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Raw Blame History

An Introduction
The OLHP us a non-sectarian, non-dogmatic forum of philosophers and
occultists operating within the broad-range of the Left Hand Path.
There has been much misunderstanding in the West regarding the Left
hand and Right Hand Paths. The West, still imbued with Judaeo-christian
concepts of moral-dualism, regards the two paths as representing 'evil' and
'good' respectively. Thus, neo-wiccans, for e.g. will describe themselves
as 'good' RHP witches, to distinguish themselves from 'evil' LHP satanists.
The fast is, the concept has been ill-digested from the East, where
RHP and LHP are recognised as the two ways of the one reality (Tao). The
Hebrew Kabbalah also has its Right, Left and Middle Pillars on the
Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Pythagorean cosmolgy is the same.
RHP is male, aggressive; LHP is female, receptive, the yang and yin
of Taoism, the animus and anima of Jungian psychology. The LHP reflects the
flow of the Dark Force which animates Nature, the Sat/tan.
From whence 'Satan'? From the Sanskrit Sat, the Dark Force that
infuses Nature, and Tan the way that force manifests in Nature.
The best-known symbol of Sat-Tan-ism is the pentagram with the 2
points up, mistakenly called the 'inverse' pentagram. The Satanist Adept
and leader of Universal Freemasonry, Albert Pkie, explained the Satanic
pentagram thus:
"The Eastern Star is the nocturnal representation of the Hidden
Lord. It represents our House, with the 5 angles surrounding it, showing
how the Dark Hidden Lord acts as a force in nature."
This dark force is both creative and destructive. It's the force
that causes change in nature, what physicists call entory. It's the
All-Begetter & the All-Destroyer.
Anti-nature dogmas such as christianity state that man is separate
from nature. Satanism holds that man is part of nature, an animal whose
behaviour is genetically based. This the modern sciences of genetics and
sociobiology verify. The instict is still the dominating force for human
and all other animal behaviour. Therefore, the individual cannot be more
than what he is genetically-endowed with; although he can be LESS than his
genetic potential if repressed by influences which aren't in accord with
his true nature (Will).
Satanism unfolds the real nature of the individual; what the Greeks
called physis.
The Satanist frees himself from the bondage of dogma; he unfolds
that which he IS. But he is the antithesis of the self-destructive nihilist
the pseudo-satanists proclaim themselves to be. What animal consumes drugs
and alcohol to the point of illness of death? What animal deliberately
weakens iteslf? Only man does this, with his so-called 'higher
consciousness' seeking to over-ride his animal instinct.
What is evil? That which weakens, what is good? that which
strengthens, the individual, to paraphrase the satanic philosopher
The Satanic 'soul' can be described as 'Faustian'. We stand for
wisdom undefiled and unfettered by any dogma. Our desire for knowledge, and
to see the scope of human thought extended unto infinity, is insatiable. We
desire to see humanity play amongst the stars.
Prof. R.S. Knox's description of the Faustian soul in his intro. to
the 1924 ed. of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus states: "The Faustus legend
becomes for us a symbol of humanity's splendid struggle to reach for stars,
the tradgedy of infinite aspiration"
* * *
(1) The aim of the OLHP is to (A) encourgae the unfolding of the full
potential of its adherents; (b) herald the dawn of a Faustian
(2) Leadership is vested in the Magister.
(3) The Priesthood collectively forms the Magister's Advisory Council.
(4) Upon the resignation or death of the Magister, the Council shall elect
one of its own to assume the position.
(5) The basic unit is the Coven.
(6) At least 3 Adepts in a given area may form a Coven, which assumes
responsibilty for its own actions.
(7) Where there is no priest/ess a Coven Master/Mistress may be elected to
preside over the Coven.
(8) There are 3 Degrees: Neophyte I<>, Adept II<49>, Priest/ess III<49>.
(9) The Degrees may be undertaken by correspondence by those at least 18.
(10) Examination for the Priesthood is undertaken at the invitation of the
(11) Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting
Satanic honour.
(12) A Priest/ess or Coven Master/Mistress may suspend a subordinate,
subject to review by the Magister.
(13) The Magister shall have ultimate responsibility for the interpretation
and amendment of this Constitution.
Revised 14 April 1993ev
Order of the Left Hand Path
P.O. Box 38-262
New Zealand
There are Three Degrees in the OLHP which may be attained by
completing courses by correspondence.
NEOPHYTE I<> - Basics of Satanic philosophy and magick, self-initiation,
visualization... $15.00 (US$8.00)
ADEPT II<49> - Pathworkings, steps in physis, ritual... $15.00 (US$8.00)
PRIEST/ESS III<49> - Undertaken by Adepts at the invitation of the Magister.
$25.00 (US$12.00)
All applicants must be at least 18. A Certificate of ordination is issued
to each degree. II<49>+ are also given an OLHP membership card.
Please make all cheques & Money Orders payable to "Realist Publications",
P.O. Box 38-262, Petone, Wellington. New Zealand.
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Understanding the conditions above, I, the undersigned apply for enrolment
to the following Degree:
[ ] Neophyte [ ] Adept [ ] Priest/ess
I enclose payment herewith of $_____________
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