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(2642) Tue 23 Apr 91 3:23
By: John M. Demmitt 3rd
To: All
Re: Supreme Pentagram Ritual Of Water
St: Sent
@PID: RA 1 241
@MSGID: 1:102/943 4db2463a
By Israel Regardie
Issued by the
Thelemic Order and
Temple of the Golden Dawn
Copyright (C) 1990 e.v. by the
Israel Regardie Foundation, Inc.
1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Earth Pentagram.
2. Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Water Pentagram.
3. Face West. There must be relaxation of mind, relaxed enough
to let the subtle currents flow through from the Undines in whom
the force comes up. We assist the Undines by our Prayer for the
elemental. We enable them to formulate in consciousness for what
they unconsciously feel. If you can realize thousands of fibres
of your being actually disintegrated so that the Higher Self can
permeate through, then you are opening yourself to God. God is
there all the time. We have set up a hard, inflexible shell which
we try to break down so that the consciousness will know God. All
we are doing by this process of relaxation is to undo the cramp
of the mind. By expansion and porousity you become more
4. Vibrate each of the following Names as often as you feel
GABRIEL (Archangelic Name)
TALIHAD (Angelic Name)
5. Visualize Undines.
6. Recite the Invocation. It is the Prayer of the Undines.
REMEMBER YOUR IDEA OF GRATITUDE. You, too, must help them, even
as they are helping you. They have no consciousness in our sense
of the work. Having no consciousness, they have no sense of
goal, and we must give them a concept of goal. And for the
benefit of all the Undines in our Nature we recite the Invocation
and we inspire them to our goal.
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Mighty Waters,
Whereon Thy spirit moved in the Beginning.
Glory be unto Thee RUACH ELOHIM
Whose Spirit hovered over the Great Waters of Creation.
O Depth, O inscrutable Depth, which exhalest unto
the height;
Lead Thou us into the true Life, through sacrifice,
through Love,
So that one day we may be found worthy to offer unto
Thee, the Water, the Blood and the Tears, for the
remission of sins. Amen.
7. Perform Banishing Ritual.
8. Perform meditation.
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* Origin: Mysteria * Be ye mystic * (1:102/943.0)