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Urantia Book Paper 51 The Planetary Adams
Subjects Archive The Urantia Book Urantia Book PART II: The Local Universe :
The Evolution Of Local Universes Administration Of The Local Universe The Local
Universe Mother Spirit The Local Universe Sons Of God The Life Carriers
Personalities Of The Local Universe Ministering Spirits Of The Local Universe
The Seraphic Hosts The Ascending Sons Of God Physical Aspects Of The Local
Universe Energy--mind And Matter The Constellations The Celestial Artisans The
Local System Administration The Local System Headquarters The Seven Mansion
Worlds The Morontia Life The Inhabited Worlds The Planetary Princes The
Planetary Adams Planetary Mortal Epochs The Lucifer Rebellion Problems Of The
Lucifer Rebellion The Spheres Of Light And Life Universal Unity
Paper 51 The Planetary Adams
DURING the dispensation of a Planetary Prince, primitive man reaches the limit
of natural evolutionary development, and this biologic attainment signals the
System Sovereign to dispatch to such a world the second order of sonship, the
biologic uplifters. These Sons, for there are two of them--the Material Son and
Daughter--are usually known on a planet as Adam and Eve. The original Material
Son of Satania is Adam, and those who go to the system worlds as biologic
uplifters always carry the name of this first and original Son of their unique
These Sons are the material gift of the Creator Son to the inhabited worlds.
Together with the Planetary Prince, they remain on their planet of assignment
throughout the evolutionary course of such a sphere. Such an adventure on a
world having a Planetary Prince is not much of a hazard, but on an apostate
planet, a realm without a spiritual ruler and deprived of interplanetary
communication, such a mission is fraught with grave danger.
Although you cannot hope to know all about the work of these Sons on all the
worlds of Satania and other systems, other papers depict more fully the life
and experiences of the interesting pair, Adam and Eve, who came from the corps
of the biologic uplifters of Jerusem to upstep the Urantia races. While there
was a miscarriage of the ideal plans for improving your native races, still,
Adam's mission was not in vain; Urantia has profited immeasurably from the gift
of Adam and Eve, and among their fellows and in the councils on high their work
is not reckoned as a total loss.
The material or sex Sons and Daughters are the offspring of the Creator Son;
the Universe Mother Spirit does not participate in the production of these
beings who are destined to function as physical uplifters on the evolutionary
The material order of sonship is not uniform throughout the local universe. The
Creator Son produces only one pair of these beings in each local system; these
original pairs are diverse in nature, being attuned to the life pattern of
their respective systems. This is a necessary provision since otherwise the
reproductive potential of the Adams would be nonfunctional with that of the
evolving mortal beings of the worlds of any one particular system. The Adam and
Eve who came to Urantia were descended from the original Satania pair of
Material Sons.
Material Sons vary in height from eight to ten feet, and their bodies glow with
the brilliance of radiant light of a violet hue. While material blood circu-
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lates through their material bodies, they are also surcharged with divine
energy and saturated with celestial light. These Material Sons (the Adams) and
Material Daughters (the Eves) are equal to each other, differing only in
reproductive nature and in certain chemical endowments. They are equal but
differential, male and female--hence complemental--and are designed to serve on
almost all assignments in pairs.
The Material Sons enjoy a dual nutrition; they are really dual in nature and
constitution, partaking of materialized energy much as do the physical beings
of the realm, while their immortal existence is fully maintained by the direct
and automatic intake of certain sustaining cosmic energies. Should they fail on
some mission of assignment or even consciously and deliberately rebel, this
order of Sons becomes isolated, cut off from connection with the universe
source of light and life. Thereupon they become practically material beings,
destined to take the course of material life on the world of their assignment
and compelled to look to the universe magistrates for adjudication. Material
death will eventually terminate the planetary career of such an unfortunate and
unwise Material Son or Daughter.
An original or directly created Adam and Eve are immortal by inherent endowment
just as are all other orders of local universe sonship, but a diminution of
immortality potential characterizes their sons and daughters. This original
couple cannot transmit unconditioned immortality to their procreated sons and
daughters. Their progeny are dependent for continuing life on unbroken
intellectual synchrony with the mind-gravity circuit of the Spirit. Since the
inception of the system of Satania, thirteen Planetary Adams have been lost in
rebellion and default and 681,204 in the subordinate positions of trust. Most
of these defections occurred at the time of the Lucifer rebellion.
While living as permanent citizens on the system capitals, even when
functioning on descending missions to the evolutionary planets, the Material
Sons do not possess Thought Adjusters, but it is through these very services
that they acquire experiential capacity for Adjuster indwellment and the
Paradise ascension career. These unique and wonderfully useful beings are the
connecting links between the spiritual and physical worlds. They are
concentrated on the system headquarters, where they reproduce and carry on as
material citizens of the realm, and whence they are dispatched to the
evolutionary worlds.
Unlike the other created Sons of planetary service, the material order of
sonship is not, by nature, invisible to material creatures like the inhabitants
of Urantia. These Sons of God can be seen, understood, and can, in turn,
actually mingle with the creatures of time, could even procreate with them,
though this role of biologic upliftment usually falls to the progeny of the
Planetary Adams.
On Jerusem the loyal children of any Adam and Eve are immortal, but the
offspring of a Material Son and Daughter procreated subsequent to their arrival
on an evolutionary planet are not thus immune to natural death. There occurs a
change in the life-transmitting mechanism when these Sons are rematerialized
for reproductive function on an evolutionary world. The Life Carriers
designedly deprive the Planetary Adams and Eves of the power of begetting
undying sons and daughters. If they do not default, an Adam and Eve on a
planetary mission can live on indefinitely, but within certain limits their
children experience decreasing longevity with each succeeding generation.
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Upon receipt of the news that another inhabited world has attained the height
of physical evolution, the System Sovereign convenes the corps of Material Sons
and Daughters on the system capital; and following the discussion of the needs
of such an evolutionary world, two of the volunteering group--an Adam and an
Eve of the senior corps of Material Sons--are selected to undertake the
adventure, to submit to the deep sleep preparatory to being enseraphimed and
transported from their home of associated service to the new realm of new
opportunities and new dangers.
Adams and Eves are semimaterial creatures and, as such, are not transportable
by seraphim. They must undergo dematerialization on the system capital before
they can be enseraphimed for transport to the world of assignment. The
transport seraphim are able to effect such changes in the Material Sons and in
other semimaterial beings as enable them to be enseraphimed and thus to be
transported through space from one world or system to another. About three days
of standard time are consumed in this transport preparation, and it requires
the co-operation of a Life Carrier to restore such a dematerialized creature to
normal existence upon arrival at the end of the seraphic-transport journey.
While there is this dematerializing technique for preparing the Adams for
transit from Jerusem to the evolutionary worlds, there is no equivalent method
for taking them away from such worlds unless the entire planet is to be
emptied, in which event emergency installation of the dematerialization
technique is made for the entire salvable population. If some physical
catastrophe should doom the planetary residence of an evolving race, the
Melchizedeks and the Life Carriers would install the technique of
dematerialization for all survivors, and by seraphic transport these beings
would be carried away to the new world prepared for their continuing existence.
The evolution of a human race, once initiated on a world of space, must proceed
quite independently of the physical survival of that planet, but during the
evolutionary ages it is not otherwise intended that a Planetary Adam or Eve
shall leave their chosen world.
Upon arrival at their planetary destination the Material Son and Daughter are
rematerialized under the direction of the Life Carriers. This entire process
takes ten to twenty-eight days of Urantia time. The unconsciousness of the
seraphic slumber continues throughout this entire period of reconstruction.
When the reassembly of the physical organism is completed, these Material Sons
and Daughters stand in their new homes and on their new worlds to all intents
and purposes just as they were before submitting to the dematerializing process
on Jerusem.
On the inhabited worlds the Material Sons and Daughters construct their own
garden homes, soon being assisted by their own children. Usually the site of
the garden has been selected by the Planetary Prince, and his corporeal staff
do much of the preliminary work of preparation with the help of many of the
higher types of native races.
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These Gardens of Eden are so named in honor of Edentia, the constellation
capital, and because they are patterned after the botanic grandeur of the
headquarters world of the Most High Fathers. Such garden homes are usually
located in a secluded section and in a near-tropic zone. They are wonderful
creations on an average world. You can judge nothing of these beautiful centers
of culture by the fragmentary account of the aborted development of such an
undertaking on Urantia.
A Planetary Adam and Eve are, in potential, the full gift of physical grace to
the mortal races. The chief business of such an imported pair is to multiply
and to uplift the children of time. But there is no immediate interbreeding
between the people of the garden and those of the world; for many generations
Adam and Eve remain biologically segregated from the evolutionary mortals while
they build up a strong race of their order. This is the origin of the violet
race on the inhabited worlds.
The plans for race upstepping are prepared by the Planetary Prince and his
staff and are executed by Adam and Eve. And this was where your Material Son
and his companion were placed at great disadvantage when they arrived on
Urantia. Caligastia offered crafty and effective opposition to the Adamic
mission; and notwithstanding that the Melchizedek receivers of Urantia had duly
warned both Adam and Eve concerning the planetary dangers inherent in the
presence of the rebellious Planetary Prince, this archrebel, by a wily
stratagem, outmaneuvered the Edenic pair and entrapped them into a violation of
the covenant of their trusteeship as the visible rulers of your world. The
traitorous Planetary Prince did succeed in compromising your Adam and Eve, but
he failed in his effort to involve them in the Lucifer rebellion.
The fifth order of angels, the planetary helpers, are attached to the Adamic
mission, always accompanying the Planetary Adams on their world adventures. The
corps of initial assignment is usually about one hundred thousand. When the
work of the Urantia Adam and Eve was prematurely launched, when they departed
from the ordained plan, it was one of the seraphic Voices of the Garden who
remonstrated with them concerning their reprehensible conduct. And your
narrative of this occurrence well illustrates the manner in which your
planetary traditions have tended to ascribe everything supernatural to the Lord
God. Because of this, Urantians have often become confused concerning the
nature of the Universal Father since the words and acts of all his associates
and subordinates have been so generally attributed to him. In the case of Adam
and Eve, the angel of the Garden was none other than the chief of the planetary
helpers then on duty. This seraphim, Solonia, proclaimed the miscarriage of the
divine plan and requisitioned the return of the Melchizedek receivers to
The secondary midway creatures are indigenous to the Adamic missions. As with
the corporeal staff of the Planetary Prince, the descendants of the Material
Sons and Daughters are of two orders: their physical children and the secondary
order of midway creatures. These material but ordinarily invisible planetary
ministers contribute much to the advancement of civilization and even to the
subjection of insubordinate minorities who may seek to subvert social
development and spiritual progress.
The secondary midwayers should not be confused with the primary order, who date
from the near times of the arrival of the Planetary Prince. On Urantia a
majority of these earlier midway creatures went into rebellion with Cali-
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gastia and have, since Pentecost, been interned. Many of the Adamic group who
did not remain loyal to the planetary administration are likewise interned.
On the day of Pentecost the loyal primary and the secondary midwayers effected
a voluntary union and have functioned as one unit in world affairs ever since.
They serve under the leadership of loyal midwayers alternately chosen from the
two groups.
Your world has been visited by four orders of sonship: Caligastia, the
Planetary Prince; Adam and Eve of the Material Sons of God; Machiventa
Melchizedek, the "sage of Salem" in the days of Abraham; and Christ Michael,
who came as the Paradise bestowal Son. How much more effective and beautiful it
would have been had Michael, the supreme ruler of the universe of Nebadon, been
welcomed to your world by a loyal and efficient Planetary Prince and a devoted
and successful Material Son, both of whom could have done so much to enhance
the lifework and mission of the bestowal Son! But not all worlds have been so
unfortunate as Urantia, neither has the mission of the Planetary Adams always
been so difficult or so hazardous. When they are successful, they contribute to
the development of a great people, continuing as the visible heads of planetary
affairs even far into the age when such a world is settled in light and life.
The race of dominance during the early ages of the inhabited worlds is the red
man, who ordinarily is the first to attain human levels of development. But
while the red man is the senior race of the planets, the succeeding colored
peoples begin to make their appearances very early in the age of mortal
The earlier races are somewhat superior to the later; the red man stands far
above the indigo--black race. The Life Carriers impart the full bestowal of the
living energies to the initial or red race, and each succeeding evolutionary
manifestation of a distinct group of mortals represents variation at the
expense of the original endowment. Even mortal stature tends to decrease from
the red man down to the indigo race, although on Urantia unexpected strains of
giantism appeared among the green and orange peoples.
On those worlds having all six evolutionary races the superior peoples are the
first, third, and fifth races--the red, the yellow, and the blue. The
evolutionary races thus alternate in capacity for intellectual growth and
spiritual development, the second, fourth, and sixth being somewhat less
endowed. These secondary races are the peoples that are missing on certain
worlds; they are the ones that have been exterminated on many others. It is a
misfortune on Urantia that you so largely lost your superior blue men, except
as they persist in your amalgamated "white race." The loss of your orange and
green stocks is not of such serious concern.
The evolution of six--or of three--colored races, while seeming to deteriorate
the original endowment of the red man, provides certain very desirable
variations in mortal types and affords an otherwise unattainable expression of
diverse human potentials. These modifications are beneficial to the progress of
mankind as a whole provided they are subsequently upstepped by the imported
Adamic or violet race. On Urantia this usual plan of amalgamation was not
extensively carried out, and this failure to execute the plan of race evolution
makes it impossible for you to understand very much about the status of these
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on an average inhabited planet by observing the remnants of these early races
on your world.
In the early days of racial development there is a slight tendency for the red,
the yellow, and the blue men to interbreed; there is a similar tendency for the
orange, green, and indigo races to intermingle.
The more backward humans are usually employed as laborers by the more
progressive races. This accounts for the origin of slavery on the planets
during the early ages. The orange men are usually subdued by the red and
reduced to the status of servants--sometimes exterminated. The yellow and red
men often fraternize, but not always. The yellow race usually enslaves the
green, while the blue man subdues the indigo. These races of primitive men
think no more of utilizing the services of their backward fellows in compulsory
labor than Urantians would of buying and selling horses and cattle.
On most normal worlds involuntary servitude does not survive the dispensation
of the Planetary Prince, although mental defectives and social delinquents are
often still compelled to perform involuntary labor. But on all normal spheres
this sort of primitive slavery is abolished soon after the arrival of the
imported violet or Adamic race.
These six evolutionary races are destined to be blended and exalted by
amalgamation with the progeny of the Adamic uplifters. But before these peoples
are blended, the inferior and unfit are largely eliminated. The Planetary
Prince and the Material Son, with other suitable planetary authorities, pass
upon the fitness of the reproducing strains. The difficulty of executing such a
radical program on Urantia consists in the absence of competent judges to pass
upon the biologic fitness or unfitness of the individuals of your world races.
Notwithstanding this obstacle, it seems that you ought to be able to agree upon
the biologic disfellowshiping of your more markedly unfit, defective,
degenerate, and antisocial stocks.
When a Planetary Adam and Eve arrive on an inhabited world, they have been
fully instructed by their superiors as to the best way to effect the
improvement of the existing races of intelligent beings. The plan of procedure
is not uniform; much is left to the judgment of the ministering pair, and
mistakes are not infrequent, especially on disordered, insurrectionary worlds,
such as Urantia.
Usually the violet peoples do not begin to amalgamate with the planetary
natives until their own group numbers over one million. But in the meantime the
staff of the Planetary Prince proclaims that the children of the Gods have come
down, as it were, to be one with the races of men; and the people eagerly look
forward to the day when announcement will be made that those who have qualified
as belonging to the superior racial strains may proceed to the Garden of Eden
and be there chosen by the sons and daughters of Adam as the evolutionary
fathers and mothers of the new and blended order of mankind.
On normal worlds the Planetary Adam and Eve never mate with the evolutionary
races. This work of biologic betterment is a function of the Adamic progeny.
But these Adamites do not go out among the races; the prince's staff bring to
the Garden of Eden the superior men and women for voluntary mating
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with the Adamic offspring. And on most worlds it is considered the highest
honor to be selected as a candidate for mating with the sons and daughters of
the garden.
For the first time the racial wars and other tribal struggles are diminished,
while the world races increasingly strive to qualify for recognition and
admission to the garden. You can at best have but a very meager idea of how
this competitive struggle comes to occupy the center of all activities on a
normal planet. This whole scheme of race improvement was early wrecked on
The violet race is a monogamous people, and every evolutionary man or woman
uniting with the Adamic sons and daughters pledges not to take other mates and
to instruct his or her children in single-matedness. The children of each of
these unions are educated and trained in the schools of the Planetary Prince
and then are permitted to go forth to the race of their evolutionary parent,
there to marry among the selected groups of superior mortals.
When this strain of the Material Sons is added to the evolving races of the
worlds, a new and greater era of evolutionary progress is initiated. Following
this procreative outpouring of imported ability and superevolutionary traits
there ensues a succession of rapid strides in civilization and racial
development; in one hundred thousand years more progress is made than in a
million years of former struggle. In your world, even in the face of the
miscarriage of the ordained plans, great progress has been made since the gift
to your peoples of Adam's life plasm.
But while the pure-line children of a planetary Garden of Eden can bestow
themselves upon the superior members of the evolutionary races and thereby
upstep the biologic level of mankind, it would not prove beneficial for the
higher strains of Urantia mortals to mate with the lower races; such an unwise
procedure would jeopardize all civilization on your world. Having failed to
achieve race harmonization by the Adamic technique, you must now work out your
planetary problem of race improvement by other and largely human methods of
adaptation and control.
On most of the inhabited worlds the Gardens of Eden remain as superb cultural
centers and continue to function as the social patterns of planetary conduct
and usage age after age. Even in early times when the violet peoples are
relatively segregated, their schools receive suitable candidates from among the
world races, while the industrial developments of the garden open up new
channels of commercial intercourse. Thus do the Adams and Eves and their
progeny contribute to the sudden expansion of culture and to the rapid
improvement of the evolutionary races of their worlds. And all of these
relationships are augmented and sealed by the amalgamation of the evolutionary
races and the sons of Adam, resulting in the immediate upstepping of biologic
status, the quickening of intellectual potential, and the enhancement of
spiritual receptivity.
On normal worlds the garden headquarters of the violet race becomes the second
center of world culture and, jointly with the headquarters city of the
Planetary Prince, sets the pace for the development of civilization. For
centuries the city headquarters schools of the Planetary Prince and the garden
schools of Adam and Eve are contemporary. They are usually not very far apart,
and they work together in harmonious co-operation.
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Think what it would mean on your world if somewhere in the Levant there were a
world center of civilization, a great planetary university of culture, which
had functioned uninterruptedly for 37,000 years. And again, pause to consider
how the moral authority of even such an ancient center would be reinforced were
there situated not far distant still another and older headquarters of
celestial ministry whose traditions would exert a cumulative force of 500,000
years of integrated evolutionary influence. It is custom which eventually
spreads the ideals of Eden to a whole world.
The schools of the Planetary Prince are primarily concerned with philosophy,
religion, morals, and the higher intellectual and artistic achievements. The
garden schools of Adam and Eve are usually devoted to practical arts,
fundamental intellectual training, social culture, economic development, trade
relations, physical efficiency, and civil government. Eventually these world
centers amalgamate, but this actual affiliation sometimes does not occur until
the times of the first Magisterial Son.
The continuing existence of the Planetary Adam and Eve, together with the
pure-line nucleus of the violet race, imparts that stability of growth to
Edenic culture by virtue of which it comes to act upon the civilization of a
world with the compelling force of tradition. In these immortal Material Sons
and Daughters we encounter the last and the indispensable link connecting God
with man, bridging the almost infinite gulf between the eternal Creator and the
lowest finite personalities of time. Here is a being of high origin who is
physical, material, even a sex creature like Urantia mortals, one who can see
and comprehend the invisible Planetary Prince and interpret him to the mortal
creatures of the realm, for the Material Sons and Daughters are able to see all
of the lower orders of spirit beings; they visualize the Planetary Prince and
his entire staff, visible and invisible.
With the passing of centuries, through the amalgamation of their progeny with
the races of men, this same Material Son and Daughter become accepted as the
common ancestors of mankind, the common parents of the now blended descendants
of the evolutionary races. It is intended that mortals who start out from an
inhabited world have the experience of recognizing seven fathers:
1. The biologic father--the father in the flesh.
2. The father of the realm--the Planetary Adam.
3. The father of the spheres--the System Sovereign.
4. The Most High Father--the Constellation Father.
5. The universe Father--the Creator Son and supreme ruler of the local
6. The super-Fathers--the Ancients of Days who govern the superuniverse.
7. The spirit or Havona Father--the Universal Father, who dwells on Paradise
and bestows his spirit to live and work in the minds of the lowly creatures who
inhabit the universe of universes.
From time to time the Avonal Sons of Paradise come to the inhabited worlds for
judicial actions, but the first Avonal to arrive on a magisterial mission
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urates the fourth dispensation of an evolutionary world of time and space. On
some planets where this Magisterial Son is universally accepted, he remains for
one age; and thus the planet prospers under the joint rulership of three Sons:
the Planetary Prince, the Material Son, and the Magisterial Son, the latter two
being visible to all the inhabitants of the realm.
Before the first Magisterial Son concludes his mission on a normal evolutionary
world, there has been effected the union of the educational and administrative
work of the Planetary Prince and the Material Son. This amalgamation of the
dual supervision of a planet brings into existence a new and effective order of
world administration. Upon the retirement of the Magisterial Son the Planetary
Adam assumes the outward direction of the sphere. The Material Son and Daughter
thus act jointly as planetary administrators until the settling of the world in
the era of light and life; whereupon the Planetary Prince is elevated to the
position of Planetary Sovereign. During this age of advanced evolution, Adam
and Eve become what might be called joint prime ministers of the glorified
As soon as the new and consolidated capital of the evolving world has become
well established, and just as fast as competent subordinate administrators can
be properly trained, subcapitals are founded on remote land bodies and among
the different peoples. Before the arrival of another dispensational Son, from
fifty to one hundred of these subcenters will have been organized.
The Planetary Prince and his staff still foster the spiritual and philosophic
domains of activity. Adam and Eve pay particular attention to the physical,
scientific, and economic status of the realm. Both groups equally devote their
energies to the promotion of the arts, social relations, and intellectual
By the time of the inauguration of the fifth dispensation of world affairs, a
magnificent administration of planetary activities has been achieved. Mortal
existence on such a well-managed sphere is indeed stimulating and profitable.
And if Urantians could only observe life on such a planet, they would
immediately appreciate the value of those things which their world has lost
through embracing evil and participating in rebellion.
[Presented by a Secondary Lanonandek Son of the Reserve Corps.]
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Subjects Archive The Urantia Book Urantia Book PART II: The Local Universe :
The Evolution Of Local Universes Administration Of The Local Universe The Local
Universe Mother Spirit The Local Universe Sons Of God The Life Carriers
Personalities Of The Local Universe Ministering Spirits Of The Local Universe
The Seraphic Hosts The Ascending Sons Of God Physical Aspects Of The Local
Universe Energy--mind And Matter The Constellations The Celestial Artisans The
Local System Administration The Local System Headquarters The Seven Mansion
Worlds The Morontia Life The Inhabited Worlds The Planetary Princes The
Planetary Adams Planetary Mortal Epochs The Lucifer Rebellion Problems Of The
Lucifer Rebellion The Spheres Of Light And Life Universal Unity
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