song of praise instead of the spirit of sorrow, that they may be
called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, wherewith he may be
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"Seek good and not evil that you may live, and so the Lord, the God of hosts,
shall be with you. Hate the evil and love the good; establish judgment in the
gate. Perhaps the Lord God will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.
"Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from
before my eyes; cease to do evil and learn to do good; seek justice, relieve
the oppressed. Defend the fatherless and plead for the widow.
"Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, to bow myself before the Lord of all
the earth? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year
old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, ten thousands of sheep,
or with rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the
fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? No! for the Lord has showed us, O men,
what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to deal justly, love
mercy, and walk humbly with your God?
"To whom, then, will you liken God who sits upon the circle of the earth? Lift
up your eyes and behold who has created all these worlds, who brings forth
their host by number and calls them all by their names. He does all these
things by the greatness of his might, and because he is strong in power, not
one fails. He gives power to the weak, and to those who are weary he increases
strength. Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I
will strengthen you and I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right
hand of my righteousness, for I am the Lord your God. And I will hold your
right hand, saying to you, fear not, for I will help you.
"And you are my witness, says the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen that
all may know and believe me and understand that I am the Eternal. I, even I, am
the Lord, and beside me there is no savior."
And when he had thus read, he sat down, and the people went to their homes,
pondering over the words which he had so graciously read to them. Never had his
townspeople seen him so magnificently solemn; never had they heard his voice so
earnest and so sincere; never had they observed him so manly and decisive, so
This Sabbath afternoon Jesus climbed the Nazareth hill with James and, when
they returned home, wrote out the Ten Commandments in Greek on two smooth
boards in charcoal. Subsequently Martha colored and decorated these boards, and
for long they hung on the wall over James's small workbench.
Gradually Jesus and his family returned to the simple life of their earlier
years. Their clothes and even their food became simpler. They had plenty of
milk, butter, and cheese. In season they enjoyed the produce of their garden,
but each passing month necessitated the practice of greater frugality. Their
breakfasts were very plain; they saved their best food for the evening meal.
However, among these Jews lack of wealth did not imply social inferiority.
Already had this youth well-nigh encompassed the comprehension of how men lived
in his day. And how well he understood life in the home, field, and workshop is
shown by his subsequent teachings, which so repletely reveal his intimate
contact with all phases of human experience.
The Nazareth chazan continued to cling to the belief that Jesus was to become a
great teacher, probably the successor of the renowned Gamaliel at Jerusalem.
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Apparently all Jesus' plans for a career were thwarted. The future did not look
bright as matters now developed. But he did not falter; he was not discouraged.
He lived on, day by day, doing well the present duty and faithfully discharging
the immediate responsibilities of his station in life. Jesus' life is the
everlasting comfort of all disappointed idealists.
The pay of a common day-laboring carpenter was slowly diminishing. By the end
of this year Jesus could earn, by working early and late, only the equivalent
of about twenty-five cents a day. By the next year they found it difficult to
pay the civil taxes, not to mention the synagogue assessments and the temple
tax of one-half shekel. During this year the tax collector tried to squeeze
extra revenue out of Jesus, even threatening to take his harp.
Fearing that the copy of the Greek scriptures might be discovered and
confiscated by the tax collectors, Jesus, on his fifteenth birthday, presented
it to the Nazareth synagogue library as his maturity offering to the Lord.
The great shock of his fifteenth year came when Jesus went over to Sepphoris to
receive the decision of Herod regarding the appeal taken to him in the dispute
about the amount of money due Joseph at the time of his accidental death. Jesus
and Mary had hoped for the receipt of a considerable sum of money when the
treasurer at Sepphoris had offered them a paltry amount. Joseph's brothers had
taken an appeal to Herod himself, and now Jesus stood in the palace and heard
Herod decree that his father had nothing due him at the time of his death. And
for such an unjust decision Jesus never again trusted Herod Antipas. It is not
surprising that he once alluded to Herod as "that fox."
The close work at the carpenter's bench during this and subsequent years
deprived Jesus of the opportunity of mingling with the caravan passengers. The
family supply shop had already been taken over by his uncle, and Jesus worked
altogether in the home shop, where he was near to help Mary with the family.
About this time he began sending James up to the camel lot to gather
information about world events, and thus he sought to keep in touch with the
news of the day.
As he grew up to manhood, he passed through all those conflicts and confusions
which the average young persons of previous and subsequent ages have undergone.
And the rigorous experience of supporting his family was a sure safeguard
against his having overmuch time for idle meditation or the indulgence of
mystic tendencies.
This was the year that Jesus rented a considerable piece of land just to the
north of their home, which was divided up as a family garden plot. Each of the
older children had an individual garden, and they entered into keen competition
in their agricultural efforts. Their eldest brother spent some time with them
in the garden each day during the season of vegetable cultivation. As Jesus
worked with his younger brothers and sisters in the garden, he many times
entertained the wish that they were all located on a farm out in the country
where they could enjoy the liberty and freedom of an unhampered life. But they
did not find themselves growing up in the country; and Jesus, being a
thoroughly practical youth as well as an idealist, intelligently and vigorously
attacked his problem just as he found it, and did everything within his power
to adjust himself and his family to the realities of their situation and to
adapt their condition to the highest possible satisfaction of their individual
and collective longings.
At one time Jesus faintly hoped that he might be able to gather up sufficient
means, provided they could collect the considerable sum of money due his father
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for work on Herod's palace, to warrant undertaking the purchase of a small
farm. He had really given serious thought to this plan of moving his family out
into the country. But when Herod refused to pay them any of the funds due
Joseph, they gave up the ambition of owning a home in the country. As it was,
they contrived to enjoy much of the experience of farm life as they now had
three cows, four sheep, a flock of chickens, a donkey, and a dog, in addition
to the doves. Even the little tots had their regular duties to perform in the
well-regulated scheme of management which characterized the home life of this
Nazareth family.
With the close of this fifteenth year Jesus completed the traversal of that
dangerous and difficult period in human existence, that time of transition
between the more complacent years of childhood and the consciousness of
approaching manhood with its increased responsibilities and opportunities for
the acquirement of advanced experience in the development of a noble character.
The growth period for mind and body had ended, and now began the real career of
this young man of Nazareth.
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Subjects Archive The Urantia Book Urantia Book PART IV: The Life and Teachings
of Jesus : The Bestowal Of Michael On Urantia The Times Of Michael's Bestowal
Birth And Infancy Of Jesus The Early Childhood Of Jesus The Later Childhood Of
Jesus Jesus At Jerusalem The Two Crucial Years The Adolescent Years Jesus'
Early Manhood The Later Adult Life Of Jesus On The Way To Rome The World's
Religions The Sojourn At Rome The Return From Rome The Transition Years John
The Baptist Baptism And The Forty Days Tarrying Time In Galilee Training The
Kingdom's Messengers The Twelve Apostles The Ordination Of The Twelve Beginning
The Public Work The Passover At Jerusalem Going Through Samaria At Gilboa And
In The Decapolis Four Eventful Days At Capernaum First Preaching Tour Of
Galilee The Interlude Visit To Jerusalem Training Evangelists At Bethsaida The
Second Preaching Tour The Third Preaching Tour Tarrying And Teaching By The
Seaside Events Leading Up To The Capernaum Crisis The Crisis At Capernaum Last
Days At Capernaum Fleeing Through Northern Galilee The Sojourn At Tyre And
Sidon At Caesarea-philippi The Mount Of Transfiguration The Decapolis Tour
Rodan Of Alexandria Further Discussions With Rodan At The Feast Of Tabernacles
Ordination Of The Seventy At Magadan At The Feast Of Dedication The Perean
Mission Begins Last Visit To Northern Perea The Visit To Philadelphia The
Resurrection Of Lazarus Last Teaching At Pella The Kingdom Of Heaven On The Way
To Jerusalem Going Into Jerusalem Monday In Jerusalem Tuesday Morning In The
Temple The Last Temple Discourse Tuesday Evening On Mount Olivet Wednesday, The
Rest Day Last Day At The Camp The Last Supper The Farewell Discourse Final
Admonitions And Warnings In Gethsemane The Betrayal And Arrest Of Jesus Before
The Sanhedrin Court The Trial Before Pilate Just Before The Crucifixion The
Crucifixion The Time Of The Tomb The Resurrection Morontia Appearances Of Jesus
Appearances To The Apostles And Other Leaders Appearances In Galilee Final
Appearances And Ascension Bestowal Of The Spirit Of Truth After Pentecost The
Faith Of Jesus
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